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with the university , into the mysteries of tho Order . At the conclusion of this portion of the ceremonies Bro . Gullcy vacated the chair , his year of office having expired ; when , on tho motion of the Eev . Bro . AVard of St . John ' s College , Deputy Prov . G . M ., aud ono of the Grand Chaplains of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , Bro . Baxter , P . M ., was called to preside ovor the Lodge : Bro . Baxter on taking his , scat informed the Brethren that it was from time immemorial an established custom among Masons for each Lodgo at a stated period
once in every twelve months to select from among themselves a skilled Craftsman , who had filled the office of AVarden in a regular Lodge , to preside over them in the capacity of Master for the ensuing twelve months , and as he understood the members of the Lodge had chosen such a Brother , ho was at once prepared to confer upon him the benefit of installation . The immediate P . M ., Bro . Gulley , then presented the S . AV ., Bro . AA ostmoreland , Fellow of Jesus College to the acting W . M . as the choice of tho Lodge , whereupon that brother was installed by Bro . Baxter
into the chair of King Solomon , in a stylo of excellence well worthy of imitation . At the conclusion of this interesting ceremony tho newly elected Master made tbo following disposition of the offices of tho Loelge for the ensuingtwelve months —Bro . Perciv . il , of Trinity Hall , LL . D ., S . W . ; Bro . C . AV . Naidlor , J . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Jones , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . H . Smith , Secretary ; Bro . Beales , S . D . ; Br . C . Claydon , J . D . ; Bro . Cresp , P . M ., Steward ; Bro . Bentley , P . M ., Dir . Cers . ; Bro . T . F . Fowler , I . G . ; and Bros . J . and T . Collier , Tylers . After the appointment and investiture of tho officers , tho Lodge was closed down in the three degrees , and declared adjourned until the second Monday in February , emergency excepted .
CHESHIEE . ArreiSTSUiKi'B . —7 . OT / I / M . —Wednesday , January 19 tb , Zetland ( 782 ) , Monk ' s Ferry Hotel , Birkenhead , at Thursday 20 t ! i , Unity ( 3 S-1 ) , Mncclcsiiold Arms , Macclesfield , at 7 ; Industry ( 165 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 7 ; Combermere ( SSO ) , Seacombe Hotel , Soacombe , ot 6 . COENAVALL . ArroiHTiiisNTS . —/ . wfyes . —Monday , iJanuary 17 th , Phamix of Honour and Prudence ( 415 ) , Masonic at 7 19 thCoraubinn 159 CrotchHotel loat 7
Rooms , Truro , ; Wednesday , , () , 's , Hay , ; Pence and Harmony ( 72 S ) , Dunn ' s Hotel , St . Austcl , at li . DEEBYSHIRE . Arroixi . uE . ii . —7 . 0 (/ i / e . —Monday , January 17 tli , Devonshire ( 90 S ) , Norfolk ArmSi GIossop , at " . DEVONSHIEE .
Ari'oiHTJiBKTS . —7 . od , j / tt—Tuesday , January 18 th , Charily ( 270 ) , Kiug ' sJArms Hotel , Plymouth , al 7 . Chapter . —Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Booms , Tavistock at 7 . DOESETSHIEE . An-oisraixT . —Lodge . —Wednesday , January 10 th , Amity ( No . IliO ) , Private Eoom , Poole , at 1 \ . Baini'OR'iV--St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 1 , 009 ) . —The members of this Lodge held
their annual meeting on Dec . 27 . In tbe absence of the AV . M ., the Brethren requested Bro . Collard , P . M ., 10 S ( and also an honorary member of this Lodge ) , to undertake the duties of the chair , and wore afterwards pleased to express their gratification at tho impressive manner with whichhe initiated a candidate into the mysteries of tho Craft , in which ceremony ho was well supported by the officers—Bros . Coseiis , S . AV . ; Manley , J . AV . '; Dunham , S . D . ; Houiisell , J . D . At the banquet which followed , harmony and good fellowship wore tho characteristic features of the evening .
