Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Kent Lodgo of Instruction , No . 15 . —This Lodge of Instruction was opened on Thursday , tho 23 rd instant , fit Bro . Hallows , Tho Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow . Tho chair was taken shortly after seven p . m . by Bro . J . Pinder , the W . M . of tho mother Lodge , with Bros . Groomo S . W . 801 as S . W ., Cambridge J . W . 15 as J . W ., Wallington P . M . 860 as P . M ., W . G . Hallows 861 as
I . G . The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , the ceremony of installation was admirably worked by tho W . M ., who installed Bro . W . T . Christian J . D . 1278 into tho chair of K . S ., according to ancieut rite . Bro . Christian then appointed aud invested his officers , and after resuming tho Lodge in the first degree , worked tho first , second , and third sections of tho lecturo , assisted by the
brethven . Bro . Pinder was unanimously olected Preceptor , Bro . W . G . Hallows Treasurer , and Bro . Saunders 1381 Secretary . A cordial vote of thanks , aud tho honorary membership of the Lodgo , was conferred npon Bro . Pinder for tho admirable manner in which he had performed tho coremony of installation , and the great service ho had rondered in obtaining tho sanction of the mother Lodgo .
Votes of thanks wore also tendered to Bros . Wallington , Cambridge , and Jaquin , P . M . 382 , P . G . P . Middlesex , for their kindness in assist , ing in the opening of tho Lodge . Bro . Groome was elected W . M . for tho ensning Thursday , and appointed hi 8 officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a most
excellent repast , provided by the host , Bro . Hallows , and which was much enjoyed by all . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Field P . M . 200 , Bolton P . M . 1227 , F . Hallows 861 , Franklin 861 , Brand 20 , Pearcy 1227 , Evennett 1426 , Badkin S . W . 1365 , Oldroyd I . G . 1227 , Mumford 861 , Horner 861 . This Lodge will meet punctually every Thursday evening at 7 . 30 , and close at 9 . 30 .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Monday , the 27 th November , at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , Present—Bros . H . P . Isaac W . M ., Powell S . W ., Fenner J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasnrer , Samuels S . D ., R . W . Pearcy J . D ., J . Hill I . G .,
Christopher Tyler . The Lodge was opened in regular form , and the minutes confirmed . Tho first and second ceremonies were rehearsed , Bros . Hill and Mosely acting as candidates . Several sections of the First Lecture were worked . Bro . M . Mosely 228 was elected a member , and Bro . Powell chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction . —The Fifteon Sections were worked by tho brethren at tho Lord Stanley , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , on Monday , 27 th November . Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 551 and 933 W . M ., T . Austin P . M . 933 and 1415 S . W ., W . H . Myers P . M . 820 and 1445 J . W ., G . E . Walters S . W . 1598
and 1145 . First Lecture—Bros . Baro 1598 , Walters S . W . 1598 and 1445 , Livermore 551 , Constablo P . M . 185 , Rudderforth D . C . 12 , TurquandP . M . 1556 and 890 , Pinder W . M . 15 . Second Lecture—Bros . Cambridge J . W . 15 , Ruddorforth D . C . 12 , Job I . G . 1076 , Howe P . M . 1415 , Austin P . M . 933 and 1445 . Third Lecture—Bros . Cohen S . W . 205 , Webb J . W . 1607 ,. Myers P . M . 820 and 1145 . Thero were
also present Bros . Pullon 1415 , May P . M . 212 , Jesse 1556 , Jacob 1445 , Howlett 141 , Morgan 1385 , J . Green P . M . 27 , Yeomaus 167 , Hogarth 1107 , Skelt 1598 , Gillard 657 , Bafccholor 1365 , & e . Tho working was admirably conducted throughout , and a vote of thanks to all engaged was unanimously accorded . Bros . Hewlett , Job , Webb , Cohen , Gillard and Morgan wero elected members .
