Article ROYAL ARCH. DEVONSHIRE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article PEACE. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch. Devonshire.
perly prepared , was exalted to the supreme degree by the officers before named . The historical and symbolical lectures were given by Comp . Dr . Hopkins , acting as Z ; and tbe mystical lecture by Rev . Comp . R . Bowden , P . Z . and Chaplain . The following appointments to office for the next year were made : —Companions J . Marks , M . E . Z . ; John Pridham , H . ; G . Heath , Ji ; Rev . R . Bowden , Chaplain ; A . Niner , E . ;
Stafford , N . ; Glanfield , Treas . ; Beechey , Pr . Soj . ; Crocker , Janitor . Two candidates were proposed for exaltation at tbe next meeting . No other business offering , the Comps . separated at half-past two , p . m . INDIA . MAZAGON— Chapter Keystone E . G . ( No . 757 ) . —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held at the Freemasous' Hall ,
Mazagon , on tbe 14 th November , 1870 , present M . E . Comps . Alfred Edginton , Z . ; W . H . Hussey , H . ; C . Hyne , J . ; Ex . Comps . H . W . Barrow , Scribe E . ; T . Grawford , Scribe N . ; J . Duncan , Principal Sojourner ; E . Gleave and N . Roberts , Assistant Sojourners ; A . JIackenzie , Treasurer ; J . AV . Seagor , Janitor . Members : M . E . Comps . H . H . Avron and A . C Gumpert ; Comps . B . Robinson , J . Langford , C . Greaves , R . G . WaltonEHowellT . A . HopewellT . Mills , and J . Bedford .
, . , , Visitor : Comp . the Rev . D . Bontfleur , Chaplain H . M . S . Forte . The Chapter was opened in regular form , with solemn prayer , and the minutes of tbe last convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for AV . Bros . T . Cooke , AV . M . of Lodge Orion in the AVest , Bros . AV . C . Rowe , of Lodge Truth , and A .. E . Llssignol , of Lodge Caledonia , which proved quite clear . Bro . Lissignol being present , was admitted properly
properly prepared and exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree . Six brethren were proposed for exaltation . There being no further business , the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , at 8 . P . M ., when the Companions adjourned to the banquet , and spent two pleasant hours . The Chapter wae admirably worked , and the officers from first to last displayed a thorough knowledge of their intricate duties .
Knights Templar.
INDIA . MAZAGON . —Mount Lebanon Encampment . —A . Convocation of this encampment was held at the Alasonic Hall , Mazagon , on the 28 th November , 1870 , present A ' . E . Sir Kt , G . S . Judge , Prov . Grand Commander , as E . C . ; Sir Kt : A . C Gumpert , as 1 st Captain Comg . Columns ; E . Sir Kt . E . T . Leitb , as 2 nd Kt . ; Sir Kts . the Rev . D . Bontfleur , as Prelate ; A . F . Shepherd ExpertJThomasas Registrar ; T . Crawfordas
, as ; . , , Captain of Lines ; J . AV . Seager , as Equerry ; also Em . Sir Kts . Captain B . H . Mathew , Colonel L . W . Penn , G . L . F . Connell , Captain J . Dickson , and a large concourse of visitors . The V . E . Prov . Grand Commander having token his seat , opened the Encampment in due form . The Registrar called the musier roll . The encampment was then consecrated by the A ' . E . Pro . Grand Commander . The Eminent Commander Bleed , Sir Kt . James Grand
Percy Leith . was then presented to the V . E . Prov . Commander , when all Sir Knignts below the rank of Eminent Commander were requested to retire . Sir Kt . J . P . Leith , was installed as Eminent Commander of Mount Lebanon Encampment . The Sir Knights were then re-admitted , and the Eminent Commander was saluted as such by nil the Sir Knights present . Em . Sir Kt . Colonel L . Penn was unanimously elected of the
Treasurer , and Sir Kt . J . W . Seager , Equerry Encampment . The Eminent Commander then appointed his Officebearers as follows : —Sir Kt . M . Balfour , 1 st Captain Commanding Columns ; A . C . Gumpert , 2 nd Capt . Comg . Col . ; E . Sir Kt . Captain B . H . Mathew , Prelate ; £ . T . Tyrrell Leith , Expert ; Colonel L . AV . Penn , Almoner ; Sir Kt . J . Thomas , Registrar ; J . W . Seager , Equerry . The bye-laws ofthe Encampment were read and passed . There being no further business before the Encampment , it was closed with solemn prayer .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
¦ THE LIVERPOOL ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . F LrvEErooi . —Masonic Temple , Mope Street . —A meeting of this Chapter ( the regular meetings of which are held in June and December ) took place ou AA ' ednesdav , 18 th inst ., present Major W . Homer , 30 th ° M . AV . S . ; E . Pierpoiut , 31 st ° ; H . A
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Alpass , 30 th ° ; C . H . Bannister , 32 nd ° ; G . De la Perelle , 18 th ; — Lester , 18 th ° ; J . Ball , 18 th ° ; and several other members The visitors were Captain J . G Shanks , 18 th « , of the St . Aubyn Chapter , Devonport . The ballot was taken for Bros . J Birley , J . A . Hall , and E . Friend , and proving favourable these brethren were installed , according to ancient form by Bro E . Pierpoint 31 st ° PMWSwho concluded the beautiful offices
, ,. ..., of this degree in a manner worthy of high praise . AVhen the business was concluded , the hrethren adjourned to the Adelphi Hotel , where a dinner was served in the most sumptuous style . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to with true Masonic spirit . The M . W . S . then in an appropriate speech proposed " The Health of the Most Puissant Grand Commanderand the Supreme Grand Council '
, ,, coupling therewith the name of tbe 111 . Bro . Banister , 32 nd ° , who briefly returned thanks , and alluded to the unpleasant duty he and others had lately to perform at Manchester . Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated about nine o'clock , after having spent a most delightful evening .