DURHAM . ArroiNTiriiXT . — . / . Dtfirtr . —Monday , January 17 th , Borough ( 011 ) , Groy Horse , Gato » he » tl , at 1 . GLOUCESTERSHIRE . ArroiHiJiEKT . —Xorfj / c—Monday , January 17 th , Cotteswold ( SOS ) , Ham Hotel , Cirencester , at « k
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
with the university , into the mysteries of tho Order . At the conclusion of this portion of the ceremonies Bro . Gullcy vacated the chair , his year of office having expired ; when , on tho motion of the Eev . Bro . AVard of St . John ' s College , Deputy Prov . G . M ., aud ono of the Grand Chaplains of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of England , Bro . Baxter , P . M ., was called to preside ovor the Lodge : Bro . Baxter on taking his , scat informed the Brethren that it was from time immemorial an established custom among Masons for each Lodgo at a stated period
once in every twelve months to select from among themselves a skilled Craftsman , who had filled the office of AVarden in a regular Lodge , to preside over them in the capacity of Master for the ensuing twelve months , and as he understood the members of the Lodge had chosen such a Brother , ho was at once prepared to confer upon him the benefit of installation . The immediate P . M ., Bro . Gulley , then presented the S . AV ., Bro . AA ostmoreland , Fellow of Jesus College to the acting W . M . as the choice of tho Lodge , whereupon that brother was installed by Bro . Baxter
into the chair of King Solomon , in a stylo of excellence well worthy of imitation . At the conclusion of this interesting ceremony tho newly elected Master made tbo following disposition of the offices of tho Loelge for the ensuingtwelve months —Bro . Perciv . il , of Trinity Hall , LL . D ., S . W . ; Bro . C . AV . Naidlor , J . AV . ; Bro . C . J . Jones , P . M ., Treasurer ; Bro . H . Smith , Secretary ; Bro . Beales , S . D . ; Br . C . Claydon , J . D . ; Bro . Cresp , P . M ., Steward ; Bro . Bentley , P . M ., Dir . Cers . ; Bro . T . F . Fowler , I . G . ; and Bros . J . and T . Collier , Tylers . After the appointment and investiture of tho officers , tho Lodge was closed down in the three degrees , and declared adjourned until the second Monday in February , emergency excepted .
CHESHIEE . ArreiSTSUiKi'B . —7 . OT / I / M . —Wednesday , January 19 tb , Zetland ( 782 ) , Monk ' s Ferry Hotel , Birkenhead , at Thursday 20 t ! i , Unity ( 3 S-1 ) , Mncclcsiiold Arms , Macclesfield , at 7 ; Industry ( 165 ) , Norfolk Arms , Hyde , at 7 ; Combermere ( SSO ) , Seacombe Hotel , Soacombe , ot 6 . COENAVALL . ArroiHTiiisNTS . —/ . wfyes . —Monday , iJanuary 17 th , Phamix of Honour and Prudence ( 415 ) , Masonic at 7 19 thCoraubinn 159 CrotchHotel loat 7
Rooms , Truro , ; Wednesday , , () , 's , Hay , ; Pence and Harmony ( 72 S ) , Dunn ' s Hotel , St . Austcl , at li . DEEBYSHIRE . Arroixi . uE . ii . —7 . 0 (/ i / e . —Monday , January 17 tli , Devonshire ( 90 S ) , Norfolk ArmSi GIossop , at " . DEVONSHIEE .
Ari'oiHTJiBKTS . —7 . od , j / tt—Tuesday , January 18 th , Charily ( 270 ) , Kiug ' sJArms Hotel , Plymouth , al 7 . Chapter . —Bedford ( 351 ) , Private Booms , Tavistock at 7 . DOESETSHIEE . An-oisraixT . —Lodge . —Wednesday , January 10 th , Amity ( No . IliO ) , Private Eoom , Poole , at 1 \ . Baini'OR'iV--St . Mary ' s Lodge ( No . 1 , 009 ) . —The members of this Lodge held
their annual meeting on Dec . 27 . In tbe absence of the AV . M ., the Brethren requested Bro . Collard , P . M ., 10 S ( and also an honorary member of this Lodge ) , to undertake the duties of the chair , and wore afterwards pleased to express their gratification at tho impressive manner with whichhe initiated a candidate into the mysteries of tho Craft , in which ceremony ho was well supported by the officers—Bros . Coseiis , S . AV . ; Manley , J . AV . '; Dunham , S . D . ; Houiisell , J . D . At the banquet which followed , harmony and good fellowship wore tho characteristic features of the evening .
DURHAM . ArroiNTiriiXT . — . / . Dtfirtr . —Monday , January 17 th , Borough ( 011 ) , Groy Horse , Gato » he » tl , at 1 . GLOUCESTERSHIRE . ArroiHiJiEKT . —Xorfj / c—Monday , January 17 th , Cotteswold ( SOS ) , Ham Hotel , Cirencester , at « k