The London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —This Lodge held its second meeting on Monday , the 27 th November , at 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . ( London Masonic Club ) . Present—Bros . Hubbuck W . M ., Nelson Reed S . W ., Walker J . W ., J . E . Shaud Hon . Secretary , C . J . Hogg Hon . Treasurer , C . Jardine S . D ., James Edell J . D ., G . Stevens I . G ., James Mander
Preceptor , and Bros . Tickle , White , Stevens , Morley , Carter , & c , & c . Visitors—Bros . G . Gardner , City of Westminster 1563 , J . E . Pentreath , Duke of Connaught 1558 , Burdett 1601 . Business—The Lodge ( on the principle of all labour and no refreshment ) was opened in due form with solemn prayer , minnte 3 of last meeting read and confirmed . Lodge opened in 2 nd degree , after answering usual
questions , Bro . White was passed . Tho 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th sections were worked by Bro . Mander Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was given to the W . M . for his conduct in the chair . The bye laws were discussed , and it was moved that they bo adopted and printed . Bro . White proposed , and Bro . Walker J . W . seconded ,
and it was unanimously carried , that tho thanks of tho Lodgo bo given and recorded upon the minutes , to Bros . Hogg , Reed and Shaud ( tho Committee ) , for their time and services rendered in framing tho Rules , aud making tho preliminary arrangements for tho formation of the Lodge . Nothing further offering ' , the Lodge closed in duo form , and adjourned till Monday nest , 4 th December , at 6 p . m .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Mairtvvell ' s , Ilerculea Tavern , Lendeuhall-streefc , on Tuesday , 28 th November . Present—Bros . Ellis W . M ., Parker S . W ., Maidwcll J . W ., Bone S . D ., SayerJ . D ., Hill I . G ., Rutherford Preceptor , Hollands Secretary , and Bros . Daniel , Davis , ILtilat , Marks and Baxter . After tlio formal proceedings of the evening , Bro . Daniel answered the usual questions , leading to the 2 nd degree , and was entrusted .
Tlie Lodge was opened in tlio 2 nd , and Pro . Daniel was passed . The Lodgo was resumed . Bro . Hill worked the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Haller candidate . Bro . Ellis resumed the chair , and worked the 2 nd section of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Haller aud Bono were e ' ected members . Bro . Parker was selected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Rutherford was elected Preceptoi for the ensuing year . He thanked the brothren for having chose , him , ami for their kind expression o £ feeling towards him j it would
Notices Of Meetings.
always be a pleasnro to assist any of it 3 members in tho working of the Lodge , to tho best of hi 3 ability . The brethren expressed their assurance that , under his preceptorship tho Lodgo will support its name , —The Prosperity . Tho other officers for tho year having been elected , tho Lodge was closed in due form , aud will meet on Tuesday next , at 7 , instead of 7 . 30 .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 178 . —Tho stated communication of this large and influential Lodge took place in tho Masonic Hall , Castle , streot , Lisburn , on tho 10 th ult ., Bro . R . M . Tilly W . M . in tho chair . Thero was a crowded attendance of the members , several visiting brethren from distant Lodgos being also present . Unusual interest attached to tho proceedings , in couseqnonee of the annual election of
officers taking place at this communication . After tho Lodge had been duly constituted , tho W . M . introduced the principal business , by explaining the alteration in tho Constitutions , whereby the system of promotion , so far as the W . M . was concerned , had been abolished . Only those who combined the needful Masonio qualifications , with tho perfect confidence of their Lodge , noed now aspire to the coveted
honour of W . M . Tho W . M ., iu continuation , delivered au eloquent and instructive lecture on the principles and practice of Freemasonry , which , at its close , was warmly applauded by tho brethron . The election of officers then proceeded , when the following wero unanimously appointed : —A . Boyd W . M ., J . Higginson S . W ., R . M . Comb J . W ., W . J . Gilliland Secretary , J . Vernon S . D ., A . M'CIellancl J . D ., S . Nelson I . G ., A . Mussen Chaplain . Bro . J . M'Bride sustained
his notice of motion , that Lodgo contribute £ 2 annually to the Female as well as the Male Orphan School , thus constituting the Lodge a Life Governor . After disposing of some routine business , tho Lodgo was closed in peaco , love , and harmony . A special meeting of tha above Lodge was heldou Friday evening , the 10 th ult ., when Dr . John Boomer , of Oldpark , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . John Higginson .
