Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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follows : —Bros . J . Gnerson , S . W . ; D . Roberts , J . W . ; the Rev . M . A . Pierpoint , Chap . ; Robinson , Sec ; F . Roche , S . D . ; N . Marks , J . D ., and J . Lewis , I . G . Bro . N . B . Calder , P . M . 43 , was theu unanimously elected Treasurer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Angel Hotel , which was served in Bro . Cousins' best style . The customary toasts were given and responded to , and a most agreeable evening Avas spent .
MOTIIEE KILWINNING . —The resident members of this venerable lodge will recognise , in the report of the hall given at Oxford last week by the Apollo University , No , 460 , the names of two of their brethren by affiliation among the stewards , under whose direction the arrangements of that gay assembly were carried oufc . -Bro . Alscounfc Ingestre was affiliated into Mother Kilwinning iu October , 1859 , and acted as D . Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire at the inauguration of the monument erected
in Ayr to the memory of tbe gallant General Neill . Little more than a year ago we had the pleasure , while holding the Junior Warden ' s chair afc Kilwinning , of assisting afc the affiliation of Bro . the Hon . Lord W . North , and spent a very pleasant evening in his company . Our Prov . G-. M ., Bro . Sir James Fergusson , M . P ., also hails from the Apollo University , and was affiliated into the Mother Lodge some three or four years ago . Seeing the great interest these distinguished brethren continue
to take in the prosperity of their Mother Lodge , our Oxford brethren will not grudge old Mother Kilwinning the pleasure of an occasional visifc from the sons of fche Apollo University . ATE . —Bro . George Bryce Brown , of St . James ' s , Edinburgh , No . 97 , has been appointed to a seat in the Grand Lodge of Scotland as Proxy Master of Ayr Kilwinning , No . 124 . Bro . Brown , who is well recommended , is by profession an architect , and nephew of the Grand Architect , Bro . Bryce .
( From the Indian Fteemasom' Friend . ) CAAVNPOEE . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 641 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 2 nd April , at the Freemasons' Hall . The ' brethren being assembled , the lodge was opened in antient form afc half-past seven F . TII . : —Bros . E . Mackintosh , AV . M . ; F . J . Jordan , S . W . ; S . Allen , J . AV . The minutes of last meeting liaving been read and confirmed in the
usual manner , the written applications of Messrs . Leslie , Fagau , Haworth , and Clerk ( who , at the previous meeting , had been regularly proposed and seconded ) , were balloted for , and being approved , were prepared in form and regularly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . Mackintosh , ably assisted hy his AA ardens . The candidates liaving been brought to light , instructed in the mysteries , and the working tools explained to them , were permitted to retire , while the rest of the brethren
were called from labour to refreshment , for a few minutes . Lodge being again called to labour , the antient charges were ably delivered to the young craftsmen . The ceremony of initiation being concluded , the usual business of the lodge was resumed . CALCUTTA . —Lodge Star in the Fast ( No . 80 ) , met on the 23 rd April , when Mr . Thomas Muir , of Lodge No . 126 , was elected to membershipand Mr . Herman Rhodius was initiated .
