Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MUSIC IN STOCK. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC BOOKS IN STOCK Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MAY ELECTION , 1 S 74 . "R OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - AGED FREEMASONS . The kind support of the President , Vice-Presidents , "" . ifc Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . RICHARD COMMINS , BORN 29 x 11 Ai'Rii ., JJ 97 , No . 31 ON LIST , Formerly of " All Souls' " Lodge , No . 1 J 0 , was Initiated in April , 182 J , and continued a subscribing member until June , 1 S 49 , being always a most zealous working Mason . The Petitioner is a Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer , and for 52 years carried on a most respectable business hi Weymouth , holding a good position , and for iS years was a member of thc Town Council . ... . , . Owing to competition , losses in trade , and sickness in his amily , at last he has been obliged to retire in a penniless condition . He' is 77 vears of age , has a wife 74 to support , and is entirely dependent on charity ; and to add to his misfortunes , has recently met with an accident , breaking two of bis ribs , rendering him totally unlit for even a casual day ' s labour . This is an urgent case , and worthy of your sympathy and assistance . Thc case is most earnestly recommended by the undermentioned Rrcthren : — R . W . Bro . I . Gundrv , P . G . M ., Dorset ; The Hvdc , Bridport . R . W . Hrn . ' J . Huyshe , P . G . M ., Devon , Clythsydon Rectory , Collumpton . * R . W . Bro . W . Eliot , P . P . G . M ., Dorset , Wevmouth . V . W . Bro . J . II . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M ., Dorset , Downc Hall Bridport . * W . Bro . Thos . Coombs , P . G . A . D . C , P . M ., No . 417 , P . G . Sec ., Dorset , Dorchester . W . Bro . ) ohn Symonds , P . G . A . D . C , Vice-President ol the Institution , Nos . 417 , 114 ( 1 , 3 ; Ingram . court , Fenchurch-street . * W . Bro . Rev P . H . Ncwnham , P . P . G . C , Dorset , P . P . G . C , Hants , P . M . Nos . 405 , 417 , the Vicarage , Stonehouse , Devon . W . Bro . George Burt , P . P . G . S . W ., Dorset , P . M ., Nos . 18 , 1146 , Grosvenor House , Millbank , S . W ., I ' urbeck House , Swanage . W . Bro . Joseph l'reeman , P . M ., Nos . 1 ? , 1146 , 15 , Radnor-place , Gloucester-square , \ V . * W . Iiro . U . N . Howard , P . P . G . S . W ., Dorset , P . M ., No . 1037 , Weymouth . * W . Bro . C . . * . Vigne , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Somerset , Westfield House , Bath . W . Bro . Mm Jacob , P . M ., No . : 7 o , P . P . G . Sec , Dorset . Bro . Sir P . I . \ V . [ olinstoue , M . P ., No . 170 . * W . Bro . J . B . Cole , W . M ., No . 170 , Weymouth . Proxies will be thankfully received by tliose marked thus , * and by the Petitioner , I , Sandsfoot-terrace , Wykc , Weymouth .
"ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INXV ST 1 TUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FRKF . M / VSONS . The favour of thc Votes and Interest of thc Governors and Subscribers to the above Institution is carnestlv solicited on behalf of JEMIMA Sl'ICI-R , Widow of the late Hro , Walter Spicer , of the I-od ^ c of Science 437 i Hourton , Dorset , to which he subscribed 30 years . He was elected to the above Institution in 1857 , where be * died last year . Mrs . Splicer ' s only means of support , jS one half the Annuity formerly allowed ber late husband , which will be ultimately discontinued in accordance with the laws of the Institution . The case is strongly recommended by Bro , Ii . Head , V . 1 \ - \ G , D „ 12 , Karls-terrace , Kensington . „ Dr . Strong P . M ., 453 ; 463 , l \ Z ., 452 , 463 l \ l \ G . \ V ., Surrey 64 , North-end Croydon . „ Price , P . M . 463 , P . Z , 463 , P . G . Treasurer , Surrey , 114 High street , Crovdon . „ Pratt , P . M ., ' 7 , Malvcm House ; Bedford Park , Croydon . „ \ V . Masterman , P . M ., P . Z . 410 . Wellesley-road , Croydon . Proxies will be thankfully received by Mrs , Spicer at the Masonic Institution . Crovdon ,
¦ nOR FISH . A Try GOW . ¦ pOR POULTRY . 1 . Try GOW . TTOR GAME . x Try GOW . ¦ ROR BARRELLED OYSTERS . x Try GOW . T GOW . J ' 1 , HONEY-LAN- MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quo ations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c , Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDEK WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . ' % x \\ $ t iinb pijotoflrapIjiT . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths Gs . ; Vignettes is . Oil . ; Cameo and Kembrar . t , Bust 10 s .