Joppa Chapter No . 187 . —The regular convocation and installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday , the 26 th insfc ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . M . Emanuel M . E . Z ., M . J . Emanuel H ., W . Littaur P . Z . J ., P . Dickinson S . E ., S . V . Abrahams Treas ., Lazarus S . N ., L . Jacobs- P . S . ; P . Z . 's S . Lazarus , E . P . Albert , J . Lazarus , H . M . Levy , S . PoIIitzer , Klein , Buderns ,
Phillips , L . Lazarus , Banme , A . Auerhaan , Boekbinder , Moore , Davids , J . S . Lyon . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Haines No . 188 , J . Davis 188 , E . Miller , Isaacs , O . Tentosama 1263 , were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , in a perfect aud impressive manner . A Board of Installed Principals was then formed , and Comps . M . Emanuel was installed into the chair
of M . E . Z ., W . Littaur H ., and L . Jacobs J . Tho beautiful ceremonies were perfectly given by the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . M . Emannol , The Companions having been admitted , the M . E . Z . then invested his officers : —Comps . S . V . Abrahams P . Z . Treasurer , P . Dickinson S . K ., Phillips S . N ., L . Lazarus P . S ., J . L . Lyons 1 st Assist ., Myers 2 nd Assist ., Smith Janitor . The report of tho audit committee was read
aud was satisfactory . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Com . panions sat down to a capital banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings . On tho removal of the cloth , tho M . E . Z . gave tho usual loyal and R . A . toasts . Ho then proposed tho toast of " The Newly-Exalted Companions . " From tho recommendations thoy had brought , and tho attention they paid to tho ceremony , he thought they would
eventually prove a credit to tho Chapter . Comps . Davis , Haines , and Isaacs responded , tho latter giving an interesting account of his Masonic experience in the East . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of " The Visitors . " Comp . A . Clifford-Eskoll was a lato member and P . Z . of the Chapter , and had done good service in it . They wero also pleased to see Comp . Walford , a P . Z . of a celebrated Chapter ,
the Prudent Brethren , and holding the position of Common Councilman . Comp . Eskell , in responding , said he had visited many Chapters , and ho had never witnessed hotter working . The installation was perfectly given by Comp . Emanuel . Comp . Walford followed . Comp . S . V . Abvaham P . Z . then proposed the toast of " Tho M . E . Z . " He was one who had always studied the true principles of
Freemasonry : every duty required of him ho had carried out , and he would not have accepted office had he not been fully competent . On leaving the chair he would receive the approbation of all ; tho Chapter might bo congratulated on the selection it had made . The M . E . Z . said ho hoped he might be spared to carry out every requirement of the members . Comp . W . Littaur P . Z .
and H . then rose , with the permission of the M . E . Z . he had a pleasing duty to perform ; it was to proposo the health of one who had faithfully discharged every offico in tho Chapter , and had distinguished himself during his year of office , finishing his duties by installing tho three Principals . He referred to our worthy Companion , M . Emanuel . This was not the first timo he had held office , for
he wa 3 a P . Z . of the Segontium Chapter in Wales , aud had gono thero on every occasion to perform his duties . In tho natno of tho Chapter he had much pleasure in placing on Bro . Emanuel's breast a very elegant P . Z . ' s jewel . Ho had also to present a claret jug , waiter , and two cups , with suitable inscriptions on each . Tho M . E . Z . said they all know his regard for every ono in the Chapter ,
individually and collectively . lie had boon a working Mason iu Craft and Arch Masonry for twenty years . Although now out of ' . ( nice , his services wore always at th ' . 'ir command . Ho then thanked them for the presentation ; he had received many jewels , but ha preferred one , not so much for its value , but , living in the couutvy , ho liked to have something for the uso of his family , that his
friends might see , and which wonlel show the kindness of tho members of his Chapter . These two cups would be appropriate emblems . . He was greatly obliged for the a . ss . is . tancc rendered by r ' omp . Dickinson S . E ., who had ably assisted him . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of the P . Z . ' s . Comp . S . Lazarus P . Z . and Father of the Chapter responded . Tho toasts of tho H . and J ., Treasurer , S . E ., S . N ,, aud tho Junior Officers followed ; the Jauitor's . toast
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Kent Lodgo of Instruction , No . 15 . —This Lodge of Instruction was opened on Thursday , tho 23 rd instant , fit Bro . Hallows , Tho Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow . Tho chair was taken shortly after seven p . m . by Bro . J . Pinder , the W . M . of tho mother Lodge , with Bros . Groomo S . W . 801 as S . W ., Cambridge J . W . 15 as J . W ., Wallington P . M . 860 as P . M ., W . G . Hallows 861 as
I . G . The Lodge having been opened in the three degrees , the ceremony of installation was admirably worked by tho W . M ., who installed Bro . W . T . Christian J . D . 1278 into tho chair of K . S ., according to ancieut rite . Bro . Christian then appointed aud invested his officers , and after resuming tho Lodge in the first degree , worked tho first , second , and third sections of tho lecturo , assisted by the
brethven . Bro . Pinder was unanimously olected Preceptor , Bro . W . G . Hallows Treasurer , and Bro . Saunders 1381 Secretary . A cordial vote of thanks , aud tho honorary membership of the Lodgo , was conferred npon Bro . Pinder for tho admirable manner in which he had performed tho coremony of installation , and the great service ho had rondered in obtaining tho sanction of the mother Lodgo .
