Article AN ORATION, ← Page 3 of 3 Article AN ORATION, Page 3 of 3
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An Oration,
t is not A'am presumption to proclaim that , like accursed "Cain , they ai-e distinguished as the outcasts of God ' s mercies , and are left on earth to live a life of punishment . "Contrast this picture with the man of benevolence Avho vieAvs the sufferings of humanity Avith an eye of pity , Avhose heart sympathises with the distress of his felloivcreatures , Avho seeks for them in the deep recesses of
misery , and in the retired hovels of poverty and woe . " As the various tools and instruments which we use in lodge are all emblematical of fche conduct ; which Masons should pursue in their intercourse Avith society , I shall , endeavour to explain to you such of them as belong to the symbolic degrees . Those of the Sublime and Ineffable Lodge , and of the higher councils , cannot be touched upon here , for reasons ' which must be evident to all .
In a symbolic lodge of Blue Masons , the first object which deserves attention is the Masonic floor on which we . tread . It is intended to convey to our minds the vicissitudes of human affairs , chequered with a strange contrariety of events—to-day elated with the smiles of prosperity , to-morrow depressed hy the frowns of misfortune . The precariousness of our situation in this world should teach us humility , to walk uprightly and firmly upon the broad basis of virtue and reli gion , and to give assistance to our unfortunate fellow-creatures who are in distress , lest on some capricious turn of fortune's wheel we may become dependants on those Avho before looked up to us as their benefactors .
The two emblamatical pillars erected in front ofthe porch of the Temple , independent of the beauty which they added to the building , conveyed to the minds of those who entered a knowledge of the attributes of that Being to whom it was dedicated . The literal translation of the left pillar is , " In Thee is strength , " and that of the right , " Ifc shall be established , " which , as a learned author observes , may very naturally he transposed in this manner : — " 0 , Lord , thou art mighty and thy power is established from everlasting to everlasting , " The name of- one of the pillars , as relating to a person , may give a different translation , which I shall point out to you on some otber occasion .
The next object Avhich demands attention is the Holy Bible with the square and compasses thereon . As these instruments remind us to keep our actions within the bounds of propriety , and to square them with all mankind , the sacred volume on which they lay contains the unerring guide for our conduct through life , as it relates fco our worship of the Supreme Master of the World and our conduct to each other . For these reasons this Book of fche Divine Law is never closed in our lodges . "Ifc
is open to every eye , and comprehensible to every mind . " The letter G Avhich ornaments the Masters' Lodge is not only expressive of the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe , but also denotes the science of geometry , so necessary to artists . Bufc the adoption of it by Masons implies no more than their respect for those inventions Avhich demonstrate to the world the power , the wisdom and beneficence of the Almihty Builder in
g "the Avorks of the creation . The blazing star is the emblem of prudence , which is one of the emanations of the Deity , agreeable to the system of ¦ " Basilides . " Ifc points out to Masons the path which leads to bappiness , and is the sure source of self-approbation . It enlightens us through the dark and rugged paths of life , and -enables us to shun the many obstacles which would impede onr
progress and embitter onr journey with pain . The three great luminaries allude to the three Masonic degrees in the symbolic lodge , and at the same time are em"blaniatical of that , effulgence Avhich should illumine the mind of a Mason , and which he can alone receive from a perfect understanding of the principles of the Order .
The white apron and gloves are also emblematical . They are worn , not merely as insignia of the Order , hut as badges of that innate innocence and purity of soul which Masons should always possess ; and in this point of view they are more honourable distinctions than any order of knighthood Avhich can be conferred . On being invested with these badges of innocence and humility , a Mason should firmly resolve to support thafc purity and integrity of heart of wliich he outwardly Avears the emblem . ffhe rule , the line , the plumb , line , the square , com-
An Oration,
passes , & c , are all emblematical of the conduct Ave should pursue in society . To observe punctuality in all our engagements , faithfully and religiously to discharge those important obligations Avhich ive owe God and our neighbour ; to he upright in all our dealings ; to hold the scale of justice in equal poise ; to square our actions by theunerring rule of God ' s sacred Avord ; to keep within compass and bounds with all mankind , particularly with a brother ; to
govern onr expenses by our incomes ; to curb our sensual appetites ; to keep within bounds those unruly passions which oftentimes interfere with the enjoyments of society , and degrade both the man and the Mason ; to recall to our minds that , in the great scale of existence , the whole family of mankind are upon a level with each other , and the only question of preference among Masons should be , who is most wise , Avho is most good . For the time will come , and none of us know how soon , Avhen death , the great leveller of all human greatness , will roh us of our distinctions and bring us to a level with the dust .-
Agreeable to the tenets of our order , the fair sex are excluded from associating wifcli us in our mystic profession , not because they are deemed unworthy of the secret , " nor because the mechanical tools of the Draft are too ponderous for them to wield , " but from a consciousness of our own Aveakness . Should they he permitted to enter the lodge , love would oftentimes enter wifcli them ; jealously would probably rankle in the hearts of the brethrenand fraternal affection be perverted into
rival-, ship . Although the most amiable and lovely part of nature's works are excluded from our meetings , yet our order protects them from the attacks of the vicious and unprincipled men . It forbids us to sacrifice the ease and peace of families for . a momentary gratification ; and it forbids us to undermine and take away that transcendent happiness from those whose hearts are united hy the bonds of sincere affection .
