Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE HOEEOES OF WAK AND FAMINE . —Starvation of the worst sort was seen in all directions ; indeed , we now experienced every species of misery , and one had to be selfish for one ' s own preservation . At this time , when on a march , I saw a famished mother extended in the streets , her child clinging to her , crying pifceously for food . It was a dreadful spectacle ! I myself considered
half a biscuit , or a piece of maize bread and an onion , a good meal ! Famine was rife , dogs , cats , rats and mice were eaten . —The Beige of Oponto , 1832—3 , by Bro . W . Bollaert , F . R . G . S- > in Ids History ofthe Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain , from 1826 to 1840 .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending February 4th, 1871.
METEOEOLITAU LODGES AND CHAPTEES . Monday , January 30 th . LODGES . —Pythagorean , Ship Tavern , Hoyal Hill , Greenwich ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft Place , Mile End . Tuesday , January 31 st .
LODGE . —Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Wednesday , February 1 st . Graud Chapter at 7 . LODGE . —Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Thursday , February 2 nd . LODGES . —Westminster and Key Stone , Freemasons' Hall ;
Egyptian , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street ; Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwoll ; Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street ; Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street ; Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenball Street ; St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall ; La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney : Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewisham Road ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms ,
Bermondsey Road . CHAETEBS . —St . James's , Freemasons' Hall ; Moriab , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Friday , February 3 rd . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , Alasonic Hall , William Street . AVoolwich ; Hornsey , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street ; St . Marylebone , Eyre Arm's Tavern , St . John's AVood . CHAPTEB -BritishFreemason's Hall ; Prince of AValcs's
, . Willis's Rooms , St . James ' s . Saturday , February 4 th , General Committee Boy ' s School , at Freemasons' Hall at 4 . LODGE . —St . Thomas's , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . I
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Holiday , January 30 th . LODGI ; S . — Temple , Old Goorgo , St . Mary Axe , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd , Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav , Mount-st ., Grosvenir-sq . ; Industry , Dick's . Coffee House-Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., South , waik ; High Cross , AA'hifce llarb Ho ., Tottenham ; Ensteru Star , Royal Ho . liurdett-rd . Mile-end-rd . ; CamdenAdelaide Tav .
, , , Haverstoek Hill ; Tower Hamlets' Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial Road , E . ; Union AVaterloo , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; Old Concord , Turk's Head , Afotcomfie Street , Belgrave Square ; Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Fencliureh Street .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
[ . Tuesday , January 31 st . LODGES- —Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Metrop . Dist . Rail ., Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-parlr , CamberweU ; Jordan , Alivyne Castle , Cauonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., Si . John ' s-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward ,
Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart , Abchurchlane ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; City London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-s New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., iSew AVandsworfc British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennyfields , Poplar . CHAPTER . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Ho ., F / eet-st . ; Alount Sion , AVhite Hart , Bishopsgate-st , ; Robert Burns . Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin's Lane .
Wednesday , February 1 st . LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-st ; United Strength Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Jlawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , JIaismore Arms , Park-road , Peekham-Rye , Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catberine-st ., Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-street ; Royal Union , Bro . Buddy ' s , AVinsiey-st ., Oxford-street . . CHAPTER . —St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street , Grosvenor-square ; Prudent Brethren , Freemasons'Hall .
Thursday , February 2 nd . LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Dnkeol York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Alile-end-rd . ; Vitruvian , AA'bite Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; TranquilitySugarLoafTav . Great St . Helen ' sE . G . Whittington
, , , ; , Crown Hotel , 41 , High Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tavern , Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoriapark , at 7 ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., AV . India Dock Road . Poplar . CHAPTEE . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 , AVappingwall .
Friday , February 3 rd . LODGES—St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cbeyne-ivalk , Chelsea , Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford , Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . : United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AVcstboui-ne , tbe Grapes , Duke-st ., Manchestersquare ; AVellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway ,
Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwich ; Rnnelagb , Royal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Cbaring-eross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Victoria , Andertous' Ho . ; Fleet-st . ; Hervey , Britannia , AValbam-green ; Metropolitan Price ' s Portugal Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-rd . ; Robert Burns , Union
Tav-Air-streefc , Regent-st . ; Rose of Denmark , AVhite Hart , Barnes ,-Lily , Greyhound , Ho ., Richmond ; Stability , Guildhall Tav . ; 33 , Gresham Street ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern ; Canonbury . CIIAPTEES . —Domatic , Fisher's Restaurant , Victoria Station . Saturday , - February ith . CEAPTEES . —Alount Sinai , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regentstreet ; Domatic , Horns , Kennington .
To Correspondents.
* * All Communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shal ! be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly . Several Metropolitan and Provincial Reports are unavoidably postponed until our next for want of space .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE HOEEOES OF WAK AND FAMINE . —Starvation of the worst sort was seen in all directions ; indeed , we now experienced every species of misery , and one had to be selfish for one ' s own preservation . At this time , when on a march , I saw a famished mother extended in the streets , her child clinging to her , crying pifceously for food . It was a dreadful spectacle ! I myself considered
half a biscuit , or a piece of maize bread and an onion , a good meal ! Famine was rife , dogs , cats , rats and mice were eaten . —The Beige of Oponto , 1832—3 , by Bro . W . Bollaert , F . R . G . S- > in Ids History ofthe Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain , from 1826 to 1840 .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending February 4th, 1871.
