Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Festivities.
removed Bro . Hill , AA . M ., gave the toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Prince of AA ales and Roval Family , " " The M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , and the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl Do Grey and Ripon , " who he thought was the right man in the right place , and " The Present and Past Grand Officers , " coupling the same with the names of Bros . Dickie , and John Gurton , their own G . Steward—Bro . DICKIE , Asst . G . Purst . returned thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers . —Bro . GUIITON , G . Steward of the
lodge , had bufclitfcleto say , bufc so long as he was a GvandSteward from the lodge heshould take an active part in all that concerned the Craft and the welfare of No . 23 . He was as fond of Masonry as ever and had , upon principle , taken great interest in ifc for some years , and AA-hatever influence he possessed they should have the benefit of . ( Hear , hear . ) He was ever ready to attend to his duties in Grand Lodge , and should always carry them out . For the mention of his name he AVUS much obliged and hoped to meet the members of the Globe Lodge regularly for many years , to come . —Tho AA . M . said that , having met as Masons they were irlad to exercise the Masonic dutv of hosuitalitv to those
visitors who had honoured them that day wifcli their presence and , in the name of the lodge , he was proud to say he was bappy to see all of them , and tender the thanks of the lodge to them for their visit . AVith the toast he should couple the name of Bro . Comins , who , twenty-one years since , had been S . AV . of the lodge—Bro . COAIINS had , since he was last hi the Globe Lodge , travelled some 26 , 000 miles . During his progress he had been often been reminded of his mother lodgeand in distant
, lands he had wished to see ifc again . He realised that day how quickly time flew , for there was not one face he knew when he Avas a member . On behalf of the visiting brethren he was . greatly obliged to the AA . M . for his kindness in giving them such a hearty welcome , and for himself he hoped to see them again and again as a re-joining member of his old and respected mother lodge . ( Cheers ) . —Bro . AV . AVATSOJT rose to propose " The health of Bro . HillW . M . " In him the
, Globe Lodge had an excellent AV . M ., whose year of office had been so far prosperous , and he felt certain would continue so . Bro . Hill was popular in the lodgo , and had gained the good opinion of its members , for he had been zealous and efficient from the day in which ho was initiated . Bro . Watson
concluded hy proposing " The health of the AVorshipful Master . — Bro . HILL , W . M ., was obliged for the kindness shown him in that lodge . He attained his present position through one , who had a greater right to it , allowing him priority . He had been offered the chair in another lodge , bufc having given his word to attend 23 , he could do no less , seeing it was his mother lodge . He was deeply indebted to the Past Masters of the lodge for their forbearance , and returned his thanks to all the brethren for the
favourable manner in Avhich they had received the mention of his name . —The WOESHIPFUL MASTEB next gave our "Past Masters . " The Globe Lodge now stood in great prosperity owing to their exertions . For fourteen years it had been heavily in debt , but last year Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst , when he left the chair , turned over a balance in hand ; and he hoped , nay , be felt sure , to be able to do the same to his successor . The Pasfc i Masters had seen it both in adversity and prosperitand ho
y , -wished they might long Avatch its continued success . — -Bro . G . IS . BEANDON , P . M ., as the father of the Past Masters , returned thanks for the toast . It was pleasant to see the children progressing so favourably ; and if ifc was any encouragement to them he could give them the character of being very good boys . It Avas gratifying to call to memory thoso who had sowed them in days past , and the Past Masters were obliged for the compliment , and trusted long to see such a happy state of things in
No . 23 . —The AVOESIIIPEUL MASTEE could not pass over the next toast in silence , for tho duties of the chair were most materially lightened when they had good officers . Their Treasurer , Bro . Hewlett , AVV . S invaluable , and withovit a treasurer no lodge could go on . Although last year ho wished to retire , they would not accept any such resignation , for no better Treasurer could ¦ be found ; and ou his own parfc he , the AA ' ovshipful Master , felt he must tender Bro . Hewlett , their P . M . raid Treas ., his best
thanks . Then Bro . Matthew Cooke w « s their Secretary , and Avitlioufc a good Secretary , such as they had , their meetings could not go on , nor the business bo conducted with regulavitv . The S . AV ., Bro . R . M . Smith , was absent ; but the Worshi pful Master could not forget thafc he it was who introduced hiin into Masonry in that lodge , allowed him to stop over his head , and bjconie his instructor . To him , therefore , he returned his own personal thanks , and to the junior ofiicers for their diligence and punctuality he was much obliged . —Bro . HEWLETT , P . M . and
Masonic Festivities.
