Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Channel Islands.
two AVardens . The Installing Master then proclaimed the R . W . Bro . Col . Ed . 0 . Matet de Carteret as Prov . Grand Master for the Province of Jersey , when all Masonic honours were paid to him . The same officer heartily congratulated the Prov . G . M . upon bis accession to the high office . Tho Prov . G 31 ., in a feeling speech , expressed his sense of the honour that had been conferred upon him , and thanked the brethren for their attendance . He said he was fully determined to do his duty to
the Craft as far as it was in his power , and he hoped that the province would hereafter occupy its due position among the provinces ofthe land . The Prov . G . M . announced to the brethren , that it wai wiih peculiar pleasure he appointed as his Deputy , AV . Bro . J . Le Cronier , M . D ., for he believed , that there was no one who would hesitate to bear testimony to the uniform courtesy with which he had carried out the Masonic duties of his several
offices . On that account he felt , that in appointing him his Deputy , he was appointing a brother who might be said to be held in the highest possible esteem that a man can attain . The patent was then handed to the secretary aud read ; Bro . Dr . Le Cronier was installed by AV . Bro . J . 0 . Le Sueur , duly proclaimed Prov . D . G . M . and saluted accordingly . The brethren next proceeded to the election of a brother to fill the office of P . G . Treas . for the year , when Bro . P . AV . Benham was
proposed , seconded and unanimously elected to fill that important and responsible office . The following appointments of Prov . G . Officers were then made , and such as were present were duly invested : Bros Ed . D . Le Courteur , S . AV . ; J . G . Scott , J . AV . ; Rev . F . A . Rey , Chap . ; P . W . Benham , Treas . ; AVm . Adams , Reg . ; A . Schmitt , Sec . ; J . O . Le Sueur , J . D . ; Fothcrgill , M . D . S . D . ; Ph . Le Sueur , Supt . of Works ; H . L . Manuel , Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . \ V . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas , P . M ., Sword Bearer ; M . Tracy , Assist . Sec ; Ed . Lott , Org . ; Colonel
Miller , Purst . Stewards : —Bros . F . Baker , ( Serj . Major , R . A . ) 244 ; Ph . Blampied , 245 ; R . Barrow , ( Serj . R . A . ) 49 l " ; A Vict , W . M . 590 ; Fred . Cooke , J . AV . 877 ; Alex . Low , i ! f . X > . 958 ; Toms , Tyler . Letters received from Bros A . 'Guepin , M . D . Yen . of Lodge Mars et les Arts , ( Nantes ) , M . Villiers , M . D . Veil . of Lodge Nature et Philanthropic , ( Lorient ) , highly congratulating the province on the appointment of such a worthy brother to the post of P . G . M . expressing their Masonic sympathies with
, the Jersey lodges , at the same time deeply regretting their inability to send deputations at this particular moment . Bro . J . T . du Jardin proposed , seconded by Bro . P . W . Benham , " that the committee of the late Prov . G . L . he requested to draw up a code of by-laws for the government of the Province . " Bro . S . Jewell , seconded by Bro . C . Le Sueur , made an
amendment to the effect : — " That the Masters and I . P . M . ' s of all Lodges should be tho Committee . " The Prov . G . M . put the amendment , which was lost , and the original motion carried . The Prov . G . L . was then adjourned , and a procession of the brethren was marshalled under their respective banners , headed by the hand of the town regiment ; it proceeded to the church
of St . Helier , shortly before one o'clock . A choir , composed of ladies and gentlemen connected with St . Simon ' s district church and who had kindly come forward and volunteered their services , conducted by Bro . E . Lott , then sang a psalm . Prayers were read by the very Rev . W . C . Le Breton , M . A ., Dean of Jersey , and an admirable sermon preached by the P . G . Chap ., the Rev . Bro . F . A Rey . At the conclusion of the service , a collection was made on behalf of the General Dispensary and the Parochial Visiting Society , amounting to £ 8 4 s . 6 d .
Having left the church , the brethren proceeded processionally to the site of the "Water Works . " The streets of the town through which the cortege was to pass were crowded with spectators , and the march along St . Aubin ' s-roa ' d , presented as grand and imposing an aspect as ever had been witnessed . After a walk of nearly two miles , the procession reached the site of the proposed water works at MiUbrook-mill . Here the Masonic bodwas met bbis Excellency the Lieut . Governor ,
y y the very Rev . the Dean , the Bailif , aud the directors of the company . Then the ceremony of inaugurating "the AVater Works" was proceeded with . The Lieut . Governor turned the first sod , and on returning to the platform , his Excellency declared the sod was turned and the stone laid , the P . G . M . ( . adding , that the latter had been well and duly laid .
