Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
highest esteem , he had not only supported tbe dignity of the lodge hy his able mastership , but out of the lodge by his courteous demeanour and excellent qualities , as a citizen had advanced the order of which he was so bright an ornament . The proposition having been put was carried unonimously . The W . M ., Bro . Johnson then intimated to the brethren that Bro . Hudson would represent the St . George ' s Lodge , as Steward at the Festival for Aged Masons and their Widows , which be
thought he might now safely say was definitely fixed for Friday the 3 rd February , and m .-ide a most earnest appeal to their Charity and thought they could not better mark their respect of Bro . Hudson thad hy sending him with a liberal list to this most excellent Charity . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . In proposing the toast of tho M . W . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon , the AY 3 I . alluded to
the distinguished brethren who held the highest positions in the Craft , who must of necessity at times be put to great inconvenience in attending to the affairs of Grand Lodge , he could only think that to them it must be an hour of rest from the cares of state or other high duties that tbey might he engaged in . " Tbe Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy G . M ., and rest of Grand Officers , coupled with the name of Bro . Hubbuck , P . M ., and Past Grand Steward" was given and duly responded to . The health of the
, W . M . was given by the I . P . M ., who congratulated the members upon their choice of so able and efficient a President . The prestige of the St . Georges Lodge could be best maintained by the appointment of brethren fully capable of performing the duties of that high office , with satisfaction : in Bro . Johnson , he was sure the hrethren would find all the attributes eminently fitting him for the position he now occupied , and that his name would he added to the roll of distinguished Past
Masters who had preceded him . The W . M . acknowledging the toast , said that he felt some diffidence in accepting the position because he felt that tbe brethren anticipated more from him than bo should be able to fulfil , yet depending on the kind indulgence of the brethren , he would exercise his best endeavours to maintain the reputation of St . George ' s Lodge , so that at the end of his year of office they might have no occasion to regret
the choice they had made that evening . The health of the visitors was given and severally responded to by Bros . Killick , P . M . ; Read , P . M . ; Boncey , P . M . ; Griffin . The Past Masters , Officers and Tylers . Toasts were given and also responded to . During the evening some excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Webb , Blackmore , Smith , Tattershall , & c , and the brethren separated at an early hour . LODGE 03 ? PEUDENT BEETHEEN ( NO . 145 ) . —The
installation meeting of this celebrated old Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , . 21 th inst ., Bro . T . Moore , W . M ., iu the chair . There was a very large attendance of brethren belonging to tbe Lodge , and also of visitors , there being among the latter Bros . F . Walters , AV . M ., 1309 ; James Rawe , 298 ; J . Horwood , AV . M ., 28 ; James L . Thomas , P . M ., 492 , and W . M . Elect , 142 ; W . L . Edwards , P . M ., 59 ; J . Cooper , C 15 ; C . H . Giles , D . H . JacobsP . M . 27 ; W . SmithC . E . P . G . S . P . M . 26
, , , , , , , 833 ; H . Massey , P . M ., 619 ; , C . A . Long , AV . M ., 25 ; F . Binckes , G . S . L . ; E . Roberts , P . M ., 192 ; Dr . Henderson , 117 ; Dr . Ward , J . AV ., 1257 ; and N . Donald , 205 . Bros . John Boyd , George S . States , Carter and Hooper , P . M . ' s , were likewise present and the meeting was altogether one of the most enjoyable this Lodge has ever known . At the outset of the proceedings the prosperity of the Lodge was exhibited in the report of the Audit Committeewhich showed that during Bro .
, Moore's year of office tbo affairs had been so well managed that a balance of over £ 50 remained in hand . Its prosperity was further shewn by three gentlemen then being initiated , tbe candidates being Messrs . II . S . Richard , E- Solomon , and J . Jones . The ceremony of initiation was performed by Bro . T . Moore , W . M ., who concluded the duties of his Mastership by going through the work most admirably . When this work was over , Bro . John Boyd , P . M . and Treas ., took the chair , aud in his
well-known and excellent style installed Bro . AV . It . Walter , S . W ., -who was presented to him by Bro . G . S . Stales , P . M ., as W . M . of the Lodge for tho ensuing year . The The W . M . invested the following brethren as bis officers : Bros . Last , S . AA ' . ; Cambridge , J . AV . ; John Boyd , P . M ., Treas . ; G . S . States , P . M ., Sec . ; Jonos , S . D . ; Bull , J . D . ; Purkis , I . G . ; Milligan , Assist . Sec . ; Thiellay , D . C . ; Grant , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a superb
banquet , after which tho usual toasts wero proposed , and Bros . Donald King , and Giles added some excellent singing to a capital evening ' s entertainment . A valuable P . M . jewel , of beautiful workmanship , was presented to Bro . T . Moore , I . P . M ., in very complimentary terms by the AV . M ., and Bro . Moore acknowledged the gift in a speech which was characterised by sound sense and good feeling .
