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PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A SPECIAL meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal and its territories wa :, hclil at the Freemason ' s Hall , Calcutta , on Friday , tho 2 Jth October , whcli there were present the R . AY . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov , G . M . as Prov . G . AI ; Samuel Smith , P . Prov . G . M . ; HenryHowo , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; William Clark , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . AV ; AVilliam J . Judge , P . Prov . J . G . W : V . AV . Bros . Jolm GrayProv . G . E . and Off . Prov . G . S . Michael S . Staunton
, g ; ; P . Prov . G . E . ; the AY . Bros . Charles F . Tonnerro , Prov . J . G . D . as Prov . S . G . D . ; Alexander H . Ledlie , Prov . G . S . as Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Joues , Prov . G . Sup . of AV ; Henry Fraser , P . Prov . G . Sup . of AY . ; George 0 . AVvay , Prov . G . P . a « Prov . G . D . of C ; John Parry , Prov . G . S . as Prov . G . S . B . ; Louis A . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . O . as Prov . G . O . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , Prov . G . S . as Prov . G . P . ; the Provincial Grand Stewards , and Representatives of Loclges , No . SO , No . 265 , No . 282 , No , 551 , No . 715 , and No . 7-10 .
The District Grand Lodge was opened in form . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master stated that this meeting had been called for the purpose of receiving an important communication from tho Provincial Grand Master , which he would now read for the information of the District Grand Lodge , and as the report of this evening ' s proceedings would be printed and circulated immediately , tho same information would also bo conveyed , generally , throughout the province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master thou read the Provincial Graud Master ' s letter , as follows - . —
" To tho Provincial Grancl Officers , Past Grancl Officers , ancl Members of the District Grand Lodgo of Bengal . " DEAU BiiETiiiiEN , —As I shall not have tho opportunity of mooting you again in Grand Lodge , I adopt this means of announcing to you , with deep regret , that the state of my health renders my immediate return to Europe absolutely necessary . " It is not my intention to resign my office , at present ; but as going beyond the limits of my provinceandas provided in Art . 10 . 17 of the Book of
Constitu-, , , p tions , Ihereby appoint the Deputy Provincial Grand Master the E . AY . Pro . Jolm Jacob Louis i . toif , Past Junior Grand AVardcn of England , to execute all the functions of my Office , in my name ; and for this purpose , I hereby invest him , under my hand and seal , with all the requisite powers , during my pleasure . " Should it be determined that I am not to return to India , I shall , of course , tender my resignation of tho office of Provincial Grand Master , to the M . AV . the Grand Master iu England . Ashoweversuch an event is moro than probableI
, , , would recommend that you should , in tho interim , nominate a Brother to bo my successor ; stud forward your nomination , for submission to the M . AA ' . the Grand Master . The supervision of this largo province is very important : I trust , therefore , that you will give the nomination of a head to rule over it your serious consideration . I need hardly add , that , on taking my seat in the Grand Lodge of England , as P . l'rov . G . M . of Bengal , 1 shall watch over tho interests of this jirovince ; ivhichas having spent in it many happy years of my lifoshall over be cherished
, , in my memory with the most kindly recollection . As your representative in England , my services may bo freely commanded by the Provincial Grand Master and District Grand Lodgo of Bengal " I thank you for the support and kindness I have exjierienced from yourselves , and from the Craft generally ; and bidding you all an affectionate farewell , I remain , dear Brethren ,
" Yours fraternally and affectionately , "JAMES RAJISAV , l ' rov . G . M . " Calcutta , October 22 ? . c ., 1 S 5 S . " E . AA' . Bro . Smith , P . Prov . G . M ., then rose and addressed the District Grand Lodge , as follows : —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A SPECIAL meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal and its territories wa :, hclil at the Freemason ' s Hall , Calcutta , on Friday , tho 2 Jth October , whcli there were present the R . AY . Bros . John J . L . Hoff , D . Prov , G . M . as Prov . G . AI ; Samuel Smith , P . Prov . G . M . ; HenryHowo , P . D . Prov . G . M . ; William Clark , Prov . S . G . AV . ; John B . Roberts , Prov . J . G . AV ; AVilliam J . Judge , P . Prov . J . G . W : V . AV . Bros . Jolm GrayProv . G . E . and Off . Prov . G . S . Michael S . Staunton
, g ; ; P . Prov . G . E . ; the AY . Bros . Charles F . Tonnerro , Prov . J . G . D . as Prov . S . G . D . ; Alexander H . Ledlie , Prov . G . S . as Prov . J . G . D . ; Thomas Joues , Prov . G . Sup . of AV ; Henry Fraser , P . Prov . G . Sup . of AY . ; George 0 . AVvay , Prov . G . P . a « Prov . G . D . of C ; John Parry , Prov . G . S . as Prov . G . S . B . ; Louis A . Emanuel , P . Prov . G . O . as Prov . G . O . ; Joseph K . Hamilton , Prov . G . S . as Prov . G . P . ; the Provincial Grand Stewards , and Representatives of Loclges , No . SO , No . 265 , No . 282 , No , 551 , No . 715 , and No . 7-10 .
The District Grand Lodge was opened in form . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master stated that this meeting had been called for the purpose of receiving an important communication from tho Provincial Grand Master , which he would now read for the information of the District Grand Lodge , and as the report of this evening ' s proceedings would be printed and circulated immediately , tho same information would also bo conveyed , generally , throughout the province . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master thou read the Provincial Graud Master ' s letter , as follows - . —
" To tho Provincial Grancl Officers , Past Grancl Officers , ancl Members of the District Grand Lodgo of Bengal . " DEAU BiiETiiiiEN , —As I shall not have tho opportunity of mooting you again in Grand Lodge , I adopt this means of announcing to you , with deep regret , that the state of my health renders my immediate return to Europe absolutely necessary . " It is not my intention to resign my office , at present ; but as going beyond the limits of my provinceandas provided in Art . 10 . 17 of the Book of
Constitu-, , , p tions , Ihereby appoint the Deputy Provincial Grand Master the E . AY . Pro . Jolm Jacob Louis i . toif , Past Junior Grand AVardcn of England , to execute all the functions of my Office , in my name ; and for this purpose , I hereby invest him , under my hand and seal , with all the requisite powers , during my pleasure . " Should it be determined that I am not to return to India , I shall , of course , tender my resignation of tho office of Provincial Grand Master , to the M . AV . the Grand Master iu England . Ashoweversuch an event is moro than probableI
, , , would recommend that you should , in tho interim , nominate a Brother to bo my successor ; stud forward your nomination , for submission to the M . AA ' . the Grand Master . The supervision of this largo province is very important : I trust , therefore , that you will give the nomination of a head to rule over it your serious consideration . I need hardly add , that , on taking my seat in the Grand Lodge of England , as P . l'rov . G . M . of Bengal , 1 shall watch over tho interests of this jirovince ; ivhichas having spent in it many happy years of my lifoshall over be cherished
, , in my memory with the most kindly recollection . As your representative in England , my services may bo freely commanded by the Provincial Grand Master and District Grand Lodgo of Bengal " I thank you for the support and kindness I have exjierienced from yourselves , and from the Craft generally ; and bidding you all an affectionate farewell , I remain , dear Brethren ,
" Yours fraternally and affectionately , "JAMES RAJISAV , l ' rov . G . M . " Calcutta , October 22 ? . c ., 1 S 5 S . " E . AA' . Bro . Smith , P . Prov . G . M ., then rose and addressed the District Grand Lodge , as follows : —