Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
2 Z 3 TR 0 P 0 LITAN . MOUNT LEBANON LOIXIE , No . 73 .-A regular meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , 20 th nit ., at tho Bridge House , Hotel , Southwark . Bro . F . H . Ebsworth AV . M . in " the chair , supported by all hi . ; officers and four P . M ' s' opened tho lodge , The minutes were read aud confirmed . One brother was raised , one passed , and two candidates were initiated , alter which tho brethren to
adjourned refreshment . There were present Bros . E . Ham ' s , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sou . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M . j F . AVahcrs , P . M .: D . Rose , P . M . ; M . A . Loowoustark , S . AV . ; G . Free , J . AV . ; G . J . Grace , S . D . ; A . L . Dussek , J . D . ; G . J . Loo , I . G .: S . Harman , D . C ; and forty others . E . Macku . ry 131 ; . ) . . Li . Harlsworlh . D . C , 1171 ; J . II . Fudge , AV . S .., UvS ; C . AVilliam ^ Marshall , and others wore presenilis visitors .
Cm- LONDON LODGE ( NO . 901 ) . —On Monday , tho 2 l-th nit ., the first nicari . ig of toe present season was held at tho ¦ truildhall Tavern , Bro . AVashingtou Edmonds Haycock , AV . M ., m tho chair . Bro . J . T . Lucas was raised , and Messrs . AV . C . llubhardt aud H . J . Siieh were initiated . Tho business ended , ¦ the brethren adjourned to a , banquet . The officers of tho lodge , viz ., Bros Child , S . AV . ; Devlin , J . W . ; Griffith , S . W ; Lewis , J . D . ; Poncione , I . G . ; E . Sisson , Secretary ; . Da-rev , and
Treasurer : P . Ms . Gibson , Osmond , and Salisbury rendered valuable aid to the A \ . M . in tho performance of the ceremonies , which were concluded in a most impressive manner . Bros AV Carpenter , P . J [ , ( No . 1771 . and J . Denton ( Nos . S 37 aud 1 , 001 , and P . P . G . P . for West Yorkshire ) , were present as visitors , aud in returning- thanks to the toast of their health , acknowledged the admirable working of the lodge , and congratulated ° tho brethren on having so excellent a President , and the AV . JI . on having such efficient officers ,
BuKDEi-r Coum LODGE ( NO . I 27 S ) . — The installation meeting of this distinguished aud very successful lodgo was held on Thursday , the loth inst ., at the Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . The R . AV . Bro . Col . E . Burdett , and tho G . Sec . Bro . J . Hervey , who were elected honorary members at tho consecration meeting of 52 rd Sept ., ISG 9 , were present ou this occasion . . After lodge was opened Mr . C Ewons was initiated ¦ into Freemasonry . The lod go was opened in fclicsocond doe-roe . LloColBindot
. . - then presented Bro . John Saunders , the AV . AI . elect , to receive tho benefit of installation . The ceremony was beautifully performed b y tho W . M ., Bro . Jamis 'Terry . After the completion of the ccromonv , the AV . M . invested as his officers , Bro . AV . S . Shcntou , S . W .: Bro . Homy Lloyd , J . W ; Bro . James Terry , P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . G . A erry , ' 8 eo .: Bro . Ashburner , S . D . ; Bro . S . Balcombe , J . D . ; Bro . Harris , I . G . ; Bro . CrutchD . C . j Bro . GilchristTlerBroIIGustavus
, , y . . . Buss , 1 . 1-ov . G . Treas ., Middlesex , one of tho founders of tho lod « -o , Was unanimously elected au honorary member . The loo > e was resumed to tho 1 st degree . A candidate having been proposed for initiation at the next mooting-, it was closed in peace harmony , and brotherl y love . The brethren thou , adjouviwd to a sumptuous banquet , which was served in Bro . Thonias Lloyd ' s best st
yle ; in fact wo may say hi quite excelled himself , " and was duly appreciated by all present . The usual loyal toasts TForo then g iven , Co ! . Burdett responding for she grand oiUcers . The health of the newly initiated brethren was then drank and responded to . The great event of tho evomuo- thou took place , the AV . M , Bro . John Saunders , saying he ^ had a most pleasing duty to perform , viz ., to propose the health of Bro . James 'lorry , the first AV . M . of the lodge , to whoso indolatigablc exertions its
