Article Old Warrants. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF LANARKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
next ensuing , by the Titlo of " Tho Sun , Squaro aud Compasses Chapter , " with such Privileges , Powers , and Immunities as do of Right belong to Regular Established Chapters and Companions of Our said Most Excellent Order , subject , nevertheless , to tho General Laws and Ordinances already or to bo hereafter enacted , by Our Most Excellent Grand and Royal Chapter . Given at London under Our Hauds , and the Seal of our Grand and Royal Chapter , this 5 th day of November , A . L . 5 SG 2 , A . D . 1 SC 2 . ( Emblem . ) Wit . GKEY CLARKE , E . It . W . JKNNIXGS , N . ( Seal . )
Mark Masonry.
PKOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OP DEVONSHIRE . ON Friday , 24 th ult ., the annual meeting of tho Prov . G . L . of Mark Masons was held at Lodgo Sincerity , 189 , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , the large room of which had been kindly lent for theocoasion . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , Major Tanner Davy , presided , aud there was a very good attendance of brethren from all parts of the province , including : —I . Latimer P . P . G . S . W .,
S . Jew , J . B . Gover P . G . T ., V . Bird P . P . G . T . Sec , J . Way P . P . G . O ., P . H . Newnham P . C . C Em , ' ., H . C Fitzgerald P . P . M . O ., J . H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., C . Godtschalk P . P . G . D . C ., B . J . SpryP . P . G . I . O ., Charles Leigh P . P . G . M . O ., J . Baxter P . P . G . J . W ., J . W . Lemon P . P . G . C , E . A . Davis P . P . G . J . D ., J . E . Curteis P . P . S . W ., J . M . Hifley P . P . G . J . D ., T . S . Bailey P . P . G . Treas ., W . Hugo P . G . J . W ., H . Miller P . P . G . M . O .,
J . Lynn P . P . G . O ., J . Phillips P . P . G . D . C , R . H . Rae P . P . G . Treas ., W . Harries P . G . S . D ., A . Latimer P . P . G . S . B ., D . Cross P . P . G . S . B ., C . Cooper P . G . Sup . Wks . The Grand Lodge having been opened in clue form , tho minutes of tho last meeting of the Grand Lodgo held at Exeter were read by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Vincent Bird , and were duly confirmed .
The Secretary ' s repoft showed groat improvement in the Lodgea making their returns , but stated that some of thom were yet left ranch later in the year than was convenient . Tho Treasurer ' s receipts and oxpondituro for tho past year showed a balance in hand of £ 14 lis . On tho proposition of Bro . C . Godtschalk , acting as Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 1876-7 , for
tho province , it asked that tho sum of * 15 bo voted to that Institution , to be placed on the Stewards' list , viz ., Bro . J . E . Curteis and himself , who were acting for their province for tho next Festival . In course of his remarks , Bro . C . Godtschalk mentioned that the Province was deeply indebted to the Institution . That the brethron , as a body , wero duly bound to do all in their power to
support their Stewards for the yoar iu their efforts to carry up a roapectablo sum in February next ; that in so doing thoy would be supporting tho appeal made aud nobly answered by tho Prov . Grand Craft Lodge iu August last , which had voted £ 100 to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , upon the same uudeniablu facts and figures brought forward by Bro . Godtschalk . Since then , and upon
tho facts becoming kuovvn , ho was proud to state several private Lodgos and Chapters' ( all in Plymouth ) had liberally voted to his list tho following sums : — Lodgo Prudence , 1550 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Lodge St . John ' s , 70 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Lodge Dundas , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Chapter Harmony , 150 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Chapter St . John ' s , 70 , Plymouth , £ 5 ; Chapter
Concord , 223 , Plymouth , £ 5 , with further sums promised . To tho W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , brethren and Principals of these Lodgos and Chapters he took the opportunity of tendering his gratitude ; they had voted the monies , not as charity only , but as an act of justice to an Institution which was aiding the helpless aud needy—their aged fathers and mothers in Masonry .
