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NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . Sr . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . This Theatre is closed for decorations and repairs , and will re-open at an early date . PRICES 3 d . GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
CROSSLEY BROS ., FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS , Funeral Carriage Masters and Monumental Masons . Valuations for probate . 6 g , GREEN LANES , HARRINGAY , LONDON , N . ( Two . minutes from Harringay Park Station ) . No extra charge within six miles .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN C"V FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and ± inners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . so degrees cuoler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS St SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREHS , J ERSEY . "
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1898 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First Class Machine at a Moderate Price . IHE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , HOLBORN . ( Nearly opposite the Freemasons' Hall . )
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , Sic .
GRAND LODGE DECISIONS Extracted from the Authorised Reports nf the Grand Lodge of England , during the pus / _> j years . EDITED , ARRANGED , AND ANNOTATED BY WOR . BKO . R EV . J . T . LAWRENCE , M . A . Price 3 s . Cd ., bound in cloth . GEORGE KENNING , Masonic Publisher , 16 and 16 a , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .,
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , FUNERAL FURNISHER , APPRAISER AND MONUMENTAL MASON , BJ , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Or . ' crs by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application . Telti 1 aphic Address— "ORPHANHOOD , " LONDON . I
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT . ( Held under the sanction of The Lodge of Unions , No . 25 O ) Committee . V . W . Bro . EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F . S . A ., Grand Sec . ( Treasurer ) . VV . Bro . RORERT CLAY SUDLOW , P . G . Std . Br . W . Bro . F . T . RUSHTON , P . G . Steward . VV . Bro . W . G . KENTISH , P . G . Std . Br . W . Bro . J OSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . Steward ( Secretary ) . Secretary's Address—27 & 2 S , Milk-street , E . C . T H E ANNU A L FESTI V A L will be held ( by special permission ) in the GRAND LODGE ROOM , FREEMASONS' HALL , On FRIDAY , 25 th FEBRUARY , 1 S 9 S . The Very Worshipful Brother R . D . M . LITTLER , C . B ., QC , Past Deputy Grand Registrar , has kindly consented to preside . Lodge will be opened at 6 p . m . precisely . The work will be the Second Lecture . Supper will be served in the adjoining Hall immediately after the Lodge is closed . Tickets ( to include Lodge Dues and Supper , but not Wine ) , 5 s . each . None under the degree of Master Mason are eligible to attend .
TJOME OF ST . BARNABAS . For Poor , Aged , and Incurable Clergy . Founded in 18 95 by Bro . Canon W . II . COOPER , P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chaplain Canterbury , NX , P . Prov . G . Chaplain Sussex , to provide permanent Homes for Destitute and Disabled Clergymen of unblemished character . Pu / riins : BRO . THE EARL OF J ERSEY . BRO . LORD LEIUII . Masonic Members of the Council : Bro . Very Rev . the Dean of York , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Hon . and Very Rev . J . VV . Leigh , D . D ., Dean of Hereford , P . Prov . G . Chaplain Warwickshire . Bro . Ven . Archdeacon of London , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D . D . P . G . M . Durham . P . G . C . Bro . Rev . John Robins , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . John Augustus Lloyd , P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . 0 . M . Holden , M . A ., P . G . Chap . Staffordshire . Bro . Rev . J . VV . Horsley , M . A ., St Peter's , Walworth . Bro . Rev . J . H . Pilkington , M . A .. P . P . G . Chap ., Suffolk . Bro . Rev . Canon Moor , M . A ., P . P . G . Chaplain , Lincoln . Bro . Rev . Peter Royston , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Northants . Bro . Rev . H . M . Davey , M . A ., P . M ., P . P . G . Chap . Sussex . Bro . Rev . W . E . Paige , M . A ., P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chap . N . Z . Bro . Ven . Archdeacon of Essex , M . A ., G . Chaplain 1 S 97 . Bro . Aldm . Thomas M . Barron , P . P . G . Reg . Durham . Bro . Rev . Lord Theobald Butler , M . A ., P . P . G Org . Cambs . The Third poor Brother admitted to the House—At the last Meeting of the Committee the Rev . A . M was admitted for three months' rest and nursing , completely broken down Irom his work . Bro . A . M has been for 15 years a Subscribing Member of his Lodge , and is now sick and penniless . An earnest appeal is made to the Craft to support this work of Charity . VV . HENRY COOPER , P . M ., EastGrinstead . P . P . G . C . Sussex . Rcce ' ved with many thanks—Already acknowledged , £ 12 7 s . ; Arlecdon Lodge , 1 CC 0 , ios . ( id . ; Telegraph Cable Lodge , 2470 , ji , i is .,- Yarborough Lodge , 422 , £ 1 is . ; Harmony Lodge , 309 , ^ i is . ; Prince of Wales , 951 , ios . ; Haven , 2022 , £ 1 is . ; Wear Valley Lodge , 1121 , £ 1 is . ; Prince Edwin ' s , 125 , 10 s . ; A Member of Shaldon , 20 iG , 2 s . ( id . ; Stability , 564 , ios . ; From 12 Brethren of Lodge 7 S 5 , £ 1 ; Scientific , SS , ios . ; Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar , 1903 , 10 s . ; Eaton Lodge , 533 , ios . ; Royal York , 315 , ios . Cd .
