Article ZETLAND LODGE, No. 537: Page 1 of 1 Article ZETLAND LODGE, No. 537: Page 1 of 1 Article KINGSTON, JAMAICA. Page 1 of 1
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Zetland Lodge, No. 537:
ZETLAND LODGE , No . 537 :
THE regular monthly meeting' was held at tho Masonic-ehambers , Arsryle-street , Birkenhead , on Wednesday , tho loth instant . Present- ' -Bros . W . Milne W . M ., W . S . Sutton " l ' . G . J . W . I . P . M .. X . Bannatvno S . W ., W . A . Clayton J . W ., F . K . Stevenson P . P . S . B . Sec . J . P . Piatt P . P .. T . G . W . Treas ., ( i . Eobertson S . D ., W . Martinis J . D ., Francis Henry I . G ., Jas . IL Holloway P . G . T . Tyler ; Past , Masters J . Lambert , Henry Bnlley P . G . S . B .
England P . P . J . G . W ., and Bros . T . Marples , C . J . Clover , J . F . Goldney , Eev . T . E . Monkhouso , T . W . Crowther , A . Hickson , & e . Visitors—W . Bennett W . M . 477 , F . A . Dickson W . M . 425 , W . Price W . M . 1270 , Thos . Chesworth P . G . D . C . P . M . I 57 f > , John Jones W . M . 1576 , L . Kretschman 1505 , Eev . M . Kaufman 570 , Henry Monsoti 1350 , S . M . Davies FREEMASON ' S CUI ' ONICT . E , . vc . Tho Lodgo opened
nt 4 . 30 , and tho minutes of last meeting wore read and ratified . This being the installation meeting the W . M . elect , Bro . N . Bannantyne , ¦ was introduced to the Installing Master , W . Bro . Sutton , by Bros . Piatt and Stevenson , who having addressed him in tho usual sublime charge , instructed thafc tho customary questions be submitted . Bro . Bannantyne was then solemnly obligated , invested , and installed as
the Worshipful Master for tho ensuing twelvemonths , aud received the salutations of tho brethren , Bro . Sutton , who conducted tho ceremony , proclaimed W . Bro . Bannantyne in tho East , West , and South , and with his assistance the Worshipful Master invested his Officers for the next year as follow : —Walter Milncr I . P . M ., W . Clayton S . W ., G . Eobertson J . W ., F . K . Stevenson P . P . G . S . B . Sec , J . P .
Piatt P . P . J . G . W . Trea ., W . Marqnis S . D ., Francis Henry J . D ., Eev . T . S . Monkhouso Chaplain , A . T . Hickson I . G ., T . W . Crowther Org ., J . F . Goldney and C . J . Clover Stewards , J . H . Holtaway P . G . T . Tyler . Bro . Sutton , underpressure of timo , delivered theexhor . tations to Master , Wardens , and brethren , after which the Treasurer ' s report was read . It showed that the Zetland had done well during
the year , and after devoting £ 26 to tho Charities there was a balance in hand . The Installing Master now had the pleasing duty of presenting in the name of tho Lodge a P . M . 's jewel to the I . P . M . ancl , in placing ifc on his breast , expressed a wish , which he know was the sentiment of the Lodge , thafc he might live long to wear it , to which Bro . Milner very appropriately replied . The W . M . received hearty
good wishes from the visiting brethren , aud the Lodge was closed in harmony , to adjourn , by command of Bro . Bannantyne , to banquet . The menu was very choice , and fcho viands were well supplied by Bro . Fairhurst . On tho removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the first toasfc —tho Queen , which was dnly honoured , the brethren singing the National Anthem . In proposing the health of the Grand Master
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the W . M . bore testimony to the great impetus given to the Craffc by His Eoyal Highness being afc its head , and so admirably filling the duties of Grand Master . He uuited with the toasfc the name of the august Consort of the Prince , and the rest of the Eoyal Family , which was heartily responded to . The next toast proposed was that of the Prov . G . Master Lord De Tabley , and in
submitting this toasfc Bro . Bannantyne said he bad great pleasure in informing them thafc nofc only as a Mason and Prov . G . Master of Cheshire was Lord De Tabley appreciated , bufc as a gentleman endearing himself to all with whom he came in contact . It was needless to arid anything by way of praise to ensure a hearty reception of his lordship ' s name . He wished to unite with the toast , the health of Bros .