This was seconded by Bro . J . E . Curteis , P . G . S . W ., G . M . D ., England , who endorsed every word that had been uttered by Bro . Godtschalk . That the ll . M . B . I . was doing good for tho proviuco was undeniable . Certain brethren mado statements in opposition to grants being made to our great charities , saying that money so voted , when it reached London , went into a " rortea : " of—well ho would not repeat ; but this
ho would say to brethren holding such views , —look at figures on both sides—see what you as a proviuco , from all sources , have done ; then calmly take tho number of candidates from your province now on the funds of the Benevolont Institution , and ask yourselves what is the amount annually received . Then say at which end is the " vortex . "
Bro . V . Bird , P . M . O ., England , aud Treasurer , hero intimated that tho Lodgo had no collars for tho provincial officers , and thereupon a long discussion euatiocl , whether it would bo better to expend the funds in hand , viz ., £ 11 lis , in collars and jewels for tho Prov . G . M . Lodge , or vote it to the funds of the R . M . B . I ., as proposed by Bro . Gofltsr-lialk .
Bro . V . Bird P . M . O . England , P . G . Secretary , moved as au amendment , that the sumiu hand bo expended iu jewels and collar ;* . This amend incut being seconded , was put to the Lodge , and about 18 votes were announced in support . Bro . J . B . Gover P . M ., P . G . Treas ., rose , and in a few forcible but kindly words suggested that £ 10 should ho voted to tho Institution ,
whoio interests were being advocated by Bro . Cotltaehalk . Hi ( Bro . Gover ) was intimately corniceLcd with our great Charities , si iar as the proviuco of Devon was concerned , and ho honestly stooe there to tod tho brethren that , as a province , they owed tho I . ' . M . R Institution a debt of giatitude . This year they were doing their best
to rub it off , by liberal grants from Prov . Grind Lodgo , and from private Lodges and Chapters , which would be aided by the energctk work of their Stewards , Bros . Curteis and Godtschalk . At the same timo he did not want , neither was it pleasaut to have , the claims ol tho E . M . B . Institution at " all times thrown at them , for thoy must
Mark Masonry.
remember that if thoy had a large utimber of annuitants on the funds of tho Institution , thoso annuitants did not got thero without votes ; that the provinco must havo paid for those votes at some timo or other . He had much pleasure in suggesting that £ 10 instead of £ 15 he voted .
Bro . Chas . Godtschalk expressed his assent to this arrangement , and it was put to the Lodge as tho original proposition , and carried . On the proposition of Bro . I . Latimer , seconded by Bro . J . E . Curteis , a committee was appointed to obtain a set of new collars and jewels for tho P . G . Lodge . The P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ., the Seo . and Treas . for the ensuing year , were appointed as a committee .
Bro . L . D . Westcofct was elected the Treasurer , and Bro . John Rogere tho Tyler for tho ensuing year . The following brethren wero appointed tho oloctive members of the Board of General Purposes : — W . G . Rogers P . P . G . J . W . 15 , I . Latimer 66 , Samuel Jew 66 , J . B . Gover 50 . The P . G . M . invested tho following brethren as the officora
for tho onsuing year : —The Rev . P . H . Nownham D . P . G . M . 35 , Major Shanks R . M ., P . S . G . W . 35 , J . T . Shapland P . J . G . W . 9 , H . Cochrane P . S . G . O . 16 , John Brewer P . J . G . O . 9 , the Rev . T . King , vicar of Southmolton , P . G . Chap . 9 , L . D . Wcstcott P . G . Treas . 50 , R . M . Andrews T . G . Beg . 50 , V . Bird P . G . Sec . & i , M . Riokard
P . G . S . D . 64 , E . Patten . P . G . J . D . 76 , J . T . Avery P . G . D . C . 50 , W , Crimp P . G . A . D . C . 50 , J . Tonkin P . G . S . Wks . 23 , J . B . Price P . G . S . B . 16 , J . Bdling P . G . O . 169 , C . Croydon P . G . St . B . 35
J . H . Filmer P . G . Purs . 16 ; R . Pengell y 50 , J . Stocker 15 , T . Searle 16 , and A . Bodloy 15 , Stewards . At tho closo of the business Bro . Rae , tho oldest Past Master , oxpressed his thanks and tho gratification whioh Lodgo Sincority felt in having to welcome the Grand Lodgo . The Lodge was then closed indue form , and most of the company adjourned to tho Globe Hotel , to partake of a banquet , provided by Host Watts in his usual excellent style .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Lanarkshire.