Votes of thanks wore also tendered to Bros . Wallington , Cambridge , and Jaquin , P . M . 382 , P . G . P . Middlesex , for their kindness in assist , ing in the opening of tho Lodge . Bro . Groome was elected W . M . for tho ensning Thursday , and appointed hi 8 officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a most
excellent repast , provided by the host , Bro . Hallows , and which was much enjoyed by all . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . Field P . M . 200 , Bolton P . M . 1227 , F . Hallows 861 , Franklin 861 , Brand 20 , Pearcy 1227 , Evennett 1426 , Badkin S . W . 1365 , Oldroyd I . G . 1227 , Mumford 861 , Horner 861 . This Lodge will meet punctually every Thursday evening at 7 . 30 , and close at 9 . 30 .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Monday , the 27 th November , at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , Present—Bros . H . P . Isaac W . M ., Powell S . W ., Fenner J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasnrer , Samuels S . D ., R . W . Pearcy J . D ., J . Hill I . G .,
Christopher Tyler . The Lodge was opened in regular form , and the minutes confirmed . Tho first and second ceremonies were rehearsed , Bros . Hill and Mosely acting as candidates . Several sections of the First Lecture were worked . Bro . M . Mosely 228 was elected a member , and Bro . Powell chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction . —The Fifteon Sections were worked by tho brethren at tho Lord Stanley , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , on Monday , 27 th November . Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 551 and 933 W . M ., T . Austin P . M . 933 and 1415 S . W ., W . H . Myers P . M . 820 and 1445 J . W ., G . E . Walters S . W . 1598
and 1145 . First Lecture—Bros . Baro 1598 , Walters S . W . 1598 and 1445 , Livermore 551 , Constablo P . M . 185 , Rudderforth D . C . 12 , TurquandP . M . 1556 and 890 , Pinder W . M . 15 . Second Lecture—Bros . Cambridge J . W . 15 , Ruddorforth D . C . 12 , Job I . G . 1076 , Howe P . M . 1415 , Austin P . M . 933 and 1445 . Third Lecture—Bros . Cohen S . W . 205 , Webb J . W . 1607 ,. Myers P . M . 820 and 1145 . Thero were
also present Bros . Pullon 1415 , May P . M . 212 , Jesse 1556 , Jacob 1445 , Howlett 141 , Morgan 1385 , J . Green P . M . 27 , Yeomaus 167 , Hogarth 1107 , Skelt 1598 , Gillard 657 , Bafccholor 1365 , & e . Tho working was admirably conducted throughout , and a vote of thanks to all engaged was unanimously accorded . Bros . Hewlett , Job , Webb , Cohen , Gillard and Morgan wero elected members .
