Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS CBOYHOU . — : o : — Patron and President : His ROYAL HiunxEss THE PRINCE or WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . ryillE AXrVrVBKSARV FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION I . will take place on Weilnnsiliiy , the 12 Mi February 1 S"U , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Grout Queen-street , Loudon , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-COLONEL LE GENDRE N . STAItKIE , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR FAST J ; AN <"! . \ SHIRK , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Uretliren desirinifof accepting the odicc of Steward upon this occasion , will ¦ frcat . lyolili'fo li . v fiirirartliH'r their names mid Masonic rank , ns soon . is convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly rr ' yo any information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . O . J . W . Herts , ¦ 1 Freemasons' null , London , W . C . Seerctarj * . ....
r - A GRAND MASONIC BALL wir . r , ni ; iii-r . B IN THE TOWN HALL , CONGLETON On Wednesday , 29 th January 1879 . UNDER THE TUNN'ER OF THE KATOX LODGE , No . 533 . \ SUM equal to tlio total proceeds of tlio Hall will bo given to tlie XV . Poor of C ' onu'let . nn , and n sum eipnil to half the total proceeds will bo ¦ , 'ivcn to the Cheshire Kdnc . 'ition .-il Masonic Institution . TICKh'TS -Gentlemen Ids , Ladie-s 7 s ( id each ; to he had from Mr . A . E . Coknync , Conyleton . It is TO I nested that the name of the holder of each Ticket he written on tho back thereof . DANCING TO COMMKNCK AT NIXR O ' CLOCK .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The 'Klmlrivble vm *! unrivalled accommodation pro virU * rt nl tlu ' . s Esfc . i Wis men fc for J ^ VE . A . SOI ^ IC BA . IsT Q TJ-ET ' S , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c Irf too well kiinwti tuucLMlennim'jnt . The ont ho ni : ia : i : i-mi . nt h . i-: been cl .-mired , and tho Kstablishmout in iillit . s brutichu . s tliui'uu ; , "hl . v rc-urgiuiUsu'l . Tlio attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tlio many advantages offered . CUISHSTJi * OF TI-IE HIG-HJilST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND ( tUAIiITY . N . B .-DMNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 28 EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 tot daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Hilliiij ,-sgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , j
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL M ASTERS ancl SECRETARIES of LODGES . J . Dro . Gennre Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TAUIIT OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
H ^ P ^^^^^^ a FrV ^^ gV-AiV P ^ mff ^ j mwv j ^ rVM vasS ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
rilHE Queen remains in the Isle of Wi ght . Her Majesty -X- -was present on Sunday at Divine worshi p at Osborne House . The Grand Cross of the Bath has been conferred npon
tlio Marquis of Hertford . Tho vacant riband of the Order of St . Patrick has been conferred upon the Earl of Portarlington . The Turkish Ambassador , M . Mnsurus , returned to London on Monday from Constantinople .
An announcement appeared in tho Gazelle on Tnesday of the notice by the French Government to terminate the Commercial Treaties with this country on 1 st January 1880 . The deaths are reportod this week of Mr . M'Carth y Downing , M . P . for Cork County , who died rather suddenly
Our Weekly Budget.
on Friday last ; also of Mr . K M . Ward , tlio Royal Academician , who died on Thursday , aged OS . The residence of the Earl of Faversbatn , afc Duncombopark , in Yorkshire , was entirely destroyed by fire on Saturday morning . Many valuable paintings and statues were , unfortunately , lost . A fire also occurred on Saturday afc
tho Free Reference Library attached to the Birmingham and Midland Institute ; tho building was entirely destroyed , and several extremely valuable collections of books were sacrificed . A subscrip tion has been opened at Birmingham to raise -610 , 000 to restore tho library , and nearly one-half of thafc amount has been promised .
Mary Donovan , the charwoman , who has undergone several examinations upon suspicion of having murdered Mrs . Rachael Samuel , of Burton-crescent , was discharged on Friday by the magistrate , the police having failed to obtain direct evidence to connect her with the crime . A Treasury reward of £ 100 has since been offered for the conviction of the murderer . Edward Byrne Madden was tried on Monday , at the Central Criminal Court , for sending letters to the Home Office threatening the life of the Queen , but the jury found that he was of unsound mind , and he was ordered to bo detained during Her Majesty ' s pleasure .
Late on Monday night an explosion occurred m the Uinas Colliery , situate in the Rhondda Valley , South Wales , and it is feared that 60 men who were afc work in the mine havo perished * , bufc none of the bodies have yefc been recovered .
Heavy gales , with thick fogs , have caused many shipping disasters upon tho British coasts during the last few clays . The bavk Schiehallion , from Kew Zealand , ran on the rocks near Sfc . Catherine ' s , Isle of Wight , and one man and a boy wero drowned . Tho American ship T . B . Read was wrecked near Milford , aud three of the crew were drowned .
