Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 3 →
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Faith , Hope , and Charity , when success most follow . The next toast was " To tbe Afsiting Brethren , " coupled with the names of Bros . Darley and Martin , of Dartford . Bro . Martin , mneh affected , thanked the brethren . He had ( he said ) lost a friend and companion , who had , on such occasions , been seated by his side , but who not many days since was consigned to the tomb , ( be here named Bro . Catt , of Dartford ) , leaving a widow and large family with very limited means of support . He had been
in affluence , and for tbe benefit of his family embarked iu an undertaking which presented every promise of success , but was victimized in the time of the money panics , against which be had struggled in a manner which did him honour . He might have taken steps to release himself—pursued by many—but as an honest man his ambition was to pay his woy in full , and clear himself honourably . In this he very nearly succeeded , and would have fully accomplished his purpose , but the task was
too great , and under which lie sank aud died of a broken heart . Uro . Martin urgently appealed to tbe sympathy of the brethren resent to aid by their votes and influence in getting some of tiie children into the institution , and for which the bereaved widow would be thankful . He felt certain they would aid in this case . Bro . Catt was well known by them , aud not only respected amongst his brethren but by all who knew him—as a volunteer and townsman . At his funeral some 2000 persons were present ,
shewing the greatest respect . He thanked the brethren for their hospitality , and the way in which his health bad been proposed . Bro . Darley , P . M ., was proud to meet the brethren , especially the Past Masters . He would not trouble them with any lengthened expressions of his opinions , which were well known to many present , but he looked upon Freemasonry as a part of his religion ; it was based on the purest principles of piety and virtue ; he was glad to have the pleasure of meeting the brethren
who had just addressed him and should feel delighted in doing his utmost for the welfare of the widow and fatherless children of Bro . Catt , whom bo knew and respected , having met him on various occasions , and had reasons to admire the liberal mind by which he was influenced . Bro . Darley referred to the . case of Bro . Firmingen , at Sheerness , who died leaving six orphan children . He stepped in at tbe time and took the initiative , and was well backed by his brethren , amongst whom the
late Bro . Keddell took great interest . They were able , by united effort , to render many valuable services to the whole of the family . This was Freemasonry developed , aud be sincerely hoped the brethren who respected Bro . Catt would now transfer their affection to his survivors , and do their utmost for tbe fatherless children and widow , showing tbe world that there was something more in Masonry than a mere name . After a most interesting meeting the brethren separated at a seasonable hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., which was numerously attended , nearly fifty brethren being present . The AV . M ., Bro . T . H . Buzzard , presided during the early part of the proceedings , all the officers were in their places except the I . G ., Bro . Mace , aud the following Past Masters were also present , viz .: —Bros . Kelly ( R . AV .
Prov , G . M . ) , Toller , Goodyer , W . B . Smith . G . H . Hodges , Rev . J . Spittal , Charles Johnson , and Duff . A isitors : Bros . Worrall , King Solomon's Lodge , Toronto , Canada ; Stretton , W . M . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . ; Palmer , S . D ., and other brethren of No . 279 . A Lodge of Emergency was held au hour before the usual time of meeting , for tbe transaction of some private business on the conclusion of which the regular lodge was opened , and tbe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed ,
a ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Harry Worthington , as a candidate to- initiation , who was unanimously elected . The lodgo was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . Kealey , AVood , and Thorp were examined in that degree , and after which a Master Masons Lodge was opened , and they were severally raised to that sublime degree . The lodge having been lowered to the first ( le i-ci > , Mr . Robert Harry AVorthingtoii , was regularly initiated into our mysteries . The W . M . being
compelled to leave after tbe Lodge of Emergency was closed , tbe duties ofthe chair were most efficiently performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . Toller , whilst Bro . Charles Johnson most effectively presided at the organ during the ceremonies . Bro . G . H . Hodges , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W ., having beeu the winner of the £ 5 os . worth of rare and curious Masonic works kindly pres s ted
by Bro . W . J . Hui , diaii , PrOr . G . Sec . of Cornwall , to be raffled for , fin- a Life Subscriber-ship to tbe Boys' School ( as previously reported ) , now formally presented tho collection , through bis lodge , to tbe Afasonic Hall Library , in doing which he intimated his intention of having such as required it , bound at bis own expense ; and concluded hy proposing a vote of thanks to Bro . Hughan for bis handsome present , and to the Prov . G . M ., Bro .
