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Freemasonry And The War.
( From a Travelling Correspondent . *) VOUZIEKS , September 17 . Tliis present Avar has been prolific in illustrations of the value of Freemasonry in dangerous emergencies , ancl the anecdotes are endless of tho lives saA * ed by its
means . Among the cartloads of wounded of both nations Avhich arrived from Sedan Avere two men Avhose consideration for each other Avas so marked as to occasion inquiry . They Avoro tho Prussian and the French uniform respectively , and though neither could
understand a word of the other ' s language they shared their rations , and seemed to be interchanging signals of amity all day long . Their story Avas a very simple one . The Prussian , who is an officer ,
and a man of thirty-five or so , Avith a stern grave face , and a heavy overhanging moustache , had mot tho Frenchman , who is at least a dozen years Ms junior , on the battle-field , the latter being supported by a couple of comrades . Twice did tho AvaA e of conflict bring these men in contact , and on the last occasion
the Prussian , AVIIO A \ as himself badly Avounded in the chest , pressed the young Frenchman hard , and had indeed his SAVord uplifted to administer the coup do grace , Avhen the latter , Avho Avas faint from loss of blood , made a hasty sign to his victor Avhich caused
the latter to stay his hand . Parley Avas imjiossible , both from the exigencies of language and the turmoil of battle : and besides , both men lost consciousness ancl fell at each other's side . It turned out that the
young Frenchman had been made a Freemason a ICAV months before tho outbreak of the Avar , and that ho had instinctively made the sign by means of Avhich members of tho fraternity are taught to ask their brethren for help . The Prussian was an old mason ,
who recognized it instantl y , and AVIIO had instinctively paused , and before there Avas time for consideration both men fainted aAvay . When consciousness Avas restored , they found themselves side hy side and Avith the dead and d ying round them . By a strange
coincidence , their Avomids Avere such that each could give the oilier some sli ght relief , and the late enemies employed their Aveaiy hours , in Avhich they lay disabled and uutcuded , in rendering little kindnesses to each other , and in thus cementing the friendship
which had begun so strangely . When help came , they petitioned to lie permitted to keep together , telling ( heir story Avith considerable effusiveness to tho doctor , Avho after some time came to them on tho field . This gentleman , Avho Avas not a military
surgeon , but a member of tho blessed Society Avhich dates from Geneva , raised his hands in p leased astonishment at the tale he heard , and at once shoAved
Freemasonry And The War.
himself to be a Freemason too ; so that three brethren of the mystic tie were to be seen wondering over the strange chance which had thrOAvn them together . I don't profess to be able to explain the particular influence brought into play , or the kind of solace
Avhich Freemasons find in each other ' s company , but it is certain that the Avounded men are supremely satisfied at the result , and that their story has given them epiite a celebrity among their fellow-sufferers . At [ ges , where the French prisoners were placed
after the capitulation of Sedan , and AA here , it is but too true , they Avere all but starving , some of their number contiTved to make it knoAAii to their captors that they were Masons , and though this AA as ineffectual in many instances , the sturdy and imitiateel Prussians laughing the masonic gestures to scorn , AvhereA'er it succeeded the men obtained little
comforts AAdiich Avere priceless . A stout trooper was seen handing a warm frieze coat to one prisoner , and giving part of his rations to another ; ancl explained his conduct to an inquirer AAdth a sheepish smile , which spoke volumes , "They are my brothers , although I have fought with thorn , and thoy are hungry and cold , and
must be helped . They Avould do it for me . " These are merely typical cases . But it is impossible to mix much Avith the troops , particularly after a battle , Avithout hearing of kindred instances of masonic usefulness . The masons themselves are very proud of their order ,
and of the way in Avhich its principles have , they say , risen superior to Avar . HOAV it is that these loving brethren can ever havejflown at each other's throats ancl mangled each other ' s bodies , is another question , particularly as they tell you that Louis Napoleon and Prince Frederick William of Prussia are both Freemasons of high degree .
Physical Astronomy; Or, New Theories Of The Universe.
BY BKO . J . C . MANNING , ( Continued from page 242 . J In the February . number of the " Student and Intellectual Observer , " of last year , there appears the first of a series of three papers , entitled , "A
New Theory of the Universe , " by R . A . Proctor , B . A ., F . R . A . S . At page 3 the Avriter says , "The most remarkable feature of modern astronomical discovery remains yet to be mentioned . A phenomenon which men had long been in the habit of
looking upon as a meteorological one has been at length recognised in its true light , and has been found wonderfully to enhance our appreciation of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And The War.
