Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
cided afc AVimbledon on Saturday . There was first the contest between eleven members of the House of Lords and an equal number of members of the House of Commons . The Peers Avere victorious , —beating their opponents by 62 points . Lord Wharncliffe made the highest score—47—registered in fche match ; the next in point of merit being Lord Bury , Avho made 46 . Lord Vernon and Lord Abereorn each scored 45 ; Lord
Ducie , 43 ; Lord Bolton , 42 ; the Duke of Marlborough and Lord Somers , 39 each ; Lord Airlie , 37 ; and Lord Londesborough , 33 . Among the Commons , Lord Bury Avas folloAved by Lord Elcho , who scored 41 ; the next highest being Mr . AV . E . Forster ( Bradford ) , AVIIO marked 35 Tbe lowest number of points , 14 , appears against the name of Lord Grey de AVilton . In the Public Schools match , Harro-. v Avas victorious "; the Spencer Cup Avas Avon by Lord Eldon ( Eton ) : and the Harold
Cup by Michells , 10 th Stafford . The principal match shot for on Monday ivas that betAveen the Oxford and Cambridge Universities . After a- keen contest Cambridge proved the victors by a score of 373 over 309 on the part of Oxford . The Queen's Prize on Tuesday AA'as carried off by Sir . Pixley , of the Victoria Rifles . Another colliery accident has taken place in AVales . The uater burst into a pit near Llanelly , AA'hile the men ivereat Avork . Between forty and fifty of the AA-orkmen escaped b
y taking refuge in a shaft that had been recently sunk in another portion of the workings , but the rush of the water swept away' six men , AVIIO were drowned . Afc . Edinburgh , Lord Ardmillaii has decided against Mrs . Y elverton in the celebrated marriage case , —giving Major Yelverton his costs . Mrs . Yelverton has , decided to appeal to the Inner House of the Court of Session against this judgment . The appeal in the Irish Courts which involved
the question of a new trial , ivas argued at great length in the Court of Common Pleas some time ago , but judgment ivas not given until Monday . Mr . Justice Christian and Mr . Justice Keogh ivere in favour of a new trial , Avhile the Chief Justice and Mr . Justice Bull decided against the defendant . The result is , that for the present the verdict in the case Thelwall v . Teloerion stands good . Mrs . Theresa Yelverton is thus made to occupy an embarrassing position . According to Lord Archnillan , neither the Scotch nor the Irish marriage AVUS valid ;
Avhile the decision of the Irish jury , that both were legal , remains undisturbed . The Avhole matter Avill probably come before tbe House of Lords . Some sensation has been produced in Leicestershire , by the mysterious disappearance of Mr . Winstanley , of Braiinsfcone Hall , the high sheriff of that county . He appears to have gone to Folkestone on the 10 th of June , to meet his mother and sister , AVIIO ivere expected to arrive from the Continent on the following day . On the llth he left his
hotel to go to the Post-office . He did not return , and since that time nothinghas been seenorheardof him , although the most strenuous efforts have been made to unravel the mystery of his disappearance . Mr . AA'instanley is about thirty years of age . The Middlesex magistrates met in session on Tuesday , Avhen a prisoner named Harrison , in whose possession were found a great many ivatches , the produce of several robberies—most of them
at the Epsom races—was put on his trial . His defence ivas that tbe ivatches ivere brought to him in the ivay of his trade as a Avorking goldsmith by parties Ai'hom he did not know , and into whose character he said it ivas not the custom of his trade to inquire . The jury , in disregard of his ingenious defence , found him guilty , and he ivas sentenced to penal servitude for ten years . The body of another of the supposed victims of
the woman Wilson has been exhumed afc Boston . It appears that Allison , who is at present in custody on the charge of poisoning Mrs . Atkinson , of Kirkby Lbnsda ' le , ivas housekeeper to Mr . Mawer , of Boston , Avho died in 185-4 , bequeathing to her the whole of his property , She prepared and handed to him the whole of his food ; and ifc ivas stated by two of the medical men , at the inquest which was opened on Thursday iveek , that the
symptoms attending his last illness were those ivhich would be observable in a case of poisoning by arsenic . The inquest ivas adjourned , and in the meantime an examination of the body will be made , and the viscera sent to Professor laylor for analysis . There ivere two trials for murder at fche Central Criminal Court on Wednesday—one of Mrs . Vyse for poisoning her childrenand the other of for
, James Lawrence killing his sweetheart at Hendon . . In Mrs . Vyse's case the deteiice set np was insanity , and a number of witnesses were called who proved not only that several members of her family had been insane , hut that she had shoivn symptoms of insanity immediatel y before poisoning her children . The jury accepted
The Week.
