Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the Installi ng Master , Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., for the able manner in whiah he had performed that ceremony .
SOUTH WALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) CABDOT . —Bute / . oc / c , ( No . 960 ) , —A regular fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday 20 th . inst . Present : Bro . F . Ware , Prov . G . Beg . W . M- ; Prov . P . Bird , P . M . ; J . Barman , S . AV . ; S . AA eichen J . W . ; K . H . Martin , P . M . Treas . ; T . C . Shelper , S . D . ; W . E . Vaughain , J . D . ; J . AV . Jacobs , I G . ; & o , & c . Amongst tho visitors were Bro , G . Robertson , Prov .
G . S . D ., M . M . 36 , and Bro . Barriss , J . AV . 110 . Merthyr . The minutes having been confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Francis and AA estendorf were passed to the F . C . degree . Having closed down , a ballot was token for two gentleman , who declared duly accepted , and Mr . David Richards ( accepted at a former meeting ) being in attendance was introduced and initiated in the first degree in due form , and according to ancient custom . Owing to pressure of
business the M . M . omitted the charge and lecture , otherwise , always given by bim , Bro . Harman , S . W . proposed , and Bro . AV . E . Vaughan , J . D ., seconded a vote of congratulation to tbe W . M ., the "" J . AV . the Organist and Bros . Shelper , S . D . ; and A . W . Sargeaunfc , past Sec . npon their appointment to Prov . Grand Lodge office as Grand Registrar , Dir of Cers ., Organist , and Stewards respectively—Bro . Bird , P . M . attended to the late most successful meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge , under the Banner of this Lodge , and stated that the AV . M . having
already received the thanks of the R . W . Prov . and Deputy Prov . Grand Masters for the arrangements made for their official reception and general comfort , he would content himself by proposing the following resolutions , having especial reference to the equally successful Lodge of Instruction held before the Prov . Grand Lodge , and with regard to which he had heard the warmest commendations . That the best thanks of this lodge be presented ancl recorded upon the minutes to the
AVorsbipful Master , and Bro . Bell and Roberts , P . M's , as also to Bros . Harman , S . AV . Weichen , J . AV . Blellock , Sec . Shelper . S . D ., and Jacobs , I . G ., lor the credit reflected by them upon the Bute Lodge , by the very admirable manner in which they worked tho sections of the lecture in the first degree , at the desire of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , and in the presence of tbe Prov . Grand Lodge , and a largo and interested assembly of the brethren of the provinceat the late meeting of the Prov .
, Grand Lodge . " This proposition was seconded by Bro . Ellis , !> . nd carried by acclamation . The AV . M ., in ackowledging the compliment , mentioned that he had received a communication from the V . AV ., the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , expressing , in very flattering terms his complete approval of all tue arrangements . Rro . Bird proposed , and Bro . Martin seconded , a canidate for initition ; ancl the lodge was closed in harmony at nine o'clock .
SUFFOLK . STOWEJIAUKET . —Freemavs Lor / ye—( No . 10 S ) On AVednesday evening an entertainment was given by the above Lodge , ( No . 108 ) in the Assembly Room in aid of the binds for aiding the sick and wounded in the present war . The jirogrnnimo arranged by Bros . Frederick Long , AV . M . ; and George Steele Goldiug , S . AV ., was very attractive , and long before tbo time for commencing , every available place was filled , aud had tho
room been double tho size , doubtless it would have been cram , mod . Tho great feature of the evening was the singing and reading of Brother Emra Holmes , ( 310 ); ho was greeted with frequent applause , and hearty encores to both his songs , Bro . AA . A . Smith also sang very capitally , and received an encore , Tho chair was filled by Bro . Spencer Freeman , and the result of the entertainment was a profit of about ; G 10 to be paid over to tho funds for tho sick and wounded .
