Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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their duties when in the world they were not to show a mere admiration of virtue , but by works to manifest that by becoming Masons they were made better men , and that by trust in God , and benevolence to man , they might hope to ascend from this sublunary lodge to the Grand one above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for evermore . At six o ' clock the brethren sat down to a well-served and
sumptuous banquet in the banqueting hall of the new lodge , given by the W . M . ( Bro . Clarke ) of which about 120 partook . The W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts " were duly honoured , and Bro . Marwood heartily thanked for his presence and services in consecrating the lodge . Bro . Stephenson presided at the piano-forte , ancl several excellent songs and glees were admirably sung by Bros . Jell , Needier , Carr , Vivian , and Tall .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 12 th lust ., at the Masonic Hall , in Bedfordrow — the Illustrious Bro . Dr . R . H . Goolden , W . M . Sov ., presided . There were present the Illustrious Bros . Phillips and Wentworth Bowyer , 33 ° ; Charles Goolden and R . J .
Spiers , 31 ° ; Major Finney , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; Capt . Lamert Raphael ; J . Howe , 30 ° , as Grand Marshal ; R . Spencer , 30 ° , Capt . of Guard ; W . G . Meymott , Harrison , Brunton , and others . Sixteen candidates were proposed , and the following brethren being in attendance were admitted and installed into this princely order .- —John Watson , M . D . ; Charles Cradock WatsonGeorge TauntonWilliam Alex . Barrett
, , , Alan Stephen Gulston , Robert Taunton Raikes , George Haygarth Rainy , and Douglas Moffatt . The ceremony was most efficiently performed bv the able Sovereign of the chapter , who was well assisted by his officers . The beautiful hall had a most brilliant appearance—the diligent Secretary , Bro . C . Goolden , being most indefatigable in his efforts to leave nothing wanting to give due effect to this beautiful degree of Freemasonry .
Several candidates are proposed for admission at the regular meeting oi the chapter in January . The financial report presented a greatly improved state of the funds , there being a considerable balance in hand . AU business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . A Supremo Council of Soverei gn Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last degree of Masonry , Ancient and Accepted ltite , assembled in the city of Charleston in November last . 111 . Bro . General Albert Pike , of Arkansas , presided as Sovereign Grand Commander ; 111 . Bro . A . T . C . Pierson , of Minnesotaas Lieutenant Grand Commanderand 111 Bro
, , . . A . G . Mackey , of South Carolina , as Secretary General , with a considerable number of distinguished Masons from every part ofthe union . Among them were III . Bros . Colonel Wm . S . Rockwell , of Georgia ; H . Shaw , of California ; Henry Buist , H . W . Schroder , and B . Rush Campbell , of South Carolina ; Colonel Tal . P . Shaffner , of Kentucky ; Charles T . M'Cleuagan , of New York ; and Lucius R . Paige , of Massachusetts .
This high and distinguished body of Masons did much work their meetings having been suspended during the war . Among other things of interest to the Craft , we may notice that they appointed Hi . Bro . Colonel Tal . P . Shaffner , Special Deput y for Europe , and elected the following persons honorary members of their Council : —
His Majesty Charles XV ., King of Sweden and Norway . His Royal Highness Oscar , Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway , His Majesty Christian IX ., King of Denmark , His Royal Highness Constantino Nicolavich , Grand Duke of Russia . 111 . Bro . Henry Buist was elected Treasurer General in place
of Achille Le Prince , deceased . The Supreme Council adjourned late on November 18 th , after being in session several days , to continue their session on tbe third Monday of March , at the city of Washington , D . C .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
This , the Mother Council of all the Supreme Councils of the world , comprises among its members some of the most distinguished men of this country and Europe . During their stay General Pike , Colonels Shaffner ancl Pierson , were the guests of the Hon . A . G . Mackey . The two latter left with Bro . Mackey on Sunday morning to attend tho meeting of the Grand Lodge ofthe State in the city of Columbia , which assembled there on the 21 st ult .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LEEDS—Alfred Chapter ( No . 306 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at their rooms , Albion-street , on Monday evening ,, the 11 th inst ., at seven o ' clock ; Comps . Isaac Booth , of Chapter 258 , Heckmondwicke , acting as Z . ; Wm . Chadwiok , H . j Henry Smith , Bradford , P . Z . of 302 , 387 , and 495 , as J . ; Samuel ClarkeP . Z . FranksS . E . ; S . FreemanS . N . ; L .
