Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
James Whitesido , Lord Chief Justice of Ireland . The late Chief Justice was born in County Wicklovv , in 1806 , and , therefore , had nearly , if not quite , completed the allotted three score years and ten . He was educated at Trinity Collego , Dublin , and took legal honours at the University
of London . He was called to the Irish bar in 1830 , became a Q . C . and a bencher of tho King ' s Inn in 1853 . He was Solicitor-General for Ireland in 1852 , and Attorney-General 1858-9 . He sat in 1 arliament , as member for Inniskillen , from 1851 to 1859 , and thence till 18 G 6 as
M . P . for Dublin University . In the latter year , he was appointed to the Lord Chief Justiceship . The late judge will be remembered chiefly for his brilliant defence of the late Daniel O'Connell in 1843 , aud of Smith O'Brien and his fellow conspirators in 1848 , as well as for his successful
advocacy in tho well-known case of Theresa Longworth , when seeking to establish the validity of her marriage with Major Yelverton . Lord Chief Justice Whiteside was also
a man of considerable literary eminence , the best known among his published works being " Ancient Rome , " " Italy in the Nineteenth Century , " and " Life and Death of the Irish Parliament . "
Captain Nares and the officers of the Arctic Expedition , together with Captain Young of the Pandora , were entertained , on Saturday last , at a banquet by the Naval Club . In returning thanks for the toast of the evening , Captain Nares said that though the mail ) object of the expedition
had not beeu achieved , much good had resulted from its labours . Ho considered there was plenty of Arctic work yet to be done , that a new basis had been formed from which further strides mig ht be made , provided they were made carefully . Thursday had originally
been fixed for the presentation of Captain Nares to the Queen , but on hearing the banquet to be given by the Mayor and Corporation of Portsmouth to the gallant captain and his officers was fixed for the same day , her Majesty graciously allowed the presentation to be made
yesterday . The Wanderers' Club , Pall-mall , have conferred permanent honorary membership on Captains Nares and Markham , in recognition of their Arctic services . On Tuesday next the principal officers of the expedition will be entertained at a banquet by the United Service Club .
The appointment of Sir Bartle Frere , G . C . S . I ., G . C . B ., who , it will be remembered , accompanied H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on his visit to India , to be Governor of the Cape of Good Hope , in succession to Sir Henry Bartley , G . C . M . G ., whose period of service expires this month , has
been graciously approved by her Majesty . It is believed that Sir Bartle Frere will take up his Governorship about the end of February . The new Lord Mayor , Sir Thomas White , has not been long in office ere his friends and neig hbours in the county
of Essex have done him the honour to present him with a very elegant silver-gilt dessert service , as a token of their respect and esteem . The presentation was made at a banquet held on Tuesday evening , at the King ' s Arms , Chigwell , near which place Sir Thomas White resides , the
chair being occupied by Lieut . General Markwood , who was supported by a large and influential gathering of the friends and admirers of his lordship . Tho toast of the evening was received with immense applause , and Sir Thomas very feelingly acknowledged the honour done him .
A recent issue of the Hebrew Leader contains the following statistics of Freemasonry in Texas ; number of affiliated Masons , 18 , 206 ; number initiated during tho past year , 1013 ; number affiliated , 1 , 117 ; dismissions (? dimissions ) , ] , 555 ; expulsions , 45 ; suspensions , 451 ; re-iustatements ,
215 ; deaths , 273 ; charity fund , 1 , 737 dollars ; dues , 11 , 461 dollars ; lecture fund , 4 , 448 dollars . Amount contributed to the coast sufferers by September cyclone , 1 , 840
dollarswhich was distributed among tho members of the Indianola Lodge , No . 84 , and Sampson Lodge , No . 231 . We further learn that the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory iuoludes six Lodges and one hundred and thirty-one brethren .