Just out , Svo . sewed . Price is ,, post free . AN Investigation into the Cause ofthe Hostility of the Church of Rome to Freemasonry , etc . London : REEVES and TURNER , 196 , Strand , W . C .
QNGAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL , 20 miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils waiting or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive careful attention . Twenty acres of ground for football , cricket , & c . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and ff the best , Locality most healthy . Prospectus should be seen Cor details . Terms very moderate . 1 ' iincipal , Dr . Clark .
JTDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES . — A Brother ( a French graduate ) , and his wife ( Eng' 'i ) i are prepared to receive a few pupils in their select school , situate close to I lampton Court and Bu . licy-park . Languages , Piano , and other accomplishments taught "ally by efficient masters . Inclusive tcims , from thirty guineas . Prospectus on application to Mdme . B ., Ivy House , Hampton-wick , S . W .
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knight ; composed by Bro . H . Parker , words by Bro . R . W . Little 3 / 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . James Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 / 0 Brotherly Love , Relief and Truth ; written by Bro .
Sen ell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes ... ... 4 / 0 The Final Toast ; written by D . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow ... ... ... 3 / 0 The E . A . Song ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry , of the" Lodgeof Antiquity , " No . 2 ... ... ... 6 d . Masonic Harmonia ... ... _ ,, ... ... 9 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of thc " Merchant
Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . Younghusband . P . M ., P . Z , P . E . C , and P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire 6 d . The Freemason ( Tell me thc Sign John ) ; written by George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / a Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Harroway , " Royal York Lodge , " Brighton ... ... ... 3 / c The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ) composed by
John Blockley ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 The Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn , by Bro . W . B . Tolputt ( Past Master of the " Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The Freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by permission ) to thc Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bio . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duel ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 Music for the Ceremony of Advancement to the Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to thc Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . Portal 3 / 0 Here ' s to His Health in a Song ; written b y J . J . Bealey ; composed by J . M . Bentley ... ... 4 / 0 Hird's Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . Hird 4 / 0
So Mote it Be , by Bro . Jno . P . Nunn 2 / 6 Masonic Mischief , the new Masonic Song , by G . Grant 3 / 0 Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Mischief ... 3 / 0 The Mystic Tie , song with quartctt chorus , written by Wm . Carpenter , Esq ., composed by Jas . C .
