Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
four hours ago , I am reminded that I may , by God's blessing be yet spared to appear among you for some years to coine , and I feel tbe more the value of this presentation from the large and influential body of men I see around me , who would not have thus approached me had they been actuated by any other than the best of motives . If you say that I have clone my best you say the truth , and if you are pleased to state that 1 have performed my duties with ability , I bow to you in all sincerity
and thankfulness , for you have the power and the right to give expression to such an opinion . AVith regard to the addresses that you have presented me with this evening and previously , representing the sentiments of the different sections of this District , what can I say , when 1 find so many men unanimous in expressing themselves in such language of approval and congratulation , than that I thank you moat heartily . I havo learned from you yourselves what the feeling of tbe Lodges are , ancl
when I am informed that I have earned your gratitude for past services , I am reminded that I have still the future to look to . I am well aware that as yet some of the Masters have not been able to get their addresses prepared in the form tbey are meant to he put into , but the pleasure I feel at receiving the papers is none the less , and it will be but increased when I receive the addresses in tbe more complete form in which they will remain as heirlooms of my family , as lasting proofs for my descendants , that their ancestor was considered worthy of your approbation . I will only add , whilst on this subject , that in tbe case of these
Lodges , the addresses from which are not yet engrossed , I shall have much pleasure in attending at the meetings of such Lodges and there receiving the addresses from the respective Masters . In conclusion , permit me to observe that during my reign over this District , I have done all I could to maintain tbe pieace and harmony which should ever be amongst us , and happy I feel , I do assure you , brethren , that perfect peace prevails . It is most gratifying to me to know that such peace aud harmony exist
, and that tbe onl y one little dark spot which was to be seen has now been removed . Brethren , I leave you all in that happiness and contentment which good men and honest and worthy Masons should always wish to see prevailing . A donation of R ' s . 100 was voted for the relief of the widow of tbe late Bro . Barnes . ; and Rs . 509 for the relief of the sick and wounded in tbe present war ; and it was resolved that these sums be paid immediately .
The Deputy District Grand Master brought to notice W . Bro . J . Percy Leith ' s Alasonic Register for Bombay , remarking that it was a useful book , to be sold for one rupee per copy , and proceeds were to be devoted to one of tbe Masonic charities . AV . Bro . Diver stated that the R . W . the District Grand Master had requested him to give notice of his ( tbe District Grand Master's ) intention to propose an alteration in the date of the regular Communications , as the present dates came in High Court vacation time , when many of tbe members were out of town .
The District Grand Secretary gave notice of bis intention to propose that fees bo charged for dispensations other than those for which fees were already required , and which he could particularise at the next Communication . At the present time the District Grand Lodge could only receive fees when the dispentions were granted for conferring degrees within tbe regular period and for holding a new lodge pending application for a warrant . To up-country Lodges it was sometimes necessary to
grant dispensations forthe installation into the Eastern Chair of brethren who had not been AVardens , and be thought that dispensations of such importance should be charged for and at a high figure . AV . Bro . Avron suggested that each lodge in the District be communicated witli on the subject . AV . Bro . Hussey reminded AV . Bro . Avron ( bat he merely gove notice of bis intention to make the proposition at the next
Communication ; the time for addressing the lodges ou the subject had not yet arrived . AV . Bro . J . Percy Leith said that the brethren would be delighted to bear that a scheme bad been projected for provi-- > nr Rom hoy — -f-i- a commodious Masonic Hall , an ' tl' » i > < . i »_ .-o was every hope of its being a successiui sciieme . The business being concluded at 8 o'clock , tbe Grand Lodce was closed in peace . °
MAZAGON . —Lodge Emulation ( No . 1100 ( E . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon on the 17 th November , 1870 , Wor . Bro . H . H . Avron , P . M .,
presiding , instead of W . Bro . C . Beard , W . M ., absent through illness . The lodge was opened in tho first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . AV . Bro . Avron brought to the notice ofthe lodge , the case of a distressed brother who bad lately left Bombay ; sufficient money had been raised in several lodges to pay his passage home , with the exception of 25 rupees , and he , Bro . Avron , had himself advanced that sum , feeling sure that Lodge
Emulation would refund it as being their share in doing a good turn to a brother in want . Bro . J . Counsell proposed that tbe grant of 25 rupees be made , and also that a vote of thanks be recorded to W . Bro . Avron for the kind action he had taken in bhe case . Seconded by Bro . G . L . D'Einden , and carried . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no furtherbusiness , the lodge was closed with prayer .