SURREY . EWEH ,. — Grove Lodge ( No . 110 ) . —The Brethren of the above Lodgo met on the 10 ult . at the Spring Hotel , Dwell , tho AV . M ., Bro . Parsons , in the chair . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . H . Dumas , P . M . and S . AV . raised Bro . Sercombo to the third degree ; the AV . M . then resumed the chair . The Lodgo was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ' were given , and
complimentary speeches followed . There were present Bros . C . Greenwood , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Hart ; P . M . ; Litchfield , P . M . ; Blake , Jim ., P . M . ; Captain Hastie , P . M ., and Bro . F . Walters , AV . M . 1309 and P . M . No . 73 . YORKSHIRE , NORTH AND EAST . STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) The monthly
, meeting of this Lodge was held at the Lodge Room , at the Golden Lion Hotel , on the Monday evening , the 12 th . inst ., Bro . StephenHunler , P . M ., W . M .: Henry Fawcett , B , A ., S . W . ; George Hodgson , J . AV . ; J . H . ; Handyside , P . M ., Sec ; etc . Tho Lodge was opened in the first degree , aud the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was then opened to the second degree , when Bro . F . II . AVilcox , and Dr . Forbes passed a very satisfactory
examination in the F . C . degree , and being entrusted in the usual manner retired , after which the Lodge was opened to the third degree , The brethren were then re-admitted , and raised to the sublime of degree M . M . ; the ceremony in both cases being beautifully performed by the W . M . The Lodge was then , was closed down , and the meeting declared adjourned until the Monday nearest the full moon in October , emergencies excepted , of which due notice would be given , and tho Brethen departed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ULVERSTON . —Fumcss Chapter ( No . 995 ) . —The Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Temple ; Theatre Street , on Monday the 19 th inst . The Chapter was opened by Comps . John Case , M . E . Z . ; James Norter , J .. assisted by Comps . Prov . Wylie , G . Rig , and James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; ( Comp . W . Dead , H ., was unavoidably absent ) ,
Tha other officers being Comps . Robert James , Scribe E . ; Thos .. Dodgson , Scribe , N . ; Reuben Pearson , Prin . Soj , ; Roger Dodgson , Treas . ; J . H . Matthews , Organist ; Thos . Roper , and T . Ashburner , Asst . Soj . ; John Robinson , J . The minutes of the two previous convocations were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bros . George Runnington , P . M . and D . C . 995 ; H . W . Sehnieder , P . M ., 995 ; Prov . G . J . W . AVm , AThiteside 995 J . B . McGum-i 995 and Myles Kenned
, ; , , y , P . M ., 9 c 5 ; also for Comps . John Barrow , Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 ; and J . Bell ; Kendal Castle Chapter , No . 129 , as joining members , which proved in each case unanimous . The before mentioned brethren being in attendance were duly exalted to this superior degree , by Bro . AA ylin Prov . G . R . ; Two of the lectures being given by Comps . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bros . AV . J . A . Baldwin , 995 J . P ., was proposed for exaltation .. Letters of apology for non-attendance were received from
Comps . Sir Patrick Colquhoun and others . Hearty good wishes for the welfare of tho chapter were received from tho visiting Comps . after which tho chapter was closed and the Comps . adjourned to the house of Bro . Clayton ( O . neen's Hotel ) , who had provided an excellent supper , to which the Comps . did ample justice , upwards of 30 being present . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and responded to ; the proceedings being greatly enlivened by a few- of the choir of Trinity Church under the direction of tho worthy organist .
SUFFOLK . THE ROYAL SUSSEX CHAPTER . —At the Quarterly Convocation of tho above Chapter , at tho Masonic Hall , Ipswich , tiros . AV . A . Smith and A . Christie were balloted for and exalted to the sublime degree , Comps . S . B . King , J . Franks , ancl Shcncer Freeman efficiently filling the three Principal Chairs , and Comp . F . Long as P . S . At tho conclusion of the ceremony
a ballot was taken for the officers for the ensuing year , when tbe choice fell on Comp . S . H . AYriglit , as X . ; Comp . F . B . Marriott as II . ; Comp . Frederick Long as J . ; Comp . E . AVarncr as P . S . ; Comp . P . Cornell as N . ; Comp . Franks as E . Tho other business having been concluded , the Chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banqueting ronm . Companions Emra Holmes , Joseph AVilliams , and others wereamongst the visitors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the Installi ng Master , Comp . W . Watson , P . Z ., for the able manner in whiah he had performed that ceremony .
