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high standing which Freemasonry had attained . He ivould therefore call upon them to ch-ink prosperity to it in flowing bumpers . Bro . D . AVinton , E . AA' . M ., replied , after which , various appropriate toasts ivere given . Tho Bros . Adams were in attendance , ancl in the course ofthe proceedings played appropriate musical selections in a style which added greatly to the harmony of the meeting . The Christy Minstrels were present during the latter part of the evening , ancl enlivened the Brethren with some of then- beautiful songs , choruses , & c . Bro . Stembridge Ray also sang some of his fine melodies , as well as others of the Brethren .
PERTHSHIRE . '" ¦ DUNBLANE . —Ancient Lodge . —The Brethren met in the Hall of Bro . Dewar Burden ' s hotel , on Monday , Dec . 27 th , to celebrate the annual festival of St . John . The office-bearers elected were—Bros . John Stirling of Kippendavie , R . AA' . M . ; Jas Stirling of Holme Hill , D . M . ; Alexander Young of Kerr Mains , Sub . M . ; Alexander Scott , Sheriff-Clerk , P . M . ; Thomas Fotheringham , S . AA ' . ; AA ' m . Guthris , J . AV . ; Thomas BartySecretary & e . Bro . Stirling of Kippendaviealways auxioas
, , , to promote the interests of the Lodge , resolved to revive the ancient custom of a procession by torch light , a custom which in times gone by was always popular with the inhabitants and much enjoyed by all , but especially by the youngpr Brethren ; ancl judging from the interest manifested on this occasion , the feeling now is nowise changed from what it was in " days o' laug syne . " The streets were literally crowded , ancl the windows were occupied by fair and joyous faces , © ntrasting strangely with the grave , serious , and even solemn aspect of the " sons of
light , " which , combined with the slow music ancl strong gleam of the torches iu a pitch dark night , was something quite out of the way in these matter-of-fact chys . Altogether ive do not recollect of ever seeing this ancient city present such an animated appearance as it did that evening . The Brethren of the Lodge , after the procession , sat down to a sumptuous repast in the hotel . The proceedings throughout reflected much credit upon all taking part in them , and were conducted with the most gratifying fellowship .
RENFREAVSHIRE . AuciiTEitAKDEH . —On St . John ' s Day , a meeting of the Freemasons wis held Ivithin their Hall here . The office-bearers were elected for the ensuing yew , as follows : —Bros . George Hally , R . AA' . M . —Josiah Smitton , Depute ; Alexander Rintoul , Substitute ; Peter Anderson , Senior AVardeu ; Patrick Smitton , Junior AVarden ; James Smitton , Treasurer ; 1 st Key Keeper , Peter Malcolm ; 2 ncl . Robert AVinton ; George Mailer , Chaplain ; AA'illiam Miller , Secretary ; Alexander AVilson
and James Grant , Stewards ; John Moir , Tyler ; John Moir , Eobert AVintoa , Lodge Letters . Committee—Alex . Eeid , John M'Ewan , John Sinclair , John M'Donald , Peter Malcolm , junior ; David Martin . After the meeting a few Breihren sat down to dinner hi tho Hall , ancl the evening was spent in an agreeable nniuier .
STIRLINGSHIRE . STIBLINC .. —Ancient Stirling Lodge ( No . SO ) . —The Brethren of this molt ancient Lodge met in their Lodge room , on St . John ' s clay , for the purpose of installing the various office bearers for the ensuing year . Bro . Adam Dyson , whi has now been elected for the third successive year to the office of B . AA ' . M ., was duly installed ancl placed into the chair . The E . AA ' . M . then installed into office the otler various office bearerswho wereBro . Serjeant-Major McMillanD . M . Bro . David Bell
, , , ; , S . AV . ; Bro . D . Kilpatrick , J . AV . ; Bro . AA ' m . McLea , See . ; Bro . AVm . McRobert , Treas . ; Bro . P . Gardner , S . D . ; Bro . Geo . Dunbar , J . D . ; Bro . Alex . Herd , I . G . ; Bro . Thomas Eobertson , Tyler , and Bro . AA ' m . Belfrage , Edinburgh , Pioxy Master . After an impressive address from the R . AV . M ., the Lodge was duly closed ; and the Brethren adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
high standing which Freemasonry had attained . He ivould therefore call upon them to ch-ink prosperity to it in flowing bumpers . Bro . D . AVinton , E . AA' . M ., replied , after which , various appropriate toasts ivere given . Tho Bros . Adams were in attendance , ancl in the course ofthe proceedings played appropriate musical selections in a style which added greatly to the harmony of the meeting . The Christy Minstrels were present during the latter part of the evening , ancl enlivened the Brethren with some of then- beautiful songs , choruses , & c . Bro . Stembridge Ray also sang some of his fine melodies , as well as others of the Brethren .
