Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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however , to hear tho chairman speak of his probable severance from this province ; but he hoped that that clay ivas far distant , and thafc he would long continue to rule over it , so that it might still remain as it was now—not only one of the first provinces , but an example for all provinces . ( Cheers . ) Bro . FATHER responded on ' behalf of the Apollo Loclge at Alcester , and expressed a hope that the brethren of Oxfordshire AA'ould afford the brethren of Warwickshire au opportunit
y of reciprocating the hospitality and kindly feeling which they had extended to them in so liberal a spirit on this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The PROV . G . MASTER said he had a very gratifying toast to propose , which was " The Past and Present Grand Officers of the Piovince . " ( Cheers . ) AVith respect to the past officers , he gratefully acknowledged the . kind support they had iven
g him on every occasion , and by that means they had promoted the unity ancl fraternal feeling ivhich characterised the province . ( Cheers . ) In reference to the officers whom ho had appointed this day , ho hacl been instigated by their merits as Masons , and he doubted not that they would continue to discharge whatever duties might devolve upon them faithfully and conscientiously . ( Cheers . ) He begged to couple with the
toast the name of Bro . Cave , tbe Provincial Senior Grand Warden and AV . M . of the Apollo Loclge . ( Cheers . ) Bro . CAVE responded to the toast , ancl said he felt assured that every one who held office was animated by a desire to clo his utmost to assist the Provincial Grand Master or his deputy , who was tho living ritual of Freemasonry in this province . They appreciated the honour of holding office under tho Provincial
Grand Master , and wherever ho might remove to , they all hoped he would still continue to rule over this province . ( Cheers . ) He hacl held three offices under him , ancl had received so much kindness and consideration at his hands , that he should never forgot it . ( Cheers . ) The PROV . G . MASTER then proposed " Prosperity to the Lodges in the Province , " and remarked that the Alfred Lodge
Avas ably presided over by Ero . Taunton , and the Apollo Loclge by Bro . Cave . ( Cheers . ) The Cherwell Lodge was a bantling of his own , and he rejoiced to say that in point of efficiency it was second to none in the nroviuce ; ancl while it ivas in the
hands of so accomplished a Master as Bro . Rye , he felt assured that ifc would retain that reputation . ( Cheers . ) There was another and a very useful lodge , the Churchill , presided over by an excellent Mason , Bro . Hon . W . North . ( Cheers . ) The usefulness of that loclge was fc » lfc in this way ; there were so many eminent Masons who could not in the ordinary way , during their short stay at the University , attain that position in the Craft which they so well deserved , but were enabled to do so
now through the instrumentality of the Churchill Loclge . The Bowyer Loclge , at Chipping Norton , had been very recently established , and held out every promise of becoming a good Avorking loclge and a credit to the province . The Worshipful Master was Bro . Ranking , and he was happy to say he was a child of the same lodge in which he ( the chairman ) ivas born . ( Cheers . ) Bro . TAUNTON * AA' . M . of the Alfred Lodgereturned thanks ,
, , and saicl it was a source of great pleasure to him to hear the Provincial Grand Master speak in such high terms of his lodge , Avhich he was happy to say was never in a more flourishing condition than it was at the present moment . He did not arrogate to himself any credit for that circumstance , but it was due to those who had preceded him in the chair . He hoped during his year of office , Avhich hacl only just commenced , to carry on
