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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The folloAving extracts fram the bye-laws of the " Western Pennsylvania Masonic Relief Association , " located at Titusville , are for the information of those who believe in the propriety of any such organization using the name or title of Masonic . "We regard the use of this term Masonic for any other than strictly
-Masonic purposes , as open to grave doubt : Any Master Mason in good standing , being an actual member of some regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons and in apparent good health , so as to gain a livelihood , and with some visible means of support , shall be eligible to membership .
Any Master Mason possessed of the foregoing qualifications , who shall be recommended by the Master Mason of the lodge of which he is a member or hj a director or officer of this association , shall become a member of said Association upon receiving a majority vote of the Board of Directors present ,
and paying the fee of three dollars , and the fee shall m all cases accompany the petition . Upon the death of any member of this Association it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the members of the same , and thereupon each surviving member shall , within ten days after the date of said
notice , pay into the treasury the sum of one dollar and ten cents , and in the ease he shall neglect to pay the same within ten days he shall be again notified by the Secretary , and if the said sum shall not be paid within ten days after the date of such second notice , his name shall be erased from the roll of members ,
and he shall forfeit all claim upon the Association , - provided , however , the Board of Directors shall have power to reinstate the delinquent member upon his appearing before said Board if a resident of the city of Titusville , for his default , and paying the sum in arrears ; and a notice directed to a member ' s residence
as appearing upon the books of the Secretary , shall be deemed a legal notice . —Keystone . The Norfolk Journal has an article on the origin of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , setting forth that the convention of English , Scotch and Irish Masonic
Lodges in that State , assembled at Williamsburg , on May G , 1777 ,-determined to form a Grand Lodge of that State , and recommended " His Excellency General George Washington , " as the first Grand Master . The convention met again on October IS , 1778 , when Brother George Washington having been
prevented by public duties from accepting the office , Brother Johu Blair , of Williamsburg , was chosen Grand Master of Virginia , and was installed on October 30 th , with Rev . Robert Andrews , as D . G . M . Since that time the Craft has increased from five to
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
two hundred and thirty-three lodges , and M . W . Brother Thomas F . Owens is now the G . M . of Masons in Virginia . Under such a leadership the Craft must flourish . —Ritual . Lincoln , Nebraska , where four years ago the wolf
was hunted , is now a city of about five thousand inhabitants . It has a college with endowed professors and one of the most flourishing lodges in the United States ; considering the time since its organization , two years .
In the year 1878 a century will have elapsed since the organization of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , and up to this time it has been dependent on Subordinate Lodges for places of meeting . The Grand Master , at the last session , therefore , earnestly
recommends that prompt and vigorous measures should be taken to erect in Richmond a Masonic temple which will be an ornament to the capital of the State ancl a credit to the fraternity . '
[ The excursion to Europe of Allegheny Commandery , No . 35 , is the most important topic of conversation in Masonic circles . The feeling is universl that the undertaking will be a magnificent success . There are now forty-five names enrolled . We learn that there is quite an excitement in Washington City
among the Sir Knights there , some seven or eight intending to join the Allegheny Knights for the trip . The Commandery will go fully and thoroughly equipped in the most perfect manner , and down to the smallest detail of Templar dress , everything will be new for the occasion . It is not the intention to
travel as Knight Templars , except through Ireland , Scotland , and England . It is proposed to go on the Continent of Europe as American citizens , but in a body . The arrangements are nearly all complete , and the utmost anxiety is expressed by tho Templars of Great Britain and Ireland to see the Americnn Knight
Templars . Although the deposit of 100 dollars as part passage money was not to be made until January 1 , it has already in some cases been paid . Allegheny Commandery will carry to Europe with them two of the handsomest banners ever made . — Piitsluri / lt Mirror .
