Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE , ( NO . 22 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on Saturday , 17 th inst . The Chair was occupied by Bro . H . Massey , G . S ., AV . M . ; A . D . Loewenstark . P . G . I . G ., S . AV . ; Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . G . S ., Sec . ; Fred . Walters , P . G . I . G .,
P . M . C . J . B . Pleslow ; T . Barnard ; S . M . Lazarus , P . G ., Organist ; and Capt . Thorroll , wore present as visitors . Bro . J . II . AAllkins , of Lodge No . 73 , was advanced to degree of Mark Mason . A . D . Loewenstark was installed as W . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : —J . AV . Noak , S . W . ; T . H . Meredith , J . AV . ; J . Read , M . O . ; J . Terry , S . O . ; J . T . Moss , J . O . ; M . A . Loewenstark , Sec . ; G . AVheeler , R . of M . ; R . Button , S . D . ; C . Plestow , J . D . ; AVoodley , I . G . ; Barnard , D . of C . ; AV . T . Lany , Tyler . A handsome P . M . Jewel , small but exceedingly neat , was presented to tho retiring AV . M ., Bro . H . Massey , as a mark of esteem . It was furnished by Messrs . Loewenstark and Sons .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AMD RE-CONSTITUTION OF A 3 IAKK LODGE AT HINCKLEY . The degree of Mark Master was formerly regularly conferred on the Knights of Malta Lodgo at Hinckley ( ono of tho old Attwle Lodges ) . Several of the present members having received
it , and a desire having been expressed that it should bo placed under the jurisdiction of the 3 Iark Grand Lodge of England and AVales , a warrant of confirmation has just been granted to Bro . AVilliam Kellcy ( as W . M . ) , Rev . AV . Langley , J . 0 . D . D . Cotman , and George Clarke ; aud the lodge was formerly reconstituted at an annual meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of the Province , at the Town Hotel , Hinckley , on Tuesday , tho 27 th ultimo , the R . AV . P . G . Master , Bro . Kelly , in thechair .
Among the brethren present were the Rev . AA . Langley , P . G . J . O . ; Partridge , P . G ., See . ; Toller , P . G . D . G . ; AVeare . P . P . G , S . ; Cotman , Clarke , & o . The P . G . Lodgo having been opened in duo form and the minutes of tho last annual meetiug at Leicester read and confirmed , Bro . 0 . Shelton was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treas . ; after which a vote of five guineas was made to the Royal Masonic Institute for Boysto qualify the P . G . M . for the time
, being a Life Subscriber . P I The R . AV . P . G . M . announced that the moveable meeting of tho Grand Mark Lodge of England having been fixed to take place at Leicester , on Thursday ! the 27 th October ; proper arrangements should be mado for its reception , and he moved
the appointment of a committee for the purpose , which was seconded by Bro . Duff , AV . M ., No . 19 , and carried unanimously . The Knight of Malta Lodge , No . 30 , was then opened , and the warrant of confirmation presented , and a set of by-iay / s for the future government of the lodge adopted . A ballot wrs taken for fourteen candidates for tho Mark Degree , all of which were unanimously elected , and the following being in attendance wero duly advanced : Rev . John
Spittul , P . M ., 522 , and P . P . G . S . AV . ; John Atkins , P . M . ; Clarke , P . M .: Griffiths , P . M . ; Harrold , P . M . Kniglit of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Neugcrit , AA . M . ; Tippitts , and McBcath , No . 4-32 ( Nuneaton ); G . J . Cnsbie Dawson , 181 ( London ); G . B . Atkins , 523 ( Leicester ); and Bro . Young , No . 50 , by dispensation as a serving brother . The following brethren were then appointed and invested as the officers of this lodge -. —Rev . J . Spittal , S . W .: J . C . D . D , Cotman ; J . AV .
Clarke , M . O . ; Nugent , S . O . ; Griffiths , J . O . ; J . Atkins , Treas . ; Harrold , Sec , and Reg . of Marks ; Tippitt , S . D . ; McBeath , J . D . ; Dawson , I . G . ; Young , Tyler . " Lodge No . 30 having been closed , the P . G . M . appointed tho Prov . G . officers for the ensuing year as follows , and invested those who wero present : —llev- AA . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; Douglas AAOL , 21 , P . G . S . AV , ; Duff , AV . M ., 19 , P . G . J . AY . ; Rev . D . Haycroft . No . 19 , and Rev . J . Spittal , J . AV . 30 ; P . G . Chaplains ;
Scare , . 19 , P . G . M . O , ; C . C . Johnson , 19 , P . G . S . O . ; Cotman , J . AA ., 30 , P . G . J . O . ; Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; Sir Harry St . John Halford , Bart ., 19 , P . G ., Reg . of Marks ; Partridge , 19 , P . G . 6 eo , ; Duncomb , 21 , P . G . S . D . ; Atwood , 21 , P . G . J . D .:
Mark Masonry.
