Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
from interfering in the civil Avar , except for the protection of British subjects . On Friday at the morning sitting , the Mersey , AVeaver , aud Irwell Protection Bill was , after some opposition on the part of Mr . Brown AA esthead , read a second time , and some progress ivas made in Committee in the consideration of the clauses of the Trade Marks Bill . . At the evening sittingMr . Layard statedin reply to Mr . Maguire ,
, , that inquiries were about to be made as to the cotton-growing capabilities of the states on the Rio de la Plata . The lion , gentleman also explained , in answer to a question from Mr . J , C . Ewart , that the French blockade of certain Mexican ports AA-ould not be strictly enforced in the case of neutral vessels . Mr . Cochrane called attention to the A-ewwincvatiou of our diplomatic servants , and moved a resolution on the subject ;
but Mr . Layard stated that ifc was impossible at the present moment to carry into effect the recommendations of the Select Committee which had considered this question . Mr . Ball made another appeal to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to remove the malt clufcy from fche shoulders of fche maltsters , but Mr . Gladstone was unable to bold out any hope to the interest of which fche hon . gentleman is the special representative . The Thames Embankment hill passed through Committee .
On Monday Lord C . Paget stated , in reply to Mr . II . Herbert , that it ivas intended to proceed with the Avorks on the steam packet pier at Holyhead . In answer to a question from Mr . J . A . Turner , Mr . Milner Gibson said that when the imports ol foreign paper became sufficiently important in quantity they AA-ould appear in the usual monthly Board of Trade returns . At present they fluctuated considerably—from 2000 cwt . in one month , to 3800 in another . Sir Charles Wood , in reply to Mr .
Smollett , said the Government intended to introduce , gradually , a permanent settlement of the land tax . m India . The right lion . Baronet added that he proposed to make his annual statement on the finances of India on Monday next . Another long discussion took place on the national defences question leading to no result . On Tuesday Lord Paliuci-ston , in reply to a question from Mr . Maguire , repeated the statement made by Lord Russell , on Monday night , that the Russian goi-ernment had determined to recognise the kingdom of Italy , and that there was reason to believe that Prussia would take a
similar step . Lord Elcho moved a resolution m favour ot affording aid and encouragement to the practice of systemntised gymnastic training in elementary schools , but the motion Avas opposed by Mr . Lowe , on the ground that the scheme of the noble Lord , if carried into effect , Avould not only entail upon the country a heavy charge , but Avould also constitute a precedent for many similar applications . After some remarks from Jlr . Adderley , the resolution Avas negatived Avithout a division .
A long debate folioAved on the question of China , in Avhich the Government defended their policy of giving a moral support to the Chinese Government against the rebels , for the protection of British interests . On Wednesday the Clergy Relief Bill brought in by Mr . Bouverie , read a second time by the House , referred to a select committee , and by them altered and made milder , came to the final stage , a third reading . No division had taken place upon it beforebut Sir L . Palk discovered that
, it Avas fraught with danger to the Church , and moved its rejection . The necessity of the measure AVUS manifested by Lord Henley , Mr . Bouverie , aud Sir G . Grey ; but on a division the third reading AVUS negatived by 98 to 88 . Mr . Newdegate niOA-ed the second rending of his Church-rate Commutation Bill , offering to refer it to a select committee . The Bill was opposed by Alderman Sidney and Sir G . Grey , and , ultimately , it was AvithdraAvn . The Roman Catholic Prisoners Bill , the second
reading of ivhich was moved by Mr . Hennessy , Avas rejected without a division ; and the second reading of the Sale of Beer Bill , introduced by Mr . AV . E . Forster , ivas esuried by a majority of three . GENEP . AL HOAIE NEWS . —The Registrar General has issued his return of the mortality of London for the last Aveek , and fche last quarter . In both Ave find the mortality is above the average
On the week the number was 1159 , which AVUS the highest rate Ave had in the month of June . For the quarter the number of deaths ivas 15 , 695 , Avhich Avas the highest Ave have had for the last four years ; the next highest being 15 , 238 . The number of children horn during the last week Avas about 70 above the corrected average . Tbe Cyrstal Palace presented and animated and interesting sight on Tuesday , in the presence of about 3000 of the charity school children of the metropolis , AV-IIO ivere taken there to enjoy a summer holiday . The day ivas beautifully Avarm and bright , and the effect both upon the children and the
The Week.
numerous visitors Avas in the highest degree enlivening . Ample provision was made forthe enjoyment of the young folks , and the musical arrangements in which they took part vvere most praiseworthy . A magnificent banquet Avas given by the Lord JIayor at the Mansion House , ou Saturday night , to the Pacha of Egypt . The company ivas unusaully brilliant , and the proceedings were of mure interest than is usual at such gatherings .