, LODGE INDUSTEX AND PEESEVEEENCE ( No . 156 ) met on the 16 th April , instead of on its regular night , which was Good Friday . Relief was granted to the widow of a Scotch Mason . The lodge met again on fche 2 nd May , when an application for relief , made by the Howrah Lodge ( No . 28-1 ) , on behalf of the widow of a Mason , was read and referred to the Permanent Comniittee . LODGE HUAIILITY AND FOETITUDE ( NO . 279 ) met on the
21 st April , to initiate Mr . Flindell , Superintendent Telegraph Department , E . I . Railway , and to elect fco membership Bro . Wm . Haselden Cowley , of fche Gihon Lodge ( No . 57 ) , London , and Bro . Henry Blumhardt Greaves , of the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Nubia . 'This seems a favourite lodge for persons in the Peninsular and Oriental Company ' s service . Bro . Cowlay Avas also raised to the third Degree . The lodge met again on the 5 th May , when three canditates were initiated , and " a donation
of sixty-four rupees was given to the widow of a Mason , on the recommendation of the Lodge at Howrah . LODGE MAEINE ( NO . 282 ) , gave an entertainment last month , at which several of the Provincial Grand Officers were present . The D . Prov . G . M . was not well enough to attend . The lodge met again on the 12 th May , for the purpose of passing anil raising two brethren , and of taking into consideration a recommendation of its Permanent Committee to increase the quarterly
payments of its members , and a communication from the Provincial Grand Treasurer regarding the contributions of lodges or fcheir representatives to the Grand Officers' Banqueting Fund . LODGE COUEAGE AVITH HUJIANITY ( NO . 551 ) , met on the 24 th April , to elect to membership Bro . Fenwick , of the Euphrates Lodge ( No . 257 ) London , and to initiate three candidates ; and again on the 8 th May , for two initiations . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) , met on the llth April , when
Bro . Burkett , C . S-, was passed to the second degree by the Past Master , Bro . Jno . AA . Brown ; and Bro . P . P . John was invested with the collar of Senior Deacon . DUM-DUAL—Lodge St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , met on the 7 th May , when Bro . G . T . Davis , Master of lodge No . 126 , was elected to membership by acclamation , and certain alterations in bye-laws . CALCUTTA . —Chapter Holy Zion ( No . 551 . )—A convocation of tin ' s chapter wns holden on the 12 th April , when Comp . R .
M . AVihrow , of Chapter Hope , was ballotted for and accepted as a joining member . Bros . Beatson , Rambart , Saxton , Bremner , Smits , Harrison , and Brookes , being candidates for Royal Arch , were also ballotted for , aud duly exalted to that sublime degree , V . E . Comp . Jno . Wm . Brown assisting in the ceremony as usual . Comp . Linton then proposed that , for the very frequent and alle assistance Comp . Brown had rendered to the Chapter , he be elected an honorary Principal of Holy Zion ,
which , being seconded by Comp . Harris , was put to the vote aud carried unanimously by acclamation . Comp . Linton also proposed Comp . C . . 1 . Davis as a joining member , and as this Companion was a ruler in the Craft , being the AVorshipful Master of the lodge . Industry and Perseverance , he suggested thafc the Chapter might elect by acclammation , which was carried unanimously . Comp . Hales proposed Comp . Lindsay as a joining member , seconded by Comp . Linton , and directed to
be circulated in the precepts for the next convocation of the Chapter . Comp . Hamilton having resigned the office of Principal H ., Comp . Linton was elected by acclamation as his successor . Comp . AV . B . Collins was likewise elected to the 3 rd chair , and Comp . C . J . Evans as Principal Sojourner , Comp . I . L . Taylor , as Scribe N ., the Janitor , Comp . D . J . Daniel , being re-appointed to continue in the office , the duties of Avhich he had so long and so ably performed to the satisfaction of the Chapter . Grand Chapter Certificates were delivered to Coinps . H . B . AA eston , J . H . Linton , 0 . B . Andrews , and E . J . Hasken .
Knights Templar.
NEAVCASTLE-ON-TVNE . — lioyal Kent Encampment . — This ancient Conclave was opened on the 4 th July , by the E . G ., Sir Knight C . J . Banister . Pr . 1 st Grand Aide of the Grand Encampment , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . G . Ludwig ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . H , Hotham ; Sir Kiit . Rev . Samuel Athenton , 1 st Captain ; Sir Knt . H . A . Hammerbom , Registrar ; Sir Knt . Rosenberg , Expert ; Sir Knfc . E . Shofcfcen , Captain of Lines and the rest of the Officers . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The 1 st captain proposed a candidate for installation which was duly seconded , " and the business over , it was closed in solemn form .
Masonic Festivities.
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —Summer Banquet . —The members of this red apron lodge met at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Tuesday , the first instant , for their regular summer banquet , The WM . Bro . F . . ) . Hill , and about thirty of the members were present in addition to the following visitors , viz .: —Bros . Exall , 169 ; John Lane , 219 ; I . King , 447 ; George Eandle , 437 ; T . G . Dickie , Asst . G . Purst . ; R . Comins , late of 23 ; F . Cant , 1104 ; AV . H . AA arr , 281 ; Isimbiel , 1122 ; Palmer , Thompson , and Ilandford , 1044 . After the cloth hud been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
follows : —Bros . J . Gnerson , S . W . ; D . Roberts , J . W . ; the Rev . M . A . Pierpoint , Chap . ; Robinson , Sec ; F . Roche , S . D . ; N . Marks , J . D ., and J . Lewis , I . G . Bro . N . B . Calder , P . M . 43 , was theu unanimously elected Treasurer , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Angel Hotel , which was served in Bro . Cousins' best style . The customary toasts were given and responded to , and a most agreeable evening Avas spent .
