Article ENGLISH GILDS.* ← Page 3 of 3 Article OUR MASONIC CHARITIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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English Gilds.*
petition to Parliament had had to leave off AV ork . Tho witnesses brought forward the fast that the masters and men at Dublin had agreed on a price list , and the Lord Mayor had confirmed it ; that both parties Avere there UOAV content , ancl that the AVO rkmen had bettered themselves in conqnenco of the list ,
and earned more Avages . They desired a bill fixing prices , Avhich Avould , as they thought , produce a very wholesome effect .
Upon tho rejection of the bill , great excitement of the Avorkmen ensued . They crowded to Nottingham broke the frames of those manufacturers by whose special influence the bill had been lost—as Avell as of other employers—threAv them out of windoAvs , burned a house CIOAVII , and destroyed much property belonging to the employers . More than three hundred frames Avere broken on this occasion . The Avhole of
the employers then promised , if the riots would at once cease , to remove all grievances . On this , peace ensued . Public opinion seems to have been on the side of the journeymen , for the Avorkmen accused of having set fire to the house were acquitted . But the employers kept their Avord badly . They had formed a union of their own . After the ferment had
subsided , they issued an address , stating that they would oppose all regulations , Avhether by charter or Acts of Parliament , as tending to drive the manufacture to France , Avhere Avorkmen were contented Avith IOAV wages . ( To be continued )
Our Masonic Charities.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The folloAving report of tho House Committee Avas presented in February , 1870 . "The two most prominent events of the last
year , so far as this Institution is concerned , are the successful Festival held in March last , and the thorough completion of the UCAV Building at Wood Green . The liabilities having been ascertained , the Committee are IIOAV , for tho first time ,
in a jiosition to announce the exact cost Avhich the structure has been raised , and to definitely place before the Craft tho financial condition of the Institution . " The Festival was hold under the Chairmanshi
p of tho Right Hon . EAUL DE GKEY AND EIPON , E . W . D . G . M ., and Prov G . M ., of West Yorkshire , a ^_ afforded mother instance of his Lordship ' s continued and untiring interest in the Avelfaro of the School .
" The amount realized Avas the unprecedented sum of £ 12 , 000 , towards Avhioh the ProA-ince of West Yorkshire contributed upwards of £ 3 , 900 , and that of East Lancashire , £ 2 , 885 in addition to the munificent donation of £ 1 , 050 by R . W . Bro . Stephen
Blair , Grand Master of tho ProAdnce , AVIIO had previously been a very liberal donor to the funds of the Institution , To all Avho so generously exerted themselves ° in producing themselves so successful a result tho Committee ancl entire Executive feel
themselves to be under a lasting obligation , and desire publicly to testify their gratitude . " Reference to page 3 will show the enlire building expenditure , divided accurately under each head , and certified by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , from
which it Avill bo seen that there is not that justifiication for the complaints of the cost of the building , in which some have indulged . The Building proper with , furniture fittings , & c , for the accommodation of 135 Boys , has been erected at an outlay of £ 35 , 713
18 s . Id , which , though large , canrot be fairly considered excessive , regard being had to its ( not extravagantly ) handsome exterior , to the airy ancl spacious interior arrangements , ancl to the solidity of its con struction . The various adjuncts have cost £ 8 , 9-41 19 s 6 d ., all , Avithout doubt , most important additions ,
affording much convenience , of great value , and of esssential necessity in the estimation of all concerned in tho practical conduct of the Establishment , though differences of opinion may possibly exist on these points amongst the subscribers . Tho large expenditure on grounds , drainage , & c , Avas necessitated by
the nature of the soil , the Avorks involving really a reconstruction of the estate ancl to the same cause is to be attributed the heaA-y amount paid for the foundations . It must also be borne in mind that the sustentation of so large a fabric , Avith the various
lnodificitions of and additions to engineering and other apparatus during the four years Avhich have elapsed since tho partial use of the building havo cost £ 879 18 s , 3 d , Avhich Avith other charges , amounting to £ 529 12 s . 7 d ., are included in the capital amount .