Harrold ; 30 , P . G . D . of C . ; L . A . Clarke , 19 , P . G . A . D . of C Barnard , P . G ., Insp . of W . H . ; T . AV . Clarke , 30 , P . G . S . D . ; Crow , 19 , P . G . O ; J . Atkins , 30 , P . G . S . G ., and Richardson , 19 ; Capt . Bailpy , 21 , and G . B . Atkius , 30 , P . G . ; Stewards , C . Banbridge , and G . Tyler . The P . G . M . Lodge having been closed in due form , and with prayer , the brethren adjourned to the George Hotel , and spent a short time iu refreshment after the labours of the evening .
LEICESTER . — Fowhe Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —This lodge resumed work after the summer recess on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., when the brethren assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Duff . The attendance was rather under the average . Bros . 0 . Stuart Thomson , R . A . Barber , and T . Dunn ( as a serving Bro . ) of the local Craft Lodges , aud Alfred Langton of 181 , London , were balloted for and elected . Bros . Thompson and Dunn being present were
duly advanced . The other brethren wore unavoidably absent , as was also Bro . Dr . Wilkinson elected at a former Lodgo . Bro . Henry Carson , P . P . G .. JAA . Derbyshire , also previously elected , withdrew his name as a candidate in consequenoejof a Mark Blaster ' s Lodge being about to be established at Derby . After tho AV . M . had concluded the ceremony , the lecture and fiual charge were given by B . to . Kelly , P . G . W . M ., who announced that ho had that day received a letter from the M . W .
, Grand Mark Master to the effect that ho had fixed Thursday October 27 th , as tho day for the mooting of tho moveable Grand Lodge of Mark Masters at Leicester , when he ( Bro . Kelly ) hoped a largo number of brethoon of the Province would attend to welcome their distinguished visitors on tho tho occasion . Some discussion ensued as to the reception of the officers of the Grand Lodge and other brethren , when it was suggested that at the annual meeting of the Provincial
Grand Mark Lodge at Hinckley , on the following Tuesday , ( the 27 th ult . ) a committee should bo appointed to take charge of the arrangements . A largo number of candidates ( among whom were Bros . Sir Henry . St . John Halford , Barfc ., and S . Inns , D . P . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Hants ) , were proposed for advancement at a Lodge , or Lodges of Emergency prior to the meeting ot the Grand Lodge . After some business the Lodge was closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . BOLTON . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The quarterly conclave was held at Freemasons'Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , the I 9 th ult ., when the E . G ., Sir Knight F . II . AVinder , Prov . Grand Vice Chancellor , presided ; Sir Knight Morris , 1 st Captain ; Sir Knight , AV . H . Wright , A . E ., Deputy Prov . Grand Commanderas 2 nd Captain ; and other
, officers at their respective stalls . The E . G . very ably performed the ceremony of installing Comp . James Brown a knight of this order , the duties of Expert being undertaken by the Prov . Grand Chancellor , Sir Knight G . P . Brockbauk . The sum of two guineas was voted by Grand Conclave to the fund being raised iu aid of tho sick and wounded in war , aud the evening closed in form , and with prayer , at eight o ' clock .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John ' s ( No . 3 bis . ) . —The meeting of this lodge was held upon the 20 th nit . Bro . John Baird , R . W . M ., in tho chair , Bro . Kyle , S . AV ., Bro . Thomas Fletcher , J . AV ., and a largo number of brethren present . Five brethren wore passed to the second degree by Bro . J . B . AA alkor , P . M ., in his usual able and impressive manner . Bro .
