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guineas being voted from tho lodge's funds , and the rest subscribed by the brethren . The R . W . M . also read a circular which he had received relative to tbo getting up of a " Glasgow Masonic Choir , " both vocal and instrumental , for the practice of music suitable for tiie various degrees , several brethren subscribed their names as members . Tho lodge was afterwards called to refreshment and the usual toasts given and responded to Bro . Gitillau , the newly elected Deacon of the
Glasgo \ v Incorporation of Masons who was present and exhibited the gold medal worn by the deacon of this body . i , This modal boro tho date 1051 (!) , also a view in rolicvo of the Cathedral of Glasgow , as it stood about forty years ago , before the " restorers" demolished its two western towers . The R . AV . M also referred toau old Glasgow newspaper of A . D . 1813 , which contained an account of the origin of this lodge , of its beingchartered by Malcolm Canmore , and , therefore , of its priority to tho Lodge of Edinburgh , Mary's Chapel , & c . The lodge was afterwards duly closed .
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John ' s Lodge , ( No , 21 G ) . —A meeting for institution was held in the Large Room , Town Ball , on Friday evening last , there was a good attendance of the Brethren ; also the Lodge was honoured by the presence of Tho AVorshipful P . G . M . of the Dist , ; Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsous , aud other brethren from a distance . The lodge was opened b
y R . AV . M . Kerr ; and two candidates were entered into the first degree of Masonry in tho R . AV . 31 . usual able manner . After the lodge was closed the Brethren retired to the Railway Hotel , where they were entertained for an hour or so by Bro . Inglis .
ROYAL ARCH . PAKTICK . —Partich Chapter . No . 113 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Par-tick , on the evening of Friday the 23 rd ult . to celebrate the festival of the autumnal eqninox . The Chapter having been opened in due form , the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . The Treasurer also read over the Auditors' report , which was
most heartily received as it showed a balance to the good of ihe Chapter . The election of office bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , when the following Companions were unanimously chosen , and duly installed , with all due solemnity , in their respective chairs , by Comp . James Balfour . Z . 71 , and ably assisted Comp . D . Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., elect ; viz . : —Companions . Thomas Grange , M . E . P . Z . ; William SimpsonH . Welfred M . RobertsonJ . ; Daniel
, ; , Stevenson , Treasurer ; William White , Scribe , E . ; Robert Anderson , Scribe N . ; William Christie , 1 st . Soj . ; John Dawson , 2 nd . Soj ; AVilliam Stewart , 3 rd . Soj ; AVilliam Lattimer , Janitor . At the conclusion of the installation ceremony , which was performed in a very impressive manner , Companions James Balfour was affiliated an honorary member , Companion Gilchrist having received that honour , on a former occasion . Thanks were awarded to the M . E . P . Z . ; and other Companions .
No further business being before the Chapter , it was duly closed . The companions then adjourned to partake of an excellent repast , served up in Companion A . Harkncss ' s usually good style , and which was done ample justice to , The duties of the chair were discharged with singular ability by Uompanions T . Grange , M . E . P . Z . ; who was supported right and left by Companions A . Campbell , Christie , Gilchrist , and Balfour . Those of the croupier being performed with no loss
acceptance by Companions , Simpson , Robertson and AAliitc . Ou the removal of tho cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given from the chair and duly honoured . The toast of tho Army , Navy , and Volunteers , was responded to by Companion Sergt . Dawson , tho toast of tho Past Office Bearers , was responded to by Companions . —AVhito , Past Principal , and Thomliuson , Past Treasurer , tho Visiting Companions , was responded to bCompanionsBrucoT JuurBalfour
y , ,. Granger . ., , and Gilchrist , Companion Gilchrist proposed the health of Companion Grange , and spoke of the efficiency with which ho carried out the duties of M . E . P . Z ; and concluded by wishing the chapter every success and prosperity under his rule ; Companion Granger responded to the gratify ing manner in which his services had been received by the companions , and said that ho had only clone his duty , and that his couduc
had met with the approbation of the chapter , by electing him again as their head ; office-bearer . The health of the croupier was proposed by Companion Balfonr , which was received with no less enthusiasm , and ably responded to , other toasts followed , and the evening was enlivened with appropriate songs from Companions . AV . AVhite , Anderson , Dawson . A . Campbell , Pronan , T . Granger , Junr . and others . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal convivialityand social harmony
, , which was brought to a close by the entrance of " Forbes McKenzio , " who caused us to part at 11 o'clock , all baiug well pleased with their night of pleasure , as being one tho happiest meetings spent in Partick , Royal Arch Chapter . No . 112 .
BRO . AVILLIAM DEAVHIRST , S . AV . No . 1231 . IT is with pain wo have to communicate the news of the death of our late esteemed Bro . Wm . Dewhirst , of Elland , of the Lodge of Probity ( No . 61 ) Halifax ; and S . W . of the Saville Lodge ( No . 1231 ) , Elland .