Avhich is considered as closed from tho 31 st of December last . " The outstanding liabilities on that account
are—Engineering ----- £ 435 19 1 Gas Fittings ----- 19 16 0 Alterations , repairs , additions 88 17 3 Furniture ancl fittings - - - 57 17 6 Architect ' s commission , balance 226 19 G Surveyor ' s charges for
making up accounts ( balance of moiety ) and for plans , & c . - 222 8 7 £ 1 , 050 17 11
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
English Gilds.*
petition to Parliament had had to leave off AV ork . Tho witnesses brought forward the fast that the masters and men at Dublin had agreed on a price list , and the Lord Mayor had confirmed it ; that both parties Avere there UOAV content , ancl that the AVO rkmen had bettered themselves in conqnenco of the list ,
and earned more Avages . They desired a bill fixing prices , Avhich Avould , as they thought , produce a very wholesome effect .
Upon tho rejection of the bill , great excitement of the Avorkmen ensued . They crowded to Nottingham broke the frames of those manufacturers by whose special influence the bill had been lost—as Avell as of other employers—threAv them out of windoAvs , burned a house CIOAVII , and destroyed much property belonging to the employers . More than three hundred frames Avere broken on this occasion . The Avhole of
the employers then promised , if the riots would at once cease , to remove all grievances . On this , peace ensued . Public opinion seems to have been on the side of the journeymen , for the Avorkmen accused of having set fire to the house were acquitted . But the employers kept their Avord badly . They had formed a union of their own . After the ferment had
subsided , they issued an address , stating that they would oppose all regulations , Avhether by charter or Acts of Parliament , as tending to drive the manufacture to France , Avhere Avorkmen were contented Avith IOAV wages . ( To be continued )
Our Masonic Charities.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . The folloAving report of tho House Committee Avas presented in February , 1870 . "The two most prominent events of the last
year , so far as this Institution is concerned , are the successful Festival held in March last , and the thorough completion of the UCAV Building at Wood Green . The liabilities having been ascertained , the Committee are IIOAV , for tho first time ,
in a jiosition to announce the exact cost Avhich the structure has been raised , and to definitely place before the Craft tho financial condition of the Institution . " The Festival was hold under the Chairmanshi
p of tho Right Hon . EAUL DE GKEY AND EIPON , E . W . D . G . M ., and Prov G . M ., of West Yorkshire , a ^_ afforded mother instance of his Lordship ' s continued and untiring interest in the Avelfaro of the School .
" The amount realized Avas the unprecedented sum of £ 12 , 000 , towards Avhioh the ProA-ince of West Yorkshire contributed upwards of £ 3 , 900 , and that of East Lancashire , £ 2 , 885 in addition to the munificent donation of £ 1 , 050 by R . W . Bro . Stephen
Blair , Grand Master of tho ProAdnce , AVIIO had previously been a very liberal donor to the funds of the Institution , To all Avho so generously exerted themselves ° in producing themselves so successful a result tho Committee ancl entire Executive feel
themselves to be under a lasting obligation , and desire publicly to testify their gratitude . " Reference to page 3 will show the enlire building expenditure , divided accurately under each head , and certified by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , from
which it Avill bo seen that there is not that justifiication for the complaints of the cost of the building , in which some have indulged . The Building proper with , furniture fittings , & c , for the accommodation of 135 Boys , has been erected at an outlay of £ 35 , 713
18 s . Id , which , though large , canrot be fairly considered excessive , regard being had to its ( not extravagantly ) handsome exterior , to the airy ancl spacious interior arrangements , ancl to the solidity of its con struction . The various adjuncts have cost £ 8 , 9-41 19 s 6 d ., all , Avithout doubt , most important additions ,
affording much convenience , of great value , and of esssential necessity in the estimation of all concerned in tho practical conduct of the Establishment , though differences of opinion may possibly exist on these points amongst the subscribers . Tho large expenditure on grounds , drainage , & c , Avas necessitated by
the nature of the soil , the Avorks involving really a reconstruction of the estate ancl to the same cause is to be attributed the heaA-y amount paid for the foundations . It must also be borne in mind that the sustentation of so large a fabric , Avith the various
lnodificitions of and additions to engineering and other apparatus during the four years Avhich have elapsed since tho partial use of the building havo cost £ 879 18 s , 3 d , Avhich Avith other charges , amounting to £ 529 12 s . 7 d ., are included in the capital amount .
Avhich is considered as closed from tho 31 st of December last . " The outstanding liabilities on that account
are—Engineering ----- £ 435 19 1 Gas Fittings ----- 19 16 0 Alterations , repairs , additions 88 17 3 Furniture ancl fittings - - - 57 17 6 Architect ' s commission , balance 226 19 G Surveyor ' s charges for
making up accounts ( balance of moiety ) and for plans , & c . - 222 8 7 £ 1 , 050 17 11