Sutton P . G . J . W ., and Brother Chesworth P . G . D . C . The toast was drnnk with enthusiasm and Masonic honours . Bro . Kretschman kindly favoured tho brethren with a song . Bro . Sutton , in reply to the last toast , did so with great pleasure on his own behalf , but more especially as there had been a just tribute paid to the Prov . G . Master , for under his benign rule the Craft in this Province had greatly
prospered . As regards the duties devolving upon him as a Prov . G . Officer he would do his utmost for the Craffc , without distinction of Lodgo or district , aud ho looked forward to a very prosperous and happy year . Bro . Chesworth said that after the exhaustive remarks of Bro . Sutton , he need not dwell upon the details which would arise from so worthy a toasfc , bufc he must add his testimony to tho sterling
qualities of their Prov . G . Master , who is not only honoured in his Province , but throughout England as an exemplar in the high position he occupies , and ho felt it an honour to be numbered among the Officers of Cheshire . This toasfc , thafc had been so cordially received in the Zetland Lodge , indicated fully the esteem in which his Lordship was held , and ifc was gratifying to find it so , considering the
Lodge had such influence in the province , while its good deeds of Charity were an example to others . The I . P . M ., on assuming tho gavel , said ho had much pleasure in proposing the health of the W . M . All had known him in the various offices he had filled for years past , and now they were glad to see him occupy the exalted position of Worshipful Master . He felt sure at the expiration of the year the Lodgo
would nofc suffer under his rule . He now asked them to join in drinking to tho very good health of W . Bro . Bannantyne . The toasfc was heartily responded to , with full Blasouic honours . The W . Master , on rising , said he could scarcely find words to express his thanks for the very kind manner in which his name had been received . He felt deeply the honour of being elected to the high position of Master
of this Lodge , a position which had been so ably filled by his predecessors , but , knowing their many good qualities , he would endeavour to follow in the path marked out by them , and discharge his high duties to the utmost of his ability . With regard to tho future , that remained to bo tried , but with the aid of the Past Masters , the hearty cc-operation of the brethren , and tho skill of the Officers he had selected to assist him in working the Locige , he felt sanguine as to
results . Before sitting down ho had groat pleasure in proposing the health of tho Officers of tbo Lodge , uniting with the same the name of Bro . S . Warden . The toast was cordially received , aud drank with Masonic Honours . Bro . Clayton returned thanks ; he intimated that as an old Past Master of another Lodge ho had rendered the desired aid to the Zetland by accepting office , but as there was plenty of young aspirants for office , and every indication of coming
Zetland Lodge, No. 537:
talent , lie had no wish to go into the Chair . He was glad to see so much zeal and capacity on the part of the members . Bro . S . Steward also returned thanks for tho honour conferred ia proposing the health of the Officers . The W . M . next proposed iho health oi" the . ! r .. ; t * iUvng Master , and in doing so bestowed high pulr . ; -inm 3 on Pro . Sutton for tho manner in which ho had performed tho ceremony , He wished ,
at tho same time , to propose tho health of Bro . Milner as a Past Ma < ter , and expressed a wish that he wonld respond . Bro . Sutton , on behalf of tho Past Masters of tho Zetland Loclcre , and as Installing Master , thanked the W . M . and brethren for tho very cordial reception given tho toast . Ho felt happy to know thafc his efforts had met with tho approbation of all . He alluded to tho valuable
services rendered by the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , whom ho characterised as genuine books of reference . Bro . -Milncr said that littlo remained for him to add to what Bro . Sutton had said , except that ho felt very much impressed with tho truly fraternal kindness of tho brethren towards himself , and ho would ever esteem their gift of a Past Master ' s jewel as a
dear memento of their regard . Tho WM . on rising to propose tho next toast said , Now comes a toast which is always received in this Lodge with true fraternal greeting . Wo aro over foremost in doing honour to our guests , whom wo consider it a credit to entertain , and the enthusiasm which we at all times evince at thoir presence is nofc diminished to-day . Ho was pleased to seo Bro . Dixon of the
"Cestrian , " Bro . Bennett of tho "Mersey , " Bro . Prico of tlio "Warren , " Bro . Jones of tho "Dee , " Bro . Davies of THE Fin *** . MASON ' S CHRONICLE , tho Rev . Bro . Kaufman , and indeed every visiting brother who had done them tho honour of being present . Ho would only add that ho was delighted to seo them all , and should be glad to hear from each visiting brother . -The toasfc was received
with enthusiasm . Bro . Jones replied on bohalf of the Dee Lodge , Bro . Dixon , on behalf of the Cestrian , Bro . Bennett , for tho Blersoy . The Eev . Bro . Kaufman , in the course of an admirable speech , in fact , the speech of tho evening , offered the following remarks : Ho represented Humanity—the world—a largo constituency , but ho must not make a speech cotnmensnrably long . His connection with
a N . China Lodge , his being a Continental Mason though now an English clergyman and present among thom , was a symbol of tho interlacing , wide-spread network of Masoury , and in combining all nationalities , the great principle underlying tho Institution—¦ Fraternity . Ho represented an Institution never before there represented , a Theological College , and therefore prima facie not over .