The feelings of women are more exquisitely fine , and their generous sympathy is more easily awakened by the misfortunes of their fellow-creatures , than the stronger sex . The soft tear of pity bedews their cheek at the tale of Avoe , and their gentle bosoms heave with tender emotions at the sight of human wretchedness . They require not the adventitious aid of mystic institutions to urge them to acts of charity and benevolence , nor the use of symbols to lead them , to virtue . Their own heai-ts are the lodges in wliich virtue presides , and the dictates of her Avill is their only incentive to action .
Although the Society of Freemasons is venerable for its antiquity , and in all ages has been respectable for its good conduct , yet it has , through falsehood and gross misrepresentations , groundlessly awakened the jealousy of some of the European states , and the obloquy of malicious tongues . Have they not been accused of being leagued together for the destruction of religion and government P Have they not been called Atheists and blasphemers , and ridiculed as the dupes of
nonsense . But while we discharge the duties and principles of our profession with integrity and truth , the envenomed shafts of malice will fall harmless at our feet , and our minds Avill feel that ease and safety which alone results from conscious virtue .
An institution which recommends submission to the laws of our country , adoration to the Supreme God of nature , universal benevolence , and every virtue Avhich can endear us to each other , which conveys instruction to the mind , and expels rancour , hatred , envy , and every unruly passion , and binds all its followers in the bond of good-will , is certainly Avorthy of praise and encouragement . SUCH IS THE SOCIETY OE FREE AXD ACCEPTED FREEMASONS .
To REPRESS a harsh answer , to confess a fault , or to stop ( right or Avrong ) in the midst of self-defence in gentle submission , sometimes requires a struggle almost like life and death ; hut these three efforts are the golden threads with which domestic happiness is interwoven ; once begin the fabric Avith this wool , and trials shall not break , or sorrow tarnish it .
" I MEA'ER kneiv any man , " says an old author , " Avho could not bear another ' s misfortunes perfectly like a Christian ; " which reminds us of the old lady Avho thought every calamity that happened to herself a trial , and every one that happened to her friends a judgment .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Oration,
t is not A'am presumption to proclaim that , like accursed "Cain , they ai-e distinguished as the outcasts of God ' s mercies , and are left on earth to live a life of punishment . "Contrast this picture with the man of benevolence Avho vieAvs the sufferings of humanity Avith an eye of pity , Avhose heart sympathises with the distress of his felloivcreatures , Avho seeks for them in the deep recesses of
misery , and in the retired hovels of poverty and woe . " As the various tools and instruments which we use in lodge are all emblematical of fche conduct ; which Masons should pursue in their intercourse Avith society , I shall , endeavour to explain to you such of them as belong to the symbolic degrees . Those of the Sublime and Ineffable Lodge , and of the higher councils , cannot be touched upon here , for reasons ' which must be evident to all .
In a symbolic lodge of Blue Masons , the first object which deserves attention is the Masonic floor on which we . tread . It is intended to convey to our minds the vicissitudes of human affairs , chequered with a strange contrariety of events—to-day elated with the smiles of prosperity , to-morrow depressed hy the frowns of misfortune . The precariousness of our situation in this world should teach us humility , to walk uprightly and firmly upon the broad basis of virtue and reli gion , and to give assistance to our unfortunate fellow-creatures who are in distress , lest on some capricious turn of fortune's wheel we may become dependants on those Avho before looked up to us as their benefactors .
The two emblamatical pillars erected in front ofthe porch of the Temple , independent of the beauty which they added to the building , conveyed to the minds of those who entered a knowledge of the attributes of that Being to whom it was dedicated . The literal translation of the left pillar is , " In Thee is strength , " and that of the right , " Ifc shall be established , " which , as a learned author observes , may very naturally he transposed in this manner : — " 0 , Lord , thou art mighty and thy power is established from everlasting to everlasting , " The name of- one of the pillars , as relating to a person , may give a different translation , which I shall point out to you on some otber occasion .
