Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 5 →
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assisting of a distressed brother and of engendering " peaceand good-will towards man" wherever man was to be found , needed no extraneous support , needed nobody to recommend it , as all who had the honour to be enrolled amongst its members well knew ; and , in fact , other people could neither recommend nor condemn it , because they knew nothing about it . It had been said by one of the greatest men that ever lived , Maeaulay , that " the greatness of England was due to its literatureits artsand
, , its sciences . " Now , he ( Bro . Henry ) claimed for the ancient Society of Freemasons an acquaintance with the literature , the arts , and sciences of both present and past ages such as perhaps no other institution or society of men could lay claim to . The Society of Freemasons included amongst its members at the present time , as she bad done for centuries , the brightest ornaments that the world had ever produced " in arts , in arms , in song , " and in literature—in that literature which ranked
amongst its followers the prince , the poet , and the philosopher , iu that literature which Queen Victoria referred to when asked hy a foreign potentate what was the cause of England ' s greatness , namely , the Bible , —that literature which was known wherever tbe flag of England was unfurled , wherever truth had conquered error , —that literature upon which alone Freemasonry was founded , and which had been well described as the keystone to British liberty . As a visiting brotherhe bad
, on that , as on many former occasions , enjoyed the society of the brethren of this district in a manner he should never forget ; and if he might be allowed so to express himself , so truly masonic were the manners of the AVhitehaven brotherhood—so thoroughly did they enter into the spirit of Freenrusonry , —that the more he visited them the more he became attached to them , and the more he felt convinced that he was in tbe company of really orthodox representatives of the craft . He begged to thank
them for tbe honour they had done him in coupling his name , along with the rest of the visiting brethren , with the toast . Bro . Tyson ( Distington ) proposed " The Ladies , " coupled with the name of Bro . Thomas Brown . Bro . Fearon then gave " The Tyler ' s Toast , " and the glee , " Good Night , " having heen sung , the brethren separated .
CHESHIRE . ROCK FEEET . —Rod Lodge ( No . 1286 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday 13 th inst . Present : Bro . E . Friend W . M . ; F . R . Stevenson , P . M . ; K . H . Moore , S . W . ; with the other officers aud several members . Bro . J . G . Shanks , AV . M ., 189 , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Devon was present as a visitor . Tbe Tyler of the lodge , having been initiated at the previous
meeting , under dispensation , as a serving brother , was at this meeting passed to the second degree , hy the AV . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very impressive correct manner . The lodge was then opened in the third degree for the purpose of instruction ; and afterwards closed . Bro . J . G . Shanks , ; Treas ., AV . M . 189 , kindly performed the duty of Tyler to the lodge for the evening , as nearly all the members of tbe lodgo are young . Before the iodge was closed , and a most cordial and a unanimous vote of thanks was given to Bro . Shanks for his kind assistance .
KENT . MARGATE— Union Lodge , ( No . 12 ' ?) . —Tbe installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , Jan . 6 th , at Bro . Osborn ' s , King's Head Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . G . E . Hawkes , Prov . G . S . B ., Kent , W . M . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . E . White was examined and entrusted , and having withdrawn , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . AVhite was passed to the
degree of a F . C , by the W . M . Bro . P . M . Terry then descended the chair , and installed the AV . M . elect ; Bro . AV . F . Hunter in the chair of K . S ,, the ceremony being performed in a manner reflecting great credit on that indefatigable member of the craft . Bro . Hawkes was invested with the collar of I . P . M . The brethren were then re-admitted , and the regular salutations gone through in tbe various degrees . Tho VA' . M . appointed bis officers as follows : —Bro . AV . K . TrevesMD
, .., S . W . ; T . M . Compton , J . W . ; W . C . Brasier , P . Prov . G ., S . B ., Treas . ; E . J . Townsend , Sec ; A . AA ootton , S . D . ; E . Harnett , J . D . ; E . II . Thomson , I . G . ; C . D . Dixon , D . C ; J . L . AV . AVrigbt , Org . ; A . Roxburgh , S . S . ; 'T . N . Talfourd , J . S . ; S . C . Marehant , Tyler . A P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Hawkes , in recognition of his services , which was suitably acknowledged . A vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on tbe minutes , to
Bro . Terry , for his kindness in performing the installation ceremony . Bro . Terry stated in reply , that he was happy to have rendered any service to the lodge , at the same time thanking the brethren . The lodge was then closed , when about thirty of tbe brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , served by Bro . Osborn . The customary loyal toasts were duly given and responded to . BROMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 314 ) . —Tbo above lodge met
on Tuesday the 10 th inst ., at the Bell Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Alfred Avery , occupied the chair , ' Bros . Williams as SW . ; Knott , J . AV . ; Williams , Treas . ; E . Coste , P . M ., Sec ; AVells , S . D . ; Manager , J . D . ; Seaman , I . G . ; Jordan , Org . ; Deerinsr , D . C ; J . AV . Avery , P . M . ; and AV . H . Bay lis , Guy , Boll , Wyre , AVyatt , Smith , Manley , & c The lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Smith and AVyatt having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , were raised to the third degree , and Bros .