friendly to Masonry , for religious bodies—Popery on the one hand and Puritanism on tho other—were unfriendly on religions grounds . Had thoy representatives at these meetings as on tho present occasion , and could see the good done by tho society of Masons , its high principles , etc ., they yroulcl be taught better things . Church aud World wonld be more united . It had been said by a lady of his
acquaintance that iu the teaching staff , consisting of three , in his College , he represented the world because of his broad sympathies . He was glad of this . For ho shonld not liko to represent either tho flesh or tho devil . His acquaintance with Masonry hid taught him thafc religions bodies might learn from it the great lesson which they so often foraofc in their religious antagonisms—charity . To conclude .
We heard much about Eeligion of Humanity , and Enthusiasm of Humanity now as if it wero something quite new . Tho Masonic bodies in their mysteries , which were connected with thoso of tho Antients , again in their confraternities during tho Middio Ages and in the attitude they occupied in somo Meditoval states , had all along vindicated the rights of Humanity and the great principles of Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity . Bro . Davies , for
tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONIC ; , !* , Bro . Kretschman , & c , also replied to the toast , so ably put from the chair and so warmly received by the brethren . The W . M . kindly favoured the company with a capital song , after which Bro . Stevenson drew the attention of the brethren to the Cheshire Educational Institution , and the Tyler ' s toasfc ushered in the hour for separation , after each brother had thoroughly enjoyed a very happy and pleasant evening .
Kingston, Jamaica.
It is expected that the Provincial Grand Master for Mark Masons for Jamaica will shortly inaugurate a Grand Mark Lodge , as every Lodge under English Constitution in this city ( Kingston ) havs now been properly set to work . The following are fcho Mark Lodges : —Sussex , Bro . J . W . Whitbourne ; Clifton Mount , Bro . J . J . S . Lewis ; Eoyal Keystone , Bro .
It . Langley . POUT KOYAL . —Phcenix , Bro . G . J . De Cordova . No Graud Eoyal Arch Chapter has been formed as yet , it is likely thafc the same will now be taken in band , as the District Grand Master for Jamaica will remain in the city for somo months .
Caledonian Lodge , No . 554 S . C , Port Maria . —The fol . lowing were the Officers installed on 12 th December 1878 : —J . J . Lyon W . M ., A . Levy I . P . M ., T . Broughtou S . W ., G . F . Coward J . W ., D . N . Benrich Sec , J . Neilson Treas ., A . A . Lindo S . D ., H . F . Hill LG . The J . D . and Tyler conld not be installed , on account of being absent through the severe rains .