The London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , No . 58 . —This Lodge held its second meeting on Monday , the 27 th November , at 101 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . ( London Masonic Club ) . Present—Bros . Hubbuck W . M ., Nelson Reed S . W ., Walker J . W ., J . E . Shaud Hon . Secretary , C . J . Hogg Hon . Treasurer , C . Jardine S . D ., James Edell J . D ., G . Stevens I . G ., James Mander
Preceptor , and Bros . Tickle , White , Stevens , Morley , Carter , & c , & c . Visitors—Bros . G . Gardner , City of Westminster 1563 , J . E . Pentreath , Duke of Connaught 1558 , Burdett 1601 . Business—The Lodge ( on the principle of all labour and no refreshment ) was opened in due form with solemn prayer , minnte 3 of last meeting read and confirmed . Lodge opened in 2 nd degree , after answering usual
questions , Bro . White was passed . Tho 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th sections were worked by Bro . Mander Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was given to the W . M . for his conduct in the chair . The bye laws were discussed , and it was moved that they bo adopted and printed . Bro . White proposed , and Bro . Walker J . W . seconded ,
and it was unanimously carried , that tho thanks of tho Lodgo bo given and recorded upon the minutes , to Bros . Hogg , Reed and Shaud ( tho Committee ) , for their time and services rendered in framing tho Rules , aud making tho preliminary arrangements for tho formation of the Lodge . Nothing further offering ' , the Lodge closed in duo form , and adjourned till Monday nest , 4 th December , at 6 p . m .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Mairtvvell ' s , Ilerculea Tavern , Lendeuhall-streefc , on Tuesday , 28 th November . Present—Bros . Ellis W . M ., Parker S . W ., Maidwcll J . W ., Bone S . D ., SayerJ . D ., Hill I . G ., Rutherford Preceptor , Hollands Secretary , and Bros . Daniel , Davis , ILtilat , Marks and Baxter . After tlio formal proceedings of the evening , Bro . Daniel answered the usual questions , leading to the 2 nd degree , and was entrusted .
Tlie Lodge was opened in tlio 2 nd , and Pro . Daniel was passed . The Lodgo was resumed . Bro . Hill worked the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Haller candidate . Bro . Ellis resumed the chair , and worked the 2 nd section of tho Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Haller aud Bono were e ' ected members . Bro . Parker was selected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Rutherford was elected Preceptoi for the ensuing year . He thanked the brothren for having chose , him , ami for their kind expression o £ feeling towards him j it would
Notices Of Meetings.
always be a pleasnro to assist any of it 3 members in tho working of the Lodge , to tho best of hi 3 ability . The brethren expressed their assurance that , under his preceptorship tho Lodgo will support its name , —The Prosperity . Tho other officers for tho year having been elected , tho Lodge was closed in due form , aud will meet on Tuesday next , at 7 , instead of 7 . 30 .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 178 . —Tho stated communication of this large and influential Lodge took place in tho Masonic Hall , Castle , streot , Lisburn , on tho 10 th ult ., Bro . R . M . Tilly W . M . in tho chair . Thero was a crowded attendance of the members , several visiting brethren from distant Lodgos being also present . Unusual interest attached to tho proceedings , in couseqnonee of the annual election of
officers taking place at this communication . After tho Lodge had been duly constituted , tho W . M . introduced the principal business , by explaining the alteration in tho Constitutions , whereby the system of promotion , so far as the W . M . was concerned , had been abolished . Only those who combined the needful Masonio qualifications , with tho perfect confidence of their Lodge , noed now aspire to the coveted
honour of W . M . Tho W . M ., iu continuation , delivered au eloquent and instructive lecture on the principles and practice of Freemasonry , which , at its close , was warmly applauded by tho brethron . The election of officers then proceeded , when the following wero unanimously appointed : —A . Boyd W . M ., J . Higginson S . W ., R . M . Comb J . W ., W . J . Gilliland Secretary , J . Vernon S . D ., A . M'CIellancl J . D ., S . Nelson I . G ., A . Mussen Chaplain . Bro . J . M'Bride sustained
his notice of motion , that Lodgo contribute £ 2 annually to the Female as well as the Male Orphan School , thus constituting the Lodge a Life Governor . After disposing of some routine business , tho Lodgo was closed in peaco , love , and harmony . A special meeting of tha above Lodge was heldou Friday evening , the 10 th ult ., when Dr . John Boomer , of Oldpark , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . John Higginson .