, ; , , Flick , P . Soj . ; also Comps . F . Blackburn , W . Pepper , S . CFaviell , Green , Jowett , and others . After the chapter had been declared opened , the minutes were read ancl confirmed . A letter of apology was received from Comp . Richard R . Nelson , Prov . S . B . A resolution was proposed and seconded that in future the Stewards be requested to provide refreshments . Comp . J . Booth then proceeded to instal tbe following companions to
their respective offices , they having been duly elected by ballot :. Comps . W . Chadwick , 1 st Prin . ; R . Harrison , P . Z ., 2 nd Prin . ; S . Freeman , 3 rd Prin . ; F . Blackburn , S . E . ; Wm . Pepper , S . N . ; S . C . Faviell , P . Soj . ; Leonard Hick , Treas . ; Green and Jowett , Assist . Soj . ' s The chapter was closed at nine o'clock .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWAEK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—On Monday , the 4 th . inst ., the regular December meeting of this lodge was held at the Green Man . Tooley-street , Bro . A . P . Leonard , W . M . Bros . Hider , Taylor , Schuck , Daly , and Mansir were advanced to this ancient degree . A gift of one guinea was voted to a brother who had applied for assistance . A letter was read from another
brother applying for aid ; but on its being stated that this brother was making the round of the lodges on the same mission , and as this was all that was known of him , the lodge unanimously refused to take any notice of his application . Letters of resignation were read from two brethren , and , the business being ended , the lodge was closed . It will meet again on the first Monday in February , 1866 . Bros . Cottebrune and
Watts , both of Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , wore among the visitors , and among the members of the lodge were Bros . Leonard , Gooddy , F . J- Lilley , Vallentin , Worthington , Ord , G . Morris , Harris , W . H . Loewenstark , M . A . Loeweustavk , and F . Walters .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE—Cumberland Lodge ( No . 60 ) . —This highly esteemed and flourishing lodge held an emergency meeting afe the Masonic Rooms , Barwise-court , English-street , on Tuesday evening , the 5 tl \ inst . The chair was occupied , by Bro . Wm . Murray , R . W . M ., and after the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed in the usual way amongst Mark MastersBro . the Rev . J . Loshof 872 was regularly
ad-, , , vanced by Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the Pv . W . M . ( but in consequence of the "bad state of the weather the proposed officers were not in attendance ) , and he was ably supported by Bro . F . W . Hayward , I . P . M ., J . G . D ., as S . W . j Bros . J . Wilson , who has become a joining member to this lodge , as J . W . ; Thomas Blacklock , M . O . ; Walter Irwin , S . O . ; Dr . Thomas D . Wheatley , J . O . ; Bro . William Pratchett , as Chap , j
Thomas Dean , S . D . ; and Arthur Woodhouse , Sec , as I . G . After which the ballot was taken for the Rev . J . Simpson , 129 , and Bro . Whinfield , 962 , which proved unanimous in their favour . Na other business being on hand , the lodge was duly closed with solemn prayer by Bro . W . Murray , R . W . M ., and retired to the refreshment room , when the usual Masonic toasts were dispensed with the healths of Bros . J . Losh , G . Wilson , and Woodhouse ( the latter for presenting to this lodge a horn , nicelymounted for the purpose of holding spills for pipe lights ) , with musical honours , the brethren retiring at an early hour .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
their duties when in the world they were not to show a mere admiration of virtue , but by works to manifest that by becoming Masons they were made better men , and that by trust in God , and benevolence to man , they might hope to ascend from this sublunary lodge to the Grand one above , where the world ' s Great Architect lives and reigns for evermore . At six o ' clock the brethren sat down to a well-served and
sumptuous banquet in the banqueting hall of the new lodge , given by the W . M . ( Bro . Clarke ) of which about 120 partook . The W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts " were duly honoured , and Bro . Marwood heartily thanked for his presence and services in consecrating the lodge . Bro . Stephenson presided at the piano-forte , ancl several excellent songs and glees were admirably sung by Bros . Jell , Needier , Carr , Vivian , and Tall .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OF SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX . —An emergency convocation of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 12 th lust ., at the Masonic Hall , in Bedfordrow — the Illustrious Bro . Dr . R . H . Goolden , W . M . Sov ., presided . There were present the Illustrious Bros . Phillips and Wentworth Bowyer , 33 ° ; Charles Goolden and R . J .