SOUTH WALES , ( EASTERN DIVISION . ) CABDOT . —Bute / . oc / c , ( No . 960 ) , —A regular fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday 20 th . inst . Present : Bro . F . Ware , Prov . G . Beg . W . M- ; Prov . P . Bird , P . M . ; J . Barman , S . AV . ; S . AA eichen J . W . ; K . H . Martin , P . M . Treas . ; T . C . Shelper , S . D . ; W . E . Vaughain , J . D . ; J . AV . Jacobs , I G . ; & o , & c . Amongst tho visitors were Bro , G . Robertson , Prov .
G . S . D ., M . M . 36 , and Bro . Barriss , J . AV . 110 . Merthyr . The minutes having been confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Francis and AA estendorf were passed to the F . C . degree . Having closed down , a ballot was token for two gentleman , who declared duly accepted , and Mr . David Richards ( accepted at a former meeting ) being in attendance was introduced and initiated in the first degree in due form , and according to ancient custom . Owing to pressure of
business the M . M . omitted the charge and lecture , otherwise , always given by bim , Bro . Harman , S . W . proposed , and Bro . AV . E . Vaughan , J . D ., seconded a vote of congratulation to tbe W . M ., the "" J . AV . the Organist and Bros . Shelper , S . D . ; and A . W . Sargeaunfc , past Sec . npon their appointment to Prov . Grand Lodge office as Grand Registrar , Dir of Cers ., Organist , and Stewards respectively—Bro . Bird , P . M . attended to the late most successful meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge , under the Banner of this Lodge , and stated that the AV . M . having
already received the thanks of the R . W . Prov . and Deputy Prov . Grand Masters for the arrangements made for their official reception and general comfort , he would content himself by proposing the following resolutions , having especial reference to the equally successful Lodge of Instruction held before the Prov . Grand Lodge , and with regard to which he had heard the warmest commendations . That the best thanks of this lodge be presented ancl recorded upon the minutes to the
AVorsbipful Master , and Bro . Bell and Roberts , P . M's , as also to Bros . Harman , S . AV . Weichen , J . AV . Blellock , Sec . Shelper . S . D ., and Jacobs , I . G ., lor the credit reflected by them upon the Bute Lodge , by the very admirable manner in which they worked tho sections of the lecture in the first degree , at the desire of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , and in the presence of tbe Prov . Grand Lodge , and a largo and interested assembly of the brethren of the provinceat the late meeting of the Prov .
, Grand Lodge . " This proposition was seconded by Bro . Ellis , !> . nd carried by acclamation . The AV . M ., in ackowledging the compliment , mentioned that he had received a communication from the V . AV ., the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , expressing , in very flattering terms his complete approval of all tue arrangements . Rro . Bird proposed , and Bro . Martin seconded , a canidate for initition ; ancl the lodge was closed in harmony at nine o'clock .
SUFFOLK . STOWEJIAUKET . —Freemavs Lor / ye—( No . 10 S ) On AVednesday evening an entertainment was given by the above Lodge , ( No . 108 ) in the Assembly Room in aid of the binds for aiding the sick and wounded in the present war . The jirogrnnimo arranged by Bros . Frederick Long , AV . M . ; and George Steele Goldiug , S . AV ., was very attractive , and long before tbo time for commencing , every available place was filled , aud had tho
room been double tho size , doubtless it would have been cram , mod . Tho great feature of the evening was the singing and reading of Brother Emra Holmes , ( 310 ); ho was greeted with frequent applause , and hearty encores to both his songs , Bro . AA . A . Smith also sang very capitally , and received an encore , Tho chair was filled by Bro . Spencer Freeman , and the result of the entertainment was a profit of about ; G 10 to be paid over to tho funds for tho sick and wounded .