groat success may be mainly attributed . In addition to a P . M . ' s jewel , presented bv the lodn-0 , tho brethren also prese . ur . ed him with a very valuable goitfweleh with his monogram beautifull y executed in blue and « -old ' made by Bro . H . T . Lamb , of St . John ' s Square . The ins ° ci-i » ' hon was as follows , ¦¦ 'Presented by the members of the Burdett Coutts ' . odgc , No . 127 S , to Bro . James Terry l »*[ P . IW . G . S . I ' . for Hertsthe first AVorshifu ! Master
, p , as a mark ot respect and e .-u-em , and in recognition of His "Teat and valuable Services , and the zeal aud ability displayed by him m die formation of the lodge . " This presentation was received by Bro . Terry with very great feeling , and in rcplv he thanked the members for having so highly valued his services , and assured them that although he had retired from the chair of
Craft Masonry.
I K . S ., he would a : ways be found at the proper time in his place as P . M . to give that assistance aud advice to his successors , so necessary in the well-ruling and governing of a lodge . Bro . Saunders , AV . M ., volunteered to servo as Steward for tho aged Freemasons' AVidows Institution at tho forthcoming Festival , in compliment to the R . AA . Col . Burdett , Prov , G , M ., Middlesex , who will upon that occasion preside as chairman . The health of tho visitors was then proposed and responded to
by Bro . J . J . AVilson , AV . M .. 1237 , Prov-. G . D ., Middlesex . Tho officers health having been also proposed was responded to by Bro . Shenton , S . AV ., and the Toler'S toast brought this very successful meeting lo a close . Tho visitors who honoured the lodge with their company were , Bro . J . J . AVilson , Prov . G . D ., Middlesex ; Bro . John AVriolit , P . M ., 7 S 1 ; Bro . John Newton , P . M ., 174 ; Bro . AV . Clous ' ton , P . M ., 33 ; and Bros . Motion , Miles , AVickon , King , Folton , Si . John Ingram , Bassofc , Berry .
INSTRUCTION . AVELUNGTON- LODGE ( No . 518 ) . —On Monday , tho 12 th ult ., the usual weekly mcoiing of this lodge was held at tho AVhite Swan Tavern , High Strrocfc , Deptford , Bro . H . A . Stneey , P . M . ( ISO ) , as AV . AI . Present—Bros . C . G . Dilley , AV . M ., 1155 ; AV . Andrews , P . M . S 71 ; J . R . Stacey , AV . M . ISO ; AV . West Smith . AV . M . 190 ; A . Pulley , S . AA . 169 ; J . AV . T .
Barrett , S . AV . 871 , Sec . of this lodgo ; J . Nas ' . i , Shaw , Moriarty , Turner , Molar , J . il . Stacey , S . Tr . rnbull , Comb , T . Hobson , G . F . Guest , and others . The event of tho evening was the presentation of a handsome gold watch to tho Secretary , Bro . J . AV- Barrett , who is leaving Deptford to reside in Hertfordshire . The inscription ou the watch is as follows : — "Presented to Bro . James Barrett by a few Masonic friends as a small token of their fraternal regard . September I 9 tb , 1 S 70 . " ABanquet terminated tho proceedings on this interesting ; occasion .
LANCASHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Bor / rox . —St . John's Lodtfc ( No . 221 ) . —The first monthl y meeting after tho summer vacation was held on AVednosday evening , the 24 th of September , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , under tho presidency of Bro . Egerton G . GilbertAV . M ., supported by the whole of his officers . Tho
, lodge was opened in duo form , and the correspondence which had accumulated since the last meeting was read , including a letter from the Grand Secretary , notifying tho appointment of Lo G . N . Starkie , Esq ., as Prov . Grand Master . Bro . John Smith , formally an active and useful member of tho lodge , was proposed by the Treasurer , Bro . G . P . Brockbatik , as a joining member ; aud the lodgo was closed at nine o ' clock .