After the ceremony , the procession was reformed in inverse order and returned to the Temple , whore the labours of the day were resumed . It was moved by the P . G . M . seconded by his Deputy and carried by acclamation : — " That a cordial vote of thanks be conveyed to the very Rev . AV . C . Le Breton , M . A ., Dean of Jersey , for his very great kindness in assisting at this day's special service in the town church
on the occasion of the installation of the R , AV . the P . G . M . of Jersey , Bro . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , for the good feeling he has shown towards the Craft in there voluntarily reading the Litany . " Tlie P . G . M . then moved , seconded by the S . W ., " That the best thanks are due , and are hereby given to the AV . Bros . II . L . Manuel , Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . W . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cers ., and the lion . Stewards , for their judicious manner
in which they have organised tho procession . " Carried unanimously . The business of the day being ended , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer at half-past five o'clock . At seven o'clock 119 of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner at the Pomme d'Or Hotel . The R . W . the Prov . G . Master occupied the chairand was supported on the right b
, y Bro . Dr . Le Cronier and on the left by Advocate Gallienne . Near these gentlemen sat the deputations from Brittany , Normandy , and Guernsey , and the brethren holding high office in the province . The vice-presidents were Bro . Adams , the installing officer , and Bros . E . D . Le Couteur , Prov . S . W ., and J . G . Scott , Prov . j . W . The dinner reflected the greatest credit on Mme . Boisnet . After the removal of the cloth the healths of her Majesty the
Queen , of Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AVales and the Royal Family , and of the M . W . the G . M . of England and the members of all the Grand Lodges in the world , were proposed by the R . AV . P . G . M ., and received with due honours . Bro . Adams in neat and eulogistic terms proposed the health of the Prov . G . Master . The R . AV . E . C . Malet De Carteret , in a brief but fervid speech , thanked the brethren for their confidence in him . He
referred with emotion to the unanimity with which the lodges of the island had recommended his appointment to the important and responsible office into which he had this day been installed . He assured tho brethren that they might depend on his earnest and continuous eiYorts to promote a \\ that related to masonry , and , assisted by his excellent Bro . Dr . Le Cronier , the D . Prov . G . M ., he humbly trusted that he might not altogether disappoint the hopes that were so generously entertained in
connection with the Grand Mastership . Bro . A . Schmitt , in proposing the next toast , addressed the meeting as follows : At the present time it is with diffidence that 1 address you , iu presence of tho talent that surrounds me ; but what I experience no fear in saying is , that I am the faithful interpreter of the affectionate sentiments of the brethren who have entrusted me . with this agreeable mission . We are honoured by the presence of deputations from the lodges "Le Parfaite
Union , " of Renues , of St . Malo , of" Doyle's" Lodge , of Guernsey , and of the Irish "Justice" Lodge ; and we deem ourselves fortunate , and are glad , at their fraternal invasion of our Province . Yes ! beloved visiting brethren , we feel our hearts palpitating with joy and gladness at seeing you in our midst ; for that which was to have been the fete of the installation of our new beloved Chief will be the f He of international Masonry . Thanks thento youbrethrenwho have come to assist us on this
occa-, , , sion , to cause it to shine with increased lustre . It is because you know what Masonry is , whose task is not ended because it is infinite , as is the struggle between good and evil , between right and might , between light and darkness ! Yes , beloved brethren , you are incur midst , because you know what Masonry is , —that cultus , that religion par excellence which repels all intolerance , superstition , and fanaticism;—because , moreover , you know that it is the cultus of humanity and devoteduess to one ' s brethren
and the neighbour , ever marching at the head of civilization and progress , and having as its basis that immortal triangular motto : "Liberty , Equality , Fraternity . " That , beloved brethren , is what you know , and these are your sentiments . Hence it is that you have come to share both our labours and our pleasures . Accept , therefore , this expression of our fraternal gratitude . I need not assure you that you will ever find in this province a fraternal reception and the most cordialhospitality ; for we shall ever remember the warm reception we met with at Rennes , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