the defence , and found her not guilty of murder . She ivill , of course , be confined as a criminal lunatic . In the case of Lawrence , who had in a fit of jealously cut the throat of his sweetheart , and then endeavoured to commit suicide by shooting himself , the jury found him guilty , but recommended him to mercy . He AVUS sentenced to death , anil the judge , Avhile holding out no hope of mercypromised to forward the
recommenda-, tion of the jury to the proper quarter . The prisoner had to be supported by tivo turnkeys while receiving judgment . . A shocking case of murder and suicide startled the neighbourhood of Shadwell on Saturday . A Spaniard , who had come over from Harannah with a good deal of money in his possession , ivas inveighled into one of the haunts of infamy thafc abound in the neihbourhood of the shiing ivharves . He
g pp stayed ivith an Irish girl for about six weeks , till his money Avas gone , and then she and the landlady of the house wanted to get rid of him . He became infuriated and drew a dagger , when the girl rushed down stairs , but he folloived and stabbed her several times . She fell dead on the stairs . The police Avere sent for , but the wretched man rushed back into his own room and blew
out his brains with a pistol . Yet another death by the incautious use of firearms . A Avoman in [ Salford has been shot by her husband , who , there is every reason to believe , had no intention of doing so , merely pointing at her to frighten her . A private of the 60 th Rifles is in custody afc Portsmouth , on suspicion of having attempted on Sunday night last , to assassinate the Colonel or one of the other officers of his regiment . The Federal corvette Tuscarorawhich ivas despatched some
, time ago to capture the Confederate cruisers Sumter and Nashville , and which failed to make a prize of either of those daring marauders , made her appearance again at Southampton on Mondry . Nothing seems to be knoAvn as to the object of her visit . A shocking murder Avas committed by a lunatic at the village of Preston , near Weymouth , on Tuesday . The doctor AVIIO attended the insane man , had incautiously expressed in his hearing
an intention to have him removed to the county asylum , Avhen tho patient , watching his opportunity , knocked the surgeon , ivho was an elderly man , doivn , murdered him , and mutilated his body in a horrible manner . An examination and inquest were made yesterday , and the prisoner committed for trial . —¦—A murder , not surpassed by any that has of late occured for the barbarity of its details , or fche mystery of its perpetration , Avas committed
in GlasgoAv last AA-eek , though it ivas not knoivn till Monday afternoon . There ivas only one inmate in the house besides the murdered woman—a gentleman of 87—the rest of the family being at the sea-side ; and strange to say , though the old man says he w-as awakened in the course of Friday night hy screams , and , though he was obliged to prepare his own meals on Saturday , Sunday , and Monday , it never occurred to him to make any seach , or to complain to the neighbours of the servant ' s
disappearance . On Monday the servant ' s body ivas found in her room , frightfully disfigured , with abundant traces of a desperate struggle having taken place , but there is no clue to the murderer . FOEEIGN INTELLIGENCE . —It is stated that deputations from the millowners of Rouen and Lille , have ivaited upon the Emperor Napoleon for the purpose of representing to him that the dearth of cotton will compel all to close their mills , and some to stop paymentand of urging him to devise some remedy for
, their distress . In the Italian Chamber of Deputies on Sunday , Signor Ratazzi emphatically renewed his former denial that the French Cabinent had ever proposed that the Italian Government should take a part in the expedition to Mexico . ! ' here ivas , Signor Rafcazzi said , no foundation whatever for the rumours ivhich had been circulated on the subject . The King of Portugal has formally nnnounced to his ministerial
council his approaching marriage with the daughter of the King of Italy . The marriage AVI'U take place , it is believed , iu the end of September , and the King of Portugal himself ivill come to Turin for the purpose . Almost as soon as the Grand Duke Constantine arrived at Warsaiv to assume the viceroyalt y of Poland an attempt was made to assassinate him . On Thursday iveek , after the Grand Duke had quitted the theatre , and
AA'hile he ivas stepping into his carriage , a man , named Jaroszinski , a tailor ' s apprentice , fired a revolver at him . The ball grazed the Grand Duke's shoulder bone , but the wound was so slight that he was able to transact business on the folloiving day , and his health , according to an official telegram , " continues in fche most favourable condition . " The assassin was immediately arrested . The Grand Duke , in replying , on Sunday , to an address from fche clergy and authorities of Warsaiv , declared that he did not attribute the late attempt on his life to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