MIDDLESEX . TWICKENHAM —Strawberry Hill , Chapter ( No . 916 ) . —A Convocation and Installation meeting was held on Wednesday , the J l-ch inst ., at tho Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham , Comp . AV . Sinood , M . E . Z ,, in tho chair . Tho minutes of tho former convocation wero read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Comp . Guniey , of the Rose of
Denmark Chapter , which , was nnam ' nicusly in his favour . The ceremony of installation was perfectly rendered by Comp . AV . AVatson ; Comps . Faithful , M . E . Z . ; Mclihyliam , !! . ; G . Motion , J . ; AV . Smoed , T . P . Z .. The chapter was then closed , aud tho companions adjourned to a banquet . The toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed by Comp . Smoed , and very ably responded to by Comp . Faithful . In the course of a feeling and excellent speech , ho adverted to tho estimable qualities of tho I . P . Z ., who was
indeed worthy of any office , and was fully competent in every grade of tho order ; his services rendered to the chapter were such , that , with a feeling- of great pleasure , he had to present him with a gold V . 7 ,. jewel , and he hoped ho would live longto enjoy it . The jewel is of very elegant design , set with diamonds and rubies , manufactured by ' Comp . Piatt , of Beaufortbuildings , and bears the following inscription ;— "Presented to Comp . AV . Sniood , P . Z ., by the Strawberry Hill Chapter ( No . 91-0 ) , for the valuable aud efficient services as First Principal , during the year ensuing . Sept . 1 , 1 S 70 . " Comp . AV . Sineed returned thanks in his usual eloquent and genial manner .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
2 Z 3 TR 0 P 0 LITAN . MOUNT LEBANON LOIXIE , No . 73 .-A regular meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , 20 th nit ., at tho Bridge House , Hotel , Southwark . Bro . F . H . Ebsworth AV . M . in " the chair , supported by all hi . ; officers and four P . M ' s' opened tho lodge , The minutes were read aud confirmed . One brother was raised , one passed , and two candidates were initiated , alter which tho brethren to
adjourned refreshment . There were present Bros . E . Ham ' s , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donkin , P . M ., Sou . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M . j F . AVahcrs , P . M .: D . Rose , P . M . ; M . A . Loowoustark , S . AV . ; G . Free , J . AV . ; G . J . Grace , S . D . ; A . L . Dussek , J . D . ; G . J . Loo , I . G .: S . Harman , D . C ; and forty others . E . Macku . ry 131 ; . ) . . Li . Harlsworlh . D . C , 1171 ; J . II . Fudge , AV . S .., UvS ; C . AVilliam ^ Marshall , and others wore presenilis visitors .