James Bell , Manley , and Lovett , were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , both ceremonies being perfectly and impressivelyperformed by the AV . M . The W . M . then announced his intention to become Steward for the Boys , School , and Bro . Knott for the Girls' School , at the forthcoming Festivals . There being no further business , thelodge was closed . At the banquet which followed The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . J . AV . Avery , P . M ., proposed the toast of " Tbe W . M ., " '
who appropriately responded . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of Bro . J . AV . Avery , " The P . M . " , said this being a newly-constituted Lodge , he had great pleasure in coupling with it tbe name of their esteemed Secretary , Bro . E > Coste . Bro . J . Avery , in responding to tbe toast , said he felt it an honoui . to have his name associated as P . M . of the Acacia Lodge ; he would always look after its interests . It was gratifing to see so young a Lodge sending two brethren as :
y Stewards to represent the Masonic charities . Bro . E . Coste , P . M . and Secretary , in returning thanks , said be felt it a great honour in having his name coupled with Bro . Avery as a P . M .. of another Lodge , namely , tbe Albion ( No . 9 ) , but be felt it a great compliment in having been invested with the collar of Secretary , and he assured the brethren , while in that occupation , his great aim and study should be that tbe Acacia Lodge
should , in the course of time , he second to none in the province . The visitors were Bros . W . Meredith , Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) , and Bell , who severally returned thanks . The toast of "The Officers" and " The Tyler ' s Toast" concluded a very delightful evening , OLD BEOMPTON—United Chatham Lodge ( No . 184 ) . —The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge , which promises to be one of tbe first in the county ; was held at the Masonic Hall , on
tbe 19 th inst ., when Bro . Sergeant-Major Cole , R . E ., was duly installed , in presence ofthe following P . M's .: —Bro . J . Redman , P . G . S . ; Blakey , P . M . AA M ., 1174 , and P . Prov . A . D . C , P . M . ; J . Strowse , Treas . ; AV . Turtle , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Ashdown , 184 and 1050 , P . Prov . G . P . ; Carter . 20 , P . G . D . ; Bin-field , 20 ; Seabrook , Sec . 1174 and P . G . S . ; Martin , P . Prov . G . D . C , & c . ; Darley , 158 , Sheerness . Bro . Radman conducted tbe ceremony with great ability , the beautiful and impressive ritual
beingcarried through to tbe admiration of all . The installation over ,, the brethren were admitted , and did honour to the new W . M . The following officers were then invested ; Bro . Murphy , S . AV . ; Robinson , J . AV . ; Strowse . Treas . ; Gale , Sec ; Higgins , S . D . ; Morson , J . D . ; Hurley , I . G . ; Husband , and Hewitb , Stewards ; Gorhsnn , D . C ; Drago , Tyler . Amongst the large number present were several military brethren . Thanks was proposed to Bro . Redman , tbe installing officer , when the Lodge was closed and the Brethren retired for refreshment to the Golden Lion , where
Bro . Wraith gave every satisfaction m the provision made . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , with occasional melody . On the toast of the evening , "To the AV , Master Bro . Cole , " having been given , Bro . Redman referred to the responsibility of the office of Master , and expressing bis good wishes , urged on the brethren to co-operate with him . Bro . Cole hoped he might be blessed with health and the assistance of a higher Power , to folllow th e
COUl'SC pursued hy bis predeCeSSOV , !\ nd llopcd tUc yoai , wov \ l < l hp ; a happy and prosperous one to tbe Lodge . Bro . Redman's health was next proposed , who responded by a telling speech . He was pleased to have their confidence , knowing there were flaws and defects in all . He urged on the brethren to unite and remedy them—to shun discord ; and he urged them to follow the maxims of the tracing-board , ascending the Masonic Ladder of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
assisting of a distressed brother and of engendering " peaceand good-will towards man" wherever man was to be found , needed no extraneous support , needed nobody to recommend it , as all who had the honour to be enrolled amongst its members well knew ; and , in fact , other people could neither recommend nor condemn it , because they knew nothing about it . It had been said by one of the greatest men that ever lived , Maeaulay , that " the greatness of England was due to its literatureits artsand
, , its sciences . " Now , he ( Bro . Henry ) claimed for the ancient Society of Freemasons an acquaintance with the literature , the arts , and sciences of both present and past ages such as perhaps no other institution or society of men could lay claim to . The Society of Freemasons included amongst its members at the present time , as she bad done for centuries , the brightest ornaments that the world had ever produced " in arts , in arms , in song , " and in literature—in that literature which ranked
