Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2
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Royal Arch.
represent then Chapter , but no Companion can rejiresent more than three Chapters . VII . Every Companion elected or appointed to office in the Grand Chapter shall , during his period of office , be a subscribing member to some regular subordinate Chapter ; and any Past Grand
officer or member , who shall for twelve months continuously cease to be a subscribing member io some subordinate Chapter , shall be disqualified from attendin g the Grand Chapter—such disqualification to continue until he shall have again becomeand continue to bea subscribing member
, , to some regular subordinate Chapter . VIII . Should a vacancy occur in any office of the Grand Chapter , the Grand Z . shall nominate a qualified Companion to supply the place pro tempore . But no officer can resign his office after he
has been installed and invested ; nor can he be Temoved except for cause which appears to the Grand Chapter to be sufficient , to be ascertained "b y the votes of the majority of members present , ¦ on complaint laid before it by the Grand Z ., in which case another muse be elected or appointed in his stead , as the case may be . This includes the Grand Janitor .
IX . The Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter shall be held on the second Tuesday in August , at which the place of holding the next Convocation shall be decided . None but members shall be present without the permission of the presiding officer .
X . The Grand Z . may convene Grand Chapters of Emergency when necessary . The reason for convening a Grand Chapter of Emergency shall be expressed in the summons , and no other business shall be entered upon at that meeting . In all cases where summonses are issuedwhether by
, Grand or Private Chapter , at least seven clear days' notice shall be given . XI . No officer or member shall be permitted to attend in Grand Chapter without his proper clothing and jewel .
XII . The Grand Director of Ceremonies shall , ¦ at every meeting of the Grand Chapter , attend without the entrance for the purpose of guarding under the superintendence of the Grand Pursuivant against the admission of any but those who are qualified , and have their proper clothing and jewels , and have signed their names to the accustomed papers , and are in all respects entitled to admission .
XIII . If at any Grand Chapter , stated or occasional , any of the Grand Principals be absent , the chairs shall be filled by the Grand Officers next in rank and seniority who may . be present , provided they be installed Present or Past First Principals of any regular subordinate Chapter . And if no
such Grand Officer be present , then by the First Principals of Chapters , according to seniority , and the powers of any such pro tempore presiding
officers shall be the same as those properly belonging to the office so filled hy him . The Grand Chapter is declared opened iu ample form when the Grand Z . is present , at all other times in due form , but with the same authority . XIV . An annual report of the transactions of
the Grand Chapter , with an account of the funds and property belonging to it , shall be printed without delay , and one copy thereof transmitted to every Officer of the Grand Chapter , and two copies to every subordinate Chapter , immediatel y after the general Convocation in August .
XV . In the Grand Chapter alone resides the power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the Royal Arch , and of altering , amending , repealing , and abrocating them . The Grand Chapter has also the inherent power of investigating , regulating , and deciding all matters
relating to the Royal Arch , and the Intermediate Degrees , and to subordinate Chapters and individual Companions ; which it may exercise either of itself , or by such delegated authority as it may appoint ; but in the Grand Chapter alone resides the power of erasing Chapters and expelling
Companions from this Order of Freemasonry . XVI . When the Grand Lodge , or any other competent authority in the Craft , shall suspend or
expel any Brother who is a Royal Arch Mason ,, the Grand Chapter shall immediately , on such suspension or expulsion , and the circumstances relating thereto being communicated to it by the Grand Z ., proceed to consider and decide whether such Companion shall be suspended or expelled
from his Arch-Masonic functions for the period whilst such Craft suspension or expulsion continues in force . But he shall not , neither shall any Companion , under any circumstances , be suspended or expelled , until he shall have been summoned to show cause why such sentence should not be
recorded and enforced , and afforded every opportunity of defending himself , either in Grand Chapter as aforesaid , or before other duly constituted authority .
XVII . Should any Chapter have neglected to make its returns and . payments to the Grand Chapter for more than one year , the representatives of such Chapter shall not be permitted to attend any meeting of the Grand Chapter until such returns and payment shall have been completed .
XVIII . No Companion shall be qualified or permitted to attend Grand Chapter as Principal or Past Principal , unless and until his name and appointment shall have been transmitted to the Grand Scribe E .
XIX . Companions of eminence and ability , who have rendered service to the Craft may by a vote of the Grand Chapter be constituted members of the Grand Chapter , with such rank and distinction as may be thought proper .