LODGE or SINCERITY , ( NO . 174 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , on AVednesday , the ISfch Inst . Bro . Gee , AV . M . in the chair , supported by Bros . Adkins , S . AV , W . M . elect ; Bawley , P . M . Treas . ; Newton , P . M . Sec . ; Lacey , P . M . ; Bulmer , P . M . ; Barlow , P . M . ; Savage , J . AV . ; Crawley , S . D . ; Tuck , J . D . ; Moore , I . G . Members present : Bros . J . Allen , Bonta , Buranelli , Burchill , Dellow ,
FarrowGuedallaHilliardHeatherIvesJonesMillerMor-, , , , , , , ton , Morrison , Marin , Oldreive , Paddon , Roberts , Scott , Seddon , Smith , J . Thomas , Thomas Geo . Trueman , Wells , Wood , and AY heeler . Visitors : Bro . J . Terry , P . M ., United Strength , & e . ; Bros . Brough and Oristt , P . M ., British Oak Lodge ; Bro . Parkinson , Temperance in the East ; Bro . Boyd , P . M ., Friendship ; Bro . Mortlock , P . M ., Industry ; Bro . Barter , Yarborough ; Bro . Venus , Derwent Lodge , Hastings . Messrs . Wake and
Wing were initiated . Bios . Oldreive and Wheeler were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . elect , Bro . Adkins , was very ably installed into the chair of K . S ,, hy Bro . Newton , P . M .
LODGE OE J SEAED ( No . 205 ) . —At the installation meeting of this highly prosperous and influential lodge on Thursday in the lodge room of Radley's Hotel , Blackfriars . The W . M ., Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , assisted b y his officers conferred the sublime degree on Bros . Rexworthy and Samuel , after which tbe AV . Bro . A . M . Cohen , P . M ., and Hon . Sec ., in a most impressive manner installed Bro . H . M . Harris as W . M . for the ensuing yearwho appointed and invested as his officers BrosMJ
, . . . Emanuel , I . P . M . ; J . H . Emanuel , S . AV . ; Hogard . J . W . ; Cohen , Hon , Sec ; J . Emanuel , S . D . ; Ayden , J . D .: Morse , I . G . ; and Vesper , Tyler . AVhen the AV . Bro . Cohen bad iu his usual correct style delivered the concluding address to the meeting , on the subject of " our duties to each other , " and to the lodge , the W . M ., in excellent style initiated into our mysteries Messrs . F , Burrows , Kirk , Henry Sparks , George S . Marks , Moss Marks ,
and S . Gompers . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where Bro . Hart and assistants provided them with one of the recherche dinners aud dessert , for which he is justly celebrated , and after grace , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the intervals being enlivened by some excellent music and songs , particularly two by Miss Emily
Soldene . Amongst the numerous visitors present we particularly noticed Bros . M . L . Alexander , W . M ., 1 SS ; Nicbolls AV . M ., 861 ; Isaac Jacobs , AV . M ., 1 , New York ; Albert P . M ., 188 , Buss Provincial Grand Treasurer , Middlesex ; S . M . Lazarus , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Wilts ; Holbrook , P . M ., 185 ; Kisch , W . M ., 1017 ; Temple , P . M ., 749 ; Braham , J . AV ., 1017 . & c . ; The P . M ' s of the lodpresentwere The AVBroLittaurA . M . Cohen
ge , . . , , Chamberlain , S . M . Harris , and J . M . Harris , the two last being brothers of the new Masters , making three brothers of one family who have been installed in this lodge within seven years . ) The Board of Masters consisted of nineteen W . Bros ., who assisted at the installation of tbe respected brother , who bad the honour of being elected to the chair of K . S ., and altogether there wore sixty-seven brethren present at the closing of
tbe lodge ; we cannot conclude without bearing testimony to tne excellence of the working , the banquet , the wines , the musical arrangements , and the happiness and satisfaction of the brethren present .
PANMUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The above Lodge met on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at tho Balham Hotel , Balham . Amongst tbo brethren present were Bros . J . M . Young , AA . M . ; J . Thomas , P . M . ; II . Huntley , J . W . ; H . Hodges , J . AV . ; W . P . Moore , Secretary ; — Poore , S . D . ; Payns , J . D . ; — Pulman , I . G . ; as also Bros . Lilley , Huntley , Madderu , & c . After tbe business of the Lodge bad been completed , the banquet was held , and the usual toasts proposed . GEEAT NOKTHEEN LODGE , ( NO . 1287 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Great Northern Hotel , Kingscross , on Thursday , 19 th inst . There were present : Bros . S
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
highest esteem , he had not only supported tbe dignity of the lodge hy his able mastership , but out of the lodge by his courteous demeanour and excellent qualities , as a citizen had advanced the order of which he was so bright an ornament . The proposition having been put was carried unonimously . The W . M ., Bro . Johnson then intimated to the brethren that Bro . Hudson would represent the St . George ' s Lodge , as Steward at the Festival for Aged Masons and their Widows , which be
thought he might now safely say was definitely fixed for Friday the 3 rd February , and m .-ide a most earnest appeal to their Charity and thought they could not better mark their respect of Bro . Hudson thad hy sending him with a liberal list to this most excellent Charity . The Iodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . In proposing the toast of tho M . W . G . M ., Earl de Grey and Ripon , the AY 3 I . alluded to
the distinguished brethren who held the highest positions in the Craft , who must of necessity at times be put to great inconvenience in attending to the affairs of Grand Lodge , he could only think that to them it must be an hour of rest from the cares of state or other high duties that tbey might he engaged in . " Tbe Earl of Carnarvon , Deputy G . M ., and rest of Grand Officers , coupled with the name of Bro . Hubbuck , P . M ., and Past Grand Steward" was given and duly responded to . The health of the
, W . M . was given by the I . P . M ., who congratulated the members upon their choice of so able and efficient a President . The prestige of the St . Georges Lodge could be best maintained by the appointment of brethren fully capable of performing the duties of that high office , with satisfaction : in Bro . Johnson , he was sure the hrethren would find all the attributes eminently fitting him for the position he now occupied , and that his name would he added to the roll of distinguished Past
Masters who had preceded him . The W . M . acknowledging the toast , said that he felt some diffidence in accepting the position because he felt that tbe brethren anticipated more from him than bo should be able to fulfil , yet depending on the kind indulgence of the brethren , he would exercise his best endeavours to maintain the reputation of St . George ' s Lodge , so that at the end of his year of office they might have no occasion to regret
the choice they had made that evening . The health of the visitors was given and severally responded to by Bros . Killick , P . M . ; Read , P . M . ; Boncey , P . M . ; Griffin . The Past Masters , Officers and Tylers . Toasts were given and also responded to . During the evening some excellent singing was contributed by Bros . Webb , Blackmore , Smith , Tattershall , & c , and the brethren separated at an early hour . LODGE 03 ? PEUDENT BEETHEEN ( NO . 145 ) . —The
installation meeting of this celebrated old Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , . 21 th inst ., Bro . T . Moore , W . M ., iu the chair . There was a very large attendance of brethren belonging to tbe Lodge , and also of visitors , there being among the latter Bros . F . Walters , AV . M ., 1309 ; James Rawe , 298 ; J . Horwood , AV . M ., 28 ; James L . Thomas , P . M ., 492 , and W . M . Elect , 142 ; W . L . Edwards , P . M ., 59 ; J . Cooper , C 15 ; C . H . Giles , D . H . JacobsP . M . 27 ; W . SmithC . E . P . G . S . P . M . 26
, , , , , , , 833 ; H . Massey , P . M ., 619 ; , C . A . Long , AV . M ., 25 ; F . Binckes , G . S . L . ; E . Roberts , P . M ., 192 ; Dr . Henderson , 117 ; Dr . Ward , J . AV ., 1257 ; and N . Donald , 205 . Bros . John Boyd , George S . States , Carter and Hooper , P . M . ' s , were likewise present and the meeting was altogether one of the most enjoyable this Lodge has ever known . At the outset of the proceedings the prosperity of the Lodge was exhibited in the report of the Audit Committeewhich showed that during Bro .
, Moore's year of office tbo affairs had been so well managed that a balance of over £ 50 remained in hand . Its prosperity was further shewn by three gentlemen then being initiated , tbe candidates being Messrs . II . S . Richard , E- Solomon , and J . Jones . The ceremony of initiation was performed by Bro . T . Moore , W . M ., who concluded the duties of his Mastership by going through the work most admirably . When this work was over , Bro . John Boyd , P . M . and Treas ., took the chair , aud in his
well-known and excellent style installed Bro . AV . It . Walter , S . W ., -who was presented to him by Bro . G . S . Stales , P . M ., as W . M . of the Lodge for tho ensuing year . The The W . M . invested the following brethren as bis officers : Bros . Last , S . AA ' . ; Cambridge , J . AV . ; John Boyd , P . M ., Treas . ; G . S . States , P . M ., Sec . ; Jonos , S . D . ; Bull , J . D . ; Purkis , I . G . ; Milligan , Assist . Sec . ; Thiellay , D . C . ; Grant , Tyler . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a superb
banquet , after which tho usual toasts wero proposed , and Bros . Donald King , and Giles added some excellent singing to a capital evening ' s entertainment . A valuable P . M . jewel , of beautiful workmanship , was presented to Bro . T . Moore , I . P . M ., in very complimentary terms by the AV . M ., and Bro . Moore acknowledged the gift in a speech which was characterised by sound sense and good feeling .
