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List Of Lodge Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 8th October.
Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H . Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ,, Hotel ; Ro ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square .
METROPOLITAN LODGES AUD CHAPTERS . Monday , October 3 rd . LODGES . —Robert Burns , Freemason's Hall ; Unity , London Tav . ; Royal Jubilee , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cheyne Walk , Chelsea ; Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street ; Old King's Arms . —CHAPTER . — , Old Kings' Arms , Freemason's Hall ; Victoria , George Hotel Aldermanbury .
Tuesday , October tli . Colonial Board at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Lodgo of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall ; Albion , Freemason's Hall ; Temple , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Loadenhall Street ; St , John ' s , Holly Bush Tav ., Hampstead ; Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall ; Stability , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; St . JamesLeather Market Tav . New
Weston-streetBermond-, , , sey ; Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station , Pimlico ; Dnke of Edinboro ' , New Globo Tavern , Bow Road ; Golden Rule , Great Western Hotel , Bayswater . CHAPTER Temperance , White Swan Tav ., Deptford .
Wednesday , October 5 th . LODGES . —Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; MacDonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Volunteer Corps , Brunswick rd ., Camberwell . Thursday , October 6 tli . LODGES . —Egyptian , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; Strong
Man , Freemason's Hall ; Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , Lion aud Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street ; Ionic , Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet ; La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stopney ; Crystal Palace Lodge , Crystal Palace , Sydenham ; Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Bermondsey . CHAPTER . —Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars ; Westbourne , Now Inn , Edgvvaro Road ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
Friday , October 7 th . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , Masonic Hall , William Street , Woolwich ; Hornsey , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ; Star , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Monday , October 3 rd . LoDflES . —Tomplo , Old George , St . Mary Axo , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , Now Cross-rd ., Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., Wcst-sq ., Southwark ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham ;
Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., Milc-eud-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Mile End . Tuesday , October ith . LODGES . —Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Motrop , Dist . Bail , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmorston Arms , Grosvenor-pk ., Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's , Tav ., St . John ' s-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward ,
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchurchlane ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Morgatestreet ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wands , worth . ——CHAPTERS . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Hotel , Fleet-st . ; Royal Union , Dnbby's Hotel , Winsey-street , Oxford-street ; Mount Sion , White Hart , Bishopsgate Street .
Wednesday , October oth . LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; Now Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawbystroot , S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishop . gate-st . CHAPTERS . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street , Grosvenor-square .
lliursday , October 6 th . LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Throe Cranes , Mile-ond-rd . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College . St ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Green-, wich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-snuare : Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Groat St . Helen ' s , E . G . ;
Whittington , Crown Hotel , 11 , High Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria-park , at 7 . CHAPTER . —Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., 57 , iVapping-wall .
Mriday , October 1 th . LODGES . —St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Choyno-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tav ., Kennington ; Westbourne , the Grapes , Duke-street , Manchester-square ; Wellington , Lord Duncan , Tav . BroadwayDeptford ; Florence NihtingaleFreemasons '
, , g , Tav ., Woolwich ; Ranelagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kingstreet , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Springgardens , Cuaring-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile Endroad ; Victoria , Andortous' Hotel , Fleet-street ; Hervey , Britannia , Walliam-groen ; Metropolitan , Price's Portugal Hotel , Floot-street ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tav ., 27 , Goswell Road ; Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air Street ,
Regent Street . CHAPTERS . Domatic , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Victoria Station ; Robert Burns , Knights of St , Jehu ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood . Saturday , October 1 st . CHAPTERS . —Mount Sinia , Union Tav ., Air-stroet , Regent-st . ; Domatic , Horns ' , Kennington .
To Correspondents.
C . W . —The decision of your W . M . w as perfectly correct . ¦ It is irregular at a meeting of emergency to enter upon any other busin ess than that for which the lodge was specially called . It was not uecessary to read tho minutes of tho last meeting . Those , with tiie minutes of tho Lodge of Emergency , should both be read and put for conforinat ion at the
next regular meeting of the lodge . G . C—I . We cannot undertake to propose you in the Chapter mentioned . You must be proposed by some ouo to whom you are personally known , and who can vouch for your fitness . 3 . Wo do not supply Masonic clothing . Several of our usual contributions from abroad have not
arrived this week . J . E . —Wo shall not bo able to givo tho report . We did not attend tho mooting , not having received an invitation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Lodge Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 8th October.
Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; M . H . Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ,, Hotel ; Ro ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square .
