Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 15 →
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minute longer . The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Cambridge must feel that they have a personal interest in tho question . AA e all recollect that on the day when we celebrated tho hundredth anniversary of the Scientific Lodge , Lord Zetland , at great inconvenience to himself , attended our meeting and showed himself kind , courteous , and agreeable to us all . As his lordship ' s private friends , then , I ask you to support him iu maintaining the dignity of tho Grancl Master ' s . chairand I will by ancl by state other grounds why you should do so . The
, province of Oxford has emphatically expressed its disapproval of tho calumnies with which his lordship has been assailed ; and all I now ask is , that Cambridge should not bo behindhand in following that example . Ono thing brought forward by tho clique to which I have referred , as a complaint against theM . AY . GrandMaster is , that ho did not appoint the Earl of Carnarvon to tho office of S . G . AV . But who was appointed to that office—the Earl of Durham—a nobleman initiated in one of the Lodges of this province ( the Scientific ) and of whichto this momenthe
con-, , tinues a member . This is another strong reason why wo should support the M . AV . GrandMaster . AA e do not offer any objection to the Earl of Carnarvon , forive believe him to be a good aud excellent Mason , but we do deny that politics at all interfered in the selection of the Earl of Durham in preference to him . This is not the proper place to speak of politics , for such topics ought to bo excluded from every Masonic Lodge . But those who know my political views kuow thab they are diametrically opposed to those of the Grand Master—and yet he appointed mo one of
the Grand Chaplains . That does not look like a political animus . AA'hat I havo put before you I have stated in plain , straightforward language , and I now call upon you to support tho dignity ofthe Grand Master , as it is youi-Masonic duty to do when you find that he is anonymously attacked . " The Eev . and V . AA . Brother concluded his address in tho terms of his motion . Bro . Baxter , P . S . G . AV , seconded tho motion , and in doing so , said . ho ' had
known his lordship for many years , both as a Mason and as a citizou of the world , having first made his acquaintance when he was a member of the university !; ancl he was sure he carried with him into the government of tho Craft those estimable qualities by which he was distinguished in private life . The motion was thou put from the chair and carried by acclamation . Bro . AVard then moved "That the E . AA . Prov . Grand Master be requested to communicate to his lordship the vote of the Prov . Graud Lodge , " ancl Bro . Baxter having seconded the resolution it was unanimouslagreed to .
y Tho E . W . Prov . G . M . said , he most cordially approved of tho course which the Provincial Grand Lodgo had taken in this matter , and should have groat pleasure in conveying to Lord Zetland the votes to ivhich they hacl been pleased to agree . Some conversation then took place with respect to tho officers of No . 105 being refused admittance to Grand Lodge of England , under the allegation of no return being made , whereas the Treasurer was most punctual in forwarding the Grand Lodge fees . The E . AV . Prov . G . M . stated , that he should inquire into the occasion
of the obstruction . He also , in reply to the question of a Brother , stated that he should institute a friendly inquiry into the present state of the School of Plato Lodge , with the view of preventing that old and honoured Lodgo being erased from the register of the Grand Lodge . He then appointed the following Brethren his Prov . G . Officers for tho ensuiu " year : —Bros . J . Deighton , AV . M ., 645 , S . G . AV . ; AVestmoreland , AV . M ., 105 , J . G . AV . ] Ransom 105 G . BegEdwards 105 GSecHall 105 SGDStrotton 645
, , . ; , , . ; , , ... ; , , Prov . G . D . ; Beales , 105 , G . S . B . ; King , 105 , Dir . Cers . ; OwenJones , 10 o and 6-15 , G . Treas . ; the Bros . Collier , G . Tylers . The Lod ge was then closed in due ancl ancient form . In the evening , the Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge banqueted together under the able presidency of Bro . AVestmoreland , and passed a most agreeable evening , to the harmony of which Bros . Jones , Sparrow , Smith , and Fuller greatly contributed .
