Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rp iIE object of this Establishment is to ensuro a comprehensive h ' be-JL ral education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PiiEr . ut . vnoif roil THE CIVIL S KIIVICU , C . VMDKIDOB MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE or PRKCKITOBS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , TUB SCIENCE AND Aire EXAMINATIONS , Ac . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the liost , and unlimited . . References to the lending banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons avo now , ov havo been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN V 1 CTOKIA STREET , E . C . THE CLUB IS NOW OPEN for tho uso of Members . Only a limited number of members can be olected without Entrance Fee and at tho present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . G .
Now ready , Price 3-s Gd , Grown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . Rer-MOTM ) FSOH "Tnii FREEMASON ' S CUKONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Oint LiTKit . uv BKOTIIEI :. 17 , THE CIIKISTLVN JIiinsTisit , 2 . A DlSTlNGlMSTTKD JIASOS . IS . Tun M \ svuo . 8 . THE MAN OF EXJEROV . li > . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 , A Cinv riiojr JOPPA . "t 5 . A COJIKKB STONE . 21 . A PILLAR or MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAI'T SKAN . 22 . UAYAHD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . 21 . Ouu CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . TnK KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN AHLE PKKCKPTOII . 10 . 1 'lVR OCIOGKKiMAri . 2 ti . AN AMCIKNT liKl'ION . 11 . A ZEALOUS OMICEK . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIEB . 2 S . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . Fno . 1 T UNDER THE CHOTVN . 20 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCVLES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PKINCB . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 , TEE CnwicintAN . 32 . A SOKDIEB OF FOKTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PEESS . " A scries of articles , biographical , descriptivo , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They aro well written , and though personal , by no means offenslvo , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as au . interesting series of word paintiugs of members of tho Craft . —Slumlord . " Wo do not remember to have road any similar series of sketches which surpass tliU in merit . "—Land and Water . _ "Admirably written , being free from what are too often observed in composition—inelegant language mid prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never lic .-itatiiig to 'hit off' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at the same time lie never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , cither in connexion with the Craft or in the service of the public out of doors . The sketches live lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' Of eminent Kuglisli Masons . It styles liro . \ V . J . Ilughau ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . lVe commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . " —Voice of Masonry . " Kvinccs much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . " —d'hiladelphia Keystone . " Tho book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—jVctc I ' orfc Courier . "The portraits consist of a scries of what we call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in ah the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Biuckes , ( 'Our liereulcs , ' ) whoso herculean efforts in behalf of thoso blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—New York Square . " Tho stylo of tho author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in the ready off-haud dash that lends much zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " To value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jeieel . " There can bo no doubt that tho writer has produced a series o £ Portraits which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . " —Surrey Comet . "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Burnet l ' rns . "Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer wor \& . " —Trowbridge ami North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy stylo , and convoying , iu as clear a manner as possiblo , a 'counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . " — Annex Standard . " Good sensibly writtenarticlos . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with EOlue pithy common sense remarks . " —Canliel Gazelle . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether Tonus a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Jti / de Neir . s , " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—ZW , H ' a / wcr and Sandieich Mercury . "The members of tho Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their b . ogmphicul literature . "—Muamoiilh . ihire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Zrtnh Chronicle . J " Should have a very large sol . ! . "—Kiwjfbr ' ulyc Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . " —L ' aujnhirc Reporter . "Wo must sincerely congratulate the author on tho success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what mh'ht give offence to tho most sensitive mind . "—d'olkeg / onc Espi-cn * . " "A very acceptable contribution to the history of the Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kclm Courier . "Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro , London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or -will be sent , free by poafc , direct L from tho Office , 67 Barbican .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION TOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . milE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION 1 _ will take place on Wednesday , the 11 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Princo Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . E . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting the otlico of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . 1 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . ¦ ¦
' ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE ' S Tickets , entitling the holder to a ohanco in tho drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lano , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
jq ^^^ p » BbJAV ^^ VA-AVS ^^^ TC ^ J ^ A ^^ ftAjla 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen reached Windsor Castle , on lier return from Scotland , early on Friday morning . On Tuesday , Her Majesty held a Council , at which were present the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , the Marquis of Hertford , the Eavl of Derby , and the llight Hon . It . A . Cross . Lord
Blackburn and other judges were duly sworn as members of the Privy Council . After the Council , Justices Manist y and Lopes , and Baron Hawkins were severally introduced by tho Lord Chamberlain , and received tho honour of Knighthood .
