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Masonry At The Cape Of Good Hope. "Scottish Constitution."
and we did . not know that any measures had been , or were being taken to sever it from the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , or that there Avas to be an application for a Scotch Warrant , until a copy of the " Freemasons' Magazine , " received by the last mail from England , published the fact .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-Chairman of the Board of General Purposes . To the Eight Yforshipful Bro . J . Hervey , Sec . Grand Lodge , London .
PROA - INCIAL GRAND LODGE OP SOUTH AFRICA AND THE ADJACENT COIONIES . Board of General Purposes . Cape Town , November 4 th . 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am directed by this Lodge to forward the enclosed memoranda to your Grand
Lodge , and call its particular attention to the great irregularities to which those memoranda refer ; in the meantime the matter is being investigated by this Provincial Grand Lodge . We have reason to believe through matters which have transpired within the last feAv days , that applications for other warrants
have been made to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , without previous notice being given to this Provincial G-rand Lodge , or to the Provincial Grand Lodge working under the Grand East , Holland , which if allowed to be put into force without due inquiry
will lead to grave complications . Desiring to maintain harmony and prosperity of the Craft in this Colony , and a full appreciation of , and respect for , the authority of each Grand Lodge , we are sure that the Grand Lodge of Scotland will lose no time in doing all that is
requisite to prevent a Lodge under suspension by this Provincial Grand Lodge , escaping from Masonic discipline and submission , by allowing it to have a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , to supersede the charter it already holds from the Grand Lodge of England .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-Chairman of Board of General Purposes To the Most Worshipful Bro . Laurie , Grand Sec . Grand Lodge of Scotland , Edinburgh .
BOARD OE GENERAL PURPOSES , Cape Town , August 9 th . 1870 . The following notice has this day been sent to the undermentioned lodges , ancl representatives of lodges , iu this colony . To the W . M ' s . of the AngelLod No . 1300
, , ge , , Phillipolis ; British , 33-i , Cape Town ; British . Kaffrarian , 853 , King Wm ' s Town ; Colesberg , 1142 , Colesberg ; Joppa , SGet , Cape Town ; Midland , 882 , Graaffreinet ; Good Will , 711 , Port Elizabeth ; Good Hope , 863 , Port Elizabeth ; Hope , 3 G 5 , Cape Town ; Eising Star 1022 Bloemfonteiu Eoyal Alfred ( SC )
, , ; , .. 420 , Simons Town ; St . John ' s , 828 , Graham ' s Town ; Star in the East , 918 , Queens Town ; St . Paul ' s , 989 , Adelaide ; Union , 883 , Knysna ; Zetland , 608 , Fort Beaufort . To the Eight WM . , D . G . M . N . of the Netherlands , ( Sir O . J . Brand , Kt . ); P . M . James
Masonry At The Cape Of Good Hope. "Scottish Constitution."
Fairbairn ; Bro . II . J . Feltham E . E . A . Chapter , ( S . C . ) Dear Sir and Brother , —In October 1869 , it Avas reported to this Dist . G . Lodge that the Albany Lodge , then under suspension , had applied to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to enable
them to work under that constitution . On the 30 th October , 1869 , the Dist . Grand Lodge communicated with the representatives of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , ancl in reply were informed by Bro . Saunders that the application for a warrant had been forwarded to the Grand Lodge of
Scotland . On receipt of said reply , the following notice AA'as sent to Bro . Saunders ( see letter of 30 th October , 1869 , addretsed to Bro . Saunders ) . To this communication no reply has been received
up to date . It has been reported to the Dis . Geueral Lodge that the Avarrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland has arrived iu Cape Town , and since forwarded to the " Albany" Lodge , ancl they are now work ing under said constitution . lit isthereforeordered that no communication he
, , held Avith any 'lodge or chapter Avorking under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , aud it is particularly requested that the master , officers , and members of lodges Avill advise this Dist . Grand Lodge of any infringement of t order .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING , Vice President of the Board of General Purposes .
I append copy of circular issued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in reference to this forthcoming event , but I have no doubt that a good many members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Avill be not a little surprised at the charge of live shillings made
upon them , if they elect to attend this forthcoming meeting of their own society in their own hall , and to witness or lake part in a Masonic ceremony . I do not Avish to enlarge upon this only , I am in a position to state that there are members of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland who look upon this charg under the circumstances as a decided imposition , and quite uncalled for , more especially in a societ y which professes to uphold the principles of Freemasonry—making a show of a Brother ? I am yours fraternally , A SCOTTISH FREEMASON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry At The Cape Of Good Hope. "Scottish Constitution."
and we did . not know that any measures had been , or were being taken to sever it from the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , or that there Avas to be an application for a Scotch Warrant , until a copy of the " Freemasons' Magazine , " received by the last mail from England , published the fact .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-Chairman of the Board of General Purposes . To the Eight Yforshipful Bro . J . Hervey , Sec . Grand Lodge , London .