cided afc AVimbledon on Saturday . There was first the contest between eleven members of the House of Lords and an equal number of members of the House of Commons . The Peers Avere victorious , —beating their opponents by 62 points . Lord Wharncliffe made the highest score—47—registered in fche match ; the next in point of merit being Lord Bury , Avho made 46 . Lord Vernon and Lord Abereorn each scored 45 ; Lord
Ducie , 43 ; Lord Bolton , 42 ; the Duke of Marlborough and Lord Somers , 39 each ; Lord Airlie , 37 ; and Lord Londesborough , 33 . Among the Commons , Lord Bury Avas folloAved by Lord Elcho , who scored 41 ; the next highest being Mr . AV . E . Forster ( Bradford ) , AVIIO marked 35 Tbe lowest number of points , 14 , appears against the name of Lord Grey de AVilton . In the Public Schools match , Harro-. v Avas victorious "; the Spencer Cup Avas Avon by Lord Eldon ( Eton ) : and the Harold
Cup by Michells , 10 th Stafford . The principal match shot for on Monday ivas that betAveen the Oxford and Cambridge Universities . After a- keen contest Cambridge proved the victors by a score of 373 over 309 on the part of Oxford . The Queen's Prize on Tuesday AA'as carried off by Sir . Pixley , of the Victoria Rifles . Another colliery accident has taken place in AVales . The uater burst into a pit near Llanelly , AA'hile the men ivereat Avork . Between forty and fifty of the AA-orkmen escaped b
y taking refuge in a shaft that had been recently sunk in another portion of the workings , but the rush of the water swept away' six men , AVIIO were drowned . Afc . Edinburgh , Lord Ardmillaii has decided against Mrs . Y elverton in the celebrated marriage case , —giving Major Yelverton his costs . Mrs . Yelverton has , decided to appeal to the Inner House of the Court of Session against this judgment . The appeal in the Irish Courts which involved
the question of a new trial , ivas argued at great length in the Court of Common Pleas some time ago , but judgment ivas not given until Monday . Mr . Justice Christian and Mr . Justice Keogh ivere in favour of a new trial , Avhile the Chief Justice and Mr . Justice Bull decided against the defendant . The result is , that for the present the verdict in the case Thelwall v . Teloerion stands good . Mrs . Theresa Yelverton is thus made to occupy an embarrassing position . According to Lord Archnillan , neither the Scotch nor the Irish marriage AVUS valid ;
Avhile the decision of the Irish jury , that both were legal , remains undisturbed . The Avhole matter Avill probably come before tbe House of Lords . Some sensation has been produced in Leicestershire , by the mysterious disappearance of Mr . Winstanley , of Braiinsfcone Hall , the high sheriff of that county . He appears to have gone to Folkestone on the 10 th of June , to meet his mother and sister , AVIIO ivere expected to arrive from the Continent on the following day . On the llth he left his
hotel to go to the Post-office . He did not return , and since that time nothinghas been seenorheardof him , although the most strenuous efforts have been made to unravel the mystery of his disappearance . Mr . AA'instanley is about thirty years of age . The Middlesex magistrates met in session on Tuesday , Avhen a prisoner named Harrison , in whose possession were found a great many ivatches , the produce of several robberies—most of them
at the Epsom races—was put on his trial . His defence ivas that tbe ivatches ivere brought to him in the ivay of his trade as a Avorking goldsmith by parties Ai'hom he did not know , and into whose character he said it ivas not the custom of his trade to inquire . The jury , in disregard of his ingenious defence , found him guilty , and he ivas sentenced to penal servitude for ten years . The body of another of the supposed victims of
the woman Wilson has been exhumed afc Boston . It appears that Allison , who is at present in custody on the charge of poisoning Mrs . Atkinson , of Kirkby Lbnsda ' le , ivas housekeeper to Mr . Mawer , of Boston , Avho died in 185-4 , bequeathing to her the whole of his property , She prepared and handed to him the whole of his food ; and ifc ivas stated by two of the medical men , at the inquest which was opened on Thursday iveek , that the
symptoms attending his last illness were those ivhich would be observable in a case of poisoning by arsenic . The inquest ivas adjourned , and in the meantime an examination of the body will be made , and the viscera sent to Professor laylor for analysis . There ivere two trials for murder at fche Central Criminal Court on Wednesday—one of Mrs . Vyse for poisoning her childrenand the other of for
, James Lawrence killing his sweetheart at Hendon . . In Mrs . Vyse's case the deteiice set np was insanity , and a number of witnesses were called who proved not only that several members of her family had been insane , hut that she had shoivn symptoms of insanity immediatel y before poisoning her children . The jury accepted
The Week.
