Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Windsor , to visit it and testify their respect for the memory of the lamented Prince Consort . The Queen , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , Princess Beatrice , and Princess Hohenlohe , and the ladies and gentlemen in-waiting , attended Divine service ou Sunday morning in the Private Chapel . The Very Rev . the Dean of Westminster preached the sermon . Her Majesty the Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Princess
Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , Prince Leopold , and Princess Hohenlohe left for Windsor Castle on Monday morning at a quarter past ten o ' clock , for Osborne , and arrived at a little before two o ' clock , having crossed over from Gospoit in " tho Royal yacht Alberta . GEUEBAII HOME NEWS . —The health of the country continues
on the whole good . ¦ The weekly return for the principal towns shows a mortality of 3 , 090 , or at the rate of 28 in the thousand . London this week figures as the healthiest town in the wholehealthier even than Bristol , for its death rate is 25 , while Bristol is 26 . Liverpool has also lost for the nonce its character as the deadliest place in England ; that disgrace is this week reserved
for Salford , whose death rate is 45 , while Liverpool is 43 . Of tbe whole number of number of deaths , 1 , 440 belong to London , which is ten below the average . The births were 4 , 130 for all the towns , of which 2 , 098 were in London . This is slightly above the average . The Smithfield Club Cattle Show was brought to a close on the evening of the 14 th inst . It has been as
successful as any of its predecessors , notwithstanding the forebodings respecting it . Not less than 130 , 000 persons have , it is said , paid for admission to this building during the show . A deputation of farmers and country gentlemen waited upon Sir George Grey on the 14 th inst ., to ask that Government would put a stop to all transit of cattle in the kingdom . Not unnaturally , Sir George expressed doubts whether such a thing
would be either wise or practicable . This official opposition only emboldened the deputation to demand more extravagant things . They absolutely wished that the Government should prohibit the removal of cattle from one part of a man's farm to another . Sir George Grey said he would communicate to the Lords of the Council the wishes of the deputation . A Liberal banquet was held at Dewsbury on Wednesday night
the 13 th inst . There was a large attendance of members of Parliament and of well-known public men . Lord De Grey more than hinted at a Reform Bill when he asked that the county would give its confidence to Lord Russell . Lord Houghton also delivered a speech in the same sense . The meeting proved that the old Reform spirit of Yorkshire has
been thoroughly revivified . A melancholy accident happened to the Dover and Calais mail steamer Samphire on Wednesday night the 13 th inst . She was on her voyage to Calais when she was run into by the American barque Fanny Doclc . The forward compartments of the steamer were filled with water . She was , however , towed to Dover . There , in her fore cabin ,
the bodies of one gentleman and two ladies were found . The mails were all saved . In the Court of Queen ' s Bench a cornchandler named , Oddy brought an action for slander against Admiral Lord George Paulet . An apology and a verdict for 40 s . was accepted by mutual consent . An extraordinary charge of burglary was preferred at the
Westminster Police-court on the 15 th inst . against a young man named Swyer . On the Tuesday evening previous a Mrs . Barrington , Walton Villas , Brompton , went to a theatre , taking with her the housemaid . The cook was left in charge of tho house , but she , too , went out , and in her absence the front door was opened , and a large quantity of jewels belonging to Mrs . Barrington , and wearing apparel belonging to Lord Seaford , were stolen from the house . Suspicion fell upon a young man
named Pettis , who lodged in a house near , and at which the cook had called when she went out . On the following Thursday he was accused of the offence . He admitted his guilt , and made a statement implicating Swyer . Pettis then went into the washhouse and committed suicide hy cutting his throat . Swyer was arrested the same day . He is remanded for further examination . The first Fenian prisoner put upon his trial at
Cork was a Captain M'Afferty , who had served in the Confederate army , and who was a subject of the United States . He was , it seems , arrested while on board a steamship from America , and was brought ashore in custody . His counsel objected that he was an alien , who in his own country eould not commit the offence with which he was charged , and who had not set foot
on our land so as to become guilty when he was arrested . The judge held that this objection was fatal to the indictment , and the jury under their direction returned a verdict of not guilty . In the Court of Exchequer on Saturday Sir R . J . Clifton , M . P ., sued Mr . Howatt , the publisher of the Patriot , for damages for libel . Au article had been written in the Patriot