The next object Avhich demands attention is the Holy Bible with the square and compasses thereon . As these instruments remind us to keep our actions within the bounds of propriety , and to square them with all mankind , the sacred volume on which they lay contains the unerring guide for our conduct through life , as it relates fco our worship of the Supreme Master of the World and our conduct to each other . For these reasons this Book of fche Divine Law is never closed in our lodges . "Ifc
is open to every eye , and comprehensible to every mind . " The letter G Avhich ornaments the Masters' Lodge is not only expressive of the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe , but also denotes the science of geometry , so necessary to artists . Bufc the adoption of it by Masons implies no more than their respect for those inventions Avhich demonstrate to the world the power , the wisdom and beneficence of the Almihty Builder in
g "the Avorks of the creation . The blazing star is the emblem of prudence , which is one of the emanations of the Deity , agreeable to the system of ¦ " Basilides . " Ifc points out to Masons the path which leads to bappiness , and is the sure source of self-approbation . It enlightens us through the dark and rugged paths of life , and -enables us to shun the many obstacles which would impede onr
progress and embitter onr journey with pain . The three great luminaries allude to the three Masonic degrees in the symbolic lodge , and at the same time are em"blaniatical of that , effulgence Avhich should illumine the mind of a Mason , and which he can alone receive from a perfect understanding of the principles of the Order .
The white apron and gloves are also emblematical . They are worn , not merely as insignia of the Order , hut as badges of that innate innocence and purity of soul which Masons should always possess ; and in this point of view they are more honourable distinctions than any order of knighthood Avhich can be conferred . On being invested with these badges of innocence and humility , a Mason should firmly resolve to support thafc purity and integrity of heart of wliich he outwardly Avears the emblem . ffhe rule , the line , the plumb , line , the square , com-
An Oration,
passes , & c , are all emblematical of the conduct Ave should pursue in society . To observe punctuality in all our engagements , faithfully and religiously to discharge those important obligations Avhich ive owe God and our neighbour ; to he upright in all our dealings ; to hold the scale of justice in equal poise ; to square our actions by theunerring rule of God ' s sacred Avord ; to keep within compass and bounds with all mankind , particularly with a brother ; to
govern onr expenses by our incomes ; to curb our sensual appetites ; to keep within bounds those unruly passions which oftentimes interfere with the enjoyments of society , and degrade both the man and the Mason ; to recall to our minds that , in the great scale of existence , the whole family of mankind are upon a level with each other , and the only question of preference among Masons should be , who is most wise , Avho is most good . For the time will come , and none of us know how soon , Avhen death , the great leveller of all human greatness , will roh us of our distinctions and bring us to a level with the dust .-
Agreeable to the tenets of our order , the fair sex are excluded from associating wifcli us in our mystic profession , not because they are deemed unworthy of the secret , " nor because the mechanical tools of the Draft are too ponderous for them to wield , " but from a consciousness of our own Aveakness . Should they he permitted to enter the lodge , love would oftentimes enter wifcli them ; jealously would probably rankle in the hearts of the brethrenand fraternal affection be perverted into
rival-, ship . Although the most amiable and lovely part of nature's works are excluded from our meetings , yet our order protects them from the attacks of the vicious and unprincipled men . It forbids us to sacrifice the ease and peace of families for . a momentary gratification ; and it forbids us to undermine and take away that transcendent happiness from those whose hearts are united hy the bonds of sincere affection .
The feelings of women are more exquisitely fine , and their generous sympathy is more easily awakened by the misfortunes of their fellow-creatures , than the stronger sex . The soft tear of pity bedews their cheek at the tale of Avoe , and their gentle bosoms heave with tender emotions at the sight of human wretchedness . They require not the adventitious aid of mystic institutions to urge them to acts of charity and benevolence , nor the use of symbols to lead them , to virtue . Their own heai-ts are the lodges in wliich virtue presides , and the dictates of her Avill is their only incentive to action .
Although the Society of Freemasons is venerable for its antiquity , and in all ages has been respectable for its good conduct , yet it has , through falsehood and gross misrepresentations , groundlessly awakened the jealousy of some of the European states , and the obloquy of malicious tongues . Have they not been accused of being leagued together for the destruction of religion and government P Have they not been called Atheists and blasphemers , and ridiculed as the dupes of
nonsense . But while we discharge the duties and principles of our profession with integrity and truth , the envenomed shafts of malice will fall harmless at our feet , and our minds Avill feel that ease and safety which alone results from conscious virtue .
An institution which recommends submission to the laws of our country , adoration to the Supreme God of nature , universal benevolence , and every virtue Avhich can endear us to each other , which conveys instruction to the mind , and expels rancour , hatred , envy , and every unruly passion , and binds all its followers in the bond of good-will , is certainly Avorthy of praise and encouragement . SUCH IS THE SOCIETY OE FREE AXD ACCEPTED FREEMASONS .
To REPRESS a harsh answer , to confess a fault , or to stop ( right or Avrong ) in the midst of self-defence in gentle submission , sometimes requires a struggle almost like life and death ; hut these three efforts are the golden threads with which domestic happiness is interwoven ; once begin the fabric Avith this wool , and trials shall not break , or sorrow tarnish it .
" I MEA'ER kneiv any man , " says an old author , " Avho could not bear another ' s misfortunes perfectly like a Christian ; " which reminds us of the old lady Avho thought every calamity that happened to herself a trial , and every one that happened to her friends a judgment .