HOUOWAT ' S PUIS . —Inflammations controlled . —All persons should be forewarned by the present sudden atmospheric changes , that thoir maintenance ol health depends upon rectifying disorder in , and expelling impurities from the system without uiiriOce .- 'SJiry delay . Cases of internal inflammation in the throat , lungs , Uvir and bowels , are perpetually happening during tho winter .
and loudly call for a certain curative , such ns Hollowa-y ' s Pills ; they supersede blood-letting , mercury , antimony , and similarly dangerous treatment . Nn invalid will be at a loss to treat his complaint on tho surest and safest principles , who carefully reads through the printed directions folded round every bos ol these Pi'Is . No tlanacr can result from using this medicine , which may be ftccouated " The Antidote , for latlammatiQa , "
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 42 . No . 157 , "Ancients ; " No . 190 at tho "Union" of 1813 , No . 138 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 119 from A . D . 1863 . No . 157 THOMAS MATHEW , Grand Maator . Wit . DICKEY , D . G . M . L . DEiuroTT for L . DEKMOTC for
ED - . BOTLEK , S . G . W . HEN . ALLEN , J . G . W . TO AH WHTOI IT MATT CONCERN . We , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Frater . nity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Constitutions granted hy His Koyal Highness Prince Edwin , at York , Anno Domini
Nino Hundred Twenty and Six ) in ample form assembled , viz ., Tho Right Worshipful and Honourable Thomas Mathew , of Thomas Town , in the kingdom of Ireland , Esquire , now residing in that part of Great Britain called England , and for his great skill in Masonry , Grand Master of Masons , The Worshipful William Dickey , D . G . M .,
The Worshipful and Hon . Edwd . Butler , Esq ., S . G . W ., and the Wor . shipful Henry Allen , Esq ., J . G . W . ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the cities and suburbs of London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorize and empower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., Mr . Jeremiah Elliott , one of
our Master Masons , Richard Boardman his Senior Warden , and James Macdonald his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at tho sign of the Sun and Sexton , in the Town of Whitehaven , and County of Cumberland , on the first Monday in each Calendar Month , and on all seasonable
times and lawful occasions , and in tho said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most ancient and honourable custom of the Royal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world . And wo do hereby farther authorize and empower our said Trusty and well-beloved Brethren ,
viz ., Jeremiah Elliott , Richard Boardman , and James Macdonald , with the consent of the Members of their Lodge , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant and invest them with their power and dignity as Freemasons , & c , & c , such successors shall in liko manner nominate , chnse , and install
their successors , & c , & c , such installation to be upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day during the continuanco of the Lodge for ever , Providing tho above named Brethren , and all their successors , always pay duo respect to the Right Worsbipfnll Grand Lodge , otherwise this
Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue . Given under onr Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodgo , in London , this Eighteenth day of May , in tho Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty . eight , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-eight .
LAU . DERMOTT , Graud Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ~ \ in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 5 , > Letter E . ) Tho present title , No ., & c . are , Tho Sun Lodge , No . 119 , Free masons' Hall , Whitehaven .
No . 43 . Copy of Charter of Constitution to hold a Holy Eoyal Arch Chapter No . 13 S at Constitution , No . 119 from A . D . 1863 . ZETLAND , Z .
DE GREY OF RIPON , H . T . H . HAH , J . In the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe . ( Emblem . ) To all tho Enlightened Our Brethren of the several degrees of tho Royal Craft ; but more especially those Citizens of tho World and Servants of the Omnipotent , who have been , or hereafter may be , honoured by Exaltation to our Sublime Degree—Health , Peace , Good Will .
Bo it Known , that onr Excellent Companions , Thomas Routledgo , Z ., Joseph Fletcher H ., Henry Spcnuer J ., James Dees , John Davis , William Benn Gibson , Christopher Hodgkin , James Slado , and Isaac Anderson , having made known to Our Supremo Grand Chapter their desire of holding a Chapter of Onr Order , for tho cultivation of this