Telephone No . 6879 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . ESTIMATES SUBMITTED . "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , CRAY ' INN PLACB , W . C .
ROYALMASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . TREASURER : JOHN A . FARNFIELD , Esq . BANKRRS : LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 , High Holborn , London , W . C . Upwards of 1597 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1 S 43 and 1 S 41 J , 200 men and 245 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annuilly in Annuities X 16 , 384 117 Candidates for next Election . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , On TUESDAY , 2211 , 1 FEBRUARY , 1 S 0 S , Under the distinguished Presidency of TIIE RT . HON . THE EARL OF JERSEY , G . C . M . G ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ., P . G . Swd . Br . ) , Secretary , who will gladly acknowledge same . Office—4 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
THE SHIP HOTEL , HALLIFORD-ON-TII / VMES , SIIEPPERTON . Bro . F . J . THAYRE , Proprietor . ( Many years at the Savoy Hotel ) . The above old-established and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated on the banks of the Thames at one of its most charming reaches . There is a large Coffee Room with a grand uninterrupted view . Superior accommodation for Masonic gatherings , Families , Anglers , & c . Fish abound in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel , and experienced Fishermen are always available , Billiards , Boating , Punting , Posting , & c .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE , Proprietor , Bro . C J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche * Masonic Banquets , Private Parties ,-and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , II . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASH BY .
THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE HANK . BALDWIN STREET , BRISTOL , ADVANCES CASH DAILY IN SUMS OF , £ > AND UPWARDS , ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE . Advances also made on every description of Security . Including Stock , Furniture , Life Policies , and Shares . CHEAP RATES . STRICT PRIVACY . NO FEES OF ANY KIND . RE-PAYMENT BY AGREED INSTALMENTS . NO DEFAULT INTEREST CHARGED . Apply personally , or by letter , to Mr . R . EDMONDS , MANAUKK .
ASSOCIATION FOR THE ORAL INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF & DUMB , II , FlT / . ROY SljUARE , VV . President—l'he DUKE OF FIFE , K . T . The Objects of the Association are : — 1 . To promote the pure Oral System of Teaching thc Deaf and so-called Dumb by Lip-reading and Articulate Speech . 2 . To train Teachers on this System for public and private work . 3 . To maintain a Normal School for instructing Deal Children of all classes and denominations . FUNDS URGENTLY NEED 2 D . Donations and Subscriptions will be most gratefully acknowledged by any of the m-tubers of the Committee ; by the Bankers , Messrs . Roberts , Lubbock & Co ., 15 , Lombard Street , E . C . ; or by the Director , William Van Praagh , 11 , Fitzroy Square , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . Sr . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . This Theatre is closed for decorations and repairs , and will re-open at an early date . PRICES 3 d . GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
CROSSLEY BROS ., FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS , Funeral Carriage Masters and Monumental Masons . Valuations for probate . 6 g , GREEN LANES , HARRINGAY , LONDON , N . ( Two . minutes from Harringay Park Station ) . No extra charge within six miles .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN C"V FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and ± inners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . so degrees cuoler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS St SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / per day . Telegraphic Address— " BREHS , J ERSEY . "
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1898 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First Class Machine at a Moderate Price . IHE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GREAT QUEEN STREET , HOLBORN . ( Nearly opposite the Freemasons' Hall . )
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , Sic .