Baker , Mus . D . 4 / 0 " Welcome , " a Masonic song , written by Bro . Wm . Carpenter , composed by Bro Jas . C . Baker . ... 4 / 0 The Mark Masons' Song ; dedicated to the Rt . Hon . thc Earl of Percy , M . P ., M . W . G ' . M-M . By Bro . T . B . Yeoman 3 / 0
AU Ihe above Half-Price . Dr . Spark ' s Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to 12 ( e-ich ) 5 / 0 The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Selmar Kahienberg ... ... ... ... 2 / 0 Masonic Ode , written by Bro . G . Passenger ; composed by Bro . B . Sharpe 5 / 0
The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , & c , with a list of Toasts and Sentiments . 3 s . 6 d . cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges ... Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set to Music and arranged by Bro . C . H . Purdey , new edition ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and com . posed by Bro . G . !• * . Taylor , for the use of Mark Masters' Lodges ... ... ... ... .,. 2 / 0 Masonic Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No . 241 1 / 6 Music for the Masonic Ceremonies ; b y Bros . E . J . Crow and R . Limpus . Parts I .. II .. & III : ( each ) 6 d ,
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET ¦ M ||| -- CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the tA Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge Cd ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( J < 1 . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
WHIGHT AND MANN'S , UNEg . UAU . ED LOCKSTITCH SEWING MACHINESWANTED IN EVERY HOME . fl * _ T » A The " PRIMA DONNA , " fiifc ^ SSS ^& C . ^ csv Loe ' Stitch and Shuttle | | jj ^_! ri 2 ^ n 4 ]^— Machine , does every kind of Jjr " ffM \\ family sewing . Price 4 V . tm § guineas . rf ^ J ^ H . Wjjj — ^ ^ i ii _* stf ' r 5 vtls _ i '\ Improved Machines for llfj ^ W- ^^ fz ^ ST Manufacturers , Boot-tnakers , ff ^^^ - ' l ^^^ f ^^ Tailors , _ rc , at the lowest ^? Vd * 5 ?; ^ ' 2 ^ ^ . ji 5 ! B *** 'j possible prices c impatible ^ ifefiK--K ' . v ^ - ' * with good workmanship . WHIGHT & MANN , 143 , HOIB & RN BARS .
IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . L Use 1 . IEB 1 G COMPANV'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as ' stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives line flavour and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried . Caution . —Genuine pnly with Baton Ltebig ' s facsimile across label
Masonic Books In Stock
ENGLISH . History of Freemasonry , 2 nd Edition ( Findel ) ... 10 / 6 History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Lyon ) ... 31 / 6 Life of Constantine ... ... ... ... 5 ^ 0 Encyclopaedia of Masonry and its Kindred
Sciences ( Mackey ) ... ... ... ... 3 8 / 0 Sloane Manuscript ( Woodford ) ... ... ... " 2 J 6 Masonic Gatherings , by Bro . G . Taylor , P M . ... 5 / 0 Reflected Rays of Light , 4 th Edition ( Garey ) ... 1 / 0 Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle ( Paton ) ... ... ... ... t [ o The Freemason , Vol . I . ... ... ... ... 4 / 6
Vol . II 7 / 6 „ „ Vol . III . IV . & V . ( each ) ... 15 / 0 Red Cross Statutes ... 1 / 6 Knight Templar Sermon ( Ross ) 6 d . S . G . C . Regulations 1 / 6
Royal Arch ... 2 / 6 G . L . Constitutions with Charge and E . A . Song ... 2 / 0 Mark Constitutions ... ... ... ... 2 / 6 Statutes Convent General 3 / 6 and 13 / 6 Craft , Mark , R . A ., R . C , R . > J * . K . T . Books Grand Lodge Calendar .,. 2 / 0