CAJIBEIDGE—Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday the 10 th inst ., when the AV . M ., Bro . Gulloy , Fellow of King ' s College , initiated Mr . A . Fuller ( brother of one of the most esteemed of the host of Past Masters belonging to this most influential Lodge ) , and Mr , Haclord , a gentleman connected
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minute longer . The members of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Cambridge must feel that they have a personal interest in tho question . AA e all recollect that on the day when we celebrated tho hundredth anniversary of the Scientific Lodge , Lord Zetland , at great inconvenience to himself , attended our meeting and showed himself kind , courteous , and agreeable to us all . As his lordship ' s private friends , then , I ask you to support him iu maintaining the dignity of tho Grancl Master ' s . chairand I will by ancl by state other grounds why you should do so . The
, province of Oxford has emphatically expressed its disapproval of tho calumnies with which his lordship has been assailed ; and all I now ask is , that Cambridge should not bo behindhand in following that example . Ono thing brought forward by tho clique to which I have referred , as a complaint against theM . AY . GrandMaster is , that ho did not appoint the Earl of Carnarvon to tho office of S . G . AV . But who was appointed to that office—the Earl of Durham—a nobleman initiated in one of the Lodges of this province ( the Scientific ) and of whichto this momenthe
con-, , tinues a member . This is another strong reason why wo should support the M . AV . GrandMaster . AA e do not offer any objection to the Earl of Carnarvon , forive believe him to be a good aud excellent Mason , but we do deny that politics at all interfered in the selection of the Earl of Durham in preference to him . This is not the proper place to speak of politics , for such topics ought to bo excluded from every Masonic Lodge . But those who know my political views kuow thab they are diametrically opposed to those of the Grand Master—and yet he appointed mo one of
the Grand Chaplains . That does not look like a political animus . AA'hat I havo put before you I have stated in plain , straightforward language , and I now call upon you to support tho dignity ofthe Grand Master , as it is youi-Masonic duty to do when you find that he is anonymously attacked . " The Eev . and V . AA . Brother concluded his address in tho terms of his motion . Bro . Baxter , P . S . G . AV , seconded tho motion , and in doing so , said . ho ' had
known his lordship for many years , both as a Mason and as a citizou of the world , having first made his acquaintance when he was a member of the university !; ancl he was sure he carried with him into the government of tho Craft those estimable qualities by which he was distinguished in private life . The motion was thou put from the chair and carried by acclamation . Bro . AVard then moved "That the E . AA . Prov . Grand Master be requested to communicate to his lordship the vote of the Prov . Graud Lodge , " ancl Bro . Baxter having seconded the resolution it was unanimouslagreed to .
y Tho E . W . Prov . G . M . said , he most cordially approved of tho course which the Provincial Grand Lodgo had taken in this matter , and should have groat pleasure in conveying to Lord Zetland the votes to ivhich they hacl been pleased to agree . Some conversation then took place with respect to tho officers of No . 105 being refused admittance to Grand Lodge of England , under the allegation of no return being made , whereas the Treasurer was most punctual in forwarding the Grand Lodge fees . The E . AV . Prov . G . M . stated , that he should inquire into the occasion
of the obstruction . He also , in reply to the question of a Brother , stated that he should institute a friendly inquiry into the present state of the School of Plato Lodge , with the view of preventing that old and honoured Lodgo being erased from the register of the Grand Lodge . He then appointed the following Brethren his Prov . G . Officers for tho ensuiu " year : —Bros . J . Deighton , AV . M ., 645 , S . G . AV . ; AVestmoreland , AV . M ., 105 , J . G . AV . ] Ransom 105 G . BegEdwards 105 GSecHall 105 SGDStrotton 645
, , . ; , , . ; , , ... ; , , Prov . G . D . ; Beales , 105 , G . S . B . ; King , 105 , Dir . Cers . ; OwenJones , 10 o and 6-15 , G . Treas . ; the Bros . Collier , G . Tylers . The Lod ge was then closed in due ancl ancient form . In the evening , the Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge banqueted together under the able presidency of Bro . AVestmoreland , and passed a most agreeable evening , to the harmony of which Bros . Jones , Sparrow , Smith , and Fuller greatly contributed .
CAJIBEIDGE—Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday the 10 th inst ., when the AV . M ., Bro . Gulloy , Fellow of King ' s College , initiated Mr . A . Fuller ( brother of one of the most esteemed of the host of Past Masters belonging to this most influential Lodge ) , and Mr , Haclord , a gentleman connected