MOTIIEE KILWINNING . —The resident members of this venerable lodge will recognise , in the report of the hall given at Oxford last week by the Apollo University , No , 460 , the names of two of their brethren by affiliation among the stewards , under whose direction the arrangements of that gay assembly were carried oufc . -Bro . Alscounfc Ingestre was affiliated into Mother Kilwinning iu October , 1859 , and acted as D . Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire at the inauguration of the monument erected
in Ayr to the memory of tbe gallant General Neill . Little more than a year ago we had the pleasure , while holding the Junior Warden ' s chair afc Kilwinning , of assisting afc the affiliation of Bro . the Hon . Lord W . North , and spent a very pleasant evening in his company . Our Prov . G-. M ., Bro . Sir James Fergusson , M . P ., also hails from the Apollo University , and was affiliated into the Mother Lodge some three or four years ago . Seeing the great interest these distinguished brethren continue
to take in the prosperity of their Mother Lodge , our Oxford brethren will not grudge old Mother Kilwinning the pleasure of an occasional visifc from the sons of fche Apollo University . ATE . —Bro . George Bryce Brown , of St . James ' s , Edinburgh , No . 97 , has been appointed to a seat in the Grand Lodge of Scotland as Proxy Master of Ayr Kilwinning , No . 124 . Bro . Brown , who is well recommended , is by profession an architect , and nephew of the Grand Architect , Bro . Bryce .
( From the Indian Fteemasom' Friend . ) CAAVNPOEE . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 641 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 2 nd April , at the Freemasons' Hall . The ' brethren being assembled , the lodge was opened in antient form afc half-past seven F . TII . : —Bros . E . Mackintosh , AV . M . ; F . J . Jordan , S . W . ; S . Allen , J . AV . The minutes of last meeting liaving been read and confirmed in the
usual manner , the written applications of Messrs . Leslie , Fagau , Haworth , and Clerk ( who , at the previous meeting , had been regularly proposed and seconded ) , were balloted for , and being approved , were prepared in form and regularly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . Mackintosh , ably assisted hy his AA ardens . The candidates liaving been brought to light , instructed in the mysteries , and the working tools explained to them , were permitted to retire , while the rest of the brethren
were called from labour to refreshment , for a few minutes . Lodge being again called to labour , the antient charges were ably delivered to the young craftsmen . The ceremony of initiation being concluded , the usual business of the lodge was resumed . CALCUTTA . —Lodge Star in the Fast ( No . 80 ) , met on the 23 rd April , when Mr . Thomas Muir , of Lodge No . 126 , was elected to membershipand Mr . Herman Rhodius was initiated .