His Royal Highness entered ivith spirit into the novelties of the scene , pledging the Lord Mayor in the loving cup with great Avarmth , to tlie unsuppressed delight of the company . The speeches of Mr . Disraeli , MM . Chevalier , and his Royal Highness himself will Avell repay attention . The Pacha has since visited Liverpool and Manchester . A deputation of the subscribers to Sir John Outram ' s testimonial ivaitedupon the Indian hero , at his private residence on Friday , to present him ivith the
testimonial that has been raised in memory of his great services . The Duke of Argyll , who headed the deputation , read the address , to Avhich Sir James replied , ivith that modesty and simplicity which mark his character . AVe regret that the private manner in which the superb testimonial was presented , Avas caused by tha debilitated state of health to Avhich Sir James's long Indian residence , and his indefatigable activity therehave reduced him . Lord Palmerston
, replied to a very numerous deputation Avhich AA-aited upon him , on Saturday , to urge the claims of the Catholic University of Ireland to a charter , that he was Avholly opposed to a denominational system of education , such as thafc contemplated by the promoters of this institution . He conld not , therefore , bold out any hope that the government Avould concede fche privilege asked for . The friends of the Universitydo not , however , appear to be disheartened by the result of this
interview . They will continue their agitation , and in the course of a few days , the foundation stone of tho new college buildings -ivi 11 be laid . With respect to another Irish grievance—the withdrawal of the Galway subsidy—it is stated confidently , by two Irish papers , that there is now every reason to believe that the government Avill yield to the entreaties of the company and its supporters .- The long agitated question of a new bridge afc Blackfriars has ut length been settled . There was for a long time a dispute whether the bridge should have three or five
arches , and alter a decision ivas made in favour of the larger number , there were no feiver than five designs sent in hy as many eminent architects , at an estimated cost varying from £ 230 , 000 to £ 30 S , 000 . The Common Council of the City met list week to consider those plans , Avhich appeared all to be so admirable that one of the members jocularly suggested they could not go Avrmig if they put them all into a hat and dreiv out one at hap-haznrd . A SIIOAV of hands was taken upon the
plans in succession , and eventually the choice , of a large majority of the Council fell on the design of Mr . Cubitt , the span of whose centre arch ia 189 feet , the side arches 17 G feet , with a head-way above high Avater of 27 feet . The estimated cost is £ 265 , 000 . On Friday of last Aveek a large number of peers , members of the House of Commons , & c , accepted the invitation of the Metropolitan Board of AVorks , who were anxious to afford the members of both Houses of Parliament the
opportunity of viewing portions of tho main drainage works during their progress , " as they are of an unprecedented character , and cannot be viewed after completion . " About 120 gentlemen assembled in the tea-room of the House of Commons , when Mr . Biiziilgette , the engineer , described briefly the character of the works . The company then proceeded on board a steamer , AA-hich started from Westminster-bridge , and , calling at BlackAvall , landed many of the party AA-IIO proceeded htrain to
BOAA-, y , where they inspected the works and came on to Barking , where luncheon vras provided under a large tent , the weather being singularly unpropitious . The inspection of the northern and southern outfalls afforded unmixed gratification and surprise to all the noblemen mid gentlemen AVIIO formed the party . The magnitude of the works may be conceived from the fact thafc they will consume 800 , 000 cubic yards of concrete , 4 , 000 , 000
cubic yards of earthwork , and 300 , 000 , 000 of bricks , a large portion of the works being either finished or in a forward state . The 300-pcunder Armstrong gun ivas again tried at Shoebtiryness on Monday , against a target representing a section of the side of the iron-plated frigate Minotaur . The first three shots played sad havoc with the target , hut at the fourth round the gun gai-e way at ( he breech . This is the gun which ivas said to have been seriously damaged some time ago , when tested ivith a 901 b . charge of powder . The charge used on Monday was 501 b . Several very interesting line matches Avere de-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
from interfering in the civil Avar , except for the protection of British subjects . On Friday at the morning sitting , the Mersey , AVeaver , aud Irwell Protection Bill was , after some opposition on the part of Mr . Brown AA esthead , read a second time , and some progress ivas made in Committee in the consideration of the clauses of the Trade Marks Bill . . At the evening sittingMr . Layard statedin reply to Mr . Maguire ,
, , that inquiries were about to be made as to the cotton-growing capabilities of the states on the Rio de la Plata . The lion , gentleman also explained , in answer to a question from Mr . J , C . Ewart , that the French blockade of certain Mexican ports AA-ould not be strictly enforced in the case of neutral vessels . Mr . Cochrane called attention to the A-ewwincvatiou of our diplomatic servants , and moved a resolution on the subject ;
but Mr . Layard stated that ifc was impossible at the present moment to carry into effect the recommendations of the Select Committee which had considered this question . Mr . Ball made another appeal to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to remove the malt clufcy from fche shoulders of fche maltsters , but Mr . Gladstone was unable to bold out any hope to the interest of which fche hon . gentleman is the special representative . The Thames Embankment hill passed through Committee .
