Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Craft Masonry.
Webb , P . M ., 193 , W . M . ; E . Moody , S . W . ; 1 : 1 . T . Heed , J . AV . ; J . H . Staton , S . D . ; R . Bcscoby , J . D . ; G . Hooper , I . G . ; Forbes , Sec . ; Lancaster , Freeman , Hartley , Headon , ' . Vilkie , Vordon , Ritchie , I . kin , Bowen , Roberts , Hughes , Bnckmun , Holynake , Arkell , Jupe , Hull . The visitors vn-esent were : Bros . AVarue , P . M ., 193 ; J . Rogers . P . M ., 193 ; J . Stevens , W . M ., 1216 ; Middleton , 93 , Sco . Con . ; Vivian , P . M ., 22 S ; Lyon , 25 , Sco . Con . ; Swallow , I . G ., SS 2 ; AA . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., P . M ., 26 , 33 , 810 ;
Dawson , 186 , 12 G 7 ; Tyrol ! , P . M ., 144 , 704 ; M . irgetson , Concord ; Rogers , 902 ; Griggs , 228 ; Baker , 217 ; Thompson , P . M ., 167 ; Ferguson . S . AV ., 177 . Messrs . Hughes and Roberts were initiated . Bro . Bull , P . M ., Royal York Lodge , was elected as a joining member . Bro . Edward Moody was duly installed by Bro . S . Webb , as W . M . for tbe ensuing yoar , who afterwards appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Reed , S . W . ; StatonJ . AV . ; Bescob S . D . HooperJ . D . ForbesI . G .
, y , ; , ; , ; Lancaster , D . C ; Bro . S . Webb , I . P . M ., Treas . Tbe banquet which followed was ivell worthy of the reputation of the Cbef of the Great Northern , aud was served ( a la Russe ) , under the immediate superintendence of Mr . C . Schumann , the worthy aud efficient manager in such a manner as to give great satisfaction to tbe brethren , and reflect great credit on tbe house . After the cioth had been removed tho toasts of the "Queen and CvnP- " "The M . W . Grand Master" "Tbo Past Grand
, , Master , " "The Deputy Grand Master , " and the rest of the Grand Officers were received with the usual enthusiasm , Bro . Smith , P . G . S ., responded for the latter . In proposing the toast of the " Initiates" the W . M . said , " AVe are pleased to have added to our number to-night two gentlemen , who , from tho the manner in winch they have gone through the ceremony , will , I am certain , prove a credit to the craft . " Bro . Hughes iu responding for himself and Bro . Robertssaid"AV . M . and
, , brethren , we are obliged to you for the manner in which the mention of our names has been received , and it shall be our constant endeavour to render ourselves worth y and efficient members of this lodge . Bro . S . Webb , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., whom he had had the pleasure of installing that evening . In responding , Bro . Moody said , I rise with gome degree of diffidence to respond to the toast proposed in
such eloquent terms by Bro . P . M . Webb , and responded to the brethren in such a cordial manner by you . I hardly feel equal to the task ; believe me it shall ever be my greatest ambition to conduct , the business of tbo lodgo in a manner worthy of the reputation it has already gained under the rule of Ib-o . Webb , I . P M . In proposing the health of the P . M ., and Installing Muster Bro . S . Webb , the AA . M ., said , " I have a peculiar pleasure in bringing this toast before your notice , for not only
is Bro . Webb the Founder , the first master , and P . M ., but he is actually " Father" of the Great Northern Lodge , for not only has he initiated all those members u'Lo bare joined during ths past year , but during the time that be was AA' . M . of the Confidence Lodge lie initiated nearly the whole of the present officers , myself included , into tbe mysteries of Freemasonry . He certainly has not that venerable appearance which you would expect in the father of such a large grown-up family ,
but wo hope to hare him with us long enough for him to assume tbe patriarchal appearance to which his position as father of this lodgo so mueh entitles him . It is not for me brethren to point out to you the admirable manner in which Bro . AVcbb has performed the duties of AV . AI . during the past year , it is sufficient for me that you bare placed in my hands this elegant P . M . jewel , then addressing himself to the I . P . M . he said , " Bro . \ A ebbit is to me a most gratifing thing that I have to
, y present to you , on behalf of the members of the lodge , r . Iiis P . M . jewel , it is not the first that has been placed upon your breast , but believe me Bro . Webb never has any jewel been voted in a moro hearty or spontaneous manner than this one , may you long- live to wear it , and may the future W . M . of this lodge have for many years to come tbe benefit of your practical advice aud your valvabli ! assistance . In responding , Bro . Webb said , from the very day ou which tho establishment of this Iodge was first
mooted up to the time that I was appointed W .. A 1 ., and duringtho whole time 1 havo occupied that position , it has been my constant endeavour to make a success , and . brethren , I am proud to say that it is so . Tbe jewel with which you have been presented me is a proof to me that my efforts have been appreciated , and although I of course value the first , which I received in our old lodge very highly , still not more than I do this one , starting of a new lodge is a very much more difficult matter
Craft Masonry.