On Friday evening , the lGth of September , the deceased was at the railway station , Elland , intending to proceed to Brighton by train , for which purpose he would have to cross the line of rails . On reaching the crossing , au up train was just arriving , and as soon as the last carriage had passed him , our unfortunate brother ran to get across , when two or three steps
brought him to the down line of rails , on which , at the same moment , au express goods train was running at a rapid speed ; before ho had time to see or know his dangerous position , he was struck by the engine , and instantaneously killed . By this sad calamity a loving family has been broken and plunged into the deepest sorrow , and a very numerous circle
of domestic , commercial , and public friends have sustained a loss which leaves a blank spot on each heart , the deceased having , by his urbanity , kindly disposition , good business habits , and gentlemanly bearing , wou the esteem of every one with whom he was brought into contact . He was interred on tho 21 st of September , at the Cemetery ,
Elland , his remains being followed to tho grave by a great many of his personal friends and connexions ; by the members of the Elland Cricket Club , of which he was a very active supporter ; ancl by a numerous body of Freemasons , consisting of members of the Lodge of Probity ( No . 61 ) , the Savillo Lodge ( No . 1 , 231 ) , and other lodges in the district , the following num . bers being represented ;—61 , 307 , 308 , 408 , 418 , 495 , 621 , 600 ,
827 , 1 , 103 , 1 , 231 , 1 , 283 , 1 , 301 , and 1302 , The I . P . M ., AV . M ., and officers of the Savillo Lodge assisted as pall-bearers . During the time the mournful procession was moving from Bro . J . Dewhirst ' s residence to the Cemetery , a muffled peal w . as rung on the bells of St . Mary's Church . Our dear lamented Drother had only been a Mason about
three years ; but this short time he had employed diligently , and ho had distinguished himself in the two lodges to which he belonged by such efficiency as would be creditable to many older Masons . He was possessed of an indomitable spirit of perseverance , and boldly faced difficulties with a determination to oi-ercomo thom . Ho was initiated in tho Lodge of Probity
( No . 61 ) , aud soon after , being raised to the degree of M . M ., ho joined in thoformation of the Savillo Lodgo ( No . 1 , 231 ) , aud his name appears on tho warrant as one of the founders . In its first year Vie served the office of S . D ., piefevriwg this position to a higher one which was offered him ; and in this capacity
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guineas being voted from tho lodge's funds , and the rest subscribed by the brethren . The R . W . M . also read a circular which he had received relative to tbo getting up of a " Glasgow Masonic Choir , " both vocal and instrumental , for the practice of music suitable for tiie various degrees , several brethren subscribed their names as members . Tho lodge was afterwards called to refreshment and the usual toasts given and responded to Bro . Gitillau , the newly elected Deacon of the
Glasgo \ v Incorporation of Masons who was present and exhibited the gold medal worn by the deacon of this body . i , This modal boro tho date 1051 (!) , also a view in rolicvo of the Cathedral of Glasgow , as it stood about forty years ago , before the " restorers" demolished its two western towers . The R . AV . M also referred toau old Glasgow newspaper of A . D . 1813 , which contained an account of the origin of this lodge , of its beingchartered by Malcolm Canmore , and , therefore , of its priority to tho Lodge of Edinburgh , Mary's Chapel , & c . The lodge was afterwards duly closed .
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John ' s Lodge , ( No , 21 G ) . —A meeting for institution was held in the Large Room , Town Ball , on Friday evening last , there was a good attendance of the Brethren ; also the Lodge was honoured by the presence of Tho AVorshipful P . G . M . of the Dist , ; Bro . Henry Inglis of Torsous , aud other brethren from a distance . The lodge was opened b
y R . AV . M . Kerr ; and two candidates were entered into the first degree of Masonry in tho R . AV . 31 . usual able manner . After the lodge was closed the Brethren retired to the Railway Hotel , where they were entertained for an hour or so by Bro . Inglis .
ROYAL ARCH . PAKTICK . —Partich Chapter . No . 113 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Par-tick , on the evening of Friday the 23 rd ult . to celebrate the festival of the autumnal eqninox . The Chapter having been opened in due form , the minutes of last convocation were read and confirmed . The Treasurer also read over the Auditors' report , which was
most heartily received as it showed a balance to the good of ihe Chapter . The election of office bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , when the following Companions were unanimously chosen , and duly installed , with all due solemnity , in their respective chairs , by Comp . James Balfour . Z . 71 , and ably assisted Comp . D . Gilchrist , M . E . Z ., elect ; viz . : —Companions . Thomas Grange , M . E . P . Z . ; William SimpsonH . Welfred M . RobertsonJ . ; Daniel
, ; , Stevenson , Treasurer ; William White , Scribe , E . ; Robert Anderson , Scribe N . ; William Christie , 1 st . Soj . ; John Dawson , 2 nd . Soj ; AVilliam Stewart , 3 rd . Soj ; AVilliam Lattimer , Janitor . At the conclusion of the installation ceremony , which was performed in a very impressive manner , Companions James Balfour was affiliated an honorary member , Companion Gilchrist having received that honour , on a former occasion . Thanks were awarded to the M . E . P . Z . ; and other Companions .