The strike of the -rood guards and shunters on the Mid-Innrl Railway has terminated in the general return of tho men to work afc the reduced rates . The threatened strike of the South Yorkshire coal-miners has been averted , at least for the present , by both parties consenting to arbitration .
General Stewart ., after a slig ht skirmish with Afghan troops , who disbanded after defeat , entered Candahar on the 8 th of January , a deputation from the inhabitants having tendered their submission . General Roberts has returned to Kuram , and detachments of his force having inflicted chastisement upon the predatory hill tribes , it is believed that military operations have ceased for the winter . According to tlio Russian press , Sbere Ali has been invited by General Kanfmann to Tashkend ; but it is
at the same time declared that Russia ihas no intention of interfering in the dispute between him and the British Government . The extreme Republicans in the French Chambers have held meetings to discuss the propriety of urging a series of measures for adoption by tho Government , to which M . Gambetta offers resistance . Since then ,
however , the Bejmblique Francatse , which represents M . Gambetta ' s views , has taken a different course , and an attack upon the existing Cabinet is expected . General Borel , the Minister for War , has resigned , and General Gresley has been appointed to succeed him . The Chambers reassembled on Tuesday , but no business of importance was
transacted until 'I hursday when a Ministerial programme was announced bufc was received with coldness by the Left , especially in the Chamber of Deputies . The proposed legislation in respect of speeches in Parliament causes great dissatisfaction iu Germany , bnt a semi-official announcement has been made that the Bill has been introduced at the suggestion of the Emperor . In the meantime , the police
campaig" against !**• " ¦ i i >> fc " . nos and newspapers is being carried on vigorously . The explanations given by the Danish GoveriiL ... nt respecting the stay of the Duke of Cumberland at Copenhagen are stated to have been satisfactory to the Gorman Government . Prince Henry , brother of the King of Holland , who a few months since married a daughter of P-inco Frederick of Prussia , died on Monday
from an attau . c of measles . A body ot Cheyenne Indians under restraint at Fort Robinson , Nebraska , effected their escape , and , refusing to surrender to the United States troops , many , including women and children , were killed . A remnant , after several farther encounters with the troops , finall y eluded recapture . Accounts have been received from new Caledonia of the massacre of eleven white men by the cannibal natives .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS CBOYHOU . — : o : — Patron and President : His ROYAL HiunxEss THE PRINCE or WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . ryillE AXrVrVBKSARV FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION I . will take place on Weilnnsiliiy , the 12 Mi February 1 S"U , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Grout Queen-street , Loudon , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-COLONEL LE GENDRE N . STAItKIE , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR FAST J ; AN <"! . \ SHIRK , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Uretliren desirinifof accepting the odicc of Steward upon this occasion , will ¦ frcat . lyolili'fo li . v fiirirartliH'r their names mid Masonic rank , ns soon . is convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly rr ' yo any information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . O . J . W . Herts , ¦ 1 Freemasons' null , London , W . C . Seerctarj * . ....
r - A GRAND MASONIC BALL wir . r , ni ; iii-r . B IN THE TOWN HALL , CONGLETON On Wednesday , 29 th January 1879 . UNDER THE TUNN'ER OF THE KATOX LODGE , No . 533 . \ SUM equal to tlio total proceeds of tlio Hall will bo given to tlie XV . Poor of C ' onu'let . nn , and n sum eipnil to half the total proceeds will bo ¦ , 'ivcn to the Cheshire Kdnc . 'ition .-il Masonic Institution . TICKh'TS -Gentlemen Ids , Ladie-s 7 s ( id each ; to he had from Mr . A . E . Coknync , Conyleton . It is TO I nested that the name of the holder of each Ticket he written on tho back thereof . DANCING TO COMMKNCK AT NIXR O ' CLOCK .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STBEET , LONDON , W . C . The 'Klmlrivble vm *! unrivalled accommodation pro virU * rt nl tlu ' . s Esfc . i Wis men fc for J ^ VE . A . SOI ^ IC BA . IsT Q TJ-ET ' S , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c Irf too well kiinwti tuucLMlennim'jnt . The ont ho ni : ia : i : i-mi . nt h . i-: been cl .-mired , and tho Kstablishmout in iillit . s brutichu . s tliui'uu ; , "hl . v rc-urgiuiUsu'l . Tlio attention of tho Masonic Body is directed to tlio many advantages offered . CUISHSTJi * OF TI-IE HIG-HJilST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND ( tUAIiITY . N . B .-DMNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 28 EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 tot daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Hilliiij ,-sgato Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , j
THE MASONIC SEASON . rpo WORSHIPFUL M ASTERS ancl SECRETARIES of LODGES . J . Dro . Gennre Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TAUIIT OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for largo or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
H ^ P ^^^^^^ a FrV ^^ gV-AiV P ^ mff ^ j mwv j ^ rVM vasS ^ 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
rilHE Queen remains in the Isle of Wi ght . Her Majesty -X- -was present on Sunday at Divine worshi p at Osborne House . The Grand Cross of the Bath has been conferred npon
tlio Marquis of Hertford . Tho vacant riband of the Order of St . Patrick has been conferred upon the Earl of Portarlington . The Turkish Ambassador , M . Mnsurus , returned to London on Monday from Constantinople .