Kelly , for bis kindness in malting tbe arrangements for the raffle , which was seconded by the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV ., and carried unanimously . Bro . Kelly , in acknowledging the vote of thanks , said that he ivas deputed by Bro . Hughan to present direct to the library in his name , tbe very scarce first edition of the Abbo Barruel ' s " History of Jacobinism , " in four volumes , and several other works , for which he proposed a separate vote of thauks to Bro . Hughan , and , in addition , nominated him as an honorary
member of the lodge as a slight mark of respect for his handsome donations to the library , and for the great interest he had evinced in the success of Alfred Nutt , their local candidate for the Masonic Boys' School . This was warmly seconded b y Bro . Hodges , cordially supported by the acting AV . M ., Bro . Toller , who spoke highly of Bro . Hughan ' s literary contributions to the Masonic press , & e „ aud the motion was also cordiall y approved by tbe brethren . Bro . Kelly
then presented to the library , on his own behalf , in addition to former gifts , several scarce Masonic works , dating from 1730 , and a copy of his "Notices Illustrative of the Drama and other Popular Amusements in tbe 16 th and 17 th Centuries , " for which a vote of thanks was also accorded . The Library Committee was empowered , at tbe expense of the lodge , to replace the missing numbers required to complete the series of the " Freemasons' Magazine " ( of which the library possesses a oopy
from its commencement as a Review in 1834 ) , and to have the recent volumes bound preparatory to the formation of a catalogue of tbe library . The AV . AI ., pro . tem ., drew attention to the loss the brethren had sustained by the sudden decease of Bro . AV . Penn Cox ( proprietor of the "Leicester Advertiser " ) , aud said that the estimation iu which he was universally held was testified to by bis late colleagues at a recent meeting of the Town Council , of which he was a useful member . Two gentlemen having been proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting , the lodge was closed at a late hour , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
I BOMBAY . DISTEICT GBAND LODGE . The eighteenth half-yearly Communication , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Bycnlla , on AVednesday evening , the 2 nd November , 1870 , present Rt . AVor . Bro . George Taylor , P . D . G . M ., presided as D . G . M . ; AV . Bros . Thomas Diver , M . D ., Deputy District Grand Master ; John Dixon , P . D . S . G . AV ., as
S . G . AV . ; A . C Gumpert , P . D . S . G . W . ; J . P . Cornforth , P . D . S . D . AV . ; C E . Mitchell , P . D . J . G . AY ., ns J . G . W . ; Captain Brownlow Hugh Mathew , R . E ., P . D . J . G . AV . ; J . P . Leith , P . D . G . Chaplain ; Bro . John Winfcon , D . G . Treasurer ; \ V . Bros . 11 . H . Avron , P . D . G . Registrar ; AV . H . Hussey , D . G . Secretary ; Colonel Lewis AVilliam Penn , C . B ., R . A ., D . S . G . D . ; Bros . II . Prescott , P . D . G . Superintendent of Works , as J . G . D . ; Geo . BeaseP . D . G . Dir . of Cer . ; AA . Bro . Charles Beard , D . G .
, Sword Bearer ; Bros . L . Morcum , as D . G . Organist ; Thomas Crawford , as D . G . Pursuivant ; H . I . P . Thomson and John Innes , D . G . Stewards ; J . Seager , D . G . Tyler . The following Lodges were represented : — "Orion in the AA ' est , " No . 415 ; "St . George , " No . 549 ; "Concord , " No . 757 ; " Truth , " No . 9-14 ; " Star of India , " So . 1062 ; "Emulation , " No . 1100 ; "EasternStar , " No . 1189 . lAi ' iiUicr Walter Abraham was present as a visitor .