Lodge Concord , No . 757 ( E . C ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th November , 1870 . Present : W . Bros . H . H . Avron , AA ' . M . ; Alfred Edg inton , I . P . M . ; Bros . B . Robinson , S . AA ' . ; C . Greaves , J . AA ' . ; G . Macdonald , Treas . ; T . G . Sweenev , Sec ; J . Thomas , Org . ; W . Abraham , as S . D . ; F . Burdett , J . D . ; J . Wingfield , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bros . F . W . Bedford , B . 8 . Ashburner , J . AV . Butler , G . Bease , J . Clerk , J . F . Grew , AV . H . Hughes , J . Judd , R . C .
Shroff ; H . Prescott , R . AA ' . AVainwright , AA' . AVilks , AV . AVillard , & c . Visitors : W . Bros . C . E . Mitchell , Captain B . H . Mathew , Sorabjee Framurze ; Bros . Rev . D . Bontfleur , J . N . Dady , C R . Raymond , & c . Tbe Choir : Bro . J . Thomas , Org . ; Bros . T . A . Hopewell , C . Harris , C Parker , J . F . Pennock , E . Gleave , J . H . Pcrrins , j . Duncan , and T . Hide . Tbe lodge was opened in the 1 st degree , and the minutes of tbo last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for W . Bro .
Sorabjee Framurze , and Bro . Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady as joining members , which proved quite clear , and tbey were accordingly elected and welcomed into the mysteries of the first E . A . degree . W . Bro . Edginton read a letter intimating the death of W . Bro . E . W . Parker , Past Master of the Lodge , which took place at Triehiuopolv , on the 10 th November . He
proposed that a vote of condolence be sent to tbe widow of our late brother , sympathising with her in her bereavement , This was seconded by tbe AV . AI . and carried unanimously . A donation of 50 rupees was voted to a brother in distress , to enable him to proceed to England . 200 rupees were voted to the fund for the relief of the sufferers in tbe war . Bro . H . Prescott appealed to the lodge on behalf of the family of the deceased brother ; the matter was referred for the consideration
of the standing committee . Three candidates were proposed for initiation j and one brother as a joining member . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . Too much praise cannot be given to tbe brethren composing the choir , whose admirable performance added so much to the solemnity and effectiveness of the ceremony of the two degrees , and made a great impression on the candidates : it also tended to relieve the monotony of the frequent but necessary repetitions of
the ritual . The visitors were delighted with the work , which many of them bad fin- the first time witnessed with the assistance of a choir . Lodges Concord and Emulation are fortunate in having amongst their members so many talented vocalists , who are always willing with praiseworthy disinterestedness to assist in the ceremonies of anv lodge in Bombay .
Royal Arch. Devonshire.
TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at noon on Thursday , 19 th inst . The first chair was taken by M . E . Comp ., Dr . Hopkins , Past Z . The second clinir was taken b y Exc . Coin p . John Heath , Z ., in the absence of its proper occupant , Exo . Comp . John Marks , owing to illness ; the third b y Exc . Comp . Bridham J . The Rev " Comp ., Re Bowden , Past Z ., was in his place as Chaplain . After the Board of Principals had beeu opened , the other Companions iniii
. . , „ ..,. ..... ua , among whom were JJi-o . A . IS . JSluur , acting aa Principal Soj ., in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Glanfield , Z ., of No . 10 G ; Beecbey , os Assist . Soj . ; G . Heath , Treas . ; Taylor , Organist , & o . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , there were several candidates for exaltation , of whom onl y one was present , for whom the bid lot proved favourable ; aud also that for Comp . Adams , as a . joining member . Bro , Pouse having been introduced and pro-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
four hours ago , I am reminded that I may , by God's blessing be yet spared to appear among you for some years to coine , and I feel tbe more the value of this presentation from the large and influential body of men I see around me , who would not have thus approached me had they been actuated by any other than the best of motives . If you say that I have clone my best you say the truth , and if you are pleased to state that 1 have performed my duties with ability , I bow to you in all sincerity
and thankfulness , for you have the power and the right to give expression to such an opinion . AVith regard to the addresses that you have presented me with this evening and previously , representing the sentiments of the different sections of this District , what can I say , when 1 find so many men unanimous in expressing themselves in such language of approval and congratulation , than that I thank you moat heartily . I havo learned from you yourselves what the feeling of tbe Lodges are , ancl
when I am informed that I have earned your gratitude for past services , I am reminded that I have still the future to look to . I am well aware that as yet some of the Masters have not been able to get their addresses prepared in the form tbey are meant to he put into , but the pleasure I feel at receiving the papers is none the less , and it will be but increased when I receive the addresses in tbe more complete form in which they will remain as heirlooms of my family , as lasting proofs for my descendants , that their ancestor was considered worthy of your approbation . I will only add , whilst on this subject , that in tbe case of these
Lodges , the addresses from which are not yet engrossed , I shall have much pleasure in attending at the meetings of such Lodges and there receiving the addresses from the respective Masters . In conclusion , permit me to observe that during my reign over this District , I have done all I could to maintain tbe pieace and harmony which should ever be amongst us , and happy I feel , I do assure you , brethren , that perfect peace prevails . It is most gratifying to me to know that such peace aud harmony exist
, and that tbe onl y one little dark spot which was to be seen has now been removed . Brethren , I leave you all in that happiness and contentment which good men and honest and worthy Masons should always wish to see prevailing . A donation of R ' s . 100 was voted for the relief of the widow of tbe late Bro . Barnes . ; and Rs . 509 for the relief of the sick and wounded in tbe present war ; and it was resolved that these sums be paid immediately .
The Deputy District Grand Master brought to notice W . Bro . J . Percy Leith ' s Alasonic Register for Bombay , remarking that it was a useful book , to be sold for one rupee per copy , and proceeds were to be devoted to one of tbe Masonic charities . AV . Bro . Diver stated that the R . W . the District Grand Master had requested him to give notice of his ( tbe District Grand Master's ) intention to propose an alteration in the date of the regular Communications , as the present dates came in High Court vacation time , when many of tbe members were out of town .
The District Grand Secretary gave notice of bis intention to propose that fees bo charged for dispensations other than those for which fees were already required , and which he could particularise at the next Communication . At the present time the District Grand Lodge could only receive fees when the dispentions were granted for conferring degrees within tbe regular period and for holding a new lodge pending application for a warrant . To up-country Lodges it was sometimes necessary to
grant dispensations forthe installation into the Eastern Chair of brethren who had not been AVardens , and be thought that dispensations of such importance should be charged for and at a high figure . AV . Bro . Avron suggested that each lodge in the District be communicated witli on the subject . AV . Bro . Hussey reminded AV . Bro . Avron ( bat he merely gove notice of bis intention to make the proposition at the next
Communication ; the time for addressing the lodges ou the subject had not yet arrived . AV . Bro . J . Percy Leith said that the brethren would be delighted to bear that a scheme bad been projected for provi-- > nr Rom hoy — -f-i- a commodious Masonic Hall , an ' tl' » i > < . i »_ .-o was every hope of its being a successiui sciieme . The business being concluded at 8 o'clock , tbe Grand Lodce was closed in peace . °
MAZAGON . —Lodge Emulation ( No . 1100 ( E . C . ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon on the 17 th November , 1870 , Wor . Bro . H . H . Avron , P . M .,
presiding , instead of W . Bro . C . Beard , W . M ., absent through illness . The lodge was opened in tho first degree , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . AV . Bro . Avron brought to the notice ofthe lodge , the case of a distressed brother who bad lately left Bombay ; sufficient money had been raised in several lodges to pay his passage home , with the exception of 25 rupees , and he , Bro . Avron , had himself advanced that sum , feeling sure that Lodge
Emulation would refund it as being their share in doing a good turn to a brother in want . Bro . J . Counsell proposed that tbe grant of 25 rupees be made , and also that a vote of thanks be recorded to W . Bro . Avron for the kind action he had taken in bhe case . Seconded by Bro . G . L . D'Einden , and carried . One candidate was proposed for initiation . There being no furtherbusiness , the lodge was closed with prayer .