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Royal Arch.
represent then Chapter , but no Companion can rejiresent more than three Chapters . VII . Every Companion elected or appointed to office in the Grand Chapter shall , during his period of office , be a subscribing member to some regular subordinate Chapter ; and any Past Grand
officer or member , who shall for twelve months continuously cease to be a subscribing member io some subordinate Chapter , shall be disqualified from attendin g the Grand Chapter—such disqualification to continue until he shall have again becomeand continue to bea subscribing member
, , to some regular subordinate Chapter . VIII . Should a vacancy occur in any office of the Grand Chapter , the Grand Z . shall nominate a qualified Companion to supply the place pro tempore . But no officer can resign his office after he
has been installed and invested ; nor can he be Temoved except for cause which appears to the Grand Chapter to be sufficient , to be ascertained "b y the votes of the majority of members present , ¦ on complaint laid before it by the Grand Z ., in which case another muse be elected or appointed in his stead , as the case may be . This includes the Grand Janitor .
IX . The Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter shall be held on the second Tuesday in August , at which the place of holding the next Convocation shall be decided . None but members shall be present without the permission of the presiding officer .
X . The Grand Z . may convene Grand Chapters of Emergency when necessary . The reason for convening a Grand Chapter of Emergency shall be expressed in the summons , and no other business shall be entered upon at that meeting . In all cases where summonses are issuedwhether by
, Grand or Private Chapter , at least seven clear days' notice shall be given . XI . No officer or member shall be permitted to attend in Grand Chapter without his proper clothing and jewel .
XII . The Grand Director of Ceremonies shall , ¦ at every meeting of the Grand Chapter , attend without the entrance for the purpose of guarding under the superintendence of the Grand Pursuivant against the admission of any but those who are qualified , and have their proper clothing and jewels , and have signed their names to the accustomed papers , and are in all respects entitled to admission .
XIII . If at any Grand Chapter , stated or occasional , any of the Grand Principals be absent , the chairs shall be filled by the Grand Officers next in rank and seniority who may . be present , provided they be installed Present or Past First Principals of any regular subordinate Chapter . And if no
such Grand Officer be present , then by the First Principals of Chapters , according to seniority , and the powers of any such pro tempore presiding
officers shall be the same as those properly belonging to the office so filled hy him . The Grand Chapter is declared opened iu ample form when the Grand Z . is present , at all other times in due form , but with the same authority . XIV . An annual report of the transactions of
the Grand Chapter , with an account of the funds and property belonging to it , shall be printed without delay , and one copy thereof transmitted to every Officer of the Grand Chapter , and two copies to every subordinate Chapter , immediatel y after the general Convocation in August .
XV . In the Grand Chapter alone resides the power of enacting laws and regulations for the government of the Royal Arch , and of altering , amending , repealing , and abrocating them . The Grand Chapter has also the inherent power of investigating , regulating , and deciding all matters
relating to the Royal Arch , and the Intermediate Degrees , and to subordinate Chapters and individual Companions ; which it may exercise either of itself , or by such delegated authority as it may appoint ; but in the Grand Chapter alone resides the power of erasing Chapters and expelling
Companions from this Order of Freemasonry . XVI . When the Grand Lodge , or any other competent authority in the Craft , shall suspend or
expel any Brother who is a Royal Arch Mason ,, the Grand Chapter shall immediately , on such suspension or expulsion , and the circumstances relating thereto being communicated to it by the Grand Z ., proceed to consider and decide whether such Companion shall be suspended or expelled
from his Arch-Masonic functions for the period whilst such Craft suspension or expulsion continues in force . But he shall not , neither shall any Companion , under any circumstances , be suspended or expelled , until he shall have been summoned to show cause why such sentence should not be
recorded and enforced , and afforded every opportunity of defending himself , either in Grand Chapter as aforesaid , or before other duly constituted authority .
XVII . Should any Chapter have neglected to make its returns and . payments to the Grand Chapter for more than one year , the representatives of such Chapter shall not be permitted to attend any meeting of the Grand Chapter until such returns and payment shall have been completed .
XVIII . No Companion shall be qualified or permitted to attend Grand Chapter as Principal or Past Principal , unless and until his name and appointment shall have been transmitted to the Grand Scribe E .
XIX . Companions of eminence and ability , who have rendered service to the Craft may by a vote of the Grand Chapter be constituted members of the Grand Chapter , with such rank and distinction as may be thought proper .