I . odge Bibles 15 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Chapter Bibles 15 / 0 , 21 / 0 , 42 / 0 Laws of the Supreme G . C . of Scotland ... ... 3 / 0 The Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons ... 2 / 6 The Ficemason ( Weekly ) ... ... ... ... 2 d . The Masonic Magazine ( Monthly ) ... ... 6 d . Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar , Diary ( annually ) 2 / 0
AMERICAN . Masonic Trials , by H . M . Look ... „ . „ , 7 / 6 Sickel's Ahiman Rezon ( cloth ) ... 6 / 9 „ Freemasons' Monitor ( tucks ) 6 / 9 R . A . Companion ... ,,, 4 / 6 Guide to thc Chapter ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Manual of the Chapter „ ... ... ... 3 / 0 Book A . and A . Rite „ ... ... ... 22 / 6
R . and S . M . Council Monitor 4 / 3 Swedenborg Rite ... , „ , „ ... 6 / 0 Masonic Token ( cloth gilt ) ... .,, ,,, 0 / 6 Macoy ' s Manual E . Star ... ... 4 / 3 Simon ' s Book of the Commandery ( tucks ) ... 4 / 6 Origin of Masonry ... . „ , „ , „ 4 / 6 Chase ' s Digest of Jiasonic Law 6 / 0
Pierson ' s Traditions „ g / o Signet of King Solomon ... ... , „ ,,, 6 / 0 Rationale and Ethics ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Simon ' s Jurisprudence ... ... ,,, ... 6 / 9 Washington and Compeers ( cloth ) 11 / 3
Obituary Rites ... 1 / 9 Portal ' s Symbols ( cloth ) , 4 / 6 Lockwood's Masonic Law ... 5 / 0 Webb's Monitor ( tucks ) ... ... 4 / 6
Drew ' s Handbook ... ... ,,, , „ ,, 4 / 6 Lawrence ' s Moral Design 4 / 6 Woodruff's Masonic Code ... ... . „ ... 3 / 0 Lights and Shadows ( cloth ) ... 8 / 6 Cross True Masonic Chart ,,, ... „ , 6 / 0 Mystic Tie ( cloth ) 6 / 9 Ritual of Freemasonry ... ., _ 8 / o
THE GOOD TEMPLARS' PURE TEA , Specially selected of Finest Qualities for the I . O . G . T . THIS TEA WILL BE FOUND REFRESHING , INVIGORATING , & AN EXCELLENT TONIC . ' ¦ ' Once used , always used , " For Agencies ; Apply to Brother E . Jones , 17 , Snowhill , Birmingham ; or to the Company's Offices , 50 , Southwark-s » rcpt , London , S . E .
TMNNEFOllD'S FLUID MAGNESIA . — J - ^ The Best Remedy for ACIDITY of 'he STOMACH , HEARTBURN , HEADACHE , GOUT , AND INDIGESTION , and the best mild aperient for delicate constitutions , especially adapted for LADIES , CHILDREN , and INFANTS . D I N N E F O R D & CO . 172 , New Pond Street , J . idon , and of all Chemists .
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in VI ci Majesty ' s Laundrv . Those Ladies who have not vet used tlie Gl ' enlield Starch , are respectfully solicited to give it . 1 trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on ever , package . It is rather more difficult to make than oilier Starches , Imt when this is overcome , lhey will say , like the Ouccn ' s Laundress , that it is Ihe finest Starch they ever used . "When youaskfor thc Glcnlield . sce that you get it
THE STRAND TURKISH BATHS ...... c , OITOSITB SOMERSET HOUSE , ' Open daily for Gentlemen . Teuns : from n ; . . ai r . _ , _ 2 s . od . l- rom 0 p . m . till 9 p . m ., Is . 0 , 1 . One . lod eutickeK n £ t class , £ 1 p . j second class , 5 ,. Warm , cold ., . sl , owcr . and douche baths . Open on Sundays irom 10 a . m . tin . „ | a . iir « . mm-,,, hv 4 s , Mondays , Wcdncsua- s , and l ' | da £ ! llx ^ iXy Url "" " '"'• ¦ I ' lupvielor—Mr . II . SM 1 TII , I'rum ( lie Jlauscniain , leimyi . street .
COMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — Try Anthony Scant ' s new material' Peculiarly Prepared I orpni . c Skin . Soft as silk , s _ in . es like pntcnl , never cracks hecomes snltcr and finer in wear , a perfect durable luxury ' anil superlative specialle . S , How Lane , Cheapside , E . C . Ladies ord . t . skilfully exec ited . Que trial insures satisfaction .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MAY ELECTION , 1 S 74 . "R OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR - AGED FREEMASONS . The kind support of the President , Vice-Presidents , "" . ifc Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . RICHARD COMMINS , BORN 29 x 11 Ai'Rii ., JJ 97 , No . 31 ON LIST , Formerly of " All Souls' " Lodge , No . 1 J 0 , was Initiated in April , 182 J , and continued a subscribing member until June , 1 S 49 , being always a most zealous working Mason . The Petitioner is a Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer , and for 52 years carried on a most respectable business hi Weymouth , holding a good position , and for iS years was a member of thc Town Council . ... . , . Owing to competition , losses in trade , and sickness in his amily , at last he has been obliged to retire in a penniless condition . He' is 77 vears of age , has a wife 74 to support , and is entirely dependent on charity ; and to add to his misfortunes , has recently met with an accident , breaking two of bis ribs , rendering him totally unlit for even a casual day ' s labour . This is an urgent case , and worthy of your sympathy and assistance . Thc case is most earnestly recommended by the undermentioned Rrcthren : — R . W . Bro . I . Gundrv , P . G . M ., Dorset ; The Hvdc , Bridport . R . W . Hrn . ' J . Huyshe , P . G . M ., Devon , Clythsydon Rectory , Collumpton . * R . W . Bro . W . Eliot , P . P . G . M ., Dorset , Wevmouth . V . W . Bro . J . II . P . Montagu , D . P . G . M ., Dorset , Downc Hall Bridport . * W . Bro . Thos . Coombs , P . G . A . D . C , P . M ., No . 417 , P . G . Sec ., Dorset , Dorchester . W . Bro . ) ohn Symonds , P . G . A . D . C , Vice-President ol the Institution , Nos . 417 , 114 ( 1 , 3 ; Ingram . court , Fenchurch-street . * W . Bro . Rev P . H . Ncwnham , P . P . G . C , Dorset , P . P . G . C , Hants , P . M . Nos . 405 , 417 , the Vicarage , Stonehouse , Devon . W . Bro . George Burt , P . P . G . S . W ., Dorset , P . M ., Nos . 18 , 1146 , Grosvenor House , Millbank , S . W ., I ' urbeck House , Swanage . W . Bro . Joseph l'reeman , P . M ., Nos . 1 ? , 1146 , 15 , Radnor-place , Gloucester-square , \ V . * W . Iiro . U . N . Howard , P . P . G . S . W ., Dorset , P . M ., No . 1037 , Weymouth . * W . Bro . C . . * . Vigne , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., Somerset , Westfield House , Bath . W . Bro . Mm Jacob , P . M ., No . : 7 o , P . P . G . Sec , Dorset . Bro . Sir P . I . \ V . [ olinstoue , M . P ., No . 170 . * W . Bro . J . B . Cole , W . M ., No . 170 , Weymouth . Proxies will be thankfully received by tliose marked thus , * and by the Petitioner , I , Sandsfoot-terrace , Wykc , Weymouth .
"ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INXV ST 1 TUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FRKF . M / VSONS . The favour of thc Votes and Interest of thc Governors and Subscribers to the above Institution is carnestlv solicited on behalf of JEMIMA Sl'ICI-R , Widow of the late Hro , Walter Spicer , of the I-od ^ c of Science 437 i Hourton , Dorset , to which he subscribed 30 years . He was elected to the above Institution in 1857 , where be * died last year . Mrs . Splicer ' s only means of support , jS one half the Annuity formerly allowed ber late husband , which will be ultimately discontinued in accordance with the laws of the Institution . The case is strongly recommended by Bro , Ii . Head , V . 1 \ - \ G , D „ 12 , Karls-terrace , Kensington . „ Dr . Strong P . M ., 453 ; 463 , l \ Z ., 452 , 463 l \ l \ G . \ V ., Surrey 64 , North-end Croydon . „ Price , P . M . 463 , P . Z , 463 , P . G . Treasurer , Surrey , 114 High street , Crovdon . „ Pratt , P . M ., ' 7 , Malvcm House ; Bedford Park , Croydon . „ \ V . Masterman , P . M ., P . Z . 410 . Wellesley-road , Croydon . Proxies will be thankfully received by Mrs , Spicer at the Masonic Institution . Crovdon ,
¦ nOR FISH . A Try GOW . ¦ pOR POULTRY . 1 . Try GOW . TTOR GAME . x Try GOW . ¦ ROR BARRELLED OYSTERS . x Try GOW . T GOW . J ' 1 , HONEY-LAN- MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . Special quo ations to large consumers , Hotels , Caterers , & c , Country Orders promptly executed . ONE ORDEK WILL SECURE FUTURE PATRONAGE
BRO . J . B . MACNAIR . ' % x \\ $ t iinb pijotoflrapIjiT . 11 , WEST NILE STREET , GLASGOW . Enlargements in Oil , Water Colour , or Crayons . Full Length Cartes 5 s ., per dozen ; Half Lengths Gs . ; Vignettes is . Oil . ; Cameo and Kembrar . t , Bust 10 s .