THE annual meeting of this body was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on 24 th November , Comp . F . A . Barrow , Provincial Grand Superintendent , presiding . Iu the absence of the 2 nd and 3 rd Graud Principals , their chairs were filled by Comps . Bell Z . of Chapter 50 , and D . Ronald Z . of 67 . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , actiug as P . G . Scribe E , T . Halkot Treasurer , G . McDonald 1 st S ., T . M . Camp , bull 2 nd S ., Wm . Bilsland as 3 rd S . The P . G . Z . congratulated the
Chapter on the largo attendance of the members , which he trusted was a good augury for tho next year ' s work . As tho Scribo E . had now loft the Province , ho would havo to appoint a fresh one , and he trusted they would start with rouowed vigour , as tho R . A . wa 3 an Order worthy of tho best onergies of its members . The Treasurer ' s accounts were highly satisfactory . The P . G . Superintendent then appointed and invested tho P . G . Officers . W . Smith P . G . H ., J . F .
Mitchell P . G . J ., Jas . Balfour P . G . S . E ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 P . G . S . N ., T . Halket Z . 113 P . G . T ., G . Thailou Z . 119 P . G . O ., T . M . Campbell Z . 69 P . G . 1 st S ., D . Lamb Z . 79 P . G . 2 nd S ., Geo . McDonald P . Z . 73 P . G . 3 rd S ., J . M . Oliver 79 P . G . Sword B ., J . Duthie P . Z . 67 , P . G . Superintendent of Works , J . F . Scott T . Z . 123 P . G . Standard B ., J . B . Hardie P . G . Janitor . Arrangements were then made for hold , ing the Annual lt . A . Festival for tho Province , and the T . G . Chapter was closed .
At tho moment of going to press , the result of tho School Board election for the City of London reaches us . We congratulate , our 13 ro . Sir John Bennett on his grand success . He heads the poll with a majority of 18 k per cent .
over Bro . W . S . Gover , who again is 3 per cent , over Mr . Peek , while Alderman Cotton , the last of the successful candidates , polled nearly 1000 votes over Mr . Spottiswoode . We annex the result of the poll : —
Sir JOHN BENNETT 7461 MB . W . S . GOVER 6299 Mit . FRANCIS PEEK 6110 MK . ALDERMAN COTTON 6099 Mu . GEORGE A . SPOTTISWOODE 5295 Tho first four wero returned .
LONDON SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION , TO THE CITIZENS OF LONDON . FELLOW GITUKXS , — Jlay I be permitted to congratulate the 20 , 000 electors of tho City upon the success of their elt ' ort . j yentcrdify to strun . iftlion effectually the next School Hoard in its innijitcmnico and development of tho educational policy of the past . lla ' r a million of children will have good reason to bless tho Citizens for their determination ut this ¦ eventful crisis to give the light and power of knowledge iu lac lisiug gcnt'i ' ll ' iiou . Neither seer , nor party will now , as far as the City of London is concerned , ucceed iu adultcruUiijj the nuality , or restricting the quantity of that instruction in useful knowledge which , the Legislature Ins put into the power of tho . tie : tvj ; . ' !; t ; m ]; . / ,: i (! to bellow . Hast respectfully I desire to thank my fellow C ; t' ? . , 'iis Cuv luiving so hr . ndsomeh- conferred on ino tlie distinguished privilege if Leading the poii , and : n .-tirig a-. , one of their representatives at the Luard for . ho next V , wc years—where I sluill bo found , working to tlie full , to secure Le great object nf the leard , —the thorough education of every child iu this nation of Loti'km , Your faithful servant , JOHN BENNETT , CiimsiDi :, 1 st December 1876 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
next ensuing , by the Titlo of " Tho Sun , Squaro aud Compasses Chapter , " with such Privileges , Powers , and Immunities as do of Right belong to Regular Established Chapters and Companions of Our said Most Excellent Order , subject , nevertheless , to tho General Laws and Ordinances already or to bo hereafter enacted , by Our Most Excellent Grand and Royal Chapter . Given at London under Our Hauds , and the Seal of our Grand and Royal Chapter , this 5 th day of November , A . L . 5 SG 2 , A . D . 1 SC 2 . ( Emblem . ) Wit . GKEY CLARKE , E . It . W . JKNNIXGS , N . ( Seal . )
Mark Masonry.
PKOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OP DEVONSHIRE . ON Friday , 24 th ult ., the annual meeting of tho Prov . G . L . of Mark Masons was held at Lodgo Sincerity , 189 , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouse , the large room of which had been kindly lent for theocoasion . The Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , Major Tanner Davy , presided , aud there was a very good attendance of brethren from all parts of the province , including : —I . Latimer P . P . G . S . W .,
S . Jew , J . B . Gover P . G . T ., V . Bird P . P . G . T . Sec , J . Way P . P . G . O ., P . H . Newnham P . C . C Em , ' ., H . C Fitzgerald P . P . M . O ., J . H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., C . Godtschalk P . P . G . D . C ., B . J . SpryP . P . G . I . O ., Charles Leigh P . P . G . M . O ., J . Baxter P . P . G . J . W ., J . W . Lemon P . P . G . C , E . A . Davis P . P . G . J . D ., J . E . Curteis P . P . S . W ., J . M . Hifley P . P . G . J . D ., T . S . Bailey P . P . G . Treas ., W . Hugo P . G . J . W ., H . Miller P . P . G . M . O .,
J . Lynn P . P . G . O ., J . Phillips P . P . G . D . C , R . H . Rae P . P . G . Treas ., W . Harries P . G . S . D ., A . Latimer P . P . G . S . B ., D . Cross P . P . G . S . B ., C . Cooper P . G . Sup . Wks . The Grand Lodge having been opened in clue form , tho minutes of tho last meeting of the Grand Lodgo held at Exeter were read by the Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Vincent Bird , and were duly confirmed .
The Secretary ' s repoft showed groat improvement in the Lodgea making their returns , but stated that some of thom were yet left ranch later in the year than was convenient . Tho Treasurer ' s receipts and oxpondituro for tho past year showed a balance in hand of £ 14 lis . On tho proposition of Bro . C . Godtschalk , acting as Steward for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 1876-7 , for
tho province , it asked that tho sum of * 15 bo voted to that Institution , to be placed on the Stewards' list , viz ., Bro . J . E . Curteis and himself , who were acting for their province for tho next Festival . In course of his remarks , Bro . C . Godtschalk mentioned that the Province was deeply indebted to the Institution . That the brethron , as a body , wero duly bound to do all in their power to
support their Stewards for the yoar iu their efforts to carry up a roapectablo sum in February next ; that in so doing thoy would be supporting tho appeal made aud nobly answered by tho Prov . Grand Craft Lodge iu August last , which had voted £ 100 to tho Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , upon the same uudeniablu facts and figures brought forward by Bro . Godtschalk . Since then , and upon
tho facts becoming kuovvn , ho was proud to state several private Lodgos and Chapters' ( all in Plymouth ) had liberally voted to his list tho following sums : — Lodgo Prudence , 1550 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Lodge St . John ' s , 70 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Lodge Dundas , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Chapter Harmony , 150 , Plymouth , £ 10 ; Chapter St . John ' s , 70 , Plymouth , £ 5 ; Chapter
Concord , 223 , Plymouth , £ 5 , with further sums promised . To tho W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , brethren and Principals of these Lodgos and Chapters he took the opportunity of tendering his gratitude ; they had voted the monies , not as charity only , but as an act of justice to an Institution which was aiding the helpless aud needy—their aged fathers and mothers in Masonry .
