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Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASOXIC SASH . I have seen a sash of broad ribbon composed of four colours , A-iz ., yelloAV , purple , blue , and scarlet . I am told it is Masonic ; if so , when , and by ivkom , is such a sash worn ?—A . E .
ESOTERIC AND EXOTERIC MASONRA" . I frequently hoar of Esoteric and Exoteric Masons . What is the difference between them , and which am I who am a Master Mason , and a companion of the Eoyal Arch ?—B E . —[ The ancient philosophers divided their ibllowers into two schools , termed e ^ repos , exoteric or exterior , and evdorepor , esoteric or interior . The exoteric
school was held in public places , and its disciples or pupils were taught the elements of physical and moral science , whilst the esoteric disciples wero assembled in the masters' dwelling , and there received the benefit of a philosophical training , in which the allegorical meaning Avas defined , such being supposed to be too abstruse for dissemination ad popidam . An exoteric Mason is one
who is content with such knowledge as he can acquire in his lodge , or at a lodge of instruction . When he is initiated he becomes an exterior Mason , because he is a recipient of that which is common to all Masons . After going through his degrees , rising to the highest honours
of lodge or chapter , and being an expert brother mastering eA'ery ceremony , and having iwery portion of the ritual by heart , he may , and A-ery frequently does , descend to his last resting place an exoteric Mason . Bufc AA here a brother has the attainments to unravel the philosophy of Masonry , to grapple with the hidden mysteries , and elucidate the more subtle reasonings that the rituals
present , as Avell as to seek higher light than he can attain to in lodge or chapter , then he becomes an esoteric or interior Mason . From our querists description of himself , Ave have " no hesitation in classing him with the former , who , however lip perfect , are content to remain within the entrance of the Temple , forgetting thafc in every such place there is an arcana Avhose mysteries are
only open to the diligent student , content to labour in pursuit of truth , and find that Masonry has tivo entire and distinct aspects—one ad popidam and fche other ad clerum , or , in other words , one common to all Masons and Exoteric , and one confined but to feAV and select , or Esoteric ]
Exhibition Of Medlæval Art At The South Kensington Museum.
( From the Building Neios . ) TUB CEKAMIC WARES . A Avish to afford to foreigners of every class , who aro now visiting Xsondon in such great numbers , an opportunity of seeing some of the art treasures Avhich adorn the private collections of this countryled > to the project of forming a London Exhibition
, somewhat upon the plan of that which Avas recently so successful afc Manchester . A great number of our most eminent collectors have , on the present occasion , contributed the very choicest gems of their respective cabinets ; and hut for the absence of pictures and sculpture , vdiich did not come within the legitimate scope of an exhibition of industrial art , the display may be fairly said to exceed that of Manchester , both
in the number and excellence of its examples . Ifc is , however , afc present overshadowed by the all-absorbing attractions of the great International display , a few hundred yards further on ; and yet , as a collection of objects of the highest class of industrial art ( quite independent of its meclioevnl character ) , it is fully on a par , in point of excellence , with the more vast display of the International Exhibition ; and , if not so extensive , the number and variety of objects are yet so exceedingly great , and so far exceed , both in number and quality , any single display of mediaival Avorks of a high class , that it may be fairly
Exhibition Of Medlæval Art At The South Kensington Museum.
said to surpass any collection of the kind that has ever been assembled at a public exhibition in London . The present Exhibition is , in fact , of such extent and excellence , that it is impossible in a single visit to do more than take a hasty general view , leaving to future explorations the task of examining each class of work with the care that the beauty of the specimens demands . The four or five distinct classes of pottery and porcelain
wares , which are each abundantly represented , teach the student what immense variety may he achieved within the strictest boundaries of any well-defined style , Avithout introducing any heterogeneous features , or in any way trenching upon fche ground of other styles . In the present collection there is , first , a most luxurious display of exquisite specimens of Palissy ware , Avith its raised natural objects , in their natural' colours ; or , Avith its
raised conventional ornaments , with their own conventional colouring . There is an equally fine display of Limoges ware , with its noble designs delicately tinted with their pearly greys , defining themselves sharply on the deep neutral tone of subdued purple , or modified black of the ground—the sparing introduction of gold and colour heightening rather than changing the decisivelmarked character which the rich grey
y tones give to this exquisite style of work . Thirdly , there is the " Henri Deux " ware ; another distinct style , both in the form , of the objects , tho tone of the colouring , and the style and treatment of the ornamentation . It is in fche manner of the ornamentation that this last-named style is most distinct ; the fine chequer-work and thready patterns that fill up the spaces between the medallion subjects and other ornaments giving a