Just out , Svo . sewed . Price is ,, post free . AN Investigation into the Cause ofthe Hostility of the Church of Rome to Freemasonry , etc . London : REEVES and TURNER , 196 , Strand , W . C .
QNGAR GRAMMAR SCHOOL , 20 miles from London . Specially devoted to mercantile education . Great advantages offered to pupils waiting or preparing for appointments . References to parents and former pupils now holding good positions . A preparatory class for little boys , who receive careful attention . Twenty acres of ground for football , cricket , & c . The domestic arrangements include a dairy farm . Diet unlimited and ff the best , Locality most healthy . Prospectus should be seen Cor details . Terms very moderate . 1 ' iincipal , Dr . Clark .
JTDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES . — A Brother ( a French graduate ) , and his wife ( Eng' 'i ) i are prepared to receive a few pupils in their select school , situate close to I lampton Court and Bu . licy-park . Languages , Piano , and other accomplishments taught "ally by efficient masters . Inclusive tcims , from thirty guineas . Prospectus on application to Mdme . B ., Ivy House , Hampton-wick , S . W .
Masonic Music In Stock.
AT Bro . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS . The Red Cross Knight ; composed by Bro . H . Parker , words by Bro . R . W . Little 3 / 0 What Better Theme than Masonry ? words by Bro . James Stevens ; music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz ... 4 / 0 Brotherly Love , Relief and Truth ; written by Bro .
Sen ell ; composed by Bro . J . Rhodes ... ... 4 / 0 The Final Toast ; written by D . L . Richardson ; music by Bro . Edwin J . Crow ... ... ... 3 / 0 The E . A . Song ; arranged by the late Bro . Parry , of the" Lodgeof Antiquity , " No . 2 ... ... ... 6 d . Masonic Harmonia ... ... _ ,, ... ... 9 / 0 Masonic Music , compiled for the use of thc " Merchant
Lodge , " No . 241 , by Bro . J . H . Younghusband . P . M ., P . Z , P . E . C , and P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire 6 d . The Freemason ( Tell me thc Sign John ) ; written by George Palmer ... ... ... ... ... 3 / a Three Times Three ; composed by Bro . Harroway , " Royal York Lodge , " Brighton ... ... ... 3 / c The Shake of the Hand ( in G & B flat ) composed by
John Blockley ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0 The Freemasons' Festival March and Masonic Hymn , by Bro . W . B . Tolputt ( Past Master of the " Temple Lodge , " No . 816 , Folkestone ) 3 / 0 The Freemason Quadrilles ; inscribed ( by permission ) to thc Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , K . G . ; by Bio . Joshua Marshall ( P . G . O ., West Yorkshire ) ,
Solo or Duel ... ... ... ... ... 4 / 0 Music for the Ceremony of Advancement to the Mark Degree ; composed by Bro . Edwin J . Crow , dedicated to thc Grand Master , Bro . Rev . G . Portal 3 / 0 Here ' s to His Health in a Song ; written b y J . J . Bealey ; composed by J . M . Bentley ... ... 4 / 0 Hird's Masonic Quadrille , by C . T . Hird 4 / 0
So Mote it Be , by Bro . Jno . P . Nunn 2 / 6 Masonic Mischief , the new Masonic Song , by G . Grant 3 / 0 Men of the Trowel , answer to Masonic Mischief ... 3 / 0 The Mystic Tie , song with quartctt chorus , written by Wm . Carpenter , Esq ., composed by Jas . C .