Treas ., rose to return thanks for the kind way in which the AA oi-shipful Master had proposed the healths of the officers . For himself he was but one , but as the Worshipful Master had said not an unimportant one . For years the lodge had been his debtor , now they were his bankers . They could spend their own money , and he Avas proud that ifc was so . Ho was pleased at being a member , for the lodge stood independent of everything and everybody . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE , Sec , and Bro . GIBBON , J . AA \ , each returned thanks , and the brethren , after a pleasant chat , returned to town .
Obituary .
BRO . CHARLES EDAVIN STUBI 5 S . AA e have to announce the death of Bro . Charles Edwin Stubhs , of the Mercantile offices , Gresliam-stroet , which occurred on the 2 nd insfc ,, a few days after his return from Paris , where he had been busily engaged in tho formation of a branch establishment . The early age at which Bro . Stubhs died , the very short period of his illness , and the well-known character which he had gained for energetic and active habits of business , tend to make his loss
more sadly felt . His natural disposition of benevolence was constantly and unostentatiously proved by liberal acts of charity , and his kindness to the suffering poor of London during the severe winter of I 860 will not soon be forgotten . Bro . Stubbs was initiated in the Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) , on the 7 th February , I 860 . He was one of tho petitioners for the llliiEtington Lodge ( No , 1164 ) , of which he was AV . M . for the present year .
BRO . CHARLES SOUTHALL . Bro . Charles Southall died at the close of last month . He was initiated in the Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) , on the 2 nd December , 1856 , and continued a member until his death . He ivas one of the principal promoters , if not the originator , of the City of London Freemasons' Club , and tho first Master of the City of London Lodge ( No . 1203 ) . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter ( No . 206 ) , on the 25 th April , 1861 .
Poetry .
ONE HOUR AVITH YOU . BY BOB 3 IOEBI 3 . An hour with you , an hour with you , No care , or doubt , or strife , — Is worth a weary year of woe In all that sweetens life . One hour wifch you , and you , and you ,
Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again . Your eyes with love's own language free , AT our hand-grips strong and true , Your tongues , your hearts do welcome me , To spend an hour with you .
One hour with you , and yon , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .
I come when Eastern skies are bright , To work my Mason ' s due ; To labour is 1113- chief delight , And spend an hour with you . One hour with you , and you , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .
I go when evening gilds fche AVest , I breath the fond adieu ; And hope again hy fortune blest , To spend an hour with you . One hour with you , and you , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
removed Bro . Hill , AA . M ., gave the toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " " The Prince of AA ales and Roval Family , " " The M . AV . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , and the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl Do Grey and Ripon , " who he thought was the right man in the right place , and " The Present and Past Grand Officers , " coupling the same with the names of Bros . Dickie , and John Gurton , their own G . Steward—Bro . DICKIE , Asst . G . Purst . returned thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers . —Bro . GUIITON , G . Steward of the
lodge , had bufclitfcleto say , bufc so long as he was a GvandSteward from the lodge heshould take an active part in all that concerned the Craft and the welfare of No . 23 . He was as fond of Masonry as ever and had , upon principle , taken great interest in ifc for some years , and AA-hatever influence he possessed they should have the benefit of . ( Hear , hear . ) He was ever ready to attend to his duties in Grand Lodge , and should always carry them out . For the mention of his name he AVUS much obliged and hoped to meet the members of the Globe Lodge regularly for many years , to come . —Tho AA . M . said that , having met as Masons they were irlad to exercise the Masonic dutv of hosuitalitv to those
visitors who had honoured them that day wifcli their presence and , in the name of the lodge , he was proud to say he was bappy to see all of them , and tender the thanks of the lodge to them for their visit . AVith the toast he should couple the name of Bro . Comins , who , twenty-one years since , had been S . AV . of the lodge—Bro . COAIINS had , since he was last hi the Globe Lodge , travelled some 26 , 000 miles . During his progress he had been often been reminded of his mother lodgeand in distant
, lands he had wished to see ifc again . He realised that day how quickly time flew , for there was not one face he knew when he Avas a member . On behalf of the visiting brethren he was . greatly obliged to the AA . M . for his kindness in giving them such a hearty welcome , and for himself he hoped to see them again and again as a re-joining member of his old and respected mother lodge . ( Cheers ) . —Bro . AV . AVATSOJT rose to propose " The health of Bro . HillW . M . " In him the
, Globe Lodge had an excellent AV . M ., whose year of office had been so far prosperous , and he felt certain would continue so . Bro . Hill was popular in the lodgo , and had gained the good opinion of its members , for he had been zealous and efficient from the day in which ho was initiated . Bro . Watson