SURREY . EWEH ,. — Grove Lodge ( No . 110 ) . —The Brethren of the above Lodgo met on the 10 ult . at the Spring Hotel , Dwell , tho AV . M ., Bro . Parsons , in the chair . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . H . Dumas , P . M . and S . AV . raised Bro . Sercombo to the third degree ; the AV . M . then resumed the chair . The Lodgo was closed , and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ' were given , and
complimentary speeches followed . There were present Bros . C . Greenwood , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Hart ; P . M . ; Litchfield , P . M . ; Blake , Jim ., P . M . ; Captain Hastie , P . M ., and Bro . F . Walters , AV . M . 1309 and P . M . No . 73 . YORKSHIRE , NORTH AND EAST . STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) The monthly
, meeting of this Lodge was held at the Lodge Room , at the Golden Lion Hotel , on the Monday evening , the 12 th . inst ., Bro . StephenHunler , P . M ., W . M .: Henry Fawcett , B , A ., S . W . ; George Hodgson , J . AV . ; J . H . ; Handyside , P . M ., Sec ; etc . Tho Lodge was opened in the first degree , aud the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was then opened to the second degree , when Bro . F . II . AVilcox , and Dr . Forbes passed a very satisfactory
examination in the F . C . degree , and being entrusted in the usual manner retired , after which the Lodge was opened to the third degree , The brethren were then re-admitted , and raised to the sublime of degree M . M . ; the ceremony in both cases being beautifully performed by the W . M . The Lodge was then , was closed down , and the meeting declared adjourned until the Monday nearest the full moon in October , emergencies excepted , of which due notice would be given , and tho Brethen departed in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . ULVERSTON . —Fumcss Chapter ( No . 995 ) . —The Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Temple ; Theatre Street , on Monday the 19 th inst . The Chapter was opened by Comps . John Case , M . E . Z . ; James Norter , J .. assisted by Comps . Prov . Wylie , G . Rig , and James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; ( Comp . W . Dead , H ., was unavoidably absent ) ,
Tha other officers being Comps . Robert James , Scribe E . ; Thos .. Dodgson , Scribe , N . ; Reuben Pearson , Prin . Soj , ; Roger Dodgson , Treas . ; J . H . Matthews , Organist ; Thos . Roper , and T . Ashburner , Asst . Soj . ; John Robinson , J . The minutes of the two previous convocations were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bros . George Runnington , P . M . and D . C . 995 ; H . W . Sehnieder , P . M ., 995 ; Prov . G . J . W . AVm , AThiteside 995 J . B . McGum-i 995 and Myles Kenned
, ; , , y , P . M ., 9 c 5 ; also for Comps . John Barrow , Rowley Chapter , No . 1051 ; and J . Bell ; Kendal Castle Chapter , No . 129 , as joining members , which proved in each case unanimous . The before mentioned brethren being in attendance were duly exalted to this superior degree , by Bro . AA ylin Prov . G . R . ; Two of the lectures being given by Comps . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Bros . AV . J . A . Baldwin , 995 J . P ., was proposed for exaltation .. Letters of apology for non-attendance were received from
Comps . Sir Patrick Colquhoun and others . Hearty good wishes for the welfare of tho chapter were received from tho visiting Comps . after which tho chapter was closed and the Comps . adjourned to the house of Bro . Clayton ( O . neen's Hotel ) , who had provided an excellent supper , to which the Comps . did ample justice , upwards of 30 being present . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and responded to ; the proceedings being greatly enlivened by a few- of the choir of Trinity Church under the direction of tho worthy organist .
SUFFOLK . THE ROYAL SUSSEX CHAPTER . —At the Quarterly Convocation of tho above Chapter , at tho Masonic Hall , Ipswich , tiros . AV . A . Smith and A . Christie were balloted for and exalted to the sublime degree , Comps . S . B . King , J . Franks , ancl Shcncer Freeman efficiently filling the three Principal Chairs , and Comp . F . Long as P . S . At tho conclusion of the ceremony
a ballot was taken for the officers for the ensuing year , when tbe choice fell on Comp . S . H . AYriglit , as X . ; Comp . F . B . Marriott as II . ; Comp . Frederick Long as J . ; Comp . E . AVarncr as P . S . ; Comp . P . Cornell as N . ; Comp . Franks as E . Tho other business having been concluded , the Chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to the banqueting ronm . Companions Emra Holmes , Joseph AVilliams , and others wereamongst the visitors .