certain laciness of aspect that is not found in any other school of decorative porcelain work . Fourthly , there is the well-known Majolica or TJrhino ware , with its spirited outline pictures Mid hold ornament , richly and variously , and , as one may say , daringly coloured . Fifthly , there is the Delia llobbia ware , as distinct in its character as any of the preceding styles of work . In this work we have glazed earthenware of a class
especially fitted to , and , in fact , originally designed for , architectural purposes . The figures and ornaments in high relief ( often nearly detached ) exhibit a sculptural freedom and excellence of design worthy of the greatest masters of the
chisel and even merit reproduction in Carrara marble , if their existence in that beautiful material could give them extra value , or mark -more highly the appreciationqin which their beauties are held hy all true lovers of arfc . I Avill , on the present occasion , briefly notice a few specimens of each of the five styles referred to . First of the Palissy ware . There are several grand plateaux of the ordinary style , but of unusually fine design , which merit a close examination , not only
for the wonderfully natural representations , in coloured relief , of fish and other objects , but for the rich intermixture of fine ornament , which is less common in this kind of work . There is also a pair of small plates entirely composed of osnament ( numbered 111 and 142 ) , which show the capacity of this style for arebifcectural features , when the introduction of colour on the exterior of our buildings shall be better understood . The ornament in these plates isa jouras the French have itthat is
, , , , with the interstices between the ornaments pierced out . Itis evident that with this feature , combined with the rich colouring which Palissy ware always displays , architectural ornamentation might be produced , in that school of glazed earthenware , wliich would be very effective and very beautiful ; and , moreover , highly calculated to resist the permanent deposition of the dark London soot which so soon disfigures the stone or marble of our
fast-improving street architecture . There are many remarkable specimens of Palissy ware of other kinds which I may notice on a future opportunity , hut have no space to allude to on the presen occasion . I must , however , even now stop to notice an exquisite ewer , of extreme richness and much grandeur of form , though not of great size , and wliich belonged to the original Soulages collection , being still numbered as in that collection
144 . And I cannot pass over in silence a pair of very magnificent plates , numbered 3803 , which are ornamented with spirited mask-like heads of remarkably bold and characteristic execution . Of the Henri Deux ware , the specimens in the present collection are of the highest character ; especially a pair of taper stands of most exquisite design , lent hy Baron L . Eothschild , along with several other as fine , if not finer , examples of this
beautiful ware from his splendid collection . A nearly complete table service might be made , up from the specimens in this style in the present Exhibition , all and each of them remarkable as Ai'oiks displaying the highest artistic talent , both in the general
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
MASOXIC SASH . I have seen a sash of broad ribbon composed of four colours , A-iz ., yelloAV , purple , blue , and scarlet . I am told it is Masonic ; if so , when , and by ivkom , is such a sash worn ?—A . E .
ESOTERIC AND EXOTERIC MASONRA" . I frequently hoar of Esoteric and Exoteric Masons . What is the difference between them , and which am I who am a Master Mason , and a companion of the Eoyal Arch ?—B E . —[ The ancient philosophers divided their ibllowers into two schools , termed e ^ repos , exoteric or exterior , and evdorepor , esoteric or interior . The exoteric
school was held in public places , and its disciples or pupils were taught the elements of physical and moral science , whilst the esoteric disciples wero assembled in the masters' dwelling , and there received the benefit of a philosophical training , in which the allegorical meaning Avas defined , such being supposed to be too abstruse for dissemination ad popidam . An exoteric Mason is one
who is content with such knowledge as he can acquire in his lodge , or at a lodge of instruction . When he is initiated he becomes an exterior Mason , because he is a recipient of that which is common to all Masons . After going through his degrees , rising to the highest honours
of lodge or chapter , and being an expert brother mastering eA'ery ceremony , and having iwery portion of the ritual by heart , he may , and A-ery frequently does , descend to his last resting place an exoteric Mason . Bufc AA here a brother has the attainments to unravel the philosophy of Masonry , to grapple with the hidden mysteries , and elucidate the more subtle reasonings that the rituals
present , as Avell as to seek higher light than he can attain to in lodge or chapter , then he becomes an esoteric or interior Mason . From our querists description of himself , Ave have " no hesitation in classing him with the former , who , however lip perfect , are content to remain within the entrance of the Temple , forgetting thafc in every such place there is an arcana Avhose mysteries are
only open to the diligent student , content to labour in pursuit of truth , and find that Masonry has tivo entire and distinct aspects—one ad popidam and fche other ad clerum , or , in other words , one common to all Masons and Exoteric , and one confined but to feAV and select , or Esoteric ]
Exhibition Of Medlæval Art At The South Kensington Museum.