Lodge Concord , No . 757 ( E . C ) . —Tho regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 19 th November , 1870 . Present : W . Bros . H . H . Avron , AA ' . M . ; Alfred Edg inton , I . P . M . ; Bros . B . Robinson , S . AA ' . ; C . Greaves , J . AA ' . ; G . Macdonald , Treas . ; T . G . Sweenev , Sec ; J . Thomas , Org . ; W . Abraham , as S . D . ; F . Burdett , J . D . ; J . Wingfield , I . G . ; J . W . Seager , Tyler . Members : Bros . F . W . Bedford , B . 8 . Ashburner , J . AV . Butler , G . Bease , J . Clerk , J . F . Grew , AV . H . Hughes , J . Judd , R . C .
Shroff ; H . Prescott , R . AA ' . AVainwright , AA' . AVilks , AV . AVillard , & c . Visitors : W . Bros . C . E . Mitchell , Captain B . H . Mathew , Sorabjee Framurze ; Bros . Rev . D . Bontfleur , J . N . Dady , C R . Raymond , & c . Tbe Choir : Bro . J . Thomas , Org . ; Bros . T . A . Hopewell , C . Harris , C Parker , J . F . Pennock , E . Gleave , J . H . Pcrrins , j . Duncan , and T . Hide . Tbe lodge was opened in the 1 st degree , and the minutes of tbo last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for W . Bro .
Sorabjee Framurze , and Bro . Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee Dady as joining members , which proved quite clear , and tbey were accordingly elected and welcomed into the mysteries of the first E . A . degree . W . Bro . Edginton read a letter intimating the death of W . Bro . E . W . Parker , Past Master of the Lodge , which took place at Triehiuopolv , on the 10 th November . He
proposed that a vote of condolence be sent to tbe widow of our late brother , sympathising with her in her bereavement , This was seconded by tbe AV . AI . and carried unanimously . A donation of 50 rupees was voted to a brother in distress , to enable him to proceed to England . 200 rupees were voted to the fund for the relief of the sufferers in tbe war . Bro . H . Prescott appealed to the lodge on behalf of the family of the deceased brother ; the matter was referred for the consideration
of the standing committee . Three candidates were proposed for initiation j and one brother as a joining member . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony . Too much praise cannot be given to tbe brethren composing the choir , whose admirable performance added so much to the solemnity and effectiveness of the ceremony of the two degrees , and made a great impression on the candidates : it also tended to relieve the monotony of the frequent but necessary repetitions of
the ritual . The visitors were delighted with the work , which many of them bad fin- the first time witnessed with the assistance of a choir . Lodges Concord and Emulation are fortunate in having amongst their members so many talented vocalists , who are always willing with praiseworthy disinterestedness to assist in the ceremonies of anv lodge in Bombay .
Royal Arch. Devonshire.
TOTNES . —Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —The quarterly meeting was held at noon on Thursday , 19 th inst . The first chair was taken by M . E . Comp ., Dr . Hopkins , Past Z . The second clinir was taken b y Exc . Coin p . John Heath , Z ., in the absence of its proper occupant , Exo . Comp . John Marks , owing to illness ; the third b y Exc . Comp . Bridham J . The Rev " Comp ., Re Bowden , Past Z ., was in his place as Chaplain . After the Board of Principals had beeu opened , the other Companions iniii
. . , „ ..,. ..... ua , among whom were JJi-o . A . IS . JSluur , acting aa Principal Soj ., in the unavoidable absence of Comp . Glanfield , Z ., of No . 10 G ; Beecbey , os Assist . Soj . ; G . Heath , Treas . ; Taylor , Organist , & o . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , there were several candidates for exaltation , of whom onl y one was present , for whom the bid lot proved favourable ; aud also that for Comp . Adams , as a . joining member . Bro , Pouse having been introduced and pro-