Joppa Chapter No . 187 . —The regular convocation and installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday , the 26 th insfc ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . M . Emanuel M . E . Z ., M . J . Emanuel H ., W . Littaur P . Z . J ., P . Dickinson S . E ., S . V . Abrahams Treas ., Lazarus S . N ., L . Jacobs- P . S . ; P . Z . 's S . Lazarus , E . P . Albert , J . Lazarus , H . M . Levy , S . PoIIitzer , Klein , Buderns ,
Phillips , L . Lazarus , Banme , A . Auerhaan , Boekbinder , Moore , Davids , J . S . Lyon . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Haines No . 188 , J . Davis 188 , E . Miller , Isaacs , O . Tentosama 1263 , were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , in a perfect aud impressive manner . A Board of Installed Principals was then formed , and Comps . M . Emanuel was installed into the chair
of M . E . Z ., W . Littaur H ., and L . Jacobs J . Tho beautiful ceremonies were perfectly given by the retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . M . Emannol , The Companions having been admitted , the M . E . Z . then invested his officers : —Comps . S . V . Abrahams P . Z . Treasurer , P . Dickinson S . K ., Phillips S . N ., L . Lazarus P . S ., J . L . Lyons 1 st Assist ., Myers 2 nd Assist ., Smith Janitor . The report of tho audit committee was read
aud was satisfactory . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Com . panions sat down to a capital banquet , provided by Comp . Jennings . On tho removal of the cloth , tho M . E . Z . gave tho usual loyal and R . A . toasts . Ho then proposed tho toast of " The Newly-Exalted Companions . " From tho recommendations thoy had brought , and tho attention they paid to tho ceremony , he thought they would
eventually prove a credit to tho Chapter . Comps . Davis , Haines , and Isaacs responded , tho latter giving an interesting account of his Masonic experience in the East . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of " The Visitors . " Comp . A . Clifford-Eskoll was a lato member and P . Z . of the Chapter , and had done good service in it . They wero also pleased to see Comp . Walford , a P . Z . of a celebrated Chapter ,
the Prudent Brethren , and holding the position of Common Councilman . Comp . Eskell , in responding , said he had visited many Chapters , and ho had never witnessed hotter working . The installation was perfectly given by Comp . Emanuel . Comp . Walford followed . Comp . S . V . Abvaham P . Z . then proposed the toast of " Tho M . E . Z . " He was one who had always studied the true principles of
Freemasonry : every duty required of him ho had carried out , and he would not have accepted office had he not been fully competent . On leaving the chair he would receive the approbation of all ; tho Chapter might bo congratulated on the selection it had made . The M . E . Z . said ho hoped he might be spared to carry out every requirement of the members . Comp . W . Littaur P . Z .
and H . then rose , with the permission of the M . E . Z . he had a pleasing duty to perform ; it was to proposo the health of one who had faithfully discharged every offico in tho Chapter , and had distinguished himself during his year of office , finishing his duties by installing tho three Principals . He referred to our worthy Companion , M . Emanuel . This was not the first timo he had held office , for
he wa 3 a P . Z . of the Segontium Chapter in Wales , aud had gono thero on every occasion to perform his duties . In tho natno of tho Chapter he had much pleasure in placing on Bro . Emanuel's breast a very elegant P . Z . ' s jewel . Ho had also to present a claret jug , waiter , and two cups , with suitable inscriptions on each . Tho M . E . Z . said they all know his regard for every ono in the Chapter ,
individually and collectively . lie had boon a working Mason iu Craft and Arch Masonry for twenty years . Although now out of ' . ( nice , his services wore always at th ' . 'ir command . Ho then thanked them for the presentation ; he had received many jewels , but ha preferred one , not so much for its value , but , living in the couutvy , ho liked to have something for the uso of his family , that his
friends might see , and which wonlel show the kindness of tho members of his Chapter . These two cups would be appropriate emblems . . He was greatly obliged for the a . ss . is . tancc rendered by r ' omp . Dickinson S . E ., who had ably assisted him . Tho M . E . Z . then proposed the toast of the P . Z . ' s . Comp . S . Lazarus P . Z . and Father of the Chapter responded . Tho toasts of tho H . and J ., Treasurer , S . E ., S . N ,, aud tho Junior Officers followed ; the Jauitor's . toast