This was seconded by Bro . J . E . Curteis , P . G . S . W ., G . M . D ., England , who endorsed every word that had been uttered by Bro . Godtschalk . That the ll . M . B . I . was doing good for tho proviuco was undeniable . Certain brethren mado statements in opposition to grants being made to our great charities , saying that money so voted , when it reached London , went into a " rortea : " of—well ho would not repeat ; but this
ho would say to brethren holding such views , —look at figures on both sides—see what you as a proviuco , from all sources , have done ; then calmly take tho number of candidates from your province now on the funds of the Benevolont Institution , and ask yourselves what is the amount annually received . Then say at which end is the " vortex . "
Bro . V . Bird , P . M . O ., England , aud Treasurer , hero intimated that tho Lodgo had no collars for tho provincial officers , and thereupon a long discussion euatiocl , whether it would bo better to expend the funds in hand , viz ., £ 11 lis , in collars and jewels for tho Prov . G . M . Lodge , or vote it to the funds of the R . M . B . I ., as proposed by Bro . Gofltsr-lialk .
Bro . V . Bird P . M . O . England , P . G . Secretary , moved as au amendment , that the sumiu hand bo expended iu jewels and collar ;* . This amend incut being seconded , was put to the Lodge , and about 18 votes were announced in support . Bro . J . B . Gover P . M ., P . G . Treas ., rose , and in a few forcible but kindly words suggested that £ 10 should ho voted to tho Institution ,
whoio interests were being advocated by Bro . Cotltaehalk . Hi ( Bro . Gover ) was intimately corniceLcd with our great Charities , si iar as the proviuco of Devon was concerned , and ho honestly stooe there to tod tho brethren that , as a province , they owed tho I . ' . M . R Institution a debt of giatitude . This year they were doing their best
to rub it off , by liberal grants from Prov . Grind Lodgo , and from private Lodges and Chapters , which would be aided by the energctk work of their Stewards , Bros . Curteis and Godtschalk . At the same timo he did not want , neither was it pleasaut to have , the claims ol tho E . M . B . Institution at " all times thrown at them , for thoy must
Mark Masonry.
remember that if thoy had a large utimber of annuitants on the funds of tho Institution , thoso annuitants did not got thero without votes ; that the provinco must havo paid for those votes at some timo or other . He had much pleasure in suggesting that £ 10 instead of £ 15 he voted .
Bro . Chas . Godtschalk expressed his assent to this arrangement , and it was put to the Lodge as tho original proposition , and carried . On the proposition of Bro . I . Latimer , seconded by Bro . J . E . Curteis , a committee was appointed to obtain a set of new collars and jewels for tho P . G . Lodge . The P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M ., the Seo . and Treas . for the ensuing year , were appointed as a committee .
Bro . L . D . Westcofct was elected the Treasurer , and Bro . John Rogere tho Tyler for tho ensuing year . The following brethren wero appointed tho oloctive members of the Board of General Purposes : — W . G . Rogers P . P . G . J . W . 15 , I . Latimer 66 , Samuel Jew 66 , J . B . Gover 50 . The P . G . M . invested tho following brethren as the officora
for tho onsuing year : —The Rev . P . H . Nownham D . P . G . M . 35 , Major Shanks R . M ., P . S . G . W . 35 , J . T . Shapland P . J . G . W . 9 , H . Cochrane P . S . G . O . 16 , John Brewer P . J . G . O . 9 , the Rev . T . King , vicar of Southmolton , P . G . Chap . 9 , L . D . Wcstcott P . G . Treas . 50 , R . M . Andrews T . G . Beg . 50 , V . Bird P . G . Sec . & i , M . Riokard
P . G . S . D . 64 , E . Patten . P . G . J . D . 76 , J . T . Avery P . G . D . C . 50 , W , Crimp P . G . A . D . C . 50 , J . Tonkin P . G . S . Wks . 23 , J . B . Price P . G . S . B . 16 , J . Bdling P . G . O . 169 , C . Croydon P . G . St . B . 35
J . H . Filmer P . G . Purs . 16 ; R . Pengell y 50 , J . Stocker 15 , T . Searle 16 , and A . Bodloy 15 , Stewards . At tho closo of the business Bro . Rae , tho oldest Past Master , oxpressed his thanks and tho gratification whioh Lodgo Sincority felt in having to welcome the Grand Lodgo . The Lodge was then closed indue form , and most of the company adjourned to tho Globe Hotel , to partake of a banquet , provided by Host Watts in his usual excellent style .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Lanarkshire.