METEOEOLITAU LODGES AND CHAPTEES . Monday , January 30 th . LODGES . —Pythagorean , Ship Tavern , Hoyal Hill , Greenwich ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft Place , Mile End . Tuesday , January 31 st .
LODGE . —Faith , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . Wednesday , February 1 st . Graud Chapter at 7 . LODGE . —Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Thursday , February 2 nd . LODGES . —Westminster and Key Stone , Freemasons' Hall ;
Egyptian , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street ; Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwoll ; Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street ; Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street ; Ionic , Ship and Turtle , Leadenball Street ; St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall ; La Tolerance , Freemasons' Hall ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney : Victoria Rifles , Freemasons' Hall ; Excelsior , Sidney Arms , Lewisham Road ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms ,
Bermondsey Road . CHAETEBS . —St . James's , Freemasons' Hall ; Moriab , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Friday , February 3 rd . LODGES . —Florence Nightingale , Alasonic Hall , William Street . AVoolwich ; Hornsey , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street ; St . Marylebone , Eyre Arm's Tavern , St . John's AVood . CHAPTEB -BritishFreemason's Hall ; Prince of AValcs's
, . Willis's Rooms , St . James ' s . Saturday , February 4 th , General Committee Boy ' s School , at Freemasons' Hall at 4 . LODGE . —St . Thomas's , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . I
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Holiday , January 30 th . LODGI ; S . — Temple , Old Goorgo , St . Mary Axe , E . G . ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd , Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav , Mount-st ., Grosvenir-sq . ; Industry , Dick's . Coffee House-Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., South , waik ; High Cross , AA'hifce llarb Ho ., Tottenham ; Ensteru Star , Royal Ho . liurdett-rd . Mile-end-rd . ; CamdenAdelaide Tav .
, , , Haverstoek Hill ; Tower Hamlets' Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Commercial Road , E . ; Union AVaterloo , King ' s Arms , Woolwich ; Old Concord , Turk's Head , Afotcomfie Street , Belgrave Square ; Sincerity , Railway Tavern , Fencliureh Street .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
[ . Tuesday , January 31 st . LODGES- —Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Metrop . Dist . Rail ., Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-parlr , CamberweU ; Jordan , Alivyne Castle , Cauonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., Si . John ' s-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward ,
Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart , Abchurchlane ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; City London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-s New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., iSew AVandsworfc British Oak , Silver Lion Tavern , Pennyfields , Poplar . CHAPTER . —Metropolitan , Price ' s Portugal Ho ., F / eet-st . ; Alount Sion , AVhite Hart , Bishopsgate-st , ; Robert Burns . Sussex Stores , Upper St . Martin's Lane .
Wednesday , February 1 st . LODGES . —Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-st ; United Strength Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Jlawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , JIaismore Arms , Park-road , Peekham-Rye , Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catberine-st ., Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-street ; Royal Union , Bro . Buddy ' s , AVinsiey-st ., Oxford-street . . CHAPTER . —St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-street , Grosvenor-square ; Prudent Brethren , Freemasons'Hall .
Thursday , February 2 nd . LODGES . —Fidelity , Goat and Compasses , Euston-road ; Kent , Dnkeol York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Alile-end-rd . ; Vitruvian , AA'bite Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; TranquilitySugarLoafTav . Great St . Helen ' sE . G . Whittington
, , , ; , Crown Hotel , 41 , High Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tavern , Deptford ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoriapark , at 7 ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell Alley ; St . John's , Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Merchant Navy , Jamaica Tav ., AV . India Dock Road . Poplar . CHAPTEE . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 , AVappingwall .
Friday , February 3 rd . LODGES—St . Luke ' s , Pier Hotel , Cbeyne-ivalk , Chelsea , Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford , Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , F . M . H . : United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AVcstboui-ne , tbe Grapes , Duke-st ., Manchestersquare ; AVellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway ,
Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwich ; Rnnelagb , Royal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith ; Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Cbaring-eross ; St . James ' s , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Victoria , Andertous' Ho . ; Fleet-st . ; Hervey , Britannia , AValbam-green ; Metropolitan Price ' s Portugal Ho ., Fleet-st . ; Charter House , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 27 , Goswell-rd . ; Robert Burns , Union
Tav-Air-streefc , Regent-st . ; Rose of Denmark , AVhite Hart , Barnes ,-Lily , Greyhound , Ho ., Richmond ; Stability , Guildhall Tav . ; 33 , Gresham Street ; Royal Standard , Marquess Tavern ; Canonbury . CIIAPTEES . —Domatic , Fisher's Restaurant , Victoria Station . Saturday , - February ith . CEAPTEES . —Alount Sinai , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regentstreet ; Domatic , Horns , Kennington .
To Correspondents.
* * All Communications to he addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C . AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shal ! be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly . Several Metropolitan and Provincial Reports are unavoidably postponed until our next for want of space .