Grand and Universal Science , in hopes thereby the moro to / T- extend their aid to , and promote the happiness of , all our S Brethren , and link mankind together by indissoluble bonds of 3 Friendship , Peaco , and Harmony . And that Our Grand Chap-8 tor , having taken their Petition into consideration , and finding v _/ it concordant with Oar Grand System of Universal Benevolence , Wo do hereby , with tho consent of our said Grand Chapter , grant unto the said Companions this onr Charter of Constitution , to bo held with and attached to tlie Warrant of tho Lodge , No . 138 , called Sun , Square and Compasses , with full power for them ,
thoir Companions and Stir eessora , to open and hold a Chapter of onr Order , at the Mnsonic Hall , Whitehaven , on tho Second Friday of every mouth , or at such other place and at such time as Onr said Companions and their Successors shall , with the consent of Us and Our Sucessors , Grand Officers for the time boing , think meet . The first Chapter to bo opened , ou the day of UOT ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
James Whitesido , Lord Chief Justice of Ireland . The late Chief Justice was born in County Wicklovv , in 1806 , and , therefore , had nearly , if not quite , completed the allotted three score years and ten . He was educated at Trinity Collego , Dublin , and took legal honours at the University
of London . He was called to the Irish bar in 1830 , became a Q . C . and a bencher of tho King ' s Inn in 1853 . He was Solicitor-General for Ireland in 1852 , and Attorney-General 1858-9 . He sat in 1 arliament , as member for Inniskillen , from 1851 to 1859 , and thence till 18 G 6 as
M . P . for Dublin University . In the latter year , he was appointed to the Lord Chief Justiceship . The late judge will be remembered chiefly for his brilliant defence of the late Daniel O'Connell in 1843 , aud of Smith O'Brien and his fellow conspirators in 1848 , as well as for his successful
advocacy in tho well-known case of Theresa Longworth , when seeking to establish the validity of her marriage with Major Yelverton . Lord Chief Justice Whiteside was also
a man of considerable literary eminence , the best known among his published works being " Ancient Rome , " " Italy in the Nineteenth Century , " and " Life and Death of the Irish Parliament . "
Captain Nares and the officers of the Arctic Expedition , together with Captain Young of the Pandora , were entertained , on Saturday last , at a banquet by the Naval Club . In returning thanks for the toast of the evening , Captain Nares said that though the mail ) object of the expedition
had not beeu achieved , much good had resulted from its labours . Ho considered there was plenty of Arctic work yet to be done , that a new basis had been formed from which further strides mig ht be made , provided they were made carefully . Thursday had originally
been fixed for the presentation of Captain Nares to the Queen , but on hearing the banquet to be given by the Mayor and Corporation of Portsmouth to the gallant captain and his officers was fixed for the same day , her Majesty graciously allowed the presentation to be made
yesterday . The Wanderers' Club , Pall-mall , have conferred permanent honorary membership on Captains Nares and Markham , in recognition of their Arctic services . On Tuesday next the principal officers of the expedition will be entertained at a banquet by the United Service Club .
The appointment of Sir Bartle Frere , G . C . S . I ., G . C . B ., who , it will be remembered , accompanied H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on his visit to India , to be Governor of the Cape of Good Hope , in succession to Sir Henry Bartley , G . C . M . G ., whose period of service expires this month , has
been graciously approved by her Majesty . It is believed that Sir Bartle Frere will take up his Governorship about the end of February . The new Lord Mayor , Sir Thomas White , has not been long in office ere his friends and neig hbours in the county
of Essex have done him the honour to present him with a very elegant silver-gilt dessert service , as a token of their respect and esteem . The presentation was made at a banquet held on Tuesday evening , at the King ' s Arms , Chigwell , near which place Sir Thomas White resides , the
chair being occupied by Lieut . General Markwood , who was supported by a large and influential gathering of the friends and admirers of his lordship . Tho toast of the evening was received with immense applause , and Sir Thomas very feelingly acknowledged the honour done him .
A recent issue of the Hebrew Leader contains the following statistics of Freemasonry in Texas ; number of affiliated Masons , 18 , 206 ; number initiated during tho past year , 1013 ; number affiliated , 1 , 117 ; dismissions (? dimissions ) , ] , 555 ; expulsions , 45 ; suspensions , 451 ; re-iustatements ,
215 ; deaths , 273 ; charity fund , 1 , 737 dollars ; dues , 11 , 461 dollars ; lecture fund , 4 , 448 dollars . Amount contributed to the coast sufferers by September cyclone , 1 , 840
dollarswhich was distributed among tho members of the Indianola Lodge , No . 84 , and Sampson Lodge , No . 231 . We further learn that the Grand Lodge of Indian Territory iuoludes six Lodges and one hundred and thirty-one brethren .