the business of the loclge ivith the same dignity and success as his predecessors had clone , ancl thafc the same unanimity ancl good feeling which pervaded the loclge would long continue . ( Cheers . ) Bro . CAVE , AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , also replied , and expressed a hope that the union and harmony subsisting between the Apollo and Alfred Lodges would continue undisturbed , for he knew that there was an earnest desire on the part of the
officers of both lodges to assist each other . ( Cheers . ) With respect to his own officers , ho was proud to say that there was not one who was not competent to fulfil the duties of AA'orshipful Master . ( Cheers . ) Ho thanked them on behalf of the Apollo Loclge for allowing them the honour of entertaining the Provincial Grand Loclge , and hoped that their efforts in that respect hud met with their approval . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . RYE , AA . M . of the Cherwell Lodge , briefly responded , and said he had much pleasure in stating that the lodge was in a very flourishing condition . ( Cheers . )
Bro . tho Rev . AA . II . MARAII begged , in the absence of the AV . M . of the Bowyer Lodge , to thank them for their kind remembrance of a loclge which had only recently been launched . He hacl been a member of the fraternity for twenty-three years , but for sixteen years he hacl taken little or no part in it ; still , having been across the broad Atlantic , ancl settled in a distant colony , he ivas enabled to say that neither time nor distance affected Masonry , but that it Avas the same bond ot
union all over the world . He had mixed with Masons of all nations , and found that the same fraternal feeling bound them together as it did in this country . He hoped that the same harmony and brotherly love would always characterise Freemasonry , ancl , when they were called to the Grand Loclge above , they would reciprocate those feelings ivhich bound them together upon the earth . ( Cheers . ) Several officers of the Oxfordshire Militia and the Yeomanry ,
members of tbe Apollo Loclge , who had been dining together at the Clarendon , joined the party late in the evening , when the chairman took the opportunity of proposing their health , ivhich was responded to in eloquent terms by Captain Stratton ancl other officers . The military brethren who joined the party ivere Bros . Captain J . Stratton and Lieutenant II . C . Risley , of tbe Oxfordshire Yeomanry ; Captain Orowden and Captain Harte ,
of the Oxfordshire Militia ; and Captain Baskerville , of the 14 th Hussars . The parting toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " brought the proceedings of this very happy and successful gathering to a close , ancl the brethren separated with grateful recollections of tho hospitality and kindness so generously dispensed by the Apollo University Loclge .
Royal Arch.
HAMPSHIRE . LYMINGTON . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 319 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held on AVhit Monday ,, at the Masonic Hall , when Comp . Rankine Stebbing , P . Assist . G . Soj . of England , was electe'd ancl installed Z . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being conducted by the retiring First Principal , Comp . Hayward . Comps . Charles Bromley and John Milner ivere severally elected and installed H . and J ., Comp . William
Hickman , Z . of the Royal Gloucester Chapter , and P . Z . of 319 , performing the ceremony of installation . Comp . Hayward was elected and invested as Treasurer ; Comp . Doinan , P . S . ; Comps . Bath and Buttery , E . and N . Comp . Stebbing then proceeded to exalt Bro . Rogers to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason , in order to become Janitor of the chapter . Amongst the visitors were Comps . E . Coxwell , P . Z . of the Royal Gloucester Cliapter , and Archer . Comp . Stebbingin very feeling termsproposed ,
, , and Comp . Hayward seconded , an address of condolence to the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand Principal , tho Earl of Zetland , on occasion of his recent severe and irreparable loss in the death of the Countess of Zetland , and which was carried with every marl ; of respect and sympathy .
Channel Islands.