No further business being before the Chapter , it was duly closed . The companions then adjourned to partake of an excellent repast , served up in Companion A . Harkncss ' s usually good style , and which was done ample justice to , The duties of the chair were discharged with singular ability by Uompanions T . Grange , M . E . P . Z . ; who was supported right and left by Companions A . Campbell , Christie , Gilchrist , and Balfour . Those of the croupier being performed with no loss
acceptance by Companions , Simpson , Robertson and AAliitc . Ou the removal of tho cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given from the chair and duly honoured . The toast of tho Army , Navy , and Volunteers , was responded to by Companion Sergt . Dawson , tho toast of tho Past Office Bearers , was responded to by Companions . —AVhito , Past Principal , and Thomliuson , Past Treasurer , tho Visiting Companions , was responded to bCompanionsBrucoT JuurBalfour
y , ,. Granger . ., , and Gilchrist , Companion Gilchrist proposed the health of Companion Grange , and spoke of the efficiency with which ho carried out the duties of M . E . P . Z ; and concluded by wishing the chapter every success and prosperity under his rule ; Companion Granger responded to the gratify ing manner in which his services had been received by the companions , and said that ho had only clone his duty , and that his couduc
had met with the approbation of the chapter , by electing him again as their head ; office-bearer . The health of the croupier was proposed by Companion Balfonr , which was received with no less enthusiasm , and ably responded to , other toasts followed , and the evening was enlivened with appropriate songs from Companions . AV . AVhite , Anderson , Dawson . A . Campbell , Pronan , T . Granger , Junr . and others . The remainder of the evening was spent in fraternal convivialityand social harmony
, , which was brought to a close by the entrance of " Forbes McKenzio , " who caused us to part at 11 o'clock , all baiug well pleased with their night of pleasure , as being one tho happiest meetings spent in Partick , Royal Arch Chapter . No . 112 .
BRO . AVILLIAM DEAVHIRST , S . AV . No . 1231 . IT is with pain wo have to communicate the news of the death of our late esteemed Bro . Wm . Dewhirst , of Elland , of the Lodge of Probity ( No . 61 ) Halifax ; and S . W . of the Saville Lodge ( No . 1231 ) , Elland .
On Friday evening , the lGth of September , the deceased was at the railway station , Elland , intending to proceed to Brighton by train , for which purpose he would have to cross the line of rails . On reaching the crossing , au up train was just arriving , and as soon as the last carriage had passed him , our unfortunate brother ran to get across , when two or three steps
brought him to the down line of rails , on which , at the same moment , au express goods train was running at a rapid speed ; before ho had time to see or know his dangerous position , he was struck by the engine , and instantaneously killed . By this sad calamity a loving family has been broken and plunged into the deepest sorrow , and a very numerous circle
of domestic , commercial , and public friends have sustained a loss which leaves a blank spot on each heart , the deceased having , by his urbanity , kindly disposition , good business habits , and gentlemanly bearing , wou the esteem of every one with whom he was brought into contact . He was interred on tho 21 st of September , at the Cemetery ,
Elland , his remains being followed to tho grave by a great many of his personal friends and connexions ; by the members of the Elland Cricket Club , of which he was a very active supporter ; ancl by a numerous body of Freemasons , consisting of members of the Lodge of Probity ( No . 61 ) , the Savillo Lodge ( No . 1 , 231 ) , and other lodges in the district , the following num . bers being represented ;—61 , 307 , 308 , 408 , 418 , 495 , 621 , 600 ,
827 , 1 , 103 , 1 , 231 , 1 , 283 , 1 , 301 , and 1302 , The I . P . M ., AV . M ., and officers of the Savillo Lodge assisted as pall-bearers . During the time the mournful procession was moving from Bro . J . Dewhirst ' s residence to the Cemetery , a muffled peal w . as rung on the bells of St . Mary's Church . Our dear lamented Drother had only been a Mason about
three years ; but this short time he had employed diligently , and ho had distinguished himself in the two lodges to which he belonged by such efficiency as would be creditable to many older Masons . He was possessed of an indomitable spirit of perseverance , and boldly faced difficulties with a determination to oi-ercomo thom . Ho was initiated in tho Lodge of Probity
( No . 61 ) , aud soon after , being raised to the degree of M . M ., ho joined in thoformation of the Savillo Lodgo ( No . 1 , 231 ) , aud his name appears on tho warrant as one of the founders . In its first year Vie served the office of S . D ., piefevriwg this position to a higher one which was offered him ; and in this capacity