Baker , Mus . D . 4 / 0 " Welcome , " a Masonic song , written by Bro . Wm . Carpenter , composed by Bro Jas . C . Baker . ... 4 / 0 The Mark Masons' Song ; dedicated to the Rt . Hon . thc Earl of Percy , M . P ., M . W . G ' . M-M . By Bro . T . B . Yeoman 3 / 0
AU Ihe above Half-Price . Dr . Spark ' s Freemasons' Liber Musicus—Parts 1 to 12 ( e-ich ) 5 / 0 The Freemasons' March , for the Pianoforte , composed by Selmar Kahienberg ... ... ... ... 2 / 0 Masonic Ode , written by Bro . G . Passenger ; composed by Bro . B . Sharpe 5 / 0
The Masonic Minstrel ; being a complete collection of upwards of 200 Masonic Songs , Odes , Anthems , & c , with a list of Toasts and Sentiments . 3 s . 6 d . cloth , 4 s . roan , gilt edges ... Melodia Masonica : Five Songs and a Trio , set to Music and arranged by Bro . C . H . Purdey , new edition ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 / 0
Two Chants and an Anthem , set to music and com . posed by Bro . G . !• * . Taylor , for the use of Mark Masters' Lodges ... ... ... ... .,. 2 / 0 Masonic Musical Service , by Dr . J . C . Baker , No . 241 1 / 6 Music for the Masonic Ceremonies ; b y Bros . E . J . Crow and R . Limpus . Parts I .. II .. & III : ( each ) 6 d ,
CHARING CROSS STATION TOILET ¦ M ||| -- CLUB . ( Continental Booking Office Entrance . ) A Great Convenience and Saving of Time to the tA Brethren , desirous of dressing promptly , previous to going to Lodge , Ball , Dinner , & c . Private Dressing Rooms , charge Cd ., with every attendance and appliance for the Toilet . Evening dress taken care of for the day or season in perfumed boxes ( locked ) no charge . Baths , Hosiery , Perfumery , Hairdressing , Dress Suits , Boots , Opera Hats , Masonic Clothing , Jewels , Swords , & c . Fuller particulars per post ( J < 1 . stamp . ) N . B . —Ladies' Department attached .
WHIGHT AND MANN'S , UNEg . UAU . ED LOCKSTITCH SEWING MACHINESWANTED IN EVERY HOME . fl * _ T » A The " PRIMA DONNA , " fiifc ^ SSS ^& C . ^ csv Loe ' Stitch and Shuttle | | jj ^_! ri 2 ^ n 4 ]^— Machine , does every kind of Jjr " ffM \\ family sewing . Price 4 V . tm § guineas . rf ^ J ^ H . Wjjj — ^ ^ i ii _* stf ' r 5 vtls _ i '\ Improved Machines for llfj ^ W- ^^ fz ^ ST Manufacturers , Boot-tnakers , ff ^^^ - ' l ^^^ f ^^ Tailors , _ rc , at the lowest ^? Vd * 5 ?; ^ ' 2 ^ ^ . ji 5 ! B *** 'j possible prices c impatible ^ ifefiK--K ' . v ^ - ' * with good workmanship . WHIGHT & MANN , 143 , HOIB & RN BARS .
IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY . L Use 1 . IEB 1 G COMPANV'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as ' stock" for beef tea , soups , made dishes , and sauces . Gives line flavour and great strength . Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried . Caution . —Genuine pnly with Baton Ltebig ' s facsimile across label
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