Poetry .
BROTHERLY LOVE . Bear yo one anotheis burthens , The poor relieve , the weak defend When thine aid is needed : —Be thou The brother true , —the sincere friend . In love review thy brother's acts ,
He may have err'd—ere long may'st thou , ' Be charitable iii thought , in word , iu deed , And thus thy friendship to him show . Should slander's venom'd dart afflict , Be prompt the slanderer to repel , If danger menaces his hearth ,
Strive with thy might , it to dispel . United , hospitable , kind , Be your action to each other , Remember " he is not of God " AA'ho withholds love from his brother . R . BOND .
From the German of Paul Flamming , Live not in regretting , With fretting ; Be still 1 What God shall say Do thou obey ,
0 Will . Do thou , without ranging Or changing Find rest ; If God ordains , Then that remains ,
Tho best . Away flies thy sorrow To-morrow ; Aud He AA'ho gives to all Give also shall To thee . ANGUS MACPHEESON .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch. Devonshire.
perly prepared , was exalted to the supreme degree by the officers before named . The historical and symbolical lectures were given by Comp . Dr . Hopkins , acting as Z ; and tbe mystical lecture by Rev . Comp . R . Bowden , P . Z . and Chaplain . The following appointments to office for the next year were made : —Companions J . Marks , M . E . Z . ; John Pridham , H . ; G . Heath , Ji ; Rev . R . Bowden , Chaplain ; A . Niner , E . ;
Stafford , N . ; Glanfield , Treas . ; Beechey , Pr . Soj . ; Crocker , Janitor . Two candidates were proposed for exaltation at tbe next meeting . No other business offering , the Comps . separated at half-past two , p . m . INDIA . MAZAGON— Chapter Keystone E . G . ( No . 757 ) . —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held at the Freemasous' Hall ,
Mazagon , on tbe 14 th November , 1870 , present M . E . Comps . Alfred Edginton , Z . ; W . H . Hussey , H . ; C . Hyne , J . ; Ex . Comps . H . W . Barrow , Scribe E . ; T . Grawford , Scribe N . ; J . Duncan , Principal Sojourner ; E . Gleave and N . Roberts , Assistant Sojourners ; A . JIackenzie , Treasurer ; J . AV . Seagor , Janitor . Members : M . E . Comps . H . H . Avron and A . C Gumpert ; Comps . B . Robinson , J . Langford , C . Greaves , R . G . WaltonEHowellT . A . HopewellT . Mills , and J . Bedford .
, . , , Visitor : Comp . the Rev . D . Bontfleur , Chaplain H . M . S . Forte . The Chapter was opened in regular form , with solemn prayer , and the minutes of tbe last convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for AV . Bros . T . Cooke , AV . M . of Lodge Orion in the AVest , Bros . AV . C . Rowe , of Lodge Truth , and A .. E . Llssignol , of Lodge Caledonia , which proved quite clear . Bro . Lissignol being present , was admitted properly
properly prepared and exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree . Six brethren were proposed for exaltation . There being no further business , the Chapter was closed with solemn prayer , at 8 . P . M ., when the Companions adjourned to the banquet , and spent two pleasant hours . The Chapter wae admirably worked , and the officers from first to last displayed a thorough knowledge of their intricate duties .
Knights Templar.