The District Grand Lodge was opened at 6 . 30 o ' clock and the summons read . The minutes of tho last three Communications having been printed and furnished to tbe members , were taken as read , and confirmed , The Deputy District Grand Master read a letter from R . AV . Bro . the Hon . Justice Gibbs , District Grand Master , stating
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Faith , Hope , and Charity , when success most follow . The next toast was " To tbe Afsiting Brethren , " coupled with the names of Bros . Darley and Martin , of Dartford . Bro . Martin , mneh affected , thanked the brethren . He had ( he said ) lost a friend and companion , who had , on such occasions , been seated by his side , but who not many days since was consigned to the tomb , ( be here named Bro . Catt , of Dartford ) , leaving a widow and large family with very limited means of support . He had been
in affluence , and for tbe benefit of his family embarked iu an undertaking which presented every promise of success , but was victimized in the time of the money panics , against which be had struggled in a manner which did him honour . He might have taken steps to release himself—pursued by many—but as an honest man his ambition was to pay his woy in full , and clear himself honourably . In this he very nearly succeeded , and would have fully accomplished his purpose , but the task was
too great , and under which lie sank aud died of a broken heart . Uro . Martin urgently appealed to tbe sympathy of the brethren resent to aid by their votes and influence in getting some of tiie children into the institution , and for which the bereaved widow would be thankful . He felt certain they would aid in this case . Bro . Catt was well known by them , aud not only respected amongst his brethren but by all who knew him—as a volunteer and townsman . At his funeral some 2000 persons were present ,
shewing the greatest respect . He thanked the brethren for their hospitality , and the way in which his health bad been proposed . Bro . Darley , P . M ., was proud to meet the brethren , especially the Past Masters . He would not trouble them with any lengthened expressions of his opinions , which were well known to many present , but he looked upon Freemasonry as a part of his religion ; it was based on the purest principles of piety and virtue ; he was glad to have the pleasure of meeting the brethren
who had just addressed him and should feel delighted in doing his utmost for the welfare of the widow and fatherless children of Bro . Catt , whom bo knew and respected , having met him on various occasions , and had reasons to admire the liberal mind by which he was influenced . Bro . Darley referred to the . case of Bro . Firmingen , at Sheerness , who died leaving six orphan children . He stepped in at tbe time and took the initiative , and was well backed by his brethren , amongst whom the
late Bro . Keddell took great interest . They were able , by united effort , to render many valuable services to the whole of the family . This was Freemasonry developed , aud be sincerely hoped the brethren who respected Bro . Catt would now transfer their affection to his survivors , and do their utmost for tbe fatherless children and widow , showing tbe world that there was something more in Masonry than a mere name . After a most interesting meeting the brethren separated at a seasonable hour .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —A monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., which was numerously attended , nearly fifty brethren being present . The AV . M ., Bro . T . H . Buzzard , presided during the early part of the proceedings , all the officers were in their places except the I . G ., Bro . Mace , aud the following Past Masters were also present , viz .: —Bros . Kelly ( R . AV .
Prov , G . M . ) , Toller , Goodyer , W . B . Smith . G . H . Hodges , Rev . J . Spittal , Charles Johnson , and Duff . A isitors : Bros . Worrall , King Solomon's Lodge , Toronto , Canada ; Stretton , W . M . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . ; Palmer , S . D ., and other brethren of No . 279 . A Lodge of Emergency was held au hour before the usual time of meeting , for tbe transaction of some private business on the conclusion of which the regular lodge was opened , and tbe minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed ,
a ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Harry Worthington , as a candidate to- initiation , who was unanimously elected . The lodgo was then opened in the second degree , and Bros . Kealey , AVood , and Thorp were examined in that degree , and after which a Master Masons Lodge was opened , and they were severally raised to that sublime degree . The lodge having been lowered to the first ( le i-ci > , Mr . Robert Harry AVorthingtoii , was regularly initiated into our mysteries . The W . M . being
compelled to leave after tbe Lodge of Emergency was closed , tbe duties ofthe chair were most efficiently performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . Toller , whilst Bro . Charles Johnson most effectively presided at the organ during the ceremonies . Bro . G . H . Hodges , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . W ., having beeu the winner of the £ 5 os . worth of rare and curious Masonic works kindly pres s ted
by Bro . W . J . Hui , diaii , PrOr . G . Sec . of Cornwall , to be raffled for , fin- a Life Subscriber-ship to tbe Boys' School ( as previously reported ) , now formally presented tho collection , through bis lodge , to tbe Afasonic Hall Library , in doing which he intimated his intention of having such as required it , bound at bis own expense ; and concluded hy proposing a vote of thanks to Bro . Hughan for bis handsome present , and to the Prov . G . M ., Bro .