HOI . I , OWAY ' S PILIS . —Norvons Debility . —No part of the human machine requires moro watching than tho nervous system—upon it hangs health nud life itself . These Pills are the heat regulators ancl stvengthenors of the nerves , ami the safest general purifiers . Nausea , headache , giddiness , numbness and mental 'apathy yield to them . They { despatch iu a summary monner tho
thoso distressing dyspeptic symptoms , stomachic pain ? , fullness at , pit of the stomach , abdominal distension , and overcome both capricious appetites and confined bowels—the commonly accompanying sign ; of defective or deranged nervous power , llolloway ' s Pills aro particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits , who gradually sink into a nervous ancl debilitated state , unless some such restorative be occasionally takes ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Zetland Lodge, No. 537:
ZETLAND LODGE , No . 537 :
THE regular monthly meeting' was held at tho Masonic-ehambers , Arsryle-street , Birkenhead , on Wednesday , tho loth instant . Present- ' -Bros . W . Milne W . M ., W . S . Sutton " l ' . G . J . W . I . P . M .. X . Bannatvno S . W ., W . A . Clayton J . W ., F . K . Stevenson P . P . S . B . Sec . J . P . Piatt P . P .. T . G . W . Treas ., ( i . Eobertson S . D ., W . Martinis J . D ., Francis Henry I . G ., Jas . IL Holloway P . G . T . Tyler ; Past , Masters J . Lambert , Henry Bnlley P . G . S . B .
England P . P . J . G . W ., and Bros . T . Marples , C . J . Clover , J . F . Goldney , Eev . T . E . Monkhouso , T . W . Crowther , A . Hickson , & e . Visitors—W . Bennett W . M . 477 , F . A . Dickson W . M . 425 , W . Price W . M . 1270 , Thos . Chesworth P . G . D . C . P . M . I 57 f > , John Jones W . M . 1576 , L . Kretschman 1505 , Eev . M . Kaufman 570 , Henry Monsoti 1350 , S . M . Davies FREEMASON ' S CUI ' ONICT . E , . vc . Tho Lodgo opened
nt 4 . 30 , and tho minutes of last meeting wore read and ratified . This being the installation meeting the W . M . elect , Bro . N . Bannantyne , ¦ was introduced to the Installing Master , W . Bro . Sutton , by Bros . Piatt and Stevenson , who having addressed him in tho usual sublime charge , instructed thafc tho customary questions be submitted . Bro . Bannantyne was then solemnly obligated , invested , and installed as
the Worshipful Master for tho ensuing twelvemonths , aud received the salutations of tho brethren , Bro . Sutton , who conducted tho ceremony , proclaimed W . Bro . Bannantyne in tho East , West , and South , and with his assistance the Worshipful Master invested his Officers for the next year as follow : —Walter Milncr I . P . M ., W . Clayton S . W ., G . Eobertson J . W ., F . K . Stevenson P . P . G . S . B . Sec , J . P .
Piatt P . P . J . G . W . Trea ., W . Marqnis S . D ., Francis Henry J . D ., Eev . T . S . Monkhouso Chaplain , A . T . Hickson I . G ., T . W . Crowther Org ., J . F . Goldney and C . J . Clover Stewards , J . H . Holtaway P . G . T . Tyler . Bro . Sutton , underpressure of timo , delivered theexhor . tations to Master , Wardens , and brethren , after which the Treasurer ' s report was read . It showed that the Zetland had done well during
the year , and after devoting £ 26 to tho Charities there was a balance in hand . The Installing Master now had the pleasing duty of presenting in the name of tho Lodge a P . M . 's jewel to the I . P . M . ancl , in placing ifc on his breast , expressed a wish , which he know was the sentiment of the Lodge , thafc he might live long to wear it , to which Bro . Milner very appropriately replied . The W . M . received hearty
good wishes from the visiting brethren , aud the Lodge was closed in harmony , to adjourn , by command of Bro . Bannantyne , to banquet . The menu was very choice , and fcho viands were well supplied by Bro . Fairhurst . On tho removal of the cloth , the W . M . gave the first toasfc —tho Queen , which was dnly honoured , the brethren singing the National Anthem . In proposing the health of the Grand Master
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , the W . M . bore testimony to the great impetus given to the Craffc by His Eoyal Highness being afc its head , and so admirably filling the duties of Grand Master . He uuited with the toasfc the name of the august Consort of the Prince , and the rest of the Eoyal Family , which was heartily responded to . The next toast proposed was that of the Prov . G . Master Lord De Tabley , and in
submitting this toasfc Bro . Bannantyne said he bad great pleasure in informing them thafc nofc only as a Mason and Prov . G . Master of Cheshire was Lord De Tabley appreciated , bufc as a gentleman endearing himself to all with whom he came in contact . It was needless to arid anything by way of praise to ensure a hearty reception of his lordship ' s name . He wished to unite with the toast , the health of Bros .