than talcing the office of IV . M ., in a lodge which is lu thorough working- order . I thank you very much for the proof of your satisfaction , and for the very cordial manner iu which y . m havo drank my health . In- responding for the visitors , Bro . Tyrell said , this is now the fourth time I have had tbe honour of visiting- this lodge , and everytime I come you treat me better than the last . The working of tbe lodge , and the installation
ceremony having been conducted by your P . M ., in a manlier I have never seen excelled , and on behalf of the visitors , I thank you . for the very kind reception you have given as this evening . In proposing the healh of the Officers , the AV . M . said , I have to congratulate . myself on having as officers , brethren who are as capable of filling this high position as myself , and who are I know one and all as anxious that the business should be conducted in a proper manneras I can possiblbe . BroReed
, y , , S . AV ., responded , and said , Worshipful Master , and brethren , when my brother officers and myself assisted in the promotion of Great Northern Lodge , and were afterwards appointed to the positions we held last year , we made up our miuds that nothing should be wanting on our part to render the working efficient It shall be our constant endeavour during the nest year to fulfil our duties in the same , we trust , sutisfactory ' manner on behalf of my brother officers and myselfI thank for tbe kind
man-, you very ner iu which tbe mention of our names have been received . The evening ' s enjoyment was much enhanced by tbe really excellent singing of Bros . S . Webb . Dawson , Stevens , Headon , Middleton , Reed ,, and two short resdings by Bro . J . C . Bull . The next meeting of this lodge is on tbe third Thursday in February , when Bro . E . Moody will conduct the ceremonies for the first time .
CUMBERLAND . WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Square , and Compass Lodge ( No . 119 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated their annual festival in the Masonic Hall , College Street , on Monday , tbe 16 th inst . They were joined by a large number of tbe brethren of Lodge 872 , and also by brethren representing neighbouring lodges . Bro . Edward Fearon , A \ . M ., presided , supported on his right by BroGreavesPDepProvGAfPenrith CookPM
. , . . . ..., ; Henry , .., Barrow : Crowtbev Morton , AA . M . of Kenlis Lodge ; W . B . Gibson . P . M . ; John Spittal ) , P . M . ; James Robertson , AV . M . of Lodge 872 , John M'lvelvie , AA . M ., aud others , and on his left by Bros . AVhite , P . M . ; George Kenworthy , P . M . ; Ban-, P . M . ; F . W . Wicks , & c . Tbe vice-chairs were occupied by Bros . Windross , S . AA ' ., and E . AV . Henry , J . W . There was a numerous attendance , and the proceedings were of the most gratifying
character . The dinner was served by Mrs . Todbunter . of tbe Albion Hotel , King Street . Grace was said before and aftermeat by Bro . Tyson , Chaplain . Bro . Cooper ably presided at the pianoforte . Ou the removal of the cloth , Bro . Fearon proposed " Tiie Queen , the Piincess of AVales , and tiie rest of the Royal Family . " It was usual , he said , at all Masonic gatherings of this kind to drink the health of Her Majesty . He was glad to say that Freemasons were not behind any other Societin
y loyalty . Tho Queen had always given every facility to the . Afasonic body to carry on their work and elucidate their mysteries ; and with the Queen he would couple the Princess of AA ales and tiie other members of tbe Royal Family . Bro . Fearou next proposed "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , aud the Past Grand Masters Bro . H . R . H . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , and the Earl of Zetland . " In proposing this toast , be said that the
Grand Master had always been ono of the kindest of rulers ; he was always ready to listen to a tale of suffering and to relieve the necessities ol tbe distressed . He was punctual in attending to Ills duties as ruler of the Craft , and lie ( lira . Fearon ) wished ho might be long spared to be at the bead of affairs . Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales bad since his initiation into Freemasonry taken the deepest interest in -it , so mueh so that the officers of tbe Grand Lodge felt it their duty to confer upon him tbe rank of Past Graud Master . The Earl of Zetland , the I . P . G . M ., had for 25 years presided over the body , and with such ability and kindness that upon his retiring , some
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Webb , P . M ., 193 , W . M . ; E . Moody , S . W . ; 1 : 1 . T . Heed , J . AV . ; J . H . Staton , S . D . ; R . Bcscoby , J . D . ; G . Hooper , I . G . ; Forbes , Sec . ; Lancaster , Freeman , Hartley , Headon , ' . Vilkie , Vordon , Ritchie , I . kin , Bowen , Roberts , Hughes , Bnckmun , Holynake , Arkell , Jupe , Hull . The visitors vn-esent were : Bros . AVarue , P . M ., 193 ; J . Rogers . P . M ., 193 ; J . Stevens , W . M ., 1216 ; Middleton , 93 , Sco . Con . ; Vivian , P . M ., 22 S ; Lyon , 25 , Sco . Con . ; Swallow , I . G ., SS 2 ; AA . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., P . M ., 26 , 33 , 810 ;