Kelly , for bis kindness in malting tbe arrangements for the raffle , which was seconded by the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV ., and carried unanimously . Bro . Kelly , in acknowledging the vote of thanks , said that he ivas deputed by Bro . Hughan to present direct to the library in his name , tbe very scarce first edition of the Abbo Barruel ' s " History of Jacobinism , " in four volumes , and several other works , for which he proposed a separate vote of thauks to Bro . Hughan , and , in addition , nominated him as an honorary
member of the lodge as a slight mark of respect for his handsome donations to the library , and for the great interest he had evinced in the success of Alfred Nutt , their local candidate for the Masonic Boys' School . This was warmly seconded b y Bro . Hodges , cordially supported by the acting AV . M ., Bro . Toller , who spoke highly of Bro . Hughan ' s literary contributions to the Masonic press , & e „ aud the motion was also cordiall y approved by tbe brethren . Bro . Kelly
then presented to the library , on his own behalf , in addition to former gifts , several scarce Masonic works , dating from 1730 , and a copy of his "Notices Illustrative of the Drama and other Popular Amusements in tbe 16 th and 17 th Centuries , " for which a vote of thanks was also accorded . The Library Committee was empowered , at tbe expense of the lodge , to replace the missing numbers required to complete the series of the " Freemasons' Magazine " ( of which the library possesses a oopy
from its commencement as a Review in 1834 ) , and to have the recent volumes bound preparatory to the formation of a catalogue of tbe library . The AV . AI ., pro . tem ., drew attention to the loss the brethren had sustained by the sudden decease of Bro . AV . Penn Cox ( proprietor of the "Leicester Advertiser " ) , aud said that the estimation iu which he was universally held was testified to by bis late colleagues at a recent meeting of the Town Council , of which he was a useful member . Two gentlemen having been proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting , the lodge was closed at a late hour , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
I BOMBAY . DISTEICT GBAND LODGE . The eighteenth half-yearly Communication , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Bycnlla , on AVednesday evening , the 2 nd November , 1870 , present Rt . AVor . Bro . George Taylor , P . D . G . M ., presided as D . G . M . ; AV . Bros . Thomas Diver , M . D ., Deputy District Grand Master ; John Dixon , P . D . S . G . AV ., as
S . G . AV . ; A . C Gumpert , P . D . S . G . W . ; J . P . Cornforth , P . D . S . D . AV . ; C E . Mitchell , P . D . J . G . AY ., ns J . G . W . ; Captain Brownlow Hugh Mathew , R . E ., P . D . J . G . AV . ; J . P . Leith , P . D . G . Chaplain ; Bro . John Winfcon , D . G . Treasurer ; \ V . Bros . 11 . H . Avron , P . D . G . Registrar ; AV . H . Hussey , D . G . Secretary ; Colonel Lewis AVilliam Penn , C . B ., R . A ., D . S . G . D . ; Bros . II . Prescott , P . D . G . Superintendent of Works , as J . G . D . ; Geo . BeaseP . D . G . Dir . of Cer . ; AA . Bro . Charles Beard , D . G .
, Sword Bearer ; Bros . L . Morcum , as D . G . Organist ; Thomas Crawford , as D . G . Pursuivant ; H . I . P . Thomson and John Innes , D . G . Stewards ; J . Seager , D . G . Tyler . The following Lodges were represented : — "Orion in the AA ' est , " No . 415 ; "St . George , " No . 549 ; "Concord , " No . 757 ; " Truth , " No . 9-14 ; " Star of India , " So . 1062 ; "Emulation , " No . 1100 ; "EasternStar , " No . 1189 . lAi ' iiUicr Walter Abraham was present as a visitor .
The District Grand Lodge was opened at 6 . 30 o ' clock and the summons read . The minutes of tho last three Communications having been printed and furnished to tbe members , were taken as read , and confirmed , The Deputy District Grand Master read a letter from R . AV . Bro . the Hon . Justice Gibbs , District Grand Master , stating