THE annual meeting of this body was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on 24 th November , Comp . F . A . Barrow , Provincial Grand Superintendent , presiding . Iu the absence of the 2 nd and 3 rd Graud Principals , their chairs were filled by Comps . Bell Z . of Chapter 50 , and D . Ronald Z . of 67 . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , actiug as P . G . Scribe E , T . Halkot Treasurer , G . McDonald 1 st S ., T . M . Camp , bull 2 nd S ., Wm . Bilsland as 3 rd S . The P . G . Z . congratulated the
Chapter on the largo attendance of the members , which he trusted was a good augury for tho next year ' s work . As tho Scribo E . had now loft the Province , ho would havo to appoint a fresh one , and he trusted they would start with rouowed vigour , as tho R . A . wa 3 an Order worthy of tho best onergies of its members . The Treasurer ' s accounts were highly satisfactory . The P . G . Superintendent then appointed and invested tho P . G . Officers . W . Smith P . G . H ., J . F .
Mitchell P . G . J ., Jas . Balfour P . G . S . E ., G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 P . G . S . N ., T . Halket Z . 113 P . G . T ., G . Thailou Z . 119 P . G . O ., T . M . Campbell Z . 69 P . G . 1 st S ., D . Lamb Z . 79 P . G . 2 nd S ., Geo . McDonald P . Z . 73 P . G . 3 rd S ., J . M . Oliver 79 P . G . Sword B ., J . Duthie P . Z . 67 , P . G . Superintendent of Works , J . F . Scott T . Z . 123 P . G . Standard B ., J . B . Hardie P . G . Janitor . Arrangements were then made for hold , ing the Annual lt . A . Festival for tho Province , and the T . G . Chapter was closed .
At tho moment of going to press , the result of tho School Board election for the City of London reaches us . We congratulate , our 13 ro . Sir John Bennett on his grand success . He heads the poll with a majority of 18 k per cent .
over Bro . W . S . Gover , who again is 3 per cent , over Mr . Peek , while Alderman Cotton , the last of the successful candidates , polled nearly 1000 votes over Mr . Spottiswoode . We annex the result of the poll : —
Sir JOHN BENNETT 7461 MB . W . S . GOVER 6299 Mit . FRANCIS PEEK 6110 MK . ALDERMAN COTTON 6099 Mu . GEORGE A . SPOTTISWOODE 5295 Tho first four wero returned .
LONDON SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION , TO THE CITIZENS OF LONDON . FELLOW GITUKXS , — Jlay I be permitted to congratulate the 20 , 000 electors of tho City upon the success of their elt ' ort . j yentcrdify to strun . iftlion effectually the next School Hoard in its innijitcmnico and development of tho educational policy of the past . lla ' r a million of children will have good reason to bless tho Citizens for their determination ut this ¦ eventful crisis to give the light and power of knowledge iu lac lisiug gcnt'i ' ll ' iiou . Neither seer , nor party will now , as far as the City of London is concerned , ucceed iu adultcruUiijj the nuality , or restricting the quantity of that instruction in useful knowledge which , the Legislature Ins put into the power of tho . tie : tvj ; . ' !; t ; m ]; . / ,: i (! to bellow . Hast respectfully I desire to thank my fellow C ; t' ? . , 'iis Cuv luiving so hr . ndsomeh- conferred on ino tlie distinguished privilege if Leading the poii , and : n .-tirig a-. , one of their representatives at the Luard for . ho next V , wc years—where I sluill bo found , working to tlie full , to secure Le great object nf the leard , —the thorough education of every child iu this nation of Loti'km , Your faithful servant , JOHN BENNETT , CiimsiDi :, 1 st December 1876 ,