D . AValkcr ably officiated at tho harmonium . Thereafter the minutes wore read and approved of , The R . W . M . intimated that three largo photographic views of Dunkeld Cathedral wore to bo forwarded to her Grace the Duchess of Athole as a vemniscence of the late visit of the lodge to that locality , and in token of the high appreciation by the lodge of her grace ' s kindness . The sum of tE 20 was also contributed towards the fund for tho French aud German wounded , two
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE , ( NO . 22 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on Saturday , 17 th inst . The Chair was occupied by Bro . H . Massey , G . S ., AV . M . ; A . D . Loewenstark . P . G . I . G ., S . AV . ; Meyer A . Loewenstark , P . G . S ., Sec . ; Fred . Walters , P . G . I . G .,
P . M . C . J . B . Pleslow ; T . Barnard ; S . M . Lazarus , P . G ., Organist ; and Capt . Thorroll , wore present as visitors . Bro . J . II . AAllkins , of Lodge No . 73 , was advanced to degree of Mark Mason . A . D . Loewenstark was installed as W . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : —J . AV . Noak , S . W . ; T . H . Meredith , J . AV . ; J . Read , M . O . ; J . Terry , S . O . ; J . T . Moss , J . O . ; M . A . Loewenstark , Sec . ; G . AVheeler , R . of M . ; R . Button , S . D . ; C . Plestow , J . D . ; AVoodley , I . G . ; Barnard , D . of C . ; AV . T . Lany , Tyler . A handsome P . M . Jewel , small but exceedingly neat , was presented to tho retiring AV . M ., Bro . H . Massey , as a mark of esteem . It was furnished by Messrs . Loewenstark and Sons .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AMD RE-CONSTITUTION OF A 3 IAKK LODGE AT HINCKLEY . The degree of Mark Master was formerly regularly conferred on the Knights of Malta Lodgo at Hinckley ( ono of tho old Attwle Lodges ) . Several of the present members having received
it , and a desire having been expressed that it should bo placed under the jurisdiction of the 3 Iark Grand Lodge of England and AVales , a warrant of confirmation has just been granted to Bro . AVilliam Kellcy ( as W . M . ) , Rev . AV . Langley , J . 0 . D . D . Cotman , and George Clarke ; aud the lodge was formerly reconstituted at an annual meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of the Province , at the Town Hotel , Hinckley , on Tuesday , tho 27 th ultimo , the R . AV . P . G . Master , Bro . Kelly , in thechair .
Among the brethren present were the Rev . AA . Langley , P . G . J . O . ; Partridge , P . G ., See . ; Toller , P . G . D . G . ; AVeare . P . P . G , S . ; Cotman , Clarke , & o . The P . G . Lodgo having been opened in duo form and the minutes of tho last annual meetiug at Leicester read and confirmed , Bro . 0 . Shelton was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treas . ; after which a vote of five guineas was made to the Royal Masonic Institute for Boysto qualify the P . G . M . for the time
, being a Life Subscriber . P I The R . AV . P . G . M . announced that the moveable meeting of tho Grand Mark Lodge of England having been fixed to take place at Leicester , on Thursday ! the 27 th October ; proper arrangements should be mado for its reception , and he moved
the appointment of a committee for the purpose , which was seconded by Bro . Duff , AV . M ., No . 19 , and carried unanimously . The Knight of Malta Lodge , No . 30 , was then opened , and the warrant of confirmation presented , and a set of by-iay / s for the future government of the lodge adopted . A ballot wrs taken for fourteen candidates for tho Mark Degree , all of which were unanimously elected , and the following being in attendance wero duly advanced : Rev . John
Spittul , P . M ., 522 , and P . P . G . S . AV . ; John Atkins , P . M . ; Clarke , P . M .: Griffiths , P . M . ; Harrold , P . M . Kniglit of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , Neugcrit , AA . M . ; Tippitts , and McBcath , No . 4-32 ( Nuneaton ); G . J . Cnsbie Dawson , 181 ( London ); G . B . Atkins , 523 ( Leicester ); and Bro . Young , No . 50 , by dispensation as a serving brother . The following brethren were then appointed and invested as the officers of this lodge -. —Rev . J . Spittal , S . W .: J . C . D . D , Cotman ; J . AV .
Clarke , M . O . ; Nugent , S . O . ; Griffiths , J . O . ; J . Atkins , Treas . ; Harrold , Sec , and Reg . of Marks ; Tippitt , S . D . ; McBeath , J . D . ; Dawson , I . G . ; Young , Tyler . " Lodge No . 30 having been closed , the P . G . M . appointed tho Prov . G . officers for the ensuing year as follows , and invested those who wero present : —llev- AA . Langley , D . P . G . M . ; Douglas AAOL , 21 , P . G . S . AV , ; Duff , AV . M ., 19 , P . G . J . AY . ; Rev . D . Haycroft . No . 19 , and Rev . J . Spittal , J . AV . 30 ; P . G . Chaplains ;
Scare , . 19 , P . G . M . O , ; C . C . Johnson , 19 , P . G . S . O . ; Cotman , J . AA ., 30 , P . G . J . O . ; Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; Sir Harry St . John Halford , Bart ., 19 , P . G ., Reg . of Marks ; Partridge , 19 , P . G . 6 eo , ; Duncomb , 21 , P . G . S . D . ; Atwood , 21 , P . G . J . D .:
Mark Masonry.