An announcement appeared in tho Gazelle on Tnesday of the notice by the French Government to terminate the Commercial Treaties with this country on 1 st January 1880 . The deaths are reportod this week of Mr . M'Carth y Downing , M . P . for Cork County , who died rather suddenly
Our Weekly Budget.
on Friday last ; also of Mr . K M . Ward , tlio Royal Academician , who died on Thursday , aged OS . The residence of the Earl of Faversbatn , afc Duncombopark , in Yorkshire , was entirely destroyed by fire on Saturday morning . Many valuable paintings and statues were , unfortunately , lost . A fire also occurred on Saturday afc
tho Free Reference Library attached to the Birmingham and Midland Institute ; tho building was entirely destroyed , and several extremely valuable collections of books were sacrificed . A subscrip tion has been opened at Birmingham to raise -610 , 000 to restore tho library , and nearly one-half of thafc amount has been promised .
Mary Donovan , the charwoman , who has undergone several examinations upon suspicion of having murdered Mrs . Rachael Samuel , of Burton-crescent , was discharged on Friday by the magistrate , the police having failed to obtain direct evidence to connect her with the crime . A Treasury reward of £ 100 has since been offered for the conviction of the murderer . Edward Byrne Madden was tried on Monday , at the Central Criminal Court , for sending letters to the Home Office threatening the life of the Queen , but the jury found that he was of unsound mind , and he was ordered to bo detained during Her Majesty ' s pleasure .
Late on Monday night an explosion occurred m the Uinas Colliery , situate in the Rhondda Valley , South Wales , and it is feared that 60 men who were afc work in the mine havo perished * , bufc none of the bodies have yefc been recovered .
Heavy gales , with thick fogs , have caused many shipping disasters upon tho British coasts during the last few clays . The bavk Schiehallion , from Kew Zealand , ran on the rocks near Sfc . Catherine ' s , Isle of Wight , and one man and a boy wero drowned . Tho American ship T . B . Read was wrecked near Milford , aud three of the crew were drowned .
The strike of the -rood guards and shunters on the Mid-Innrl Railway has terminated in the general return of tho men to work afc the reduced rates . The threatened strike of the South Yorkshire coal-miners has been averted , at least for the present , by both parties consenting to arbitration .
General Stewart ., after a slig ht skirmish with Afghan troops , who disbanded after defeat , entered Candahar on the 8 th of January , a deputation from the inhabitants having tendered their submission . General Roberts has returned to Kuram , and detachments of his force having inflicted chastisement upon the predatory hill tribes , it is believed that military operations have ceased for the winter . According to tlio Russian press , Sbere Ali has been invited by General Kanfmann to Tashkend ; but it is
at the same time declared that Russia ihas no intention of interfering in the dispute between him and the British Government . The extreme Republicans in the French Chambers have held meetings to discuss the propriety of urging a series of measures for adoption by tho Government , to which M . Gambetta offers resistance . Since then ,
however , the Bejmblique Francatse , which represents M . Gambetta ' s views , has taken a different course , and an attack upon the existing Cabinet is expected . General Borel , the Minister for War , has resigned , and General Gresley has been appointed to succeed him . The Chambers reassembled on Tuesday , but no business of importance was
transacted until 'I hursday when a Ministerial programme was announced bufc was received with coldness by the Left , especially in the Chamber of Deputies . The proposed legislation in respect of speeches in Parliament causes great dissatisfaction iu Germany , bnt a semi-official announcement has been made that the Bill has been introduced at the suggestion of the Emperor . In the meantime , the police
campaig" against !**• " ¦ i i >> fc " . nos and newspapers is being carried on vigorously . The explanations given by the Danish GoveriiL ... nt respecting the stay of the Duke of Cumberland at Copenhagen are stated to have been satisfactory to the Gorman Government . Prince Henry , brother of the King of Holland , who a few months since married a daughter of P-inco Frederick of Prussia , died on Monday
from an attau . c of measles . A body ot Cheyenne Indians under restraint at Fort Robinson , Nebraska , effected their escape , and , refusing to surrender to the United States troops , many , including women and children , were killed . A remnant , after several farther encounters with the troops , finall y eluded recapture . Accounts have been received from new Caledonia of the massacre of eleven white men by the cannibal natives .