two AVardens . The Installing Master then proclaimed the R . W . Bro . Col . Ed . 0 . Matet de Carteret as Prov . Grand Master for the Province of Jersey , when all Masonic honours were paid to him . The same officer heartily congratulated the Prov . G . M . upon bis accession to the high office . Tho Prov . G 31 ., in a feeling speech , expressed his sense of the honour that had been conferred upon him , and thanked the brethren for their attendance . He said he was fully determined to do his duty to
the Craft as far as it was in his power , and he hoped that the province would hereafter occupy its due position among the provinces ofthe land . The Prov . G . M . announced to the brethren , that it wai wiih peculiar pleasure he appointed as his Deputy , AV . Bro . J . Le Cronier , M . D ., for he believed , that there was no one who would hesitate to bear testimony to the uniform courtesy with which he had carried out the Masonic duties of his several
offices . On that account he felt , that in appointing him his Deputy , he was appointing a brother who might be said to be held in the highest possible esteem that a man can attain . The patent was then handed to the secretary aud read ; Bro . Dr . Le Cronier was installed by AV . Bro . J . 0 . Le Sueur , duly proclaimed Prov . D . G . M . and saluted accordingly . The brethren next proceeded to the election of a brother to fill the office of P . G . Treas . for the year , when Bro . P . AV . Benham was
proposed , seconded and unanimously elected to fill that important and responsible office . The following appointments of Prov . G . Officers were then made , and such as were present were duly invested : Bros Ed . D . Le Courteur , S . AV . ; J . G . Scott , J . AV . ; Rev . F . A . Rey , Chap . ; P . W . Benham , Treas . ; AVm . Adams , Reg . ; A . Schmitt , Sec . ; J . O . Le Sueur , J . D . ; Fothcrgill , M . D . S . D . ; Ph . Le Sueur , Supt . of Works ; H . L . Manuel , Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . \ V . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Thomas , P . M ., Sword Bearer ; M . Tracy , Assist . Sec ; Ed . Lott , Org . ; Colonel
Miller , Purst . Stewards : —Bros . F . Baker , ( Serj . Major , R . A . ) 244 ; Ph . Blampied , 245 ; R . Barrow , ( Serj . R . A . ) 49 l " ; A Vict , W . M . 590 ; Fred . Cooke , J . AV . 877 ; Alex . Low , i ! f . X > . 958 ; Toms , Tyler . Letters received from Bros A . 'Guepin , M . D . Yen . of Lodge Mars et les Arts , ( Nantes ) , M . Villiers , M . D . Veil . of Lodge Nature et Philanthropic , ( Lorient ) , highly congratulating the province on the appointment of such a worthy brother to the post of P . G . M . expressing their Masonic sympathies with
, the Jersey lodges , at the same time deeply regretting their inability to send deputations at this particular moment . Bro . J . T . du Jardin proposed , seconded by Bro . P . W . Benham , " that the committee of the late Prov . G . L . he requested to draw up a code of by-laws for the government of the Province . " Bro . S . Jewell , seconded by Bro . C . Le Sueur , made an
amendment to the effect : — " That the Masters and I . P . M . ' s of all Lodges should be tho Committee . " The Prov . G . M . put the amendment , which was lost , and the original motion carried . The Prov . G . L . was then adjourned , and a procession of the brethren was marshalled under their respective banners , headed by the hand of the town regiment ; it proceeded to the church
of St . Helier , shortly before one o'clock . A choir , composed of ladies and gentlemen connected with St . Simon ' s district church and who had kindly come forward and volunteered their services , conducted by Bro . E . Lott , then sang a psalm . Prayers were read by the very Rev . W . C . Le Breton , M . A ., Dean of Jersey , and an admirable sermon preached by the P . G . Chap ., the Rev . Bro . F . A Rey . At the conclusion of the service , a collection was made on behalf of the General Dispensary and the Parochial Visiting Society , amounting to £ 8 4 s . 6 d .
Having left the church , the brethren proceeded processionally to the site of the "Water Works . " The streets of the town through which the cortege was to pass were crowded with spectators , and the march along St . Aubin ' s-roa ' d , presented as grand and imposing an aspect as ever had been witnessed . After a walk of nearly two miles , the procession reached the site of the proposed water works at MiUbrook-mill . Here the Masonic bodwas met bbis Excellency the Lieut . Governor ,
y y the very Rev . the Dean , the Bailif , aud the directors of the company . Then the ceremony of inaugurating "the AVater Works" was proceeded with . The Lieut . Governor turned the first sod , and on returning to the platform , his Excellency declared the sod was turned and the stone laid , the P . G . M . ( . adding , that the latter had been well and duly laid .