Harrold ; 30 , P . G . D . of C . ; L . A . Clarke , 19 , P . G . A . D . of C Barnard , P . G ., Insp . of W . H . ; T . AV . Clarke , 30 , P . G . S . D . ; Crow , 19 , P . G . O ; J . Atkins , 30 , P . G . S . G ., and Richardson , 19 ; Capt . Bailpy , 21 , and G . B . Atkius , 30 , P . G . ; Stewards , C . Banbridge , and G . Tyler . The P . G . M . Lodge having been closed in due form , and with prayer , the brethren adjourned to the George Hotel , and spent a short time iu refreshment after the labours of the evening .
LEICESTER . — Fowhe Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —This lodge resumed work after the summer recess on Thursday , the 22 nd ult ., when the brethren assembled at the Freemasons' Hall , under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Duff . The attendance was rather under the average . Bros . 0 . Stuart Thomson , R . A . Barber , and T . Dunn ( as a serving Bro . ) of the local Craft Lodges , aud Alfred Langton of 181 , London , were balloted for and elected . Bros . Thompson and Dunn being present were
duly advanced . The other brethren wore unavoidably absent , as was also Bro . Dr . Wilkinson elected at a former Lodgo . Bro . Henry Carson , P . P . G .. JAA . Derbyshire , also previously elected , withdrew his name as a candidate in consequenoejof a Mark Blaster ' s Lodge being about to be established at Derby . After tho AV . M . had concluded the ceremony , the lecture and fiual charge were given by B . to . Kelly , P . G . W . M ., who announced that ho had that day received a letter from the M . W .
, Grand Mark Master to the effect that ho had fixed Thursday October 27 th , as tho day for the mooting of tho moveable Grand Lodge of Mark Masters at Leicester , when he ( Bro . Kelly ) hoped a largo number of brethoon of the Province would attend to welcome their distinguished visitors on tho tho occasion . Some discussion ensued as to the reception of the officers of the Grand Lodge and other brethren , when it was suggested that at the annual meeting of the Provincial
Grand Mark Lodge at Hinckley , on the following Tuesday , ( the 27 th ult . ) a committee should bo appointed to take charge of the arrangements . A largo number of candidates ( among whom were Bros . Sir Henry . St . John Halford , Barfc ., and S . Inns , D . P . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Hants ) , were proposed for advancement at a Lodge , or Lodges of Emergency prior to the meeting ot the Grand Lodge . After some business the Lodge was closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE . BOLTON . —St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . —The quarterly conclave was held at Freemasons'Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , the I 9 th ult ., when the E . G ., Sir Knight F . II . AVinder , Prov . Grand Vice Chancellor , presided ; Sir Knight Morris , 1 st Captain ; Sir Knight , AV . H . Wright , A . E ., Deputy Prov . Grand Commanderas 2 nd Captain ; and other
, officers at their respective stalls . The E . G . very ably performed the ceremony of installing Comp . James Brown a knight of this order , the duties of Expert being undertaken by the Prov . Grand Chancellor , Sir Knight G . P . Brockbauk . The sum of two guineas was voted by Grand Conclave to the fund being raised iu aid of tho sick and wounded in war , aud the evening closed in form , and with prayer , at eight o ' clock .
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge of Glasgow St . John ' s ( No . 3 bis . ) . —The meeting of this lodge was held upon the 20 th nit . Bro . John Baird , R . W . M ., in tho chair , Bro . Kyle , S . AV ., Bro . Thomas Fletcher , J . AV ., and a largo number of brethren present . Five brethren wore passed to the second degree by Bro . J . B . AA alkor , P . M ., in his usual able and impressive manner . Bro .
D . AValkcr ably officiated at tho harmonium . Thereafter the minutes wore read and approved of , The R . W . M . intimated that three largo photographic views of Dunkeld Cathedral wore to bo forwarded to her Grace the Duchess of Athole as a vemniscence of the late visit of the lodge to that locality , and in token of the high appreciation by the lodge of her grace ' s kindness . The sum of tE 20 was also contributed towards the fund for tho French aud German wounded , two