( From the Building Neios . ) TUB CEKAMIC WARES . A Avish to afford to foreigners of every class , who aro now visiting Xsondon in such great numbers , an opportunity of seeing some of the art treasures Avhich adorn the private collections of this countryled > to the project of forming a London Exhibition
, somewhat upon the plan of that which Avas recently so successful afc Manchester . A great number of our most eminent collectors have , on the present occasion , contributed the very choicest gems of their respective cabinets ; and hut for the absence of pictures and sculpture , vdiich did not come within the legitimate scope of an exhibition of industrial art , the display may be fairly said to exceed that of Manchester , both
in the number and excellence of its examples . Ifc is , however , afc present overshadowed by the all-absorbing attractions of the great International display , a few hundred yards further on ; and yet , as a collection of objects of the highest class of industrial art ( quite independent of its meclioevnl character ) , it is fully on a par , in point of excellence , with the more vast display of the International Exhibition ; and , if not so extensive , the number and variety of objects are yet so exceedingly great , and so far exceed , both in number and quality , any single display of mediaival Avorks of a high class , that it may be fairly
Exhibition Of Medlæval Art At The South Kensington Museum.
said to surpass any collection of the kind that has ever been assembled at a public exhibition in London . The present Exhibition is , in fact , of such extent and excellence , that it is impossible in a single visit to do more than take a hasty general view , leaving to future explorations the task of examining each class of work with the care that the beauty of the specimens demands . The four or five distinct classes of pottery and porcelain
wares , which are each abundantly represented , teach the student what immense variety may he achieved within the strictest boundaries of any well-defined style , Avithout introducing any heterogeneous features , or in any way trenching upon fche ground of other styles . In the present collection there is , first , a most luxurious display of exquisite specimens of Palissy ware , Avith its raised natural objects , in their natural' colours ; or , Avith its
raised conventional ornaments , with their own conventional colouring . There is an equally fine display of Limoges ware , with its noble designs delicately tinted with their pearly greys , defining themselves sharply on the deep neutral tone of subdued purple , or modified black of the ground—the sparing introduction of gold and colour heightening rather than changing the decisivelmarked character which the rich grey
y tones give to this exquisite style of work . Thirdly , there is the " Henri Deux " ware ; another distinct style , both in the form , of the objects , tho tone of the colouring , and the style and treatment of the ornamentation . It is in fche manner of the ornamentation that this last-named style is most distinct ; the fine chequer-work and thready patterns that fill up the spaces between the medallion subjects and other ornaments giving a
certain laciness of aspect that is not found in any other school of decorative porcelain work . Fourthly , there is the well-known Majolica or TJrhino ware , with its spirited outline pictures Mid hold ornament , richly and variously , and , as one may say , daringly coloured . Fifthly , there is the Delia llobbia ware , as distinct in its character as any of the preceding styles of work . In this work we have glazed earthenware of a class
especially fitted to , and , in fact , originally designed for , architectural purposes . The figures and ornaments in high relief ( often nearly detached ) exhibit a sculptural freedom and excellence of design worthy of the greatest masters of the
chisel and even merit reproduction in Carrara marble , if their existence in that beautiful material could give them extra value , or mark -more highly the appreciationqin which their beauties are held hy all true lovers of arfc . I Avill , on the present occasion , briefly notice a few specimens of each of the five styles referred to . First of the Palissy ware . There are several grand plateaux of the ordinary style , but of unusually fine design , which merit a close examination , not only
for the wonderfully natural representations , in coloured relief , of fish and other objects , but for the rich intermixture of fine ornament , which is less common in this kind of work . There is also a pair of small plates entirely composed of osnament ( numbered 111 and 142 ) , which show the capacity of this style for arebifcectural features , when the introduction of colour on the exterior of our buildings shall be better understood . The ornament in these plates isa jouras the French have itthat is
, , , , with the interstices between the ornaments pierced out . Itis evident that with this feature , combined with the rich colouring which Palissy ware always displays , architectural ornamentation might be produced , in that school of glazed earthenware , wliich would be very effective and very beautiful ; and , moreover , highly calculated to resist the permanent deposition of the dark London soot which so soon disfigures the stone or marble of our
fast-improving street architecture . There are many remarkable specimens of Palissy ware of other kinds which I may notice on a future opportunity , hut have no space to allude to on the presen occasion . I must , however , even now stop to notice an exquisite ewer , of extreme richness and much grandeur of form , though not of great size , and wliich belonged to the original Soulages collection , being still numbered as in that collection
144 . And I cannot pass over in silence a pair of very magnificent plates , numbered 3803 , which are ornamented with spirited mask-like heads of remarkably bold and characteristic execution . Of the Henri Deux ware , the specimens in the present collection are of the highest character ; especially a pair of taper stands of most exquisite design , lent hy Baron L . Eothschild , along with several other as fine , if not finer , examples of this
beautiful ware from his splendid collection . A nearly complete table service might be made , up from the specimens in this style in the present Exhibition , all and each of them remarkable as Ai'oiks displaying the highest artistic talent , both in the general