Article DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES. ← Page 6 of 6 Article TIME AND TIDE. Page 1 of 1
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Directors Of Ceremonies.
office with some work . A great improvement is , to make it next to P . M .. when the learner has gone through the course , and then a member is likely to attend . In case of the absence of the P . M . he could go back to that office . AVhat wc have here written is a very small point in Masonic reform so far as the practicability of its realization is concerned—but a very
large one in its results , because it secures improved ivoi-king ; and we trust that many days will not have elapsed before the Master or some member of each Lodge has brought the subject before his Brethren , and obtained its practical realization . No more incompetent Directors of Ceremonies should be appointed , and where there is a ivhole year to be served , it will be an act of Masonic virtue for the present
occupants to resign , so that a regular ajspointment may at once be made . Such a younger member would , by taking such steps and thereby bringing the subject forivard for discussion and determination give a real proof of his claims on the attention of his Brethren . AA e particularly call the attention of Grand Officers and Prov , Grancl Masters to the desirability of taking early steps in this subject ; a letter
from a Prov . Grand Master recommending such a reform , ancl promising a reward for it , Avould at once produce a great effect on all the Lodges of his province .
Time And Tide.
I 1 Y BKO'J'llEll C 1 IAKLES S 1 . 0 MAN , I . 'lime and tide for no man Avail ; Say , who can that truth deny ? Seize the momentere too late ;
, Ev ' ry hour we live we die . AA'ho can call back yesterday ? Each new minute hath its gate , AA entling swiftly on their way , Time and tide for no man Avail .
ii . Time ancl tide for no man wait ; They delay will never brook ; Peasants delve while kings hold state . Each a page in this world ' s book . Day by clay the leai'es turn o ' er ¦
Ev ' ry life must have its date ; Think then , think—lest you deplore ; Time ancl tide for no man wait .
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Directors Of Ceremonies.
office with some work . A great improvement is , to make it next to P . M .. when the learner has gone through the course , and then a member is likely to attend . In case of the absence of the P . M . he could go back to that office . AVhat wc have here written is a very small point in Masonic reform so far as the practicability of its realization is concerned—but a very
large one in its results , because it secures improved ivoi-king ; and we trust that many days will not have elapsed before the Master or some member of each Lodge has brought the subject before his Brethren , and obtained its practical realization . No more incompetent Directors of Ceremonies should be appointed , and where there is a ivhole year to be served , it will be an act of Masonic virtue for the present
occupants to resign , so that a regular ajspointment may at once be made . Such a younger member would , by taking such steps and thereby bringing the subject forivard for discussion and determination give a real proof of his claims on the attention of his Brethren . AA e particularly call the attention of Grand Officers and Prov , Grancl Masters to the desirability of taking early steps in this subject ; a letter
from a Prov . Grand Master recommending such a reform , ancl promising a reward for it , Avould at once produce a great effect on all the Lodges of his province .
Time And Tide.
I 1 Y BKO'J'llEll C 1 IAKLES S 1 . 0 MAN , I . 'lime and tide for no man Avail ; Say , who can that truth deny ? Seize the momentere too late ;
, Ev ' ry hour we live we die . AA'ho can call back yesterday ? Each new minute hath its gate , AA entling swiftly on their way , Time and tide for no man Avail .
ii . Time ancl tide for no man wait ; They delay will never brook ; Peasants delve while kings hold state . Each a page in this world ' s book . Day by clay the leai'es turn o ' er ¦
Ev ' ry life must have its date ; Think then , think—lest you deplore ; Time ancl tide for no man wait .