amongst its followers the prince , the poet , and the philosopher , iu that literature which Queen Victoria referred to when asked hy a foreign potentate what was the cause of England ' s greatness , namely , the Bible , —that literature which was known wherever tbe flag of England was unfurled , wherever truth had conquered error , —that literature upon which alone Freemasonry was founded , and which had been well described as the keystone to British liberty . As a visiting brotherhe bad
, on that , as on many former occasions , enjoyed the society of the brethren of this district in a manner he should never forget ; and if he might be allowed so to express himself , so truly masonic were the manners of the AVhitehaven brotherhood—so thoroughly did they enter into the spirit of Freenrusonry , —that the more he visited them the more he became attached to them , and the more he felt convinced that he was in tbe company of really orthodox representatives of the craft . He begged to thank
them for tbe honour they had done him in coupling his name , along with the rest of the visiting brethren , with the toast . Bro . Tyson ( Distington ) proposed " The Ladies , " coupled with the name of Bro . Thomas Brown . Bro . Fearon then gave " The Tyler ' s Toast , " and the glee , " Good Night , " having heen sung , the brethren separated .
CHESHIRE . ROCK FEEET . —Rod Lodge ( No . 1286 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday 13 th inst . Present : Bro . E . Friend W . M . ; F . R . Stevenson , P . M . ; K . H . Moore , S . W . ; with the other officers aud several members . Bro . J . G . Shanks , AV . M ., 189 , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Devon was present as a visitor . Tbe Tyler of the lodge , having been initiated at the previous
meeting , under dispensation , as a serving brother , was at this meeting passed to the second degree , hy the AV . M ., who performed the ceremony in a very impressive correct manner . The lodge was then opened in the third degree for the purpose of instruction ; and afterwards closed . Bro . J . G . Shanks , ; Treas ., AV . M . 189 , kindly performed the duty of Tyler to the lodge for the evening , as nearly all the members of tbe lodgo are young . Before the iodge was closed , and a most cordial and a unanimous vote of thanks was given to Bro . Shanks for his kind assistance .
KENT . MARGATE— Union Lodge , ( No . 12 ' ?) . —Tbe installation meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , Jan . 6 th , at Bro . Osborn ' s , King's Head Hotel . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . G . E . Hawkes , Prov . G . S . B ., Kent , W . M . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . E . White was examined and entrusted , and having withdrawn , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . AVhite was passed to the
degree of a F . C , by the W . M . Bro . P . M . Terry then descended the chair , and installed the AV . M . elect ; Bro . AV . F . Hunter in the chair of K . S ,, the ceremony being performed in a manner reflecting great credit on that indefatigable member of the craft . Bro . Hawkes was invested with the collar of I . P . M . The brethren were then re-admitted , and the regular salutations gone through in tbe various degrees . Tho VA' . M . appointed bis officers as follows : —Bro . AV . K . TrevesMD
, .., S . W . ; T . M . Compton , J . W . ; W . C . Brasier , P . Prov . G ., S . B ., Treas . ; E . J . Townsend , Sec ; A . AA ootton , S . D . ; E . Harnett , J . D . ; E . II . Thomson , I . G . ; C . D . Dixon , D . C ; J . L . AV . AVrigbt , Org . ; A . Roxburgh , S . S . ; 'T . N . Talfourd , J . S . ; S . C . Marehant , Tyler . A P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Hawkes , in recognition of his services , which was suitably acknowledged . A vote of thanks was ordered to be entered on tbe minutes , to
Bro . Terry , for his kindness in performing the installation ceremony . Bro . Terry stated in reply , that he was happy to have rendered any service to the lodge , at the same time thanking the brethren . The lodge was then closed , when about thirty of tbe brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , served by Bro . Osborn . The customary loyal toasts were duly given and responded to . BROMLEY . —Acacia Lodge ( No . 314 ) . —Tbo above lodge met
on Tuesday the 10 th inst ., at the Bell Hotel . The W . M ., Bro . Alfred Avery , occupied the chair , ' Bros . Williams as SW . ; Knott , J . AV . ; Williams , Treas . ; E . Coste , P . M ., Sec ; AVells , S . D . ; Manager , J . D . ; Seaman , I . G . ; Jordan , Org . ; Deerinsr , D . C ; J . AV . Avery , P . M . ; and AV . H . Bay lis , Guy , Boll , Wyre , AVyatt , Smith , Manley , & c The lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Smith and AVyatt having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , were raised to the third degree , and Bros .