concluded hy proposing " The health of the AVorshipful Master . — Bro . HILL , W . M ., was obliged for the kindness shown him in that lodge . He attained his present position through one , who had a greater right to it , allowing him priority . He had been offered the chair in another lodge , bufc having given his word to attend 23 , he could do no less , seeing it was his mother lodge . He was deeply indebted to the Past Masters of the lodge for their forbearance , and returned his thanks to all the brethren for the
favourable manner in Avhich they had received the mention of his name . —The WOESHIPFUL MASTEB next gave our "Past Masters . " The Globe Lodge now stood in great prosperity owing to their exertions . For fourteen years it had been heavily in debt , but last year Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst , when he left the chair , turned over a balance in hand ; and he hoped , nay , be felt sure , to be able to do the same to his successor . The Pasfc i Masters had seen it both in adversity and prosperitand ho
y , -wished they might long Avatch its continued success . — -Bro . G . IS . BEANDON , P . M ., as the father of the Past Masters , returned thanks for the toast . It was pleasant to see the children progressing so favourably ; and if ifc was any encouragement to them he could give them the character of being very good boys . It Avas gratifying to call to memory thoso who had sowed them in days past , and the Past Masters were obliged for the compliment , and trusted long to see such a happy state of things in
No . 23 . —The AVOESIIIPEUL MASTEE could not pass over the next toast in silence , for tho duties of the chair were most materially lightened when they had good officers . Their Treasurer , Bro . Hewlett , AVV . S invaluable , and withovit a treasurer no lodge could go on . Although last year ho wished to retire , they would not accept any such resignation , for no better Treasurer could ¦ be found ; and ou his own parfc he , the AA ' ovshipful Master , felt he must tender Bro . Hewlett , their P . M . raid Treas ., his best
thanks . Then Bro . Matthew Cooke w « s their Secretary , and Avitlioufc a good Secretary , such as they had , their meetings could not go on , nor the business bo conducted with regulavitv . The S . AV ., Bro . R . M . Smith , was absent ; but the Worshi pful Master could not forget thafc he it was who introduced hiin into Masonry in that lodge , allowed him to stop over his head , and bjconie his instructor . To him , therefore , he returned his own personal thanks , and to the junior ofiicers for their diligence and punctuality he was much obliged . —Bro . HEWLETT , P . M . and
Masonic Festivities.
Treas ., rose to return thanks for the kind way in which the AA oi-shipful Master had proposed the healths of the officers . For himself he was but one , but as the Worshipful Master had said not an unimportant one . For years the lodge had been his debtor , now they were his bankers . They could spend their own money , and he Avas proud that ifc was so . Ho was pleased at being a member , for the lodge stood independent of everything and everybody . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE , Sec , and Bro . GIBBON , J . AA \ , each returned thanks , and the brethren , after a pleasant chat , returned to town .
Obituary .
BRO . CHARLES EDAVIN STUBI 5 S . AA e have to announce the death of Bro . Charles Edwin Stubhs , of the Mercantile offices , Gresliam-stroet , which occurred on the 2 nd insfc ,, a few days after his return from Paris , where he had been busily engaged in tho formation of a branch establishment . The early age at which Bro . Stubhs died , the very short period of his illness , and the well-known character which he had gained for energetic and active habits of business , tend to make his loss
more sadly felt . His natural disposition of benevolence was constantly and unostentatiously proved by liberal acts of charity , and his kindness to the suffering poor of London during the severe winter of I 860 will not soon be forgotten . Bro . Stubbs was initiated in the Old Concord Lodge ( No . 201 ) , on the 7 th February , I 860 . He was one of tho petitioners for the llliiEtington Lodge ( No , 1164 ) , of which he was AV . M . for the present year .
BRO . CHARLES SOUTHALL . Bro . Charles Southall died at the close of last month . He was initiated in the Temple Lodge ( No . 118 ) , on the 2 nd December , 1856 , and continued a member until his death . He ivas one of the principal promoters , if not the originator , of the City of London Freemasons' Club , and tho first Master of the City of London Lodge ( No . 1203 ) . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter ( No . 206 ) , on the 25 th April , 1861 .
Poetry .
ONE HOUR AVITH YOU . BY BOB 3 IOEBI 3 . An hour with you , an hour with you , No care , or doubt , or strife , — Is worth a weary year of woe In all that sweetens life . One hour wifch you , and you , and you ,
Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again . Your eyes with love's own language free , AT our hand-grips strong and true , Your tongues , your hearts do welcome me , To spend an hour with you .
One hour with you , and yon , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .
I come when Eastern skies are bright , To work my Mason ' s due ; To labour is 1113- chief delight , And spend an hour with you . One hour with you , and you , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .
I go when evening gilds fche AVest , I breath the fond adieu ; And hope again hy fortune blest , To spend an hour with you . One hour with you , and you , and you , Bright links in mystic chain ; Oh , may we oft these joys renew , And often meet again .