Spiers , 31 ° ; Major Finney , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; Capt . Lamert Raphael ; J . Howe , 30 ° , as Grand Marshal ; R . Spencer , 30 ° , Capt . of Guard ; W . G . Meymott , Harrison , Brunton , and others . Sixteen candidates were proposed , and the following brethren being in attendance were admitted and installed into this princely order .- —John Watson , M . D . ; Charles Cradock WatsonGeorge TauntonWilliam Alex . Barrett
, , , Alan Stephen Gulston , Robert Taunton Raikes , George Haygarth Rainy , and Douglas Moffatt . The ceremony was most efficiently performed bv the able Sovereign of the chapter , who was well assisted by his officers . The beautiful hall had a most brilliant appearance—the diligent Secretary , Bro . C . Goolden , being most indefatigable in his efforts to leave nothing wanting to give due effect to this beautiful degree of Freemasonry .
Several candidates are proposed for admission at the regular meeting oi the chapter in January . The financial report presented a greatly improved state of the funds , there being a considerable balance in hand . AU business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . A Supremo Council of Soverei gn Grand Inspectors General of the thirty-third and last degree of Masonry , Ancient and Accepted ltite , assembled in the city of Charleston in November last . 111 . Bro . General Albert Pike , of Arkansas , presided as Sovereign Grand Commander ; 111 . Bro . A . T . C . Pierson , of Minnesotaas Lieutenant Grand Commanderand 111 Bro
, , . . A . G . Mackey , of South Carolina , as Secretary General , with a considerable number of distinguished Masons from every part ofthe union . Among them were III . Bros . Colonel Wm . S . Rockwell , of Georgia ; H . Shaw , of California ; Henry Buist , H . W . Schroder , and B . Rush Campbell , of South Carolina ; Colonel Tal . P . Shaffner , of Kentucky ; Charles T . M'Cleuagan , of New York ; and Lucius R . Paige , of Massachusetts .
This high and distinguished body of Masons did much work their meetings having been suspended during the war . Among other things of interest to the Craft , we may notice that they appointed Hi . Bro . Colonel Tal . P . Shaffner , Special Deput y for Europe , and elected the following persons honorary members of their Council : —
His Majesty Charles XV ., King of Sweden and Norway . His Royal Highness Oscar , Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway , His Majesty Christian IX ., King of Denmark , His Royal Highness Constantino Nicolavich , Grand Duke of Russia . 111 . Bro . Henry Buist was elected Treasurer General in place
of Achille Le Prince , deceased . The Supreme Council adjourned late on November 18 th , after being in session several days , to continue their session on tbe third Monday of March , at the city of Washington , D . C .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
This , the Mother Council of all the Supreme Councils of the world , comprises among its members some of the most distinguished men of this country and Europe . During their stay General Pike , Colonels Shaffner ancl Pierson , were the guests of the Hon . A . G . Mackey . The two latter left with Bro . Mackey on Sunday morning to attend tho meeting of the Grand Lodge ofthe State in the city of Columbia , which assembled there on the 21 st ult .