Cm- LONDON LODGE ( NO . 901 ) . —On Monday , tho 2 l-th nit ., the first nicari . ig of toe present season was held at tho ¦ truildhall Tavern , Bro . AVashingtou Edmonds Haycock , AV . M ., m tho chair . Bro . J . T . Lucas was raised , and Messrs . AV . C . llubhardt aud H . J . Siieh were initiated . Tho business ended , ¦ the brethren adjourned to a , banquet . The officers of tho lodge , viz ., Bros Child , S . AV . ; Devlin , J . W . ; Griffith , S . W ; Lewis , J . D . ; Poncione , I . G . ; E . Sisson , Secretary ; . Da-rev , and
Treasurer : P . Ms . Gibson , Osmond , and Salisbury rendered valuable aid to the A \ . M . in tho performance of the ceremonies , which were concluded in a most impressive manner . Bros AV Carpenter , P . J [ , ( No . 1771 . and J . Denton ( Nos . S 37 aud 1 , 001 , and P . P . G . P . for West Yorkshire ) , were present as visitors , aud in returning- thanks to the toast of their health , acknowledged the admirable working of the lodge , and congratulated ° tho brethren on having so excellent a President , and the AV . JI . on having such efficient officers ,
BuKDEi-r Coum LODGE ( NO . I 27 S ) . — The installation meeting of this distinguished aud very successful lodgo was held on Thursday , the loth inst ., at the Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . The R . AV . Bro . Col . E . Burdett , and tho G . Sec . Bro . J . Hervey , who were elected honorary members at tho consecration meeting of 52 rd Sept ., ISG 9 , were present ou this occasion . . After lodge was opened Mr . C Ewons was initiated ¦ into Freemasonry . The lod go was opened in fclicsocond doe-roe . LloColBindot
. . - then presented Bro . John Saunders , the AV . AI . elect , to receive tho benefit of installation . The ceremony was beautifully performed b y tho W . M ., Bro . Jamis 'Terry . After the completion of the ccromonv , the AV . M . invested as his officers , Bro . AV . S . Shcntou , S . W .: Bro . Homy Lloyd , J . W ; Bro . James Terry , P . M ., Treas . ; Bro . G . A erry , ' 8 eo .: Bro . Ashburner , S . D . ; Bro . S . Balcombe , J . D . ; Bro . Harris , I . G . ; Bro . CrutchD . C . j Bro . GilchristTlerBroIIGustavus
, , y . . . Buss , 1 . 1-ov . G . Treas ., Middlesex , one of tho founders of tho lod « -o , Was unanimously elected au honorary member . The loo > e was resumed to tho 1 st degree . A candidate having been proposed for initiation at the next mooting-, it was closed in peace harmony , and brotherl y love . The brethren thou , adjouviwd to a sumptuous banquet , which was served in Bro . Thonias Lloyd ' s best st
yle ; in fact wo may say hi quite excelled himself , " and was duly appreciated by all present . The usual loyal toasts TForo then g iven , Co ! . Burdett responding for she grand oiUcers . The health of the newly initiated brethren was then drank and responded to . The great event of tho evomuo- thou took place , the AV . M , Bro . John Saunders , saying he ^ had a most pleasing duty to perform , viz ., to propose the health of Bro . James 'lorry , the first AV . M . of the lodge , to whoso indolatigablc exertions its
groat success may be mainly attributed . In addition to a P . M . ' s jewel , presented bv the lodn-0 , tho brethren also prese . ur . ed him with a very valuable goitfweleh with his monogram beautifull y executed in blue and « -old ' made by Bro . H . T . Lamb , of St . John ' s Square . The ins ° ci-i » ' hon was as follows , ¦¦ 'Presented by the members of the Burdett Coutts ' . odgc , No . 127 S , to Bro . James Terry l »*[ P . IW . G . S . I ' . for Hertsthe first AVorshifu ! Master
, p , as a mark ot respect and e .-u-em , and in recognition of His "Teat and valuable Services , and the zeal aud ability displayed by him m die formation of the lodge . " This presentation was received by Bro . Terry with very great feeling , and in rcplv he thanked the members for having so highly valued his services , and assured them that although he had retired from the chair of
Craft Masonry.
I K . S ., he would a : ways be found at the proper time in his place as P . M . to give that assistance aud advice to his successors , so necessary in the well-ruling and governing of a lodge . Bro . Saunders , AV . M ., volunteered to servo as Steward for tho aged Freemasons' AVidows Institution at tho forthcoming Festival , in compliment to the R . AA . Col . Burdett , Prov , G , M ., Middlesex , who will upon that occasion preside as chairman . The health of tho visitors was then proposed and responded to
by Bro . J . J . AVilson , AV . M .. 1237 , Prov-. G . D ., Middlesex . Tho officers health having been also proposed was responded to by Bro . Shenton , S . AV ., and the Toler'S toast brought this very successful meeting lo a close . Tho visitors who honoured the lodge with their company were , Bro . J . J . AVilson , Prov . G . D ., Middlesex ; Bro . John AVriolit , P . M ., 7 S 1 ; Bro . John Newton , P . M ., 174 ; Bro . AV . Clous ' ton , P . M ., 33 ; and Bros . Motion , Miles , AVickon , King , Folton , Si . John Ingram , Bassofc , Berry .