just after the election at Nottingham , which article contained some very strong expressions relative to Sir R . Clifton . This was tbe cause of action . The judge held that the action was libellous , and the jury awarded the baronet £ 50 damages . The inspectors of prisons who raa . de inquiries into the escape of Stephens from Richmond Gaol have given in a report
recommending the dismissal of Mr . Marquess , the governor . Their decision dissatisfied the Board of Superintendence—a committee of the corporation—and they memorialised Lord Wodehouse to appoint a special commission to make a new investigation . The Lord Lieutenant refuses to do so , is satisfied with the report of the inspectors , in accordance with whose recommendations he has has dismissed the governor ,
and intimates , in conclusion , that henceforth he shall keep the appointments to the City gaols in his own hands . The board is very dissatisfied , and talk of instituting an inquiry of their own . The December Sessions of the Central Criminal Court began on Monday , and one of the first cases brought forward was the trial of the two young men Jones andMerrick for the assault on Dr . Hunter . It will be
remembered that Merrick was the husband and Jones the brother of the young woman who charged Dr . Hunter with assaultingher , and that they went to Dr . Hunter's honse and inflicted on him personal chastisement for the alleged outrage . The circumstances of the assault were fully proved , and Dr . Hunter again denied on his oath the truth of the charge brought
against him . The jury returned a verdict of a common assault against both . Sentence was deferred . A man was brought before tbe Bow-street police magistrate on the charge of being a Fenian Centre . The warrant for his apprehension came from Cork and he was sent there ; but he stated iu his defence that he had not been in Ireland for the last eighteen years .
If this be so it is the first case of London Fenianism that has yet occurred . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council held ou Tuesday , it was resolved to add fifty more men to the City police force . The object of this is that there maybe a sufficient number of constables to regulate the traffic in the City . At the same meeting a report recommending
plan for a dead meat market at Smithfield was adopted . The third performance of the " Trinummus" of Plautus by the Westminster scholars took place on Tuesday evening . There was a brilliant gathering of old Westminsterians and others . The performance went off very well . The Thames Policecourt was invaded on Tuesday by an army of indignant ratepayers . They sought to induce the magistrate to grant them summonses against a Mr . Fleck , who it seems collects the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Windsor , to visit it and testify their respect for the memory of the lamented Prince Consort . The Queen , Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , Princess Beatrice , and Princess Hohenlohe , and the ladies and gentlemen in-waiting , attended Divine service ou Sunday morning in the Private Chapel . The Very Rev . the Dean of Westminster preached the sermon . Her Majesty the Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Princess
Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , Prince Leopold , and Princess Hohenlohe left for Windsor Castle on Monday morning at a quarter past ten o ' clock , for Osborne , and arrived at a little before two o ' clock , having crossed over from Gospoit in " tho Royal yacht Alberta . GEUEBAII HOME NEWS . —The health of the country continues
on the whole good . ¦ The weekly return for the principal towns shows a mortality of 3 , 090 , or at the rate of 28 in the thousand . London this week figures as the healthiest town in the wholehealthier even than Bristol , for its death rate is 25 , while Bristol is 26 . Liverpool has also lost for the nonce its character as the deadliest place in England ; that disgrace is this week reserved
for Salford , whose death rate is 45 , while Liverpool is 43 . Of tbe whole number of number of deaths , 1 , 440 belong to London , which is ten below the average . The births were 4 , 130 for all the towns , of which 2 , 098 were in London . This is slightly above the average . The Smithfield Club Cattle Show was brought to a close on the evening of the 14 th inst . It has been as
successful as any of its predecessors , notwithstanding the forebodings respecting it . Not less than 130 , 000 persons have , it is said , paid for admission to this building during the show . A deputation of farmers and country gentlemen waited upon Sir George Grey on the 14 th inst ., to ask that Government would put a stop to all transit of cattle in the kingdom . Not unnaturally , Sir George expressed doubts whether such a thing
would be either wise or practicable . This official opposition only emboldened the deputation to demand more extravagant things . They absolutely wished that the Government should prohibit the removal of cattle from one part of a man's farm to another . Sir George Grey said he would communicate to the Lords of the Council the wishes of the deputation . A Liberal banquet was held at Dewsbury on Wednesday night