LODGE LA CESAREE ( NO . 590 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting on Thursdaj' , May 25 th , the loclge was opened at a quarterpast seven by the W . M . Bro . C . Le Sueur , assisted by Bros . Oatley ancl Chevalier , acting as AVardens in the absence of the proper officers . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the loclge was opened in tho second degree , and after the usual examination of Bros . Ph . 'Renouf ancl J . Le Goupillot , they ivere duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Schmitt , the
latter part of the ceremony being performed by the W . M . The loclge ivas then resumed in the second degree . The report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted , and the Treasurer ' s balance sheet ivas laid on the table for perusal , from which it appeared that the receipts for the year had been about £ 116 , and the expenditure £ 104 . Bro . Schmitt most feelingly delivered an eloquent and touching oration in memory of the late lamented Bro . Ph . Le Cras , P . M ., whose sudden death was recorded in our Obituary on May 13 . An address of sympathy and condolence to his iviclow ivas agreed upon , and the W . M . with four P . M . 's of the loclge were deputed to deliver it to her .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
however , to hear tho chairman speak of his probable severance from this province ; but he hoped that that clay ivas far distant , and thafc he would long continue to rule over it , so that it might still remain as it was now—not only one of the first provinces , but an example for all provinces . ( Cheers . ) Bro . FATHER responded on ' behalf of the Apollo Loclge at Alcester , and expressed a hope that the brethren of Oxfordshire AA'ould afford the brethren of Warwickshire au opportunit
y of reciprocating the hospitality and kindly feeling which they had extended to them in so liberal a spirit on this occasion . ( Cheers . ) The PROV . G . MASTER said he had a very gratifying toast to propose , which was " The Past and Present Grand Officers of the Piovince . " ( Cheers . ) AVith respect to the past officers , he gratefully acknowledged the . kind support they had iven
g him on every occasion , and by that means they had promoted the unity ancl fraternal feeling ivhich characterised the province . ( Cheers . ) In reference to the officers whom ho had appointed this day , ho hacl been instigated by their merits as Masons , and he doubted not that they would continue to discharge whatever duties might devolve upon them faithfully and conscientiously . ( Cheers . ) He begged to couple with the
toast the name of Bro . Cave , tbe Provincial Senior Grand Warden and AV . M . of the Apollo Loclge . ( Cheers . ) Bro . CAVE responded to the toast , ancl said he felt assured that every one who held office was animated by a desire to clo his utmost to assist the Provincial Grand Master or his deputy , who was tho living ritual of Freemasonry in this province . They appreciated the honour of holding office under tho Provincial
Grand Master , and wherever ho might remove to , they all hoped he would still continue to rule over this province . ( Cheers . ) He hacl held three offices under him , ancl had received so much kindness and consideration at his hands , that he should never forgot it . ( Cheers . ) The PROV . G . MASTER then proposed " Prosperity to the Lodges in the Province , " and remarked that the Alfred Lodge
Avas ably presided over by Ero . Taunton , and the Apollo Loclge by Bro . Cave . ( Cheers . ) The Cherwell Lodge was a bantling of his own , and he rejoiced to say that in point of efficiency it was second to none in the nroviuce ; ancl while it ivas in the
hands of so accomplished a Master as Bro . Rye , he felt assured that ifc would retain that reputation . ( Cheers . ) There was another and a very useful lodge , the Churchill , presided over by an excellent Mason , Bro . Hon . W . North . ( Cheers . ) The usefulness of that loclge was fc » lfc in this way ; there were so many eminent Masons who could not in the ordinary way , during their short stay at the University , attain that position in the Craft which they so well deserved , but were enabled to do so
now through the instrumentality of the Churchill Loclge . The Bowyer Loclge , at Chipping Norton , had been very recently established , and held out every promise of becoming a good Avorking loclge and a credit to the province . The Worshipful Master was Bro . Ranking , and he was happy to say he was a child of the same lodge in which he ( the chairman ) ivas born . ( Cheers . ) Bro . TAUNTON * AA' . M . of the Alfred Lodgereturned thanks ,
, , and saicl it was a source of great pleasure to him to hear the Provincial Grand Master speak in such high terms of his lodge , Avhich he was happy to say was never in a more flourishing condition than it was at the present moment . He did not arrogate to himself any credit for that circumstance , but it was due to those who had preceded him in the chair . He hoped during his year of office , Avhich hacl only just commenced , to carry on