( From a Travelling Correspondent . *) VOUZIEKS , September 17 . Tliis present Avar has been prolific in illustrations of the value of Freemasonry in dangerous emergencies , ancl the anecdotes are endless of tho lives saA * ed by its
means . Among the cartloads of wounded of both nations Avhich arrived from Sedan Avere two men Avhose consideration for each other Avas so marked as to occasion inquiry . They Avoro tho Prussian and the French uniform respectively , and though neither could
understand a word of the other ' s language they shared their rations , and seemed to be interchanging signals of amity all day long . Their story Avas a very simple one . The Prussian , who is an officer ,
and a man of thirty-five or so , Avith a stern grave face , and a heavy overhanging moustache , had mot tho Frenchman , who is at least a dozen years Ms junior , on the battle-field , the latter being supported by a couple of comrades . Twice did tho AvaA e of conflict bring these men in contact , and on the last occasion
the Prussian , AVIIO A \ as himself badly Avounded in the chest , pressed the young Frenchman hard , and had indeed his SAVord uplifted to administer the coup do grace , Avhen the latter , Avho Avas faint from loss of blood , made a hasty sign to his victor Avhich caused
the latter to stay his hand . Parley Avas imjiossible , both from the exigencies of language and the turmoil of battle : and besides , both men lost consciousness ancl fell at each other's side . It turned out that the
young Frenchman had been made a Freemason a ICAV months before tho outbreak of the Avar , and that ho had instinctively made the sign by means of Avhich members of tho fraternity are taught to ask their brethren for help . The Prussian was an old mason ,
who recognized it instantl y , and AVIIO had instinctively paused , and before there Avas time for consideration both men fainted aAvay . When consciousness Avas restored , they found themselves side hy side and Avith the dead and d ying round them . By a strange
coincidence , their Avomids Avere such that each could give the oilier some sli ght relief , and the late enemies employed their Aveaiy hours , in Avhich they lay disabled and uutcuded , in rendering little kindnesses to each other , and in thus cementing the friendship
which had begun so strangely . When help came , they petitioned to lie permitted to keep together , telling ( heir story Avith considerable effusiveness to tho doctor , Avho after some time came to them on tho field . This gentleman , Avho Avas not a military
surgeon , but a member of tho blessed Society Avhich dates from Geneva , raised his hands in p leased astonishment at the tale he heard , and at once shoAved
Freemasonry And The War.
himself to be a Freemason too ; so that three brethren of the mystic tie were to be seen wondering over the strange chance which had thrOAvn them together . I don't profess to be able to explain the particular influence brought into play , or the kind of solace
Avhich Freemasons find in each other ' s company , but it is certain that the Avounded men are supremely satisfied at the result , and that their story has given them epiite a celebrity among their fellow-sufferers . At [ ges , where the French prisoners were placed
after the capitulation of Sedan , and AA here , it is but too true , they Avere all but starving , some of their number contiTved to make it knoAAii to their captors that they were Masons , and though this AA as ineffectual in many instances , the sturdy and imitiateel Prussians laughing the masonic gestures to scorn , AvhereA'er it succeeded the men obtained little
comforts AAdiich Avere priceless . A stout trooper was seen handing a warm frieze coat to one prisoner , and giving part of his rations to another ; ancl explained his conduct to an inquirer AAdth a sheepish smile , which spoke volumes , "They are my brothers , although I have fought with thorn , and thoy are hungry and cold , and
must be helped . They Avould do it for me . " These are merely typical cases . But it is impossible to mix much Avith the troops , particularly after a battle , Avithout hearing of kindred instances of masonic usefulness . The masons themselves are very proud of their order ,
and of the way in Avhich its principles have , they say , risen superior to Avar . HOAV it is that these loving brethren can ever havejflown at each other's throats ancl mangled each other ' s bodies , is another question , particularly as they tell you that Louis Napoleon and Prince Frederick William of Prussia are both Freemasons of high degree .
Physical Astronomy; Or, New Theories Of The Universe.
BY BKO . J . C . MANNING , ( Continued from page 242 . J In the February . number of the " Student and Intellectual Observer , " of last year , there appears the first of a series of three papers , entitled , "A
New Theory of the Universe , " by R . A . Proctor , B . A ., F . R . A . S . At page 3 the Avriter says , "The most remarkable feature of modern astronomical discovery remains yet to be mentioned . A phenomenon which men had long been in the habit of
looking upon as a meteorological one has been at length recognised in its true light , and has been found wonderfully to enhance our appreciation of the