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LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . . lti'OiJiTJtESTS . —toityes—Wednesday , January 10 th , Limestone Eook ( -M ) , Bronnlow Arms , ClitUero , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( 268 ) , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 £ ; Faith ( 847 ) , Now Inn , Opensharr , at 7 ; Friday . 21 st , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic ltoonis , Manchester , at 6 . Mark—Faith ( T . I . ) , Openshaw , at 3 . Encampment—Friday , 21 st , St . George , Angel , Oldham , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AMOIXIMEKHSS . —/ . oc / ijes . —Tuesday , January 18 th , Sefton ( 9 S 0 ) , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , ac ( i ; Thursday , 20 th , Ancient Union ( 2-15 ) , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 21 st , Mariners ( 310 ) . Instruction . —Ditto , at 7 . Chapter . —Monday , 17 th , Jerusalem ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , »' -l ; AVednesday , 19 th , Unity and Perseverance . G . uts'iox . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This Lodge held a meeting at the AVellington Hotel , on Monday , Jan . 3 rd , 1859 , the AY . M ., Bro . Holme , initiated
Messrs . Hewit and AVm . AVoods into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., passed Bros . AA reun , Gaskell , Morrison , and John AVoods to the second degree . After voting two pounds out of the poor box to the widow of a Mason , the Brethren retired to the new banqueting room , and spent a happy evening . Visitors , —Bros . Allender , Atcherley , AValter , ancl Greaves , from Lodge No . 368 ; A enton , No . 9 S 0 ; Both well , No . 3 , Kingston , Canada , with about thirty of the members of the Lodge .
Lrvjstti'OOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —This Lodge met at the Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Thursday , January 0 th , Bros . Pepper , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Lester , S . AV . ; Banister , P . M ., as J . AV . ; Swift , S . D . ; Harrison , S . D . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., passed Bro . Josh . Thompson to the Fellow Craft degree . Four gentlemen wore iiroposed for initiation ancl two as joining members . There were present , Bros ; AA ylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; Edwards , Prov . G . Eeg . ; Maddox , Prov . S . G . AV ., aud a fair attendance of the Brethren , members of the Lodge , and visitors . The business finished ,- the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spout a very agreeable hour .
1 N 8 TUUCTI 0 H . The Lodge of Instruction , under the sanction of this Lodge , met on Friday , Jan . 7 th , 1859 , at the Temple , Hope-street . At the last meeting it was arranged that Bro . Pepper , P . M ., should write to Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , inviting him to become patron of the Lodge , and honorary member . Bro . Pepper read a letter from his Lordship , iu which he accepts the invitation , and considers that Lodges of instruction are the best means of preserving that uniformity of working which is so desirable . Bro . Phillips was elected to tho chair , and opened and closed in the
three degrees . Bros . Pepper , P . M . ; Banister , P . M . ; Caldwell , Green , and May , worked the seetious in the first degree , Bro . Caldwell putting the questions . This Lodge meets regularly on the first and third Friday in each month , and is appreciated by the Brethren of AA ost Lancashire .
LEICESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —iotfye , — -AVednesday , January 19 th , John of Gaunt ( 70 ( 3 ) , Three Crowns , Leicester , at 7 . LINCOLNSHIRE . Arn'oixximxi . —Lodge . —AVednesday , January 19 th , lindsey ( 1011 ) , Public Buildings , louili , at ( J . MONMOUTHSHIRE .