GRAND LODGE DECISIONS Extracted from the Authorised Reports nf the Grand Lodge of England , during the pus / _> j years . EDITED , ARRANGED , AND ANNOTATED BY WOR . BKO . R EV . J . T . LAWRENCE , M . A . Price 3 s . Cd ., bound in cloth . GEORGE KENNING , Masonic Publisher , 16 and 16 a , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .,
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , FUNERAL FURNISHER , APPRAISER AND MONUMENTAL MASON , BJ , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Or . ' crs by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application . Telti 1 aphic Address— "ORPHANHOOD , " LONDON . I
EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT . ( Held under the sanction of The Lodge of Unions , No . 25 O ) Committee . V . W . Bro . EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F . S . A ., Grand Sec . ( Treasurer ) . VV . Bro . RORERT CLAY SUDLOW , P . G . Std . Br . W . Bro . F . T . RUSHTON , P . G . Steward . VV . Bro . W . G . KENTISH , P . G . Std . Br . W . Bro . J OSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . Steward ( Secretary ) . Secretary's Address—27 & 2 S , Milk-street , E . C . T H E ANNU A L FESTI V A L will be held ( by special permission ) in the GRAND LODGE ROOM , FREEMASONS' HALL , On FRIDAY , 25 th FEBRUARY , 1 S 9 S . The Very Worshipful Brother R . D . M . LITTLER , C . B ., QC , Past Deputy Grand Registrar , has kindly consented to preside . Lodge will be opened at 6 p . m . precisely . The work will be the Second Lecture . Supper will be served in the adjoining Hall immediately after the Lodge is closed . Tickets ( to include Lodge Dues and Supper , but not Wine ) , 5 s . each . None under the degree of Master Mason are eligible to attend .
TJOME OF ST . BARNABAS . For Poor , Aged , and Incurable Clergy . Founded in 18 95 by Bro . Canon W . II . COOPER , P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chaplain Canterbury , NX , P . Prov . G . Chaplain Sussex , to provide permanent Homes for Destitute and Disabled Clergymen of unblemished character . Pu / riins : BRO . THE EARL OF J ERSEY . BRO . LORD LEIUII . Masonic Members of the Council : Bro . Very Rev . the Dean of York , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Hon . and Very Rev . J . VV . Leigh , D . D ., Dean of Hereford , P . Prov . G . Chaplain Warwickshire . Bro . Ven . Archdeacon of London , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . Canon Tristram , D . D . D . P . G . M . Durham . P . G . C . Bro . Rev . John Robins , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . John Augustus Lloyd , P . G . Chaplain . Bro . Rev . 0 . M . Holden , M . A ., P . G . Chap . Staffordshire . Bro . Rev . J . VV . Horsley , M . A ., St Peter's , Walworth . Bro . Rev . J . H . Pilkington , M . A .. P . P . G . Chap ., Suffolk . Bro . Rev . Canon Moor , M . A ., P . P . G . Chaplain , Lincoln . Bro . Rev . Peter Royston , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Northants . Bro . Rev . H . M . Davey , M . A ., P . M ., P . P . G . Chap . Sussex . Bro . Rev . W . E . Paige , M . A ., P . M ., P . Dist . G . Chap . N . Z . Bro . Ven . Archdeacon of Essex , M . A ., G . Chaplain 1 S 97 . Bro . Aldm . Thomas M . Barron , P . P . G . Reg . Durham . Bro . Rev . Lord Theobald Butler , M . A ., P . P . G Org . Cambs . The Third poor Brother admitted to the House—At the last Meeting of the Committee the Rev . A . M was admitted for three months' rest and nursing , completely broken down Irom his work . Bro . A . M has been for 15 years a Subscribing Member of his Lodge , and is now sick and penniless . An earnest appeal is made to the Craft to support this work of Charity . VV . HENRY COOPER , P . M ., EastGrinstead . P . P . G . C . Sussex . Rcce ' ved with many thanks—Already acknowledged , £ 12 7 s . ; Arlecdon Lodge , 1 CC 0 , ios . ( id . ; Telegraph Cable Lodge , 2470 , ji , i is .,- Yarborough Lodge , 422 , £ 1 is . ; Harmony Lodge , 309 , ^ i is . ; Prince of Wales , 951 , ios . ; Haven , 2022 , £ 1 is . ; Wear Valley Lodge , 1121 , £ 1 is . ; Prince Edwin ' s , 125 , 10 s . ; A Member of Shaldon , 20 iG , 2 s . ( id . ; Stability , 564 , ios . ; From 12 Brethren of Lodge 7 S 5 , £ 1 ; Scientific , SS , ios . ; Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar , 1903 , 10 s . ; Eaton Lodge , 533 , ios . ; Royal York , 315 , ios . Cd .