Sutton P . G . J . W ., and Brother Chesworth P . G . D . C . The toast was drnnk with enthusiasm and Masonic honours . Bro . Kretschman kindly favoured tho brethren with a song . Bro . Sutton , in reply to the last toast , did so with great pleasure on his own behalf , but more especially as there had been a just tribute paid to the Prov . G . Master , for under his benign rule the Craft in this Province had greatly
prospered . As regards the duties devolving upon him as a Prov . G . Officer he would do his utmost for the Craffc , without distinction of Lodgo or district , aud ho looked forward to a very prosperous and happy year . Bro . Chesworth said that after the exhaustive remarks of Bro . Sutton , he need not dwell upon the details which would arise from so worthy a toasfc , bufc he must add his testimony to tho sterling
qualities of their Prov . G . Master , who is not only honoured in his Province , but throughout England as an exemplar in the high position he occupies , and ho felt it an honour to be numbered among the Officers of Cheshire . This toasfc , thafc had been so cordially received in the Zetland Lodge , indicated fully the esteem in which his Lordship was held , and ifc was gratifying to find it so , considering the
Lodge had such influence in the province , while its good deeds of Charity were an example to others . The I . P . M ., on assuming tho gavel , said ho had much pleasure in proposing the health of the W . M . All had known him in the various offices he had filled for years past , and now they were glad to see him occupy the exalted position of Worshipful Master . He felt sure at the expiration of the year the Lodgo
would nofc suffer under his rule . He now asked them to join in drinking to tho very good health of W . Bro . Bannantyne . The toasfc was heartily responded to , with full Blasouic honours . The W . Master , on rising , said he could scarcely find words to express his thanks for the very kind manner in which his name had been received . He felt deeply the honour of being elected to the high position of Master
of this Lodge , a position which had been so ably filled by his predecessors , but , knowing their many good qualities , he would endeavour to follow in the path marked out by them , and discharge his high duties to the utmost of his ability . With regard to tho future , that remained to bo tried , but with the aid of the Past Masters , the hearty cc-operation of the brethren , and tho skill of the Officers he had selected to assist him in working the Locige , he felt sanguine as to
results . Before sitting down ho had groat pleasure in proposing the health of tho Officers of tbo Lodge , uniting with the same the name of Bro . S . Warden . The toast was cordially received , aud drank with Masonic Honours . Bro . Clayton returned thanks ; he intimated that as an old Past Master of another Lodge ho had rendered the desired aid to the Zetland by accepting office , but as there was plenty of young aspirants for office , and every indication of coming
Zetland Lodge, No. 537:
talent , lie had no wish to go into the Chair . He was glad to see so much zeal and capacity on the part of the members . Bro . S . Steward also returned thanks for tho honour conferred ia proposing the health of the Officers . The W . M . next proposed iho health oi" the . ! r .. ; t * iUvng Master , and in doing so bestowed high pulr . ; -inm 3 on Pro . Sutton for tho manner in which ho had performed tho ceremony , He wished ,
at tho same time , to propose tho health of Bro . Milner as a Past Ma < ter , and expressed a wish that he wonld respond . Bro . Sutton , on behalf of tho Past Masters of tho Zetland Loclcre , and as Installing Master , thanked the W . M . and brethren for tho very cordial reception given tho toast . Ho felt happy to know thafc his efforts had met with tho approbation of all . He alluded to tho valuable
services rendered by the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , whom ho characterised as genuine books of reference . Bro . -Milncr said that littlo remained for him to add to what Bro . Sutton had said , except that ho felt very much impressed with tho truly fraternal kindness of tho brethren towards himself , and ho would ever esteem their gift of a Past Master ' s jewel as a
dear memento of their regard . Tho WM . on rising to propose tho next toast said , Now comes a toast which is always received in this Lodge with true fraternal greeting . Wo aro over foremost in doing honour to our guests , whom wo consider it a credit to entertain , and the enthusiasm which we at all times evince at thoir presence is nofc diminished to-day . Ho was pleased to seo Bro . Dixon of the
"Cestrian , " Bro . Bennett of tho "Mersey , " Bro . Prico of tlio "Warren , " Bro . Jones of tho "Dee , " Bro . Davies of THE Fin *** . MASON ' S CHRONICLE , tho Rev . Bro . Kaufman , and indeed every visiting brother who had done them tho honour of being present . Ho would only add that ho was delighted to seo them all , and should be glad to hear from each visiting brother . -The toasfc was received
with enthusiasm . Bro . Jones replied on bohalf of the Dee Lodge , Bro . Dixon , on behalf of the Cestrian , Bro . Bennett , for tho Blersoy . The Eev . Bro . Kaufman , in the course of an admirable speech , in fact , the speech of tho evening , offered the following remarks : Ho represented Humanity—the world—a largo constituency , but ho must not make a speech cotnmensnrably long . His connection with
a N . China Lodge , his being a Continental Mason though now an English clergyman and present among thom , was a symbol of tho interlacing , wide-spread network of Masoury , and in combining all nationalities , the great principle underlying tho Institution—¦ Fraternity . Ho represented an Institution never before there represented , a Theological College , and therefore prima facie not over .