On Monday Lord C . Paget stated , in reply to Mr . II . Herbert , that it ivas intended to proceed with the Avorks on the steam packet pier at Holyhead . In answer to a question from Mr . J . A . Turner , Mr . Milner Gibson said that when the imports ol foreign paper became sufficiently important in quantity they AA-ould appear in the usual monthly Board of Trade returns . At present they fluctuated considerably—from 2000 cwt . in one month , to 3800 in another . Sir Charles Wood , in reply to Mr .
Smollett , said the Government intended to introduce , gradually , a permanent settlement of the land tax . m India . The right lion . Baronet added that he proposed to make his annual statement on the finances of India on Monday next . Another long discussion took place on the national defences question leading to no result . On Tuesday Lord Paliuci-ston , in reply to a question from Mr . Maguire , repeated the statement made by Lord Russell , on Monday night , that the Russian goi-ernment had determined to recognise the kingdom of Italy , and that there was reason to believe that Prussia would take a
similar step . Lord Elcho moved a resolution m favour ot affording aid and encouragement to the practice of systemntised gymnastic training in elementary schools , but the motion Avas opposed by Mr . Lowe , on the ground that the scheme of the noble Lord , if carried into effect , Avould not only entail upon the country a heavy charge , but Avould also constitute a precedent for many similar applications . After some remarks from Jlr . Adderley , the resolution Avas negatived Avithout a division .
A long debate folioAved on the question of China , in Avhich the Government defended their policy of giving a moral support to the Chinese Government against the rebels , for the protection of British interests . On Wednesday the Clergy Relief Bill brought in by Mr . Bouverie , read a second time by the House , referred to a select committee , and by them altered and made milder , came to the final stage , a third reading . No division had taken place upon it beforebut Sir L . Palk discovered that
, it Avas fraught with danger to the Church , and moved its rejection . The necessity of the measure AVUS manifested by Lord Henley , Mr . Bouverie , aud Sir G . Grey ; but on a division the third reading AVUS negatived by 98 to 88 . Mr . Newdegate niOA-ed the second rending of his Church-rate Commutation Bill , offering to refer it to a select committee . The Bill was opposed by Alderman Sidney and Sir G . Grey , and , ultimately , it was AvithdraAvn . The Roman Catholic Prisoners Bill , the second
reading of ivhich was moved by Mr . Hennessy , Avas rejected without a division ; and the second reading of the Sale of Beer Bill , introduced by Mr . AV . E . Forster , ivas esuried by a majority of three . GENEP . AL HOAIE NEWS . —The Registrar General has issued his return of the mortality of London for the last Aveek , and fche last quarter . In both Ave find the mortality is above the average
On the week the number was 1159 , which AVUS the highest rate Ave had in the month of June . For the quarter the number of deaths ivas 15 , 695 , Avhich Avas the highest Ave have had for the last four years ; the next highest being 15 , 238 . The number of children horn during the last week Avas about 70 above the corrected average . Tbe Cyrstal Palace presented and animated and interesting sight on Tuesday , in the presence of about 3000 of the charity school children of the metropolis , AV-IIO ivere taken there to enjoy a summer holiday . The day ivas beautifully Avarm and bright , and the effect both upon the children and the
The Week.
numerous visitors Avas in the highest degree enlivening . Ample provision was made forthe enjoyment of the young folks , and the musical arrangements in which they took part vvere most praiseworthy . A magnificent banquet Avas given by the Lord JIayor at the Mansion House , ou Saturday night , to the Pacha of Egypt . The company ivas unusaully brilliant , and the proceedings were of mure interest than is usual at such gatherings .