Niiwroa'r . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —Ou St . John ' s clay , Dec . 27 th , the members of this Lodge dined at the AVestgate Hotel , according to annual custom . Bro . AV . Pickford , AV . M ., presided , and there ivere thirty-six Brethren present . A long list of toasts was provided for the evening , which were pleasingly given , and done full honour to . Tho following are the officers for the year : —Bros . AVm . Pickford , W . M . ; Joseph E . Davies , S . AV . ; Wyndham Joues , Treas . ; Rev . H . AV . Steel , S . D . ; T . G . Hardee and G . AY . Joues , Stewards ; G . Pfeiffer , Org . ; Charles Lyne , . P . M . ; Thomas Beynon , J . AA ' . ; William Williams , See . ; J . G . Huxtable , J . D . ; H , L . Williams , I . G . ; AVilliam McFee , Tyler .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . . lti'OiJiTJtESTS . —toityes—Wednesday , January 10 th , Limestone Eook ( -M ) , Bronnlow Arms , ClitUero , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( 268 ) , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 £ ; Faith ( 847 ) , Now Inn , Opensharr , at 7 ; Friday . 21 st , Virtue ( 177 ) , Masonic ltoonis , Manchester , at 6 . Mark—Faith ( T . I . ) , Openshaw , at 3 . Encampment—Friday , 21 st , St . George , Angel , Oldham , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AMOIXIMEKHSS . —/ . oc / ijes . —Tuesday , January 18 th , Sefton ( 9 S 0 ) , Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , ac ( i ; Thursday , 20 th , Ancient Union ( 2-15 ) , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 21 st , Mariners ( 310 ) . Instruction . —Ditto , at 7 . Chapter . —Monday , 17 th , Jerusalem ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , »' -l ; AVednesday , 19 th , Unity and Perseverance . G . uts'iox . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —This Lodge held a meeting at the AVellington Hotel , on Monday , Jan . 3 rd , 1859 , the AY . M ., Bro . Holme , initiated
Messrs . Hewit and AVm . AVoods into the mysteries of the Order . Bro . C . J . Banister , P . M ., passed Bros . AA reun , Gaskell , Morrison , and John AVoods to the second degree . After voting two pounds out of the poor box to the widow of a Mason , the Brethren retired to the new banqueting room , and spent a happy evening . Visitors , —Bros . Allender , Atcherley , AValter , ancl Greaves , from Lodge No . 368 ; A enton , No . 9 S 0 ; Both well , No . 3 , Kingston , Canada , with about thirty of the members of the Lodge .
Lrvjstti'OOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —This Lodge met at the Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Thursday , January 0 th , Bros . Pepper , P . M ., as AV . M . ; Lester , S . AV . ; Banister , P . M ., as J . AV . ; Swift , S . D . ; Harrison , S . D . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., passed Bro . Josh . Thompson to the Fellow Craft degree . Four gentlemen wore iiroposed for initiation ancl two as joining members . There were present , Bros ; AA ylie , Prov . G . Sec . ; Edwards , Prov . G . Eeg . ; Maddox , Prov . S . G . AV ., aud a fair attendance of the Brethren , members of the Lodge , and visitors . The business finished ,- the Brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spout a very agreeable hour .
1 N 8 TUUCTI 0 H . The Lodge of Instruction , under the sanction of this Lodge , met on Friday , Jan . 7 th , 1859 , at the Temple , Hope-street . At the last meeting it was arranged that Bro . Pepper , P . M ., should write to Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , inviting him to become patron of the Lodge , and honorary member . Bro . Pepper read a letter from his Lordship , iu which he accepts the invitation , and considers that Lodges of instruction are the best means of preserving that uniformity of working which is so desirable . Bro . Phillips was elected to tho chair , and opened and closed in the
three degrees . Bros . Pepper , P . M . ; Banister , P . M . ; Caldwell , Green , and May , worked the seetious in the first degree , Bro . Caldwell putting the questions . This Lodge meets regularly on the first and third Friday in each month , and is appreciated by the Brethren of AA ost Lancashire .
LEICESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —iotfye , — -AVednesday , January 19 th , John of Gaunt ( 70 ( 3 ) , Three Crowns , Leicester , at 7 . LINCOLNSHIRE . Arn'oixximxi . —Lodge . —AVednesday , January 19 th , lindsey ( 1011 ) , Public Buildings , louili , at ( J . MONMOUTHSHIRE .
Niiwroa'r . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —Ou St . John ' s clay , Dec . 27 th , the members of this Lodge dined at the AVestgate Hotel , according to annual custom . Bro . AV . Pickford , AV . M ., presided , and there ivere thirty-six Brethren present . A long list of toasts was provided for the evening , which were pleasingly given , and done full honour to . Tho following are the officers for the year : —Bros . AVm . Pickford , W . M . ; Joseph E . Davies , S . AV . ; Wyndham Joues , Treas . ; Rev . H . AV . Steel , S . D . ; T . G . Hardee and G . AY . Joues , Stewards ; G . Pfeiffer , Org . ; Charles Lyne , . P . M . ; Thomas Beynon , J . AA ' . ; William Williams , See . ; J . G . Huxtable , J . D . ; H , L . Williams , I . G . ; AVilliam McFee , Tyler .