the business of the loclge ivith the same dignity and success as his predecessors had clone , ancl thafc the same unanimity ancl good feeling which pervaded the loclge would long continue . ( Cheers . ) Bro . CAVE , AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , also replied , and expressed a hope that the union and harmony subsisting between the Apollo and Alfred Lodges would continue undisturbed , for he knew that there was an earnest desire on the part of the
officers of both lodges to assist each other . ( Cheers . ) With respect to his own officers , ho was proud to say that there was not one who was not competent to fulfil the duties of AA'orshipful Master . ( Cheers . ) Ho thanked them on behalf of the Apollo Loclge for allowing them the honour of entertaining the Provincial Grand Loclge , and hoped that their efforts in that respect hud met with their approval . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . RYE , AA . M . of the Cherwell Lodge , briefly responded , and said he had much pleasure in stating that the lodge was in a very flourishing condition . ( Cheers . )
Bro . tho Rev . AA . II . MARAII begged , in the absence of the AV . M . of the Bowyer Lodge , to thank them for their kind remembrance of a loclge which had only recently been launched . He hacl been a member of the fraternity for twenty-three years , but for sixteen years he hacl taken little or no part in it ; still , having been across the broad Atlantic , ancl settled in a distant colony , he ivas enabled to say that neither time nor distance affected Masonry , but that it Avas the same bond ot
union all over the world . He had mixed with Masons of all nations , and found that the same fraternal feeling bound them together as it did in this country . He hoped that the same harmony and brotherly love would always characterise Freemasonry , ancl , when they were called to the Grand Loclge above , they would reciprocate those feelings ivhich bound them together upon the earth . ( Cheers . ) Several officers of the Oxfordshire Militia and the Yeomanry ,
members of tbe Apollo Loclge , who had been dining together at the Clarendon , joined the party late in the evening , when the chairman took the opportunity of proposing their health , ivhich was responded to in eloquent terms by Captain Stratton ancl other officers . The military brethren who joined the party ivere Bros . Captain J . Stratton and Lieutenant II . C . Risley , of tbe Oxfordshire Yeomanry ; Captain Orowden and Captain Harte ,
of the Oxfordshire Militia ; and Captain Baskerville , of the 14 th Hussars . The parting toast , " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , " brought the proceedings of this very happy and successful gathering to a close , ancl the brethren separated with grateful recollections of tho hospitality and kindness so generously dispensed by the Apollo University Loclge .
Royal Arch.
HAMPSHIRE . LYMINGTON . —New Forest Chapter ( No . 319 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held on AVhit Monday ,, at the Masonic Hall , when Comp . Rankine Stebbing , P . Assist . G . Soj . of England , was electe'd ancl installed Z . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being conducted by the retiring First Principal , Comp . Hayward . Comps . Charles Bromley and John Milner ivere severally elected and installed H . and J ., Comp . William
Hickman , Z . of the Royal Gloucester Chapter , and P . Z . of 319 , performing the ceremony of installation . Comp . Hayward was elected and invested as Treasurer ; Comp . Doinan , P . S . ; Comps . Bath and Buttery , E . and N . Comp . Stebbing then proceeded to exalt Bro . Rogers to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason , in order to become Janitor of the chapter . Amongst the visitors were Comps . E . Coxwell , P . Z . of the Royal Gloucester Cliapter , and Archer . Comp . Stebbingin very feeling termsproposed ,
, , and Comp . Hayward seconded , an address of condolence to the Most Excellent and Supreme Grand Principal , tho Earl of Zetland , on occasion of his recent severe and irreparable loss in the death of the Countess of Zetland , and which was carried with every marl ; of respect and sympathy .
Channel Islands.
LODGE LA CESAREE ( NO . 590 ) . —At the usual monthly meeting on Thursdaj' , May 25 th , the loclge was opened at a quarterpast seven by the W . M . Bro . C . Le Sueur , assisted by Bros . Oatley ancl Chevalier , acting as AVardens in the absence of the proper officers . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the loclge was opened in tho second degree , and after the usual examination of Bros . Ph . 'Renouf ancl J . Le Goupillot , they ivere duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Schmitt , the
latter part of the ceremony being performed by the W . M . The loclge ivas then resumed in the second degree . The report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted , and the Treasurer ' s balance sheet ivas laid on the table for perusal , from which it appeared that the receipts for the year had been about £ 116 , and the expenditure £ 104 . Bro . Schmitt most feelingly delivered an eloquent and touching oration in memory of the late lamented Bro . Ph . Le Cras , P . M ., whose sudden death was recorded in our Obituary on May 13 . An address of sympathy and condolence to his iviclow ivas agreed upon , and the W . M . with four P . M . 's of the loclge were deputed to deliver it to her .