After the ceremony , the procession was reformed in inverse order and returned to the Temple , whore the labours of the day were resumed . It was moved by the P . G . M . seconded by his Deputy and carried by acclamation : — " That a cordial vote of thanks be conveyed to the very Rev . AV . C . Le Breton , M . A ., Dean of Jersey , for his very great kindness in assisting at this day's special service in the town church
on the occasion of the installation of the R , AV . the P . G . M . of Jersey , Bro . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , for the good feeling he has shown towards the Craft in there voluntarily reading the Litany . " Tlie P . G . M . then moved , seconded by the S . W ., " That the best thanks are due , and are hereby given to the AV . Bros . II . L . Manuel , Dir . of Cers . ; Ph . W . Le Quesne , Assist . Dir . of Cers ., and the lion . Stewards , for their judicious manner
in which they have organised tho procession . " Carried unanimously . The business of the day being ended , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer at half-past five o'clock . At seven o'clock 119 of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner at the Pomme d'Or Hotel . The R . W . the Prov . G . Master occupied the chairand was supported on the right b
, y Bro . Dr . Le Cronier and on the left by Advocate Gallienne . Near these gentlemen sat the deputations from Brittany , Normandy , and Guernsey , and the brethren holding high office in the province . The vice-presidents were Bro . Adams , the installing officer , and Bros . E . D . Le Couteur , Prov . S . W ., and J . G . Scott , Prov . j . W . The dinner reflected the greatest credit on Mme . Boisnet . After the removal of the cloth the healths of her Majesty the
Queen , of Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AVales and the Royal Family , and of the M . W . the G . M . of England and the members of all the Grand Lodges in the world , were proposed by the R . AV . P . G . M ., and received with due honours . Bro . Adams in neat and eulogistic terms proposed the health of the Prov . G . Master . The R . AV . E . C . Malet De Carteret , in a brief but fervid speech , thanked the brethren for their confidence in him . He
referred with emotion to the unanimity with which the lodges of the island had recommended his appointment to the important and responsible office into which he had this day been installed . He assured tho brethren that they might depend on his earnest and continuous eiYorts to promote a \\ that related to masonry , and , assisted by his excellent Bro . Dr . Le Cronier , the D . Prov . G . M ., he humbly trusted that he might not altogether disappoint the hopes that were so generously entertained in
connection with the Grand Mastership . Bro . A . Schmitt , in proposing the next toast , addressed the meeting as follows : At the present time it is with diffidence that 1 address you , iu presence of tho talent that surrounds me ; but what I experience no fear in saying is , that I am the faithful interpreter of the affectionate sentiments of the brethren who have entrusted me . with this agreeable mission . We are honoured by the presence of deputations from the lodges "Le Parfaite
Union , " of Renues , of St . Malo , of" Doyle's" Lodge , of Guernsey , and of the Irish "Justice" Lodge ; and we deem ourselves fortunate , and are glad , at their fraternal invasion of our Province . Yes ! beloved visiting brethren , we feel our hearts palpitating with joy and gladness at seeing you in our midst ; for that which was to have been the fete of the installation of our new beloved Chief will be the f He of international Masonry . Thanks thento youbrethrenwho have come to assist us on this
occa-, , , sion , to cause it to shine with increased lustre . It is because you know what Masonry is , whose task is not ended because it is infinite , as is the struggle between good and evil , between right and might , between light and darkness ! Yes , beloved brethren , you are incur midst , because you know what Masonry is , —that cultus , that religion par excellence which repels all intolerance , superstition , and fanaticism;—because , moreover , you know that it is the cultus of humanity and devoteduess to one ' s brethren
and the neighbour , ever marching at the head of civilization and progress , and having as its basis that immortal triangular motto : "Liberty , Equality , Fraternity . " That , beloved brethren , is what you know , and these are your sentiments . Hence it is that you have come to share both our labours and our pleasures . Accept , therefore , this expression of our fraternal gratitude . I need not assure you that you will ever find in this province a fraternal reception and the most cordialhospitality ; for we shall ever remember the warm reception we met with at Rennes , at