friendly to Masonry , for religious bodies—Popery on the one hand and Puritanism on tho other—were unfriendly on religions grounds . Had thoy representatives at these meetings as on tho present occasion , and could see the good done by tho society of Masons , its high principles , etc ., they yroulcl be taught better things . Church aud World wonld be more united . It had been said by a lady of his
acquaintance that iu the teaching staff , consisting of three , in his College , he represented the world because of his broad sympathies . He was glad of this . For ho shonld not liko to represent either tho flesh or tho devil . His acquaintance with Masonry hid taught him thafc religions bodies might learn from it the great lesson which they so often foraofc in their religious antagonisms—charity . To conclude .
We heard much about Eeligion of Humanity , and Enthusiasm of Humanity now as if it wero something quite new . Tho Masonic bodies in their mysteries , which were connected with thoso of tho Antients , again in their confraternities during tho Middio Ages and in the attitude they occupied in somo Meditoval states , had all along vindicated the rights of Humanity and the great principles of Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity . Bro . Davies , for
tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONIC ; , !* , Bro . Kretschman , & c , also replied to the toast , so ably put from the chair and so warmly received by the brethren . The W . M . kindly favoured the company with a capital song , after which Bro . Stevenson drew the attention of the brethren to the Cheshire Educational Institution , and the Tyler ' s toasfc ushered in the hour for separation , after each brother had thoroughly enjoyed a very happy and pleasant evening .
Kingston, Jamaica.
It is expected that the Provincial Grand Master for Mark Masons for Jamaica will shortly inaugurate a Grand Mark Lodge , as every Lodge under English Constitution in this city ( Kingston ) havs now been properly set to work . The following are fcho Mark Lodges : —Sussex , Bro . J . W . Whitbourne ; Clifton Mount , Bro . J . J . S . Lewis ; Eoyal Keystone , Bro .
It . Langley . POUT KOYAL . —Phcenix , Bro . G . J . De Cordova . No Graud Eoyal Arch Chapter has been formed as yet , it is likely thafc the same will now be taken in band , as the District Grand Master for Jamaica will remain in the city for somo months .
Caledonian Lodge , No . 554 S . C , Port Maria . —The fol . lowing were the Officers installed on 12 th December 1878 : —J . J . Lyon W . M ., A . Levy I . P . M ., T . Broughtou S . W ., G . F . Coward J . W ., D . N . Benrich Sec , J . Neilson Treas ., A . A . Lindo S . D ., H . F . Hill LG . The J . D . and Tyler conld not be installed , on account of being absent through the severe rains .
HOI . I , OWAY ' S PILIS . —Norvons Debility . —No part of the human machine requires moro watching than tho nervous system—upon it hangs health nud life itself . These Pills are the heat regulators ancl stvengthenors of the nerves , ami the safest general purifiers . Nausea , headache , giddiness , numbness and mental 'apathy yield to them . They { despatch iu a summary monner tho
thoso distressing dyspeptic symptoms , stomachic pain ? , fullness at , pit of the stomach , abdominal distension , and overcome both capricious appetites and confined bowels—the commonly accompanying sign ; of defective or deranged nervous power , llolloway ' s Pills aro particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits , who gradually sink into a nervous ancl debilitated state , unless some such restorative be occasionally takes ,