Dawson , 186 , 12 G 7 ; Tyrol ! , P . M ., 144 , 704 ; M . irgetson , Concord ; Rogers , 902 ; Griggs , 228 ; Baker , 217 ; Thompson , P . M ., 167 ; Ferguson . S . AV ., 177 . Messrs . Hughes and Roberts were initiated . Bro . Bull , P . M ., Royal York Lodge , was elected as a joining member . Bro . Edward Moody was duly installed by Bro . S . Webb , as W . M . for tbe ensuing yoar , who afterwards appointed and invested his officers as follows : Bros . Reed , S . W . ; StatonJ . AV . ; Bescob S . D . HooperJ . D . ForbesI . G .
, y , ; , ; , ; Lancaster , D . C ; Bro . S . Webb , I . P . M ., Treas . Tbe banquet which followed was ivell worthy of the reputation of the Cbef of the Great Northern , aud was served ( a la Russe ) , under the immediate superintendence of Mr . C . Schumann , the worthy aud efficient manager in such a manner as to give great satisfaction to tbe brethren , and reflect great credit on tbe house . After the cioth had been removed tho toasts of the "Queen and CvnP- " "The M . W . Grand Master" "Tbo Past Grand
, , Master , " "The Deputy Grand Master , " and the rest of the Grand Officers were received with the usual enthusiasm , Bro . Smith , P . G . S ., responded for the latter . In proposing the toast of the " Initiates" the W . M . said , " AVe are pleased to have added to our number to-night two gentlemen , who , from tho the manner in winch they have gone through the ceremony , will , I am certain , prove a credit to the craft . " Bro . Hughes iu responding for himself and Bro . Robertssaid"AV . M . and
, , brethren , we are obliged to you for the manner in which the mention of our names has been received , and it shall be our constant endeavour to render ourselves worth y and efficient members of this lodge . Bro . S . Webb , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., whom he had had the pleasure of installing that evening . In responding , Bro . Moody said , I rise with gome degree of diffidence to respond to the toast proposed in
such eloquent terms by Bro . P . M . Webb , and responded to the brethren in such a cordial manner by you . I hardly feel equal to the task ; believe me it shall ever be my greatest ambition to conduct , the business of tbo lodgo in a manner worthy of the reputation it has already gained under the rule of Ib-o . Webb , I . P M . In proposing the health of the P . M ., and Installing Muster Bro . S . Webb , the AA . M ., said , " I have a peculiar pleasure in bringing this toast before your notice , for not only
is Bro . Webb the Founder , the first master , and P . M ., but he is actually " Father" of the Great Northern Lodge , for not only has he initiated all those members u'Lo bare joined during ths past year , but during the time that be was AA' . M . of the Confidence Lodge lie initiated nearly the whole of the present officers , myself included , into tbe mysteries of Freemasonry . He certainly has not that venerable appearance which you would expect in the father of such a large grown-up family ,
but wo hope to hare him with us long enough for him to assume tbe patriarchal appearance to which his position as father of this lodgo so mueh entitles him . It is not for me brethren to point out to you the admirable manner in which Bro . AVcbb has performed the duties of AV . AI . during the past year , it is sufficient for me that you bare placed in my hands this elegant P . M . jewel , then addressing himself to the I . P . M . he said , " Bro . \ A ebbit is to me a most gratifing thing that I have to
, y present to you , on behalf of the members of the lodge , r . Iiis P . M . jewel , it is not the first that has been placed upon your breast , but believe me Bro . Webb never has any jewel been voted in a moro hearty or spontaneous manner than this one , may you long- live to wear it , and may the future W . M . of this lodge have for many years to come tbe benefit of your practical advice aud your valvabli ! assistance . In responding , Bro . Webb said , from the very day ou which tho establishment of this Iodge was first
mooted up to the time that I was appointed W .. A 1 ., and duringtho whole time 1 havo occupied that position , it has been my constant endeavour to make a success , and . brethren , I am proud to say that it is so . Tbe jewel with which you have been presented me is a proof to me that my efforts have been appreciated , and although I of course value the first , which I received in our old lodge very highly , still not more than I do this one , starting of a new lodge is a very much more difficult matter
Craft Masonry.