PERTHSHIRE . '" ¦ DUNBLANE . —Ancient Lodge . —The Brethren met in the Hall of Bro . Dewar Burden ' s hotel , on Monday , Dec . 27 th , to celebrate the annual festival of St . John . The office-bearers elected were—Bros . John Stirling of Kippendavie , R . AA' . M . ; Jas Stirling of Holme Hill , D . M . ; Alexander Young of Kerr Mains , Sub . M . ; Alexander Scott , Sheriff-Clerk , P . M . ; Thomas Fotheringham , S . AA ' . ; AA ' m . Guthris , J . AV . ; Thomas BartySecretary & e . Bro . Stirling of Kippendaviealways auxioas
, , , to promote the interests of the Lodge , resolved to revive the ancient custom of a procession by torch light , a custom which in times gone by was always popular with the inhabitants and much enjoyed by all , but especially by the youngpr Brethren ; ancl judging from the interest manifested on this occasion , the feeling now is nowise changed from what it was in " days o' laug syne . " The streets were literally crowded , ancl the windows were occupied by fair and joyous faces , © ntrasting strangely with the grave , serious , and even solemn aspect of the " sons of
light , " which , combined with the slow music ancl strong gleam of the torches iu a pitch dark night , was something quite out of the way in these matter-of-fact chys . Altogether ive do not recollect of ever seeing this ancient city present such an animated appearance as it did that evening . The Brethren of the Lodge , after the procession , sat down to a sumptuous repast in the hotel . The proceedings throughout reflected much credit upon all taking part in them , and were conducted with the most gratifying fellowship .
RENFREAVSHIRE . AuciiTEitAKDEH . —On St . John ' s Day , a meeting of the Freemasons wis held Ivithin their Hall here . The office-bearers were elected for the ensuing yew , as follows : —Bros . George Hally , R . AA' . M . —Josiah Smitton , Depute ; Alexander Rintoul , Substitute ; Peter Anderson , Senior AVardeu ; Patrick Smitton , Junior AVarden ; James Smitton , Treasurer ; 1 st Key Keeper , Peter Malcolm ; 2 ncl . Robert AVinton ; George Mailer , Chaplain ; AA'illiam Miller , Secretary ; Alexander AVilson
and James Grant , Stewards ; John Moir , Tyler ; John Moir , Eobert AVintoa , Lodge Letters . Committee—Alex . Eeid , John M'Ewan , John Sinclair , John M'Donald , Peter Malcolm , junior ; David Martin . After the meeting a few Breihren sat down to dinner hi tho Hall , ancl the evening was spent in an agreeable nniuier .
STIRLINGSHIRE . STIBLINC .. —Ancient Stirling Lodge ( No . SO ) . —The Brethren of this molt ancient Lodge met in their Lodge room , on St . John ' s clay , for the purpose of installing the various office bearers for the ensuing year . Bro . Adam Dyson , whi has now been elected for the third successive year to the office of B . AA ' . M ., was duly installed ancl placed into the chair . The E . AA ' . M . then installed into office the otler various office bearerswho wereBro . Serjeant-Major McMillanD . M . Bro . David Bell
, , , ; , S . AV . ; Bro . D . Kilpatrick , J . AV . ; Bro . AA ' m . McLea , See . ; Bro . AVm . McRobert , Treas . ; Bro . P . Gardner , S . D . ; Bro . Geo . Dunbar , J . D . ; Bro . Alex . Herd , I . G . ; Bro . Thomas Eobertson , Tyler , and Bro . AA ' m . Belfrage , Edinburgh , Pioxy Master . After an impressive address from the R . AV . M ., the Lodge was duly closed ; and the Brethren adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet . '