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NORFOLK . Aveomni-EHT . —Lodge . —Monday , January 17 th , Faithful ( 100 ) , Exchange , Booms , Harleston , NORWICH . —Union Lodge ( No . 00 ) . —The monthly meeting of this influential Lodge was held on Tuesday , Jan . 3 , at tho Norfolk Hotel , Norwich . Bro . Leeds FoxProv . G . Secpresided as AV . M . supported by the officers of the LodgeBros .
, , , , Smith , S . W . ; Scarby , J . AV . ; and the following Brethren : —Sir Henry Straccy , Bart ., Provincial S . G . AVarden ; the Eev . S . Titlow , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; Ct-esswell , Prov . G . Gog ., aud several visiting Brothers from the province were present . The minutes of tho last Lodge wore read and confirmed by the Brethren in the usual maimer . The business of the evening was for tho installation of Bro . Captain and Adjutant Smith , Prov . G . S . D ., to be AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Fox in a most admirable man er .
and listened to by the Brethren present with extreme pleasure . The newly installed Master .-pointed tho following as his officers : —Bros . Scarby , S . AV . ; Bignokl , J . W . ; Lound , Sec ; Boulton , S . D . ; Stevens , J . D . ; Back , I . G . ; and AVills , Tyler . Tho Lodge being closed , tho Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Forster . Tho usual toasts were given ivith groat aest , and Bro . Sir Henry Straccy ( who is highly popular in tho Craft ) , on his health being proposed returned thanks iu a speech imbued with genuine Masonic fooling . Bro . Fox , on returning
thanks for his health being drunk , stated that the Craft in the province had increased moro than threefold during the period tho present Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bond Cabboll , had boon in office , ancl bore testimony to the increased popularity of Freemasonry since that appointment . His advice to the members present , which ho tendered as Grancl Secretary of the province , was given in tho most eloquent manner , and elicited the highest expressions of admiration ; and , after a most agreeable evening had been spent , the Brethren adjourned at an early horn , highly pleased with tho entertainment .
NORTHUMBERLAND . AmoTxmxms . -Lodgse . — Friday , January 21 st , Bo Loraiue ( 793 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . ilTarA . —Newcastle and Berwick ( T . I . ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . NORTHAMPTONSHIEE . ArroiMlJ-i-KT . —Z . oA / e , —Monday , January 17 th , Fidelity ( So . 002 ) , Talbot Hotel , 'i ' owcester , atO . OXFORDSHIRE .
ArvousTtwms . —Lodyes . —Monday , January 17 th , Choi'well ( 873 ) , Bed Lion , Banbury , at 7 ; Allied ( . ) 2 ,. ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 7 . ' PEMBROKESHIRE . PuMMtoKis . —Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 . )—Tho anniversary of St . John waduly honoured by the members of this Lodge ou the 27 th ult ., diniug together iu tho large room at the Alctoria Hotel , Pembroke Dock . The installation of the W . M . Bro . Thomas Harristook lace at four o ' clockand after ho had appointed
, p , the following as his officers for the ensuing year , Bro . the Eev . G . F . Kelly , A . M ., Chaplain ; Bros . Bull , S . AY . ; Spitt , J . G . AA " . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Phillips , Secretary—the Treasurer , Bro . Cook , and tho Tyler , Bro . Chappcl , having been elected at the last Lodge—the Lodge ivas called off from labour to refreshment , aud at seven o ' clock sat down to as sumptuous au entertainment as over was prepared for a similar occasion . The cloth being removed , the AV . M . in appropriate addresses proposed "The M . AA GMthe Earl of Zetland" "Tho
... , E . W . D . G . M . Lord Panmure , " "Tho R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master and Prov . G . Officers . ' Bro . Thomas , the senior P . M . of tho Lodge and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., rose and said ; " AVorshipful Sir ancl Brethren , as the only Provincial Grand Officer present , I rise in tho name and oil tho behalf of our highly esteemed Provincial Grand Master and his officers , to thank you for tho compliment you have jiaid them , and I shall not fail to inform them of it the very first time I meet them in Provincial Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NORFOLK . Aveomni-EHT . —Lodge . —Monday , January 17 th , Faithful ( 100 ) , Exchange , Booms , Harleston , NORWICH . —Union Lodge ( No . 00 ) . —The monthly meeting of this influential Lodge was held on Tuesday , Jan . 3 , at tho Norfolk Hotel , Norwich . Bro . Leeds FoxProv . G . Secpresided as AV . M . supported by the officers of the LodgeBros .
, , , , Smith , S . W . ; Scarby , J . AV . ; and the following Brethren : —Sir Henry Straccy , Bart ., Provincial S . G . AVarden ; the Eev . S . Titlow , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; Ct-esswell , Prov . G . Gog ., aud several visiting Brothers from the province were present . The minutes of tho last Lodge wore read and confirmed by the Brethren in the usual maimer . The business of the evening was for tho installation of Bro . Captain and Adjutant Smith , Prov . G . S . D ., to be AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . Fox in a most admirable man er .
and listened to by the Brethren present with extreme pleasure . The newly installed Master .-pointed tho following as his officers : —Bros . Scarby , S . AV . ; Bignokl , J . W . ; Lound , Sec ; Boulton , S . D . ; Stevens , J . D . ; Back , I . G . ; and AVills , Tyler . Tho Lodge being closed , tho Brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Forster . Tho usual toasts were given ivith groat aest , and Bro . Sir Henry Straccy ( who is highly popular in tho Craft ) , on his health being proposed returned thanks iu a speech imbued with genuine Masonic fooling . Bro . Fox , on returning
thanks for his health being drunk , stated that the Craft in the province had increased moro than threefold during the period tho present Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Bond Cabboll , had boon in office , ancl bore testimony to the increased popularity of Freemasonry since that appointment . His advice to the members present , which ho tendered as Grancl Secretary of the province , was given in tho most eloquent manner , and elicited the highest expressions of admiration ; and , after a most agreeable evening had been spent , the Brethren adjourned at an early horn , highly pleased with tho entertainment .
NORTHUMBERLAND . AmoTxmxms . -Lodgse . — Friday , January 21 st , Bo Loraiue ( 793 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . ilTarA . —Newcastle and Berwick ( T . I . ) , Freemasons' Hall , Newcastle , at 7 . NORTHAMPTONSHIEE . ArroiMlJ-i-KT . —Z . oA / e , —Monday , January 17 th , Fidelity ( So . 002 ) , Talbot Hotel , 'i ' owcester , atO . OXFORDSHIRE .
ArvousTtwms . —Lodyes . —Monday , January 17 th , Choi'well ( 873 ) , Bed Lion , Banbury , at 7 ; Allied ( . ) 2 ,. ) , Masonic Hall , Oxford , at 7 . ' PEMBROKESHIRE . PuMMtoKis . —Loyal Welsh Lodge ( No . 525 . )—Tho anniversary of St . John waduly honoured by the members of this Lodge ou the 27 th ult ., diniug together iu tho large room at the Alctoria Hotel , Pembroke Dock . The installation of the W . M . Bro . Thomas Harristook lace at four o ' clockand after ho had appointed
, p , the following as his officers for the ensuing year , Bro . the Eev . G . F . Kelly , A . M ., Chaplain ; Bros . Bull , S . AY . ; Spitt , J . G . AA " . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Richardson , J . D . ; Phillips , Secretary—the Treasurer , Bro . Cook , and tho Tyler , Bro . Chappcl , having been elected at the last Lodge—the Lodge ivas called off from labour to refreshment , aud at seven o ' clock sat down to as sumptuous au entertainment as over was prepared for a similar occasion . The cloth being removed , the AV . M . in appropriate addresses proposed "The M . AA GMthe Earl of Zetland" "Tho
... , E . W . D . G . M . Lord Panmure , " "Tho R . AV . Prov . Grancl Master and Prov . G . Officers . ' Bro . Thomas , the senior P . M . of tho Lodge and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., rose and said ; " AVorshipful Sir ancl Brethren , as the only Provincial Grand Officer present , I rise in tho name and oil tho behalf of our highly esteemed Provincial Grand Master and his officers , to thank you for tho compliment you have jiaid them , and I shall not fail to inform them of it the very first time I meet them in Provincial Grand