James Bell , Manley , and Lovett , were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts , both ceremonies being perfectly and impressivelyperformed by the AV . M . The W . M . then announced his intention to become Steward for the Boys , School , and Bro . Knott for the Girls' School , at the forthcoming Festivals . There being no further business , thelodge was closed . At the banquet which followed The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . J . AV . Avery , P . M ., proposed the toast of " Tbe W . M ., " '
who appropriately responded . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of Bro . J . AV . Avery , " The P . M . " , said this being a newly-constituted Lodge , he had great pleasure in coupling with it tbe name of their esteemed Secretary , Bro . E > Coste . Bro . J . Avery , in responding to tbe toast , said he felt it an honoui . to have his name associated as P . M . of the Acacia Lodge ; he would always look after its interests . It was gratifing to see so young a Lodge sending two brethren as :
y Stewards to represent the Masonic charities . Bro . E . Coste , P . M . and Secretary , in returning thanks , said be felt it a great honour in having his name coupled with Bro . Avery as a P . M .. of another Lodge , namely , tbe Albion ( No . 9 ) , but be felt it a great compliment in having been invested with the collar of Secretary , and he assured the brethren , while in that occupation , his great aim and study should be that tbe Acacia Lodge
should , in the course of time , he second to none in the province . The visitors were Bros . W . Meredith , Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) , and Bell , who severally returned thanks . The toast of "The Officers" and " The Tyler ' s Toast" concluded a very delightful evening , OLD BEOMPTON—United Chatham Lodge ( No . 184 ) . —The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge , which promises to be one of tbe first in the county ; was held at the Masonic Hall , on
tbe 19 th inst ., when Bro . Sergeant-Major Cole , R . E ., was duly installed , in presence ofthe following P . M's .: —Bro . J . Redman , P . G . S . ; Blakey , P . M . AA M ., 1174 , and P . Prov . A . D . C , P . M . ; J . Strowse , Treas . ; AV . Turtle , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Ashdown , 184 and 1050 , P . Prov . G . P . ; Carter . 20 , P . G . D . ; Bin-field , 20 ; Seabrook , Sec . 1174 and P . G . S . ; Martin , P . Prov . G . D . C , & c . ; Darley , 158 , Sheerness . Bro . Radman conducted tbe ceremony with great ability , the beautiful and impressive ritual
beingcarried through to tbe admiration of all . The installation over ,, the brethren were admitted , and did honour to the new W . M . The following officers were then invested ; Bro . Murphy , S . AV . ; Robinson , J . AV . ; Strowse . Treas . ; Gale , Sec ; Higgins , S . D . ; Morson , J . D . ; Hurley , I . G . ; Husband , and Hewitb , Stewards ; Gorhsnn , D . C ; Drago , Tyler . Amongst the large number present were several military brethren . Thanks was proposed to Bro . Redman , tbe installing officer , when the Lodge was closed and the Brethren retired for refreshment to the Golden Lion , where
Bro . Wraith gave every satisfaction m the provision made . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , with occasional melody . On the toast of the evening , "To the AV , Master Bro . Cole , " having been given , Bro . Redman referred to the responsibility of the office of Master , and expressing bis good wishes , urged on the brethren to co-operate with him . Bro . Cole hoped he might be blessed with health and the assistance of a higher Power , to folllow th e
COUl'SC pursued hy bis predeCeSSOV , !\ nd llopcd tUc yoai , wov \ l < l hp ; a happy and prosperous one to tbe Lodge . Bro . Redman's health was next proposed , who responded by a telling speech . He was pleased to have their confidence , knowing there were flaws and defects in all . He urged on the brethren to unite and remedy them—to shun discord ; and he urged them to follow the maxims of the tracing-board , ascending the Masonic Ladder of