, LODGE INDUSTEX AND PEESEVEEENCE ( No . 156 ) met on the 16 th April , instead of on its regular night , which was Good Friday . Relief was granted to the widow of a Scotch Mason . The lodge met again on fche 2 nd May , when an application for relief , made by the Howrah Lodge ( No . 28-1 ) , on behalf of the widow of a Mason , was read and referred to the Permanent Comniittee . LODGE HUAIILITY AND FOETITUDE ( NO . 279 ) met on the
21 st April , to initiate Mr . Flindell , Superintendent Telegraph Department , E . I . Railway , and to elect fco membership Bro . Wm . Haselden Cowley , of fche Gihon Lodge ( No . 57 ) , London , and Bro . Henry Blumhardt Greaves , of the Peninsular and Oriental steamer Nubia . 'This seems a favourite lodge for persons in the Peninsular and Oriental Company ' s service . Bro . Cowlay Avas also raised to the third Degree . The lodge met again on the 5 th May , when three canditates were initiated , and " a donation
of sixty-four rupees was given to the widow of a Mason , on the recommendation of the Lodge at Howrah . LODGE MAEINE ( NO . 282 ) , gave an entertainment last month , at which several of the Provincial Grand Officers were present . The D . Prov . G . M . was not well enough to attend . The lodge met again on the 12 th May , for the purpose of passing anil raising two brethren , and of taking into consideration a recommendation of its Permanent Committee to increase the quarterly
payments of its members , and a communication from the Provincial Grand Treasurer regarding the contributions of lodges or fcheir representatives to the Grand Officers' Banqueting Fund . LODGE COUEAGE AVITH HUJIANITY ( NO . 551 ) , met on the 24 th April , to elect to membership Bro . Fenwick , of the Euphrates Lodge ( No . 257 ) London , and to initiate three candidates ; and again on the 8 th May , for two initiations . LODGE ST . JOHN ( NO . 715 ) , met on the llth April , when
Bro . Burkett , C . S-, was passed to the second degree by the Past Master , Bro . Jno . AA . Brown ; and Bro . P . P . John was invested with the collar of Senior Deacon . DUM-DUAL—Lodge St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , met on the 7 th May , when Bro . G . T . Davis , Master of lodge No . 126 , was elected to membership by acclamation , and certain alterations in bye-laws . CALCUTTA . —Chapter Holy Zion ( No . 551 . )—A convocation of tin ' s chapter wns holden on the 12 th April , when Comp . R .
M . AVihrow , of Chapter Hope , was ballotted for and accepted as a joining member . Bros . Beatson , Rambart , Saxton , Bremner , Smits , Harrison , and Brookes , being candidates for Royal Arch , were also ballotted for , aud duly exalted to that sublime degree , V . E . Comp . Jno . Wm . Brown assisting in the ceremony as usual . Comp . Linton then proposed that , for the very frequent and alle assistance Comp . Brown had rendered to the Chapter , he be elected an honorary Principal of Holy Zion ,
which , being seconded by Comp . Harris , was put to the vote aud carried unanimously by acclamation . Comp . Linton also proposed Comp . C . . 1 . Davis as a joining member , and as this Companion was a ruler in the Craft , being the AVorshipful Master of the lodge . Industry and Perseverance , he suggested thafc the Chapter might elect by acclammation , which was carried unanimously . Comp . Hales proposed Comp . Lindsay as a joining member , seconded by Comp . Linton , and directed to
be circulated in the precepts for the next convocation of the Chapter . Comp . Hamilton having resigned the office of Principal H ., Comp . Linton was elected by acclamation as his successor . Comp . AV . B . Collins was likewise elected to the 3 rd chair , and Comp . C . J . Evans as Principal Sojourner , Comp . I . L . Taylor , as Scribe N ., the Janitor , Comp . D . J . Daniel , being re-appointed to continue in the office , the duties of Avhich he had so long and so ably performed to the satisfaction of the Chapter . Grand Chapter Certificates were delivered to Coinps . H . B . AA eston , J . H . Linton , 0 . B . Andrews , and E . J . Hasken .
Knights Templar.
NEAVCASTLE-ON-TVNE . — lioyal Kent Encampment . — This ancient Conclave was opened on the 4 th July , by the E . G ., Sir Knight C . J . Banister . Pr . 1 st Grand Aide of the Grand Encampment , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . G . Ludwig ; P . E . C . Sir Knt . H , Hotham ; Sir Kiit . Rev . Samuel Athenton , 1 st Captain ; Sir Knt . H . A . Hammerbom , Registrar ; Sir Knt . Rosenberg , Expert ; Sir Knfc . E . Shofcfcen , Captain of Lines and the rest of the Officers . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The 1 st captain proposed a candidate for installation which was duly seconded , " and the business over , it was closed in solemn form .
Masonic Festivities.
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —Summer Banquet . —The members of this red apron lodge met at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Tuesday , the first instant , for their regular summer banquet , The WM . Bro . F . . ) . Hill , and about thirty of the members were present in addition to the following visitors , viz .: —Bros . Exall , 169 ; John Lane , 219 ; I . King , 447 ; George Eandle , 437 ; T . G . Dickie , Asst . G . Purst . ; R . Comins , late of 23 ; F . Cant , 1104 ; AV . H . AA arr , 281 ; Isimbiel , 1122 ; Palmer , Thompson , and Ilandford , 1044 . After the cloth hud been