the defence , and found her not guilty of murder . She ivill , of course , be confined as a criminal lunatic . In the case of Lawrence , who had in a fit of jealously cut the throat of his sweetheart , and then endeavoured to commit suicide by shooting himself , the jury found him guilty , but recommended him to mercy . He AVUS sentenced to death , anil the judge , Avhile holding out no hope of mercypromised to forward the
recommenda-, tion of the jury to the proper quarter . The prisoner had to be supported by tivo turnkeys while receiving judgment . . A shocking case of murder and suicide startled the neighbourhood of Shadwell on Saturday . A Spaniard , who had come over from Harannah with a good deal of money in his possession , ivas inveighled into one of the haunts of infamy thafc abound in the neihbourhood of the shiing ivharves . He
g pp stayed ivith an Irish girl for about six weeks , till his money Avas gone , and then she and the landlady of the house wanted to get rid of him . He became infuriated and drew a dagger , when the girl rushed down stairs , but he folloived and stabbed her several times . She fell dead on the stairs . The police Avere sent for , but the wretched man rushed back into his own room and blew
out his brains with a pistol . Yet another death by the incautious use of firearms . A Avoman in [ Salford has been shot by her husband , who , there is every reason to believe , had no intention of doing so , merely pointing at her to frighten her . A private of the 60 th Rifles is in custody afc Portsmouth , on suspicion of having attempted on Sunday night last , to assassinate the Colonel or one of the other officers of his regiment . The Federal corvette Tuscarorawhich ivas despatched some
, time ago to capture the Confederate cruisers Sumter and Nashville , and which failed to make a prize of either of those daring marauders , made her appearance again at Southampton on Mondry . Nothing seems to be knoAvn as to the object of her visit . A shocking murder Avas committed by a lunatic at the village of Preston , near Weymouth , on Tuesday . The doctor AVIIO attended the insane man , had incautiously expressed in his hearing
an intention to have him removed to the county asylum , Avhen tho patient , watching his opportunity , knocked the surgeon , ivho was an elderly man , doivn , murdered him , and mutilated his body in a horrible manner . An examination and inquest were made yesterday , and the prisoner committed for trial . —¦—A murder , not surpassed by any that has of late occured for the barbarity of its details , or fche mystery of its perpetration , Avas committed
in GlasgoAv last AA-eek , though it ivas not knoivn till Monday afternoon . There ivas only one inmate in the house besides the murdered woman—a gentleman of 87—the rest of the family being at the sea-side ; and strange to say , though the old man says he w-as awakened in the course of Friday night hy screams , and , though he was obliged to prepare his own meals on Saturday , Sunday , and Monday , it never occurred to him to make any seach , or to complain to the neighbours of the servant ' s
disappearance . On Monday the servant ' s body ivas found in her room , frightfully disfigured , with abundant traces of a desperate struggle having taken place , but there is no clue to the murderer . FOEEIGN INTELLIGENCE . —It is stated that deputations from the millowners of Rouen and Lille , have ivaited upon the Emperor Napoleon for the purpose of representing to him that the dearth of cotton will compel all to close their mills , and some to stop paymentand of urging him to devise some remedy for
, their distress . In the Italian Chamber of Deputies on Sunday , Signor Ratazzi emphatically renewed his former denial that the French Cabinent had ever proposed that the Italian Government should take a part in the expedition to Mexico . ! ' here ivas , Signor Rafcazzi said , no foundation whatever for the rumours ivhich had been circulated on the subject . The King of Portugal has formally nnnounced to his ministerial
council his approaching marriage with the daughter of the King of Italy . The marriage AVI'U take place , it is believed , iu the end of September , and the King of Portugal himself ivill come to Turin for the purpose . Almost as soon as the Grand Duke Constantine arrived at Warsaiv to assume the viceroyalt y of Poland an attempt was made to assassinate him . On Thursday iveek , after the Grand Duke had quitted the theatre , and
AA'hile he ivas stepping into his carriage , a man , named Jaroszinski , a tailor ' s apprentice , fired a revolver at him . The ball grazed the Grand Duke's shoulder bone , but the wound was so slight that he was able to transact business on the folloiving day , and his health , according to an official telegram , " continues in fche most favourable condition . " The assassin was immediately arrested . The Grand Duke , in replying , on Sunday , to an address from fche clergy and authorities of Warsaiv , declared that he did not attribute the late attempt on his life to