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Notes And Queries For Freemasons.
To radicalism we OAVB many a silly experiment , whose unsuccessful result has only proved that our forefathers were , in some things , much Aviser than AVC thought them . To Conservatism our gratitude is due for that steady and healthful progress which Freemasonry is now making , —giving it standing and character among the institutions of the age , and rendering it e \ ery day more and more Avorthy of cultivation by men of intellect , —and must bestow upon it , as a science and a
system of philosophy , a perpetuity and prosperity which its merely social and charitable character could never lau'e secured . So , then , we advocate tho downfall of Fogeyism and Radicalism , the rock and quicksand Avhich Avould for ever shatter and Avreck the bark of Freemasonry , and advocate the via media of Conservative Reform as the sheet-anchor on which , alone , its safety can depend . ] K H .
As the working of this degree is IIOAV attracting more attention in the Masonic Avorld , in consequence of the particular care bestowed upon it by the Supreme Grand Council of England and Wales , it Avould he gratifying to myself , and some other members , if you could furnish a list of chapters , throughout the AA'orld , Avhich really work this degree .
A MEMBEE OF THE 30 ° . DISTINGUISHED MEMBEES . In English and foreign Avorks , and periodicals , I have noticed many names of distinguished members , but all mixed up together . It Avould bo a praiseAvorthivork for your IIOAV publication to reduce this class into
somey thing like order , and to shoiv us our brethren under heads , as : — Clergymen , Engravers , LaAvyers , Musicians , Men of Letters , Actors , Men of Science , Statesmen , Painters , Soldiers ,
Architects , Sailors , & c . & c . Sculptors , If these Avere collected together from all countries they must form a galaxy of talent , genius , and celebrity . Looking at one of the heads , Ave should find Frederick the Great , Napoleon , and Wellington , the three great Avarriors of the modern day and of all time . The authors may _ be divided into poets , prose Avriters , and journalists ; from the men of science the medical men may be divided , from the statesmen
the orators . There may be a head for philanthropists , in ivhom Masonry has ever been strong . There is no such a thing , that I have seen , as a list of authentic king and prince masons , one Avhich will he pretty long , even if Ave Avrite back from the present day . MUSiEOPHILUS .
CLAVEL'S "HISTOIRE PITTORESQUE . " Clavel has got very scarce at home and abroad , and yet it is a ivork much quoted by Masonic Avriters . Are AA-C ever to have a UCAV edition ? W . E , G . ITALIAN FREEMASONRY .
What is the best history of the various attempts to establish Freemasonry in Italy ? . . M . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes And Queries For Freemasons.
To radicalism we OAVB many a silly experiment , whose unsuccessful result has only proved that our forefathers were , in some things , much Aviser than AVC thought them . To Conservatism our gratitude is due for that steady and healthful progress which Freemasonry is now making , —giving it standing and character among the institutions of the age , and rendering it e \ ery day more and more Avorthy of cultivation by men of intellect , —and must bestow upon it , as a science and a
system of philosophy , a perpetuity and prosperity which its merely social and charitable character could never lau'e secured . So , then , we advocate tho downfall of Fogeyism and Radicalism , the rock and quicksand Avhich Avould for ever shatter and Avreck the bark of Freemasonry , and advocate the via media of Conservative Reform as the sheet-anchor on which , alone , its safety can depend . ] K H .
As the working of this degree is IIOAV attracting more attention in the Masonic Avorld , in consequence of the particular care bestowed upon it by the Supreme Grand Council of England and Wales , it Avould he gratifying to myself , and some other members , if you could furnish a list of chapters , throughout the AA'orld , Avhich really work this degree .
A MEMBEE OF THE 30 ° . DISTINGUISHED MEMBEES . In English and foreign Avorks , and periodicals , I have noticed many names of distinguished members , but all mixed up together . It Avould bo a praiseAvorthivork for your IIOAV publication to reduce this class into
somey thing like order , and to shoiv us our brethren under heads , as : — Clergymen , Engravers , LaAvyers , Musicians , Men of Letters , Actors , Men of Science , Statesmen , Painters , Soldiers ,
Architects , Sailors , & c . & c . Sculptors , If these Avere collected together from all countries they must form a galaxy of talent , genius , and celebrity . Looking at one of the heads , Ave should find Frederick the Great , Napoleon , and Wellington , the three great Avarriors of the modern day and of all time . The authors may _ be divided into poets , prose Avriters , and journalists ; from the men of science the medical men may be divided , from the statesmen
the orators . There may be a head for philanthropists , in ivhom Masonry has ever been strong . There is no such a thing , that I have seen , as a list of authentic king and prince masons , one Avhich will he pretty long , even if Ave Avrite back from the present day . MUSiEOPHILUS .
CLAVEL'S "HISTOIRE PITTORESQUE . " Clavel has got very scarce at home and abroad , and yet it is a ivork much quoted by Masonic Avriters . Are AA-C ever to have a UCAV edition ? W . E , G . ITALIAN FREEMASONRY .
What is the best history of the various attempts to establish Freemasonry in Italy ? . . M . M .