The Prince and Princess of Wales are at Sandringham , where they aro receiving a succession of guests , among whom must be mentioned the Dnko of Cambridge and
Prince and Princess Christian and suite . Shooting has latterly been the order of the day , but yesterday , being the anniversay of the Princess ' s birthday , was devoted to the festivities usual on so auspicious an occasion . On Sunday , theDnchess of Edinburgh was safely delivered of a daughter ,
at the San Antonio Palace , Malta . H . R . H . the Dnke of Edinburgh and the Governor of Malta , as representing tho Home Secretary , were present . According to bulletins
received , tho Dnchcss and infant were going on favourably . A Royal salute was fired in St . James ' s Park on Monday , in honour of the event , a nnmber of people being prcscut , in spite of the heavy rain that was falling .
The Court Martial held this week , on board the flag ship at Devonport , under the presidency of Rear-Admiral Willes , for for purpose of trying Captain Pollard , H . M . S . Tenedos , has brought its sittings to a close . It Avill be remembered that , some months since , the Tenedos
escaped a very grave peril , off the coast of South America , only by the promptness aud presence of mind of Lieutenant Graham . Captain Pollard was accordingly court-martiallcd on two charges , one of having , by his negligence , brought the ship into this danger , the other of having
misrepresented certain circumstances in his official report to Admiral Symonds . After charge and defence , the court delivered judgment , finding Captain Pollard guilty of the first , but not of the second charge . Captain Pollard was accordingly sentenced to be dismissed his ship .
Death has been very busy of late among notabilities . Last week we recorded the death of General Bell . Since then the Duke oF Snldanlm , tho Portuguese Ambassador at the Court of St . James ' s , has died . His body lay
in state ior some days , and will be conveyed to his native country , on board a Portuguese frigate especiall y despatched for this purpose . Wo have likewise to note the death , at Brighton , on Saturday last , of the Right Hou .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rp iIE object of this Establishment is to ensuro a comprehensive h ' be-JL ral education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PiiEr . ut . vnoif roil THE CIVIL S KIIVICU , C . VMDKIDOB MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE or PRKCKITOBS , SOCIETY OP ARTS , TUB SCIENCE AND Aire EXAMINATIONS , Ac . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the liost , and unlimited . . References to the lending banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons avo now , ov havo been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN V 1 CTOKIA STREET , E . C . THE CLUB IS NOW OPEN for tho uso of Members . Only a limited number of members can be olected without Entrance Fee and at tho present rate of subscription . Lodges requiring accommodation should make immediate application to the Secretary . For all particulars and forms of application , apply to the Secretary , at tho Offices , 37 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . G .
Now ready , Price 3-s Gd , Grown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONIC PORTRAITS . Rer-MOTM ) FSOH "Tnii FREEMASON ' S CUKONICLE . " The Volume contains the following : — 1 . Oint LiTKit . uv BKOTIIEI :. 17 , THE CIIKISTLVN JIiinsTisit , 2 . A DlSTlNGlMSTTKD JIASOS . IS . Tun M \ svuo . 8 . THE MAN OF EXJEROV . li > . A MODEL MASON . 4 . FATHER TIME . 20 , A Cinv riiojr JOPPA . "t 5 . A COJIKKB STONE . 21 . A PILLAR or MASONRY . 6 . THE CRAI'T SKAN . 22 . UAYAHD . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN . 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR . 21 . Ouu CITIZEN BROTHER . 9 . TnK KNIGHT ERRANT . 25 . AN AHLE PKKCKPTOII . 10 . 1 'lVR OCIOGKKiMAri . 2 ti . AN AMCIKNT liKl'ION . 11 . A ZEALOUS OMICEK . 27 . THE ARTIST . 12 . THE SOLDIEB . 2 S . THE FATHER OP THE LODGE . 13 . Fno . 1 T UNDER THE CHOTVN . 20 . A SHINING LIGHT . 11 . OUR HERCVLES . 30 . AN ART STUDENT . 15 . A MERCHANT PKINCB . 31 . THE MARINER . 16 , TEE CnwicintAN . 32 . A SOKDIEB OF FOKTUNE . 33 . "OLD MUG . " OPINIONS OF THE PEESS . " A scries of articles , biographical , descriptivo , and eulogistic , of somo of the principal Masonic worthies of tho day . They aro well written , and though personal , by no means offenslvo , or intrusive into private life , and in Masonic society will be welcomed as au . interesting series of word paintiugs of members of tho Craft . —Slumlord . " Wo do not remember to have road any similar series of sketches which surpass tliU in merit . "—Land and Water . _ "Admirably written , being free from what are too often observed in composition—inelegant language mid prolixity . " —Sunday Times . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never lic .-itatiiig to 'hit off' a weakness when ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at the same time lie never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , cither in connexion with the Craft or in the service of the public out of doors . The sketches live lively reading . "—City Press . " This is a neat book . Tho Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' Of eminent Kuglisli Masons . It styles liro . \ V . J . Ilughau ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . lVe commend the book as worthy of a place in every Masonic library . " —Voice of Masonry . " Kvinccs much literary ability , and is a valuable addition to the few works we have in Masonic biography . " —d'hiladelphia Keystone . " Tho book ought to bo in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—jVctc I ' orfc Courier . "The portraits consist of a scries of what we call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in ah the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Fred . Biuckes , ( 'Our liereulcs , ' ) whoso herculean efforts in behalf of thoso blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , have a world-wide reputation , which will