Telephone No . 6879 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . ESTIMATES SUBMITTED . "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Free . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , CRAY ' INN PLACB , W . C .
ROYALMASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . GRAND PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF VVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . TREASURER : JOHN A . FARNFIELD , Esq . BANKRRS : LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 , High Holborn , London , W . C . Upwards of 1597 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1 S 43 and 1 S 41 J , 200 men and 245 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annuilly in Annuities X 16 , 384 117 Candidates for next Election . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C , On TUESDAY , 2211 , 1 FEBRUARY , 1 S 0 S , Under the distinguished Presidency of TIIE RT . HON . THE EARL OF JERSEY , G . C . M . G ., R . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ., P . G . Swd . Br . ) , Secretary , who will gladly acknowledge same . Office—4 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
THE SHIP HOTEL , HALLIFORD-ON-TII / VMES , SIIEPPERTON . Bro . F . J . THAYRE , Proprietor . ( Many years at the Savoy Hotel ) . The above old-established and famous Hostelry is most pleasantly situated on the banks of the Thames at one of its most charming reaches . There is a large Coffee Room with a grand uninterrupted view . Superior accommodation for Masonic gatherings , Families , Anglers , & c . Fish abound in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel , and experienced Fishermen are always available , Billiards , Boating , Punting , Posting , & c .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE , Proprietor , Bro . C J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche * Masonic Banquets , Private Parties ,-and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , II . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASH BY .
THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE HANK . BALDWIN STREET , BRISTOL , ADVANCES CASH DAILY IN SUMS OF , £ > AND UPWARDS , ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE . Advances also made on every description of Security . Including Stock , Furniture , Life Policies , and Shares . CHEAP RATES . STRICT PRIVACY . NO FEES OF ANY KIND . RE-PAYMENT BY AGREED INSTALMENTS . NO DEFAULT INTEREST CHARGED . Apply personally , or by letter , to Mr . R . EDMONDS , MANAUKK .
ASSOCIATION FOR THE ORAL INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF & DUMB , II , FlT / . ROY SljUARE , VV . President—l'he DUKE OF FIFE , K . T . The Objects of the Association are : — 1 . To promote the pure Oral System of Teaching thc Deaf and so-called Dumb by Lip-reading and Articulate Speech . 2 . To train Teachers on this System for public and private work . 3 . To maintain a Normal School for instructing Deal Children of all classes and denominations . FUNDS URGENTLY NEED 2 D . Donations and Subscriptions will be most gratefully acknowledged by any of the m-tubers of the Committee ; by the Bankers , Messrs . Roberts , Lubbock & Co ., 15 , Lombard Street , E . C . ; or by the Director , William Van Praagh , 11 , Fitzroy Square , W .