His Royal Highness entered ivith spirit into the novelties of the scene , pledging the Lord Mayor in the loving cup with great Avarmth , to tlie unsuppressed delight of the company . The speeches of Mr . Disraeli , MM . Chevalier , and his Royal Highness himself will Avell repay attention . The Pacha has since visited Liverpool and Manchester . A deputation of the subscribers to Sir John Outram ' s testimonial ivaitedupon the Indian hero , at his private residence on Friday , to present him ivith the
testimonial that has been raised in memory of his great services . The Duke of Argyll , who headed the deputation , read the address , to Avhich Sir James replied , ivith that modesty and simplicity which mark his character . AVe regret that the private manner in which the superb testimonial was presented , Avas caused by tha debilitated state of health to Avhich Sir James's long Indian residence , and his indefatigable activity therehave reduced him . Lord Palmerston
, replied to a very numerous deputation Avhich AA-aited upon him , on Saturday , to urge the claims of the Catholic University of Ireland to a charter , that he was Avholly opposed to a denominational system of education , such as thafc contemplated by the promoters of this institution . He conld not , therefore , bold out any hope that the government Avould concede fche privilege asked for . The friends of the Universitydo not , however , appear to be disheartened by the result of this
interview . They will continue their agitation , and in the course of a few days , the foundation stone of tho new college buildings -ivi 11 be laid . With respect to another Irish grievance—the withdrawal of the Galway subsidy—it is stated confidently , by two Irish papers , that there is now every reason to believe that the government Avill yield to the entreaties of the company and its supporters .- The long agitated question of a new bridge afc Blackfriars has ut length been settled . There was for a long time a dispute whether the bridge should have three or five
arches , and alter a decision ivas made in favour of the larger number , there were no feiver than five designs sent in hy as many eminent architects , at an estimated cost varying from £ 230 , 000 to £ 30 S , 000 . The Common Council of the City met list week to consider those plans , Avhich appeared all to be so admirable that one of the members jocularly suggested they could not go Avrmig if they put them all into a hat and dreiv out one at hap-haznrd . A SIIOAV of hands was taken upon the
plans in succession , and eventually the choice , of a large majority of the Council fell on the design of Mr . Cubitt , the span of whose centre arch ia 189 feet , the side arches 17 G feet , with a head-way above high Avater of 27 feet . The estimated cost is £ 265 , 000 . On Friday of last Aveek a large number of peers , members of the House of Commons , & c , accepted the invitation of the Metropolitan Board of AVorks , who were anxious to afford the members of both Houses of Parliament the
opportunity of viewing portions of tho main drainage works during their progress , " as they are of an unprecedented character , and cannot be viewed after completion . " About 120 gentlemen assembled in the tea-room of the House of Commons , when Mr . Biiziilgette , the engineer , described briefly the character of the works . The company then proceeded on board a steamer , AA-hich started from Westminster-bridge , and , calling at BlackAvall , landed many of the party AA-IIO proceeded htrain to
BOAA-, y , where they inspected the works and came on to Barking , where luncheon vras provided under a large tent , the weather being singularly unpropitious . The inspection of the northern and southern outfalls afforded unmixed gratification and surprise to all the noblemen mid gentlemen AVIIO formed the party . The magnitude of the works may be conceived from the fact thafc they will consume 800 , 000 cubic yards of concrete , 4 , 000 , 000
cubic yards of earthwork , and 300 , 000 , 000 of bricks , a large portion of the works being either finished or in a forward state . The 300-pcunder Armstrong gun ivas again tried at Shoebtiryness on Monday , against a target representing a section of the side of the iron-plated frigate Minotaur . The first three shots played sad havoc with the target , hut at the fourth round the gun gai-e way at ( he breech . This is the gun which ivas said to have been seriously damaged some time ago , when tested ivith a 901 b . charge of powder . The charge used on Monday was 501 b . Several very interesting line matches Avere de-