A TEUE MASON . —If Masonry is in your heart , you will bo a moral , temperate and prudent man , keeping a guard over lips and actions . You will abhor profanity and intemperance , and reprove those thoughts iu Masons who may be guilty of them . You will be afi ' able and courteous , treating all good Masons as your equals , paying due respect to those in office , regarding the opinions and making allowances for the pz-ejudices of every place you visit .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The folloAving extracts fram the bye-laws of the " Western Pennsylvania Masonic Relief Association , " located at Titusville , are for the information of those who believe in the propriety of any such organization using the name or title of Masonic . "We regard the use of this term Masonic for any other than strictly
-Masonic purposes , as open to grave doubt : Any Master Mason in good standing , being an actual member of some regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons and in apparent good health , so as to gain a livelihood , and with some visible means of support , shall be eligible to membership .
Any Master Mason possessed of the foregoing qualifications , who shall be recommended by the Master Mason of the lodge of which he is a member or hj a director or officer of this association , shall become a member of said Association upon receiving a majority vote of the Board of Directors present ,
and paying the fee of three dollars , and the fee shall m all cases accompany the petition . Upon the death of any member of this Association it shall be the duty of the Secretary to notify the members of the same , and thereupon each surviving member shall , within ten days after the date of said
notice , pay into the treasury the sum of one dollar and ten cents , and in the ease he shall neglect to pay the same within ten days he shall be again notified by the Secretary , and if the said sum shall not be paid within ten days after the date of such second notice , his name shall be erased from the roll of members ,
and he shall forfeit all claim upon the Association , - provided , however , the Board of Directors shall have power to reinstate the delinquent member upon his appearing before said Board if a resident of the city of Titusville , for his default , and paying the sum in arrears ; and a notice directed to a member ' s residence
as appearing upon the books of the Secretary , shall be deemed a legal notice . —Keystone . The Norfolk Journal has an article on the origin of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , setting forth that the convention of English , Scotch and Irish Masonic
Lodges in that State , assembled at Williamsburg , on May G , 1777 ,-determined to form a Grand Lodge of that State , and recommended " His Excellency General George Washington , " as the first Grand Master . The convention met again on October IS , 1778 , when Brother George Washington having been
prevented by public duties from accepting the office , Brother Johu Blair , of Williamsburg , was chosen Grand Master of Virginia , and was installed on October 30 th , with Rev . Robert Andrews , as D . G . M . Since that time the Craft has increased from five to
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
two hundred and thirty-three lodges , and M . W . Brother Thomas F . Owens is now the G . M . of Masons in Virginia . Under such a leadership the Craft must flourish . —Ritual . Lincoln , Nebraska , where four years ago the wolf
was hunted , is now a city of about five thousand inhabitants . It has a college with endowed professors and one of the most flourishing lodges in the United States ; considering the time since its organization , two years .
In the year 1878 a century will have elapsed since the organization of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , and up to this time it has been dependent on Subordinate Lodges for places of meeting . The Grand Master , at the last session , therefore , earnestly
recommends that prompt and vigorous measures should be taken to erect in Richmond a Masonic temple which will be an ornament to the capital of the State ancl a credit to the fraternity . '
[ The excursion to Europe of Allegheny Commandery , No . 35 , is the most important topic of conversation in Masonic circles . The feeling is universl that the undertaking will be a magnificent success . There are now forty-five names enrolled . We learn that there is quite an excitement in Washington City
among the Sir Knights there , some seven or eight intending to join the Allegheny Knights for the trip . The Commandery will go fully and thoroughly equipped in the most perfect manner , and down to the smallest detail of Templar dress , everything will be new for the occasion . It is not the intention to
travel as Knight Templars , except through Ireland , Scotland , and England . It is proposed to go on the Continent of Europe as American citizens , but in a body . The arrangements are nearly all complete , and the utmost anxiety is expressed by tho Templars of Great Britain and Ireland to see the Americnn Knight
Templars . Although the deposit of 100 dollars as part passage money was not to be made until January 1 , it has already in some cases been paid . Allegheny Commandery will carry to Europe with them two of the handsomest banners ever made . — Piitsluri / lt Mirror .
A TEUE MASON . —If Masonry is in your heart , you will bo a moral , temperate and prudent man , keeping a guard over lips and actions . You will abhor profanity and intemperance , and reprove those thoughts iu Masons who may be guilty of them . You will be afi ' able and courteous , treating all good Masons as your equals , paying due respect to those in office , regarding the opinions and making allowances for the pz-ejudices of every place you visit .