the 13 th inst . There was a large attendance of members of Parliament and of well-known public men . Lord De Grey more than hinted at a Reform Bill when he asked that the county would give its confidence to Lord Russell . Lord Houghton also delivered a speech in the same sense . The meeting proved that the old Reform spirit of Yorkshire has
been thoroughly revivified . A melancholy accident happened to the Dover and Calais mail steamer Samphire on Wednesday night the 13 th inst . She was on her voyage to Calais when she was run into by the American barque Fanny Doclc . The forward compartments of the steamer were filled with water . She was , however , towed to Dover . There , in her fore cabin ,
the bodies of one gentleman and two ladies were found . The mails were all saved . In the Court of Queen ' s Bench a cornchandler named , Oddy brought an action for slander against Admiral Lord George Paulet . An apology and a verdict for 40 s . was accepted by mutual consent . An extraordinary charge of burglary was preferred at the
Westminster Police-court on the 15 th inst . against a young man named Swyer . On the Tuesday evening previous a Mrs . Barrington , Walton Villas , Brompton , went to a theatre , taking with her the housemaid . The cook was left in charge of tho house , but she , too , went out , and in her absence the front door was opened , and a large quantity of jewels belonging to Mrs . Barrington , and wearing apparel belonging to Lord Seaford , were stolen from the house . Suspicion fell upon a young man
named Pettis , who lodged in a house near , and at which the cook had called when she went out . On the following Thursday he was accused of the offence . He admitted his guilt , and made a statement implicating Swyer . Pettis then went into the washhouse and committed suicide hy cutting his throat . Swyer was arrested the same day . He is remanded for further examination . The first Fenian prisoner put upon his trial at
Cork was a Captain M'Afferty , who had served in the Confederate army , and who was a subject of the United States . He was , it seems , arrested while on board a steamship from America , and was brought ashore in custody . His counsel objected that he was an alien , who in his own country eould not commit the offence with which he was charged , and who had not set foot
on our land so as to become guilty when he was arrested . The judge held that this objection was fatal to the indictment , and the jury under their direction returned a verdict of not guilty . In the Court of Exchequer on Saturday Sir R . J . Clifton , M . P ., sued Mr . Howatt , the publisher of the Patriot , for damages for libel . Au article had been written in the Patriot
just after the election at Nottingham , which article contained some very strong expressions relative to Sir R . Clifton . This was tbe cause of action . The judge held that the action was libellous , and the jury awarded the baronet £ 50 damages . The inspectors of prisons who raa . de inquiries into the escape of Stephens from Richmond Gaol have given in a report
recommending the dismissal of Mr . Marquess , the governor . Their decision dissatisfied the Board of Superintendence—a committee of the corporation—and they memorialised Lord Wodehouse to appoint a special commission to make a new investigation . The Lord Lieutenant refuses to do so , is satisfied with the report of the inspectors , in accordance with whose recommendations he has has dismissed the governor ,
and intimates , in conclusion , that henceforth he shall keep the appointments to the City gaols in his own hands . The board is very dissatisfied , and talk of instituting an inquiry of their own . The December Sessions of the Central Criminal Court began on Monday , and one of the first cases brought forward was the trial of the two young men Jones andMerrick for the assault on Dr . Hunter . It will be
remembered that Merrick was the husband and Jones the brother of the young woman who charged Dr . Hunter with assaultingher , and that they went to Dr . Hunter's honse and inflicted on him personal chastisement for the alleged outrage . The circumstances of the assault were fully proved , and Dr . Hunter again denied on his oath the truth of the charge brought
against him . The jury returned a verdict of a common assault against both . Sentence was deferred . A man was brought before tbe Bow-street police magistrate on the charge of being a Fenian Centre . The warrant for his apprehension came from Cork and he was sent there ; but he stated iu his defence that he had not been in Ireland for the last eighteen years .
If this be so it is the first case of London Fenianism that has yet occurred . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council held ou Tuesday , it was resolved to add fifty more men to the City police force . The object of this is that there maybe a sufficient number of constables to regulate the traffic in the City . At the same meeting a report recommending
plan for a dead meat market at Smithfield was adopted . The third performance of the " Trinummus" of Plautus by the Westminster scholars took place on Tuesday evening . There was a brilliant gathering of old Westminsterians and others . The performance went off very well . The Thames Policecourt was invaded on Tuesday by an army of indignant ratepayers . They sought to induce the magistrate to grant them summonses against a Mr . Fleck , who it seems collects the