PROA - INCIAL GRAND LODGE OP SOUTH AFRICA AND THE ADJACENT COIONIES . Board of General Purposes . Cape Town , November 4 th . 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother , —I am directed by this Lodge to forward the enclosed memoranda to your Grand
Lodge , and call its particular attention to the great irregularities to which those memoranda refer ; in the meantime the matter is being investigated by this Provincial Grand Lodge . We have reason to believe through matters which have transpired within the last feAv days , that applications for other warrants
have been made to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , without previous notice being given to this Provincial G-rand Lodge , or to the Provincial Grand Lodge working under the Grand East , Holland , which if allowed to be put into force without due inquiry
will lead to grave complications . Desiring to maintain harmony and prosperity of the Craft in this Colony , and a full appreciation of , and respect for , the authority of each Grand Lodge , we are sure that the Grand Lodge of Scotland will lose no time in doing all that is
requisite to prevent a Lodge under suspension by this Provincial Grand Lodge , escaping from Masonic discipline and submission , by allowing it to have a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , to supersede the charter it already holds from the Grand Lodge of England .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-Chairman of Board of General Purposes To the Most Worshipful Bro . Laurie , Grand Sec . Grand Lodge of Scotland , Edinburgh .
BOARD OE GENERAL PURPOSES , Cape Town , August 9 th . 1870 . The following notice has this day been sent to the undermentioned lodges , ancl representatives of lodges , iu this colony . To the W . M ' s . of the AngelLod No . 1300
, , ge , , Phillipolis ; British , 33-i , Cape Town ; British . Kaffrarian , 853 , King Wm ' s Town ; Colesberg , 1142 , Colesberg ; Joppa , SGet , Cape Town ; Midland , 882 , Graaffreinet ; Good Will , 711 , Port Elizabeth ; Good Hope , 863 , Port Elizabeth ; Hope , 3 G 5 , Cape Town ; Eising Star 1022 Bloemfonteiu Eoyal Alfred ( SC )
, , ; , .. 420 , Simons Town ; St . John ' s , 828 , Graham ' s Town ; Star in the East , 918 , Queens Town ; St . Paul ' s , 989 , Adelaide ; Union , 883 , Knysna ; Zetland , 608 , Fort Beaufort . To the Eight WM . , D . G . M . N . of the Netherlands , ( Sir O . J . Brand , Kt . ); P . M . James
Masonry At The Cape Of Good Hope. "Scottish Constitution."
Fairbairn ; Bro . II . J . Feltham E . E . A . Chapter , ( S . C . ) Dear Sir and Brother , —In October 1869 , it Avas reported to this Dist . G . Lodge that the Albany Lodge , then under suspension , had applied to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to enable
them to work under that constitution . On the 30 th October , 1869 , the Dist . Grand Lodge communicated with the representatives of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , ancl in reply were informed by Bro . Saunders that the application for a warrant had been forwarded to the Grand Lodge of
Scotland . On receipt of said reply , the following notice AA'as sent to Bro . Saunders ( see letter of 30 th October , 1869 , addretsed to Bro . Saunders ) . To this communication no reply has been received
up to date . It has been reported to the Dis . Geueral Lodge that the Avarrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland has arrived iu Cape Town , and since forwarded to the " Albany" Lodge , ancl they are now work ing under said constitution . lit isthereforeordered that no communication he
, , held Avith any 'lodge or chapter Avorking under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , aud it is particularly requested that the master , officers , and members of lodges Avill advise this Dist . Grand Lodge of any infringement of t order .
I remain , & c , & c , MICHAEL T . KING , Vice President of the Board of General Purposes .
I append copy of circular issued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in reference to this forthcoming event , but I have no doubt that a good many members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Avill be not a little surprised at the charge of live shillings made
upon them , if they elect to attend this forthcoming meeting of their own society in their own hall , and to witness or lake part in a Masonic ceremony . I do not Avish to enlarge upon this only , I am in a position to state that there are members of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland who look upon this charg under the circumstances as a decided imposition , and quite uncalled for , more especially in a societ y which professes to uphold the principles of Freemasonry—making a show of a Brother ? I am yours fraternally , A SCOTTISH FREEMASON .