LODGE or SINCERITY , ( NO . 174 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , on AVednesday , the ISfch Inst . Bro . Gee , AV . M . in the chair , supported by Bros . Adkins , S . AV , W . M . elect ; Bawley , P . M . Treas . ; Newton , P . M . Sec . ; Lacey , P . M . ; Bulmer , P . M . ; Barlow , P . M . ; Savage , J . AV . ; Crawley , S . D . ; Tuck , J . D . ; Moore , I . G . Members present : Bros . J . Allen , Bonta , Buranelli , Burchill , Dellow ,
FarrowGuedallaHilliardHeatherIvesJonesMillerMor-, , , , , , , ton , Morrison , Marin , Oldreive , Paddon , Roberts , Scott , Seddon , Smith , J . Thomas , Thomas Geo . Trueman , Wells , Wood , and AY heeler . Visitors : Bro . J . Terry , P . M ., United Strength , & e . ; Bros . Brough and Oristt , P . M ., British Oak Lodge ; Bro . Parkinson , Temperance in the East ; Bro . Boyd , P . M ., Friendship ; Bro . Mortlock , P . M ., Industry ; Bro . Barter , Yarborough ; Bro . Venus , Derwent Lodge , Hastings . Messrs . Wake and
Wing were initiated . Bios . Oldreive and Wheeler were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . elect , Bro . Adkins , was very ably installed into the chair of K . S ,, hy Bro . Newton , P . M .
LODGE OE J SEAED ( No . 205 ) . —At the installation meeting of this highly prosperous and influential lodge on Thursday in the lodge room of Radley's Hotel , Blackfriars . The W . M ., Bro . Michael J . Emanuel , assisted b y his officers conferred the sublime degree on Bros . Rexworthy and Samuel , after which tbe AV . Bro . A . M . Cohen , P . M ., and Hon . Sec ., in a most impressive manner installed Bro . H . M . Harris as W . M . for the ensuing yearwho appointed and invested as his officers BrosMJ
, . . . Emanuel , I . P . M . ; J . H . Emanuel , S . AV . ; Hogard . J . W . ; Cohen , Hon , Sec ; J . Emanuel , S . D . ; Ayden , J . D .: Morse , I . G . ; and Vesper , Tyler . AVhen the AV . Bro . Cohen bad iu his usual correct style delivered the concluding address to the meeting , on the subject of " our duties to each other , " and to the lodge , the W . M ., in excellent style initiated into our mysteries Messrs . F , Burrows , Kirk , Henry Sparks , George S . Marks , Moss Marks ,
and S . Gompers . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where Bro . Hart and assistants provided them with one of the recherche dinners aud dessert , for which he is justly celebrated , and after grace , the W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the intervals being enlivened by some excellent music and songs , particularly two by Miss Emily
Soldene . Amongst the numerous visitors present we particularly noticed Bros . M . L . Alexander , W . M ., 1 SS ; Nicbolls AV . M ., 861 ; Isaac Jacobs , AV . M ., 1 , New York ; Albert P . M ., 188 , Buss Provincial Grand Treasurer , Middlesex ; S . M . Lazarus , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Wilts ; Holbrook , P . M ., 185 ; Kisch , W . M ., 1017 ; Temple , P . M ., 749 ; Braham , J . AV ., 1017 . & c . ; The P . M ' s of the lodpresentwere The AVBroLittaurA . M . Cohen
ge , . . , , Chamberlain , S . M . Harris , and J . M . Harris , the two last being brothers of the new Masters , making three brothers of one family who have been installed in this lodge within seven years . ) The Board of Masters consisted of nineteen W . Bros ., who assisted at the installation of tbe respected brother , who bad the honour of being elected to the chair of K . S ., and altogether there wore sixty-seven brethren present at the closing of
tbe lodge ; we cannot conclude without bearing testimony to tne excellence of the working , the banquet , the wines , the musical arrangements , and the happiness and satisfaction of the brethren present .
PANMUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —The above Lodge met on Monday , the 16 th inst ., at tho Balham Hotel , Balham . Amongst tbo brethren present were Bros . J . M . Young , AA . M . ; J . Thomas , P . M . ; II . Huntley , J . W . ; H . Hodges , J . AV . ; W . P . Moore , Secretary ; — Poore , S . D . ; Payns , J . D . ; — Pulman , I . G . ; as also Bros . Lilley , Huntley , Madderu , & c . After tbe business of the Lodge bad been completed , the banquet was held , and the usual toasts proposed . GEEAT NOKTHEEN LODGE , ( NO . 1287 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Great Northern Hotel , Kingscross , on Thursday , 19 th inst . There were present : Bros . S