Royal Arch.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . LEEDS—Alfred Chapter ( No . 306 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held at their rooms , Albion-street , on Monday evening ,, the 11 th inst ., at seven o ' clock ; Comps . Isaac Booth , of Chapter 258 , Heckmondwicke , acting as Z . ; Wm . Chadwiok , H . j Henry Smith , Bradford , P . Z . of 302 , 387 , and 495 , as J . ; Samuel ClarkeP . Z . FranksS . E . ; S . FreemanS . N . ; L .
, ; , , Flick , P . Soj . ; also Comps . F . Blackburn , W . Pepper , S . CFaviell , Green , Jowett , and others . After the chapter had been declared opened , the minutes were read ancl confirmed . A letter of apology was received from Comp . Richard R . Nelson , Prov . S . B . A resolution was proposed and seconded that in future the Stewards be requested to provide refreshments . Comp . J . Booth then proceeded to instal tbe following companions to
their respective offices , they having been duly elected by ballot :. Comps . W . Chadwick , 1 st Prin . ; R . Harrison , P . Z ., 2 nd Prin . ; S . Freeman , 3 rd Prin . ; F . Blackburn , S . E . ; Wm . Pepper , S . N . ; S . C . Faviell , P . Soj . ; Leonard Hick , Treas . ; Green and Jowett , Assist . Soj . ' s The chapter was closed at nine o'clock .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWAEK LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—On Monday , the 4 th . inst ., the regular December meeting of this lodge was held at the Green Man . Tooley-street , Bro . A . P . Leonard , W . M . Bros . Hider , Taylor , Schuck , Daly , and Mansir were advanced to this ancient degree . A gift of one guinea was voted to a brother who had applied for assistance . A letter was read from another
brother applying for aid ; but on its being stated that this brother was making the round of the lodges on the same mission , and as this was all that was known of him , the lodge unanimously refused to take any notice of his application . Letters of resignation were read from two brethren , and , the business being ended , the lodge was closed . It will meet again on the first Monday in February , 1866 . Bros . Cottebrune and
Watts , both of Thistle Lodge ( No . 8 ) , wore among the visitors , and among the members of the lodge were Bros . Leonard , Gooddy , F . J- Lilley , Vallentin , Worthington , Ord , G . Morris , Harris , W . H . Loewenstark , M . A . Loeweustavk , and F . Walters .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE—Cumberland Lodge ( No . 60 ) . —This highly esteemed and flourishing lodge held an emergency meeting afe the Masonic Rooms , Barwise-court , English-street , on Tuesday evening , the 5 tl \ inst . The chair was occupied , by Bro . Wm . Murray , R . W . M ., and after the minutes of a former meeting were read and confirmed in the usual way amongst Mark MastersBro . the Rev . J . Loshof 872 was regularly
ad-, , , vanced by Bro . G . G . Hayward , J . W ., at the request of the Pv . W . M . ( but in consequence of the "bad state of the weather the proposed officers were not in attendance ) , and he was ably supported by Bro . F . W . Hayward , I . P . M ., J . G . D ., as S . W . j Bros . J . Wilson , who has become a joining member to this lodge , as J . W . ; Thomas Blacklock , M . O . ; Walter Irwin , S . O . ; Dr . Thomas D . Wheatley , J . O . ; Bro . William Pratchett , as Chap , j
Thomas Dean , S . D . ; and Arthur Woodhouse , Sec , as I . G . After which the ballot was taken for the Rev . J . Simpson , 129 , and Bro . Whinfield , 962 , which proved unanimous in their favour . Na other business being on hand , the lodge was duly closed with solemn prayer by Bro . W . Murray , R . W . M ., and retired to the refreshment room , when the usual Masonic toasts were dispensed with the healths of Bros . J . Losh , G . Wilson , and Woodhouse ( the latter for presenting to this lodge a horn , nicelymounted for the purpose of holding spills for pipe lights ) , with musical honours , the brethren retiring at an early hour .