than talcing the office of IV . M ., in a lodge which is lu thorough working- order . I thank you very much for the proof of your satisfaction , and for the very cordial manner iu which y . m havo drank my health . In- responding for the visitors , Bro . Tyrell said , this is now the fourth time I have had tbe honour of visiting- this lodge , and everytime I come you treat me better than the last . The working of tbe lodge , and the installation
ceremony having been conducted by your P . M ., in a manlier I have never seen excelled , and on behalf of the visitors , I thank you . for the very kind reception you have given as this evening . In proposing the healh of the Officers , the AV . M . said , I have to congratulate . myself on having as officers , brethren who are as capable of filling this high position as myself , and who are I know one and all as anxious that the business should be conducted in a proper manneras I can possiblbe . BroReed
, y , , S . AV ., responded , and said , Worshipful Master , and brethren , when my brother officers and myself assisted in the promotion of Great Northern Lodge , and were afterwards appointed to the positions we held last year , we made up our miuds that nothing should be wanting on our part to render the working efficient It shall be our constant endeavour during the nest year to fulfil our duties in the same , we trust , sutisfactory ' manner on behalf of my brother officers and myselfI thank for tbe kind
man-, you very ner iu which tbe mention of our names have been received . The evening ' s enjoyment was much enhanced by tbe really excellent singing of Bros . S . Webb . Dawson , Stevens , Headon , Middleton , Reed ,, and two short resdings by Bro . J . C . Bull . The next meeting of this lodge is on tbe third Thursday in February , when Bro . E . Moody will conduct the ceremonies for the first time .
CUMBERLAND . WHITEHAVEN . —Sun , Square , and Compass Lodge ( No . 119 ) . —The brethren of this lodge celebrated their annual festival in the Masonic Hall , College Street , on Monday , tbe 16 th inst . They were joined by a large number of tbe brethren of Lodge 872 , and also by brethren representing neighbouring lodges . Bro . Edward Fearon , A \ . M ., presided , supported on his right by BroGreavesPDepProvGAfPenrith CookPM
. , . . . ..., ; Henry , .., Barrow : Crowtbev Morton , AA . M . of Kenlis Lodge ; W . B . Gibson . P . M . ; John Spittal ) , P . M . ; James Robertson , AV . M . of Lodge 872 , John M'lvelvie , AA . M ., aud others , and on his left by Bros . AVhite , P . M . ; George Kenworthy , P . M . ; Ban-, P . M . ; F . W . Wicks , & c . Tbe vice-chairs were occupied by Bros . Windross , S . AA ' ., and E . AV . Henry , J . W . There was a numerous attendance , and the proceedings were of the most gratifying
character . The dinner was served by Mrs . Todbunter . of tbe Albion Hotel , King Street . Grace was said before and aftermeat by Bro . Tyson , Chaplain . Bro . Cooper ably presided at the pianoforte . Ou the removal of the cloth , Bro . Fearon proposed " Tiie Queen , the Piincess of AVales , and tiie rest of the Royal Family . " It was usual , he said , at all Masonic gatherings of this kind to drink the health of Her Majesty . He was glad to say that Freemasons were not behind any other Societin
y loyalty . Tho Queen had always given every facility to the . Afasonic body to carry on their work and elucidate their mysteries ; and with the Queen he would couple the Princess of AA ales and tiie other members of tbe Royal Family . Bro . Fearou next proposed "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , aud the Past Grand Masters Bro . H . R . H . Albert Edward Prince of Wales , and the Earl of Zetland . " In proposing this toast , be said that the
Grand Master had always been ono of the kindest of rulers ; he was always ready to listen to a tale of suffering and to relieve the necessities ol tbe distressed . He was punctual in attending to Ills duties as ruler of the Craft , and lie ( lira . Fearon ) wished ho might be long spared to be at the bead of affairs . Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales bad since his initiation into Freemasonry taken the deepest interest in -it , so mueh so that the officers of tbe Grand Lodge felt it their duty to confer upon him tbe rank of Past Graud Master . The Earl of Zetland , the I . P . G . M ., had for 25 years presided over the body , and with such ability and kindness that upon his retiring , some