INSTRUCTION . AVELUNGTON- LODGE ( No . 518 ) . —On Monday , tho 12 th ult ., the usual weekly mcoiing of this lodge was held at tho AVhite Swan Tavern , High Strrocfc , Deptford , Bro . H . A . Stneey , P . M . ( ISO ) , as AV . AI . Present—Bros . C . G . Dilley , AV . M ., 1155 ; AV . Andrews , P . M . S 71 ; J . R . Stacey , AV . M . ISO ; AV . West Smith . AV . M . 190 ; A . Pulley , S . AA . 169 ; J . AV . T .
Barrett , S . AV . 871 , Sec . of this lodgo ; J . Nas ' . i , Shaw , Moriarty , Turner , Molar , J . il . Stacey , S . Tr . rnbull , Comb , T . Hobson , G . F . Guest , and others . The event of tho evening was the presentation of a handsome gold watch to tho Secretary , Bro . J . AV- Barrett , who is leaving Deptford to reside in Hertfordshire . The inscription ou the watch is as follows : — "Presented to Bro . James Barrett by a few Masonic friends as a small token of their fraternal regard . September I 9 tb , 1 S 70 . " ABanquet terminated tho proceedings on this interesting ; occasion .
LANCASHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Bor / rox . —St . John's Lodtfc ( No . 221 ) . —The first monthl y meeting after tho summer vacation was held on AVednosday evening , the 24 th of September , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , under tho presidency of Bro . Egerton G . GilbertAV . M ., supported by the whole of his officers . Tho
, lodge was opened in duo form , and the correspondence which had accumulated since the last meeting was read , including a letter from the Grand Secretary , notifying tho appointment of Lo G . N . Starkie , Esq ., as Prov . Grand Master . Bro . John Smith , formally an active and useful member of tho lodge , was proposed by the Treasurer , Bro . G . P . Brockbatik , as a joining member ; aud the lodgo was closed at nine o ' clock .
MIDDLESEX . TWICKENHAM —Strawberry Hill , Chapter ( No . 916 ) . —A Convocation and Installation meeting was held on Wednesday , the J l-ch inst ., at tho Grotto Hotel , Cross Deep , Twickenham , Comp . AV . Sinood , M . E . Z ,, in tho chair . Tho minutes of tho former convocation wero read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Comp . Guniey , of the Rose of
Denmark Chapter , which , was nnam ' nicusly in his favour . The ceremony of installation was perfectly rendered by Comp . AV . AVatson ; Comps . Faithful , M . E . Z . ; Mclihyliam , !! . ; G . Motion , J . ; AV . Smoed , T . P . Z .. The chapter was then closed , aud tho companions adjourned to a banquet . The toast of the M . E . Z . was proposed by Comp . Smoed , and very ably responded to by Comp . Faithful . In the course of a feeling and excellent speech , ho adverted to tho estimable qualities of tho I . P . Z ., who was
indeed worthy of any office , and was fully competent in every grade of tho order ; his services rendered to the chapter were such , that , with a feeling- of great pleasure , he had to present him with a gold V . 7 ,. jewel , and he hoped ho would live longto enjoy it . The jewel is of very elegant design , set with diamonds and rubies , manufactured by ' Comp . Piatt , of Beaufortbuildings , and bears the following inscription ;— "Presented to Comp . AV . Sniood , P . Z ., by the Strawberry Hill Chapter ( No . 91-0 ) , for the valuable aud efficient services as First Principal , during the year ensuing . Sept . 1 , 1 S 70 . " Comp . AV . Sineed returned thanks in his usual eloquent and genial manner .