METROPOLITAN LODGES AUD CHAPTERS . Monday , October 3 rd . LODGES . —Robert Burns , Freemason's Hall ; Unity , London Tav . ; Royal Jubilee , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cheyne Walk , Chelsea ; Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street ; Old King's Arms . —CHAPTER . — , Old Kings' Arms , Freemason's Hall ; Victoria , George Hotel Aldermanbury .
Tuesday , October tli . Colonial Board at 3 . LODGES . —Royal York Lodgo of Perseverance , Freemasons' Hall ; Albion , Freemason's Hall ; Temple , Ship and Turtle Tav ., Loadenhall Street ; St , John ' s , Holly Bush Tav ., Hampstead ; Old Concord , Freemasons' Hall ; Stability , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; St . JamesLeather Market Tav . New
Weston-streetBermond-, , , sey ; Grosvenor , Victoria Station , Metropolitan District Railway Station , Pimlico ; Dnke of Edinboro ' , New Globo Tavern , Bow Road ; Golden Rule , Great Western Hotel , Bayswater . CHAPTER Temperance , White Swan Tav ., Deptford .
Wednesday , October 5 th . LODGES . —Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; MacDonald , Head Quarters 1 st Surrey Volunteer Corps , Brunswick rd ., Camberwell . Thursday , October 6 tli . LODGES . —Egyptian , Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street ; Strong
Man , Freemason's Hall ; Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , Lion aud Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street ; Ionic , Ship aud Turtle Tavern , Leadenhallstreet ; La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stopney ; Crystal Palace Lodge , Crystal Palace , Sydenham ; Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Bermondsey . CHAPTER . —Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars ; Westbourne , Now Inn , Edgvvaro Road ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham .
Friday , October 7 th . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , Masonic Hall , William Street , Woolwich ; Hornsey , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ; Star , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Monday , October 3 rd . LoDflES . —Tomplo , Old George , St . Mary Axo , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , Now Cross-rd ., Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., Wcst-sq ., Southwark ; High Cross , White Hart Ho ., Tottenham ;
Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-rd ., Milc-eud-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Mile End . Tuesday , October ith . LODGES . —Faith , Fisher's Restaurant , Motrop , Dist . Bail , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmorston Arms , Grosvenor-pk ., Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's , Tav ., St . John ' s-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward ,
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchurchlane ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Morgatestreet ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wands , worth . ——CHAPTERS . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Hotel , Fleet-st . ; Royal Union , Dnbby's Hotel , Winsey-street , Oxford-street ; Mount Sion , White Hart , Bishopsgate Street .
Wednesday , October oth . LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; Now Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawbystroot , S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishop . gate-st . CHAPTERS . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street , Grosvenor-square .
lliursday , October 6 th . LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Throe Cranes , Mile-ond-rd . ; Vitruvian , White Hart , College . St ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Green-, wich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-snuare : Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Groat St . Helen ' s , E . G . ;
Whittington , Crown Hotel , 11 , High Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria-park , at 7 . CHAPTER . —Joppa , Prospect of Whitby Tav ., 57 , iVapping-wall .
Mriday , October 1 th . LODGES . —St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Choyno-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tav ., Kennington ; Westbourne , the Grapes , Duke-street , Manchester-square ; Wellington , Lord Duncan , Tav . BroadwayDeptford ; Florence NihtingaleFreemasons '
, , g , Tav ., Woolwich ; Ranelagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , Kingstreet , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Springgardens , Cuaring-cross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile Endroad ; Victoria , Andortous' Hotel , Fleet-street ; Hervey , Britannia , Walliam-groen ; Metropolitan , Price's Portugal Hotel , Floot-street ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tav ., 27 , Goswell Road ; Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air Street ,
Regent Street . CHAPTERS . Domatic , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Victoria Station ; Robert Burns , Knights of St , Jehu ' s Hotel , St . John's Wood . Saturday , October 1 st . CHAPTERS . —Mount Sinia , Union Tav ., Air-stroet , Regent-st . ; Domatic , Horns ' , Kennington .
To Correspondents.
C . W . —The decision of your W . M . w as perfectly correct . ¦ It is irregular at a meeting of emergency to enter upon any other busin ess than that for which the lodge was specially called . It was not uecessary to read tho minutes of tho last meeting . Those , with tiie minutes of tho Lodge of Emergency , should both be read and put for conforinat ion at the
next regular meeting of the lodge . G . C—I . We cannot undertake to propose you in the Chapter mentioned . You must be proposed by some ouo to whom you are personally known , and who can vouch for your fitness . 3 . Wo do not supply Masonic clothing . Several of our usual contributions from abroad have not
arrived this week . J . E . —Wo shall not bo able to givo tho report . We did not attend tho mooting , not having received an invitation .