HOUOWAT ' S PUIS . —Inflammations controlled . —All persons should be forewarned by the present sudden atmospheric changes , that thoir maintenance ol health depends upon rectifying disorder in , and expelling impurities from the system without uiiriOce .- 'SJiry delay . Cases of internal inflammation in the throat , lungs , Uvir and bowels , are perpetually happening during tho winter .
and loudly call for a certain curative , such ns Hollowa-y ' s Pills ; they supersede blood-letting , mercury , antimony , and similarly dangerous treatment . Nn invalid will be at a loss to treat his complaint on tho surest and safest principles , who carefully reads through the printed directions folded round every bos ol these Pi'Is . No tlanacr can result from using this medicine , which may be ftccouated " The Antidote , for latlammatiQa , "
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 42 . No . 157 , "Ancients ; " No . 190 at tho "Union" of 1813 , No . 138 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 119 from A . D . 1863 . No . 157 THOMAS MATHEW , Grand Maator . Wit . DICKEY , D . G . M . L . DEiuroTT for L . DEKMOTC for
ED - . BOTLEK , S . G . W . HEN . ALLEN , J . G . W . TO AH WHTOI IT MATT CONCERN . We , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Frater . nity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Constitutions granted hy His Koyal Highness Prince Edwin , at York , Anno Domini
Nino Hundred Twenty and Six ) in ample form assembled , viz ., Tho Right Worshipful and Honourable Thomas Mathew , of Thomas Town , in the kingdom of Ireland , Esquire , now residing in that part of Great Britain called England , and for his great skill in Masonry , Grand Master of Masons , The Worshipful William Dickey , D . G . M .,
The Worshipful and Hon . Edwd . Butler , Esq ., S . G . W ., and the Wor . shipful Henry Allen , Esq ., J . G . W . ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the cities and suburbs of London and Westminster ) , do hereby authorize and empower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., Mr . Jeremiah Elliott , one of
our Master Masons , Richard Boardman his Senior Warden , and James Macdonald his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at tho sign of the Sun and Sexton , in the Town of Whitehaven , and County of Cumberland , on the first Monday in each Calendar Month , and on all seasonable
times and lawful occasions , and in tho said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most ancient and honourable custom of the Royal Craft in all ages and nations throughout the known world . And wo do hereby farther authorize and empower our said Trusty and well-beloved Brethren ,
viz ., Jeremiah Elliott , Richard Boardman , and James Macdonald , with the consent of the Members of their Lodge , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant and invest them with their power and dignity as Freemasons , & c , & c , such successors shall in liko manner nominate , chnse , and install
their successors , & c , & c , such installation to be upon ( or near ) every St . John ' s Day during the continuanco of the Lodge for ever , Providing tho above named Brethren , and all their successors , always pay duo respect to the Right Worsbipfnll Grand Lodge , otherwise this
Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue . Given under onr Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodgo , in London , this Eighteenth day of May , in tho Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty . eight , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-eight .
LAU . DERMOTT , Graud Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ~ \ in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 5 , > Letter E . ) Tho present title , No ., & c . are , Tho Sun Lodge , No . 119 , Free masons' Hall , Whitehaven .
No . 43 . Copy of Charter of Constitution to hold a Holy Eoyal Arch Chapter No . 13 S at Constitution , No . 119 from A . D . 1863 . ZETLAND , Z .
DE GREY OF RIPON , H . T . H . HAH , J . In the name of the Grand Architect of the Universe . ( Emblem . ) To all tho Enlightened Our Brethren of the several degrees of tho Royal Craft ; but more especially those Citizens of tho World and Servants of the Omnipotent , who have been , or hereafter may be , honoured by Exaltation to our Sublime Degree—Health , Peace , Good Will .
Bo it Known , that onr Excellent Companions , Thomas Routledgo , Z ., Joseph Fletcher H ., Henry Spcnuer J ., James Dees , John Davis , William Benn Gibson , Christopher Hodgkin , James Slado , and Isaac Anderson , having made known to Our Supremo Grand Chapter their desire of holding a Chapter of Onr Order , for tho cultivation of this
Grand and Universal Science , in hopes thereby the moro to / T- extend their aid to , and promote the happiness of , all our S Brethren , and link mankind together by indissoluble bonds of 3 Friendship , Peaco , and Harmony . And that Our Grand Chap-8 tor , having taken their Petition into consideration , and finding v _/ it concordant with Oar Grand System of Universal Benevolence , Wo do hereby , with tho consent of our said Grand Chapter , grant unto the said Companions this onr Charter of Constitution , to bo held with and attached to tlie Warrant of tho Lodge , No . 138 , called Sun , Square and Compasses , with full power for them ,
thoir Companions and Stir eessora , to open and hold a Chapter of onr Order , at the Mnsonic Hall , Whitehaven , on tho Second Friday of every mouth , or at such other place and at such time as Onr said Companions and their Successors shall , with the consent of Us and Our Sucessors , Grand Officers for the time boing , think meet . The first Chapter to bo opened , ou the day of UOT ?