INDIA . MAZAGON . —Mount Lebanon Encampment . —A . Convocation of this encampment was held at the Alasonic Hall , Mazagon , on the 28 th November , 1870 , present A ' . E . Sir Kt , G . S . Judge , Prov . Grand Commander , as E . C . ; Sir Kt : A . C Gumpert , as 1 st Captain Comg . Columns ; E . Sir Kt . E . T . Leitb , as 2 nd Kt . ; Sir Kts . the Rev . D . Bontfleur , as Prelate ; A . F . Shepherd ExpertJThomasas Registrar ; T . Crawfordas
, as ; . , , Captain of Lines ; J . AV . Seager , as Equerry ; also Em . Sir Kts . Captain B . H . Mathew , Colonel L . W . Penn , G . L . F . Connell , Captain J . Dickson , and a large concourse of visitors . The V . E . Prov . Grand Commander having token his seat , opened the Encampment in due form . The Registrar called the musier roll . The encampment was then consecrated by the A ' . E . Pro . Grand Commander . The Eminent Commander Bleed , Sir Kt . James Grand
Percy Leith . was then presented to the V . E . Prov . Commander , when all Sir Knignts below the rank of Eminent Commander were requested to retire . Sir Kt . J . P . Leith , was installed as Eminent Commander of Mount Lebanon Encampment . The Sir Knights were then re-admitted , and the Eminent Commander was saluted as such by nil the Sir Knights present . Em . Sir Kt . Colonel L . Penn was unanimously elected of the
Treasurer , and Sir Kt . J . W . Seager , Equerry Encampment . The Eminent Commander then appointed his Officebearers as follows : —Sir Kt . M . Balfour , 1 st Captain Commanding Columns ; A . C . Gumpert , 2 nd Capt . Comg . Col . ; E . Sir Kt . Captain B . H . Mathew , Prelate ; £ . T . Tyrrell Leith , Expert ; Colonel L . AV . Penn , Almoner ; Sir Kt . J . Thomas , Registrar ; J . W . Seager , Equerry . The bye-laws ofthe Encampment were read and passed . There being no further business before the Encampment , it was closed with solemn prayer .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
¦ THE LIVERPOOL ROSE CROIX CHAPTER . F LrvEErooi . —Masonic Temple , Mope Street . —A meeting of this Chapter ( the regular meetings of which are held in June and December ) took place ou AA ' ednesdav , 18 th inst ., present Major W . Homer , 30 th ° M . AV . S . ; E . Pierpoiut , 31 st ° ; H . A
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Alpass , 30 th ° ; C . H . Bannister , 32 nd ° ; G . De la Perelle , 18 th ; — Lester , 18 th ° ; J . Ball , 18 th ° ; and several other members The visitors were Captain J . G Shanks , 18 th « , of the St . Aubyn Chapter , Devonport . The ballot was taken for Bros . J Birley , J . A . Hall , and E . Friend , and proving favourable these brethren were installed , according to ancient form by Bro E . Pierpoint 31 st ° PMWSwho concluded the beautiful offices
, ,. ..., of this degree in a manner worthy of high praise . AVhen the business was concluded , the hrethren adjourned to the Adelphi Hotel , where a dinner was served in the most sumptuous style . On the cloth being removed , the usual loyal toasts were given and responded to with true Masonic spirit . The M . W . S . then in an appropriate speech proposed " The Health of the Most Puissant Grand Commanderand the Supreme Grand Council '
, ,, coupling therewith the name of tbe 111 . Bro . Banister , 32 nd ° , who briefly returned thanks , and alluded to the unpleasant duty he and others had lately to perform at Manchester . Several other toasts followed , and the brethren separated about nine o'clock , after having spent a most delightful evening .
Poetry .
BROTHERLY LOVE . Bear yo one anotheis burthens , The poor relieve , the weak defend When thine aid is needed : —Be thou The brother true , —the sincere friend . In love review thy brother's acts ,
He may have err'd—ere long may'st thou , ' Be charitable iii thought , in word , iu deed , And thus thy friendship to him show . Should slander's venom'd dart afflict , Be prompt the slanderer to repel , If danger menaces his hearth ,
Strive with thy might , it to dispel . United , hospitable , kind , Be your action to each other , Remember " he is not of God " AA'ho withholds love from his brother . R . BOND .
From the German of Paul Flamming , Live not in regretting , With fretting ; Be still 1 What God shall say Do thou obey ,
0 Will . Do thou , without ranging Or changing Find rest ; If God ordains , Then that remains ,
Tho best . Away flies thy sorrow To-morrow ; Aud He AA'ho gives to all Give also shall To thee . ANGUS MACPHEESON .