live long after the zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—New York Square . " Tho stylo of tho author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimentay to his ability as a writer . " —Masonic Advocate . " There is a piquancy in the ready off-haud dash that lends much zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " To value the work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for our copy . " — Masonic Jeieel . " There can bo no doubt that tho writer has produced a series o £ Portraits which will bo a source of amusement and pleasure to Masons throughout tho world . " —Surrey Comet . "Will be found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the Masonic world . "—Burnet l ' rns . "Calculated to raise the Order—if that bo possible—in tho estimation of its members , if not of the outer wor \& . " —Trowbridge ami North Wilts Advertiser . "Written in a spirited , racy stylo , and convoying , iu as clear a manner as possiblo , a 'counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . " — Annex Standard . " Good sensibly writtenarticlos . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with EOlue pithy common sense remarks . " —Canliel Gazelle . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether Tonus a valuable addition to Masonic literature . "—Jti / de Neir . s , " Very amusing , and beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—ZW , H ' a / wcr and Sandieich Mercury . "The members of tho Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their b . ogmphicul literature . "—Muamoiilh . ihire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Zrtnh Chronicle . J " Should have a very large sol . ! . "—Kiwjfbr ' ulyc Gazette . "These sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . " —L ' aujnhirc Reporter . "Wo must sincerely congratulate the author on tho success of his endeavour to aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entire absence of what mh'ht give offence to tho most sensitive mind . "—d'olkeg / onc Espi-cn * . " "A very acceptable contribution to the history of the Order . The volume has our warmest commendation . "—Kclm Courier . "Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroke of good natured satire . —Figaro , London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or -will be sent , free by poafc , direct L from tho Office , 67 Barbican .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION TOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . milE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION 1 _ will take place on Wednesday , the 11 th February 1877 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , upon which occasion H . R . H . Princo Leopold , E . G ., & c , & c . E . W . Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren desirous of accepting the otlico of Steward upon this auspicious occasion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give every information required . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary . 1 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . ¦ ¦
' ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE ' S Tickets , entitling the holder to a ohanco in tho drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lano , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
jq ^^^ p » BbJAV ^^ VA-AVS ^^^ TC ^ J ^ A ^^ ftAjla 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen reached Windsor Castle , on lier return from Scotland , early on Friday morning . On Tuesday , Her Majesty held a Council , at which were present the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , the Marquis of Hertford , the Eavl of Derby , and the llight Hon . It . A . Cross . Lord
Blackburn and other judges were duly sworn as members of the Privy Council . After the Council , Justices Manist y and Lopes , and Baron Hawkins were severally introduced by tho Lord Chamberlain , and received tho honour of Knighthood .
The Prince and Princess of Wales are at Sandringham , where they aro receiving a succession of guests , among whom must be mentioned the Dnko of Cambridge and
Prince and Princess Christian and suite . Shooting has latterly been the order of the day , but yesterday , being the anniversay of the Princess ' s birthday , was devoted to the festivities usual on so auspicious an occasion . On Sunday , theDnchess of Edinburgh was safely delivered of a daughter ,
at the San Antonio Palace , Malta . H . R . H . the Dnke of Edinburgh and the Governor of Malta , as representing tho Home Secretary , were present . According to bulletins
received , tho Dnchcss and infant were going on favourably . A Royal salute was fired in St . James ' s Park on Monday , in honour of the event , a nnmber of people being prcscut , in spite of the heavy rain that was falling .
The Court Martial held this week , on board the flag ship at Devonport , under the presidency of Rear-Admiral Willes , for for purpose of trying Captain Pollard , H . M . S . Tenedos , has brought its sittings to a close . It Avill be remembered that , some months since , the Tenedos
escaped a very grave peril , off the coast of South America , only by the promptness aud presence of mind of Lieutenant Graham . Captain Pollard was accordingly court-martiallcd on two charges , one of having , by his negligence , brought the ship into this danger , the other of having
misrepresented certain circumstances in his official report to Admiral Symonds . After charge and defence , the court delivered judgment , finding Captain Pollard guilty of the first , but not of the second charge . Captain Pollard was accordingly sentenced to be dismissed his ship .
Death has been very busy of late among notabilities . Last week we recorded the death of General Bell . Since then the Duke oF Snldanlm , tho Portuguese Ambassador at the Court of St . James ' s , has died . His body lay
in state ior some days , and will be conveyed to his native country , on board a Portuguese frigate especiall y despatched for this purpose . Wo have likewise to note the death , at Brighton , on Saturday last , of the Right Hou .