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AU Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , B . C . A List of Regular Lodges , A . D . 1734 , According to their Seniority and Constitution . Printed for , aud sold by I . Pino , Engraver , against Little Britain and in Aldersgate Streot . Edited by William James Hughau , Past Senior Grand Deacon of England , & c , & o ., & c . 1876 .
WE thank Bro . nughan for a copy of this important reprint , which forms No . 6 of his Misoin ' c Sketches and Reprints . We likewise congratulate him on the success which has marked his editorial efforts . His labours , indeed , in tho cause of Masonio history aro of incalculable value , and hardly a month passes but wo come across somo fresh evidence of his ability in unravelling a fnrthor portion of that mystery
which enshrouds tho annals of Freemasonry . His introductory remarks are clear and to the poiufc , and ho adds a few explanatory notes , showing thoso Lodges in the list which are still in existonco . In the majority of those we fully rocogniso the justice of the connection he establishes between existing Lodges and certain in Pino's list . We confess , however , we aro unable , at least without further
evidence , to accept his connection in tho case of two or three of thom . We have gone through his reprint most carefully , and the following notes are the result of such examination . It should bo stated at the outset that this list of Pine ' s was tho authorised Roll of the Grand Lodge of England , being issued under the authority of the Grand Master . Onr first business was to
cotnparo it with the list extracted from the late Dr . Rawlinson'a Masonio " Common-placo Book , " contributed by Bro . Hughan to the August number of the Voice of Masonry ( Philadelphia , U . S . ) . The latter contained 116 Lodges , and these , except in some minor particulars , mostly descriptive , agree with the first 116 Lodges in Pine ' s list . Moreover , the differences are generally slight
and easily reconcilable . Thus , No . 4 , held at the Swan , Hampstoad , is set down aa constituted in 1721 in Rawlinson ' a list , the date in Pine ' s being 17 th January 1722 . But the difference is moro apparent than real , as all Warrants for Lodges granted up to , say , March 1722 , would bo dated 1721 . No . 12 has no date againBt it in Pine ' s list , wbilo in Rawlinson ' s Bro . Hughan has inserted againBt it tho
year 1723 . Other differences are probably to bo accounted for by changes in the Lodge quarters . Such are No . 16 , held at the " Goat , foot of tho Haymarket , " according to Bawlinson , according to Pino at tho " Bedford Court Coffee House , Bedford Court , Covent Garden ;" No . 55 , at tho " Red Lion , at Richmond" ( Rawlinson ) , at "A Cup " (? Tho Rummer ) , " Henrietta Street , Covont Garden , " ( Pine ); and
No . 110 , at the "Rummer and Mitre , on Labor-in-Vain Hill , in Old Fish Street , " ( Rawlinson ) , at tho " Ship Coffee HouBe , near the Hermitage Bridgo , " ( Pino ) . It is noticeable , further , that while the last Lodgo in Rawlinson ' s list is described as " a Master Mason's Lodgo , " hold at the " Bear and Harrow , in the Butcher Row , " but without dato of constitution—though clearly belonging to tho year
1733—tho last Lodgo in Pine's list , with constitution of that year , is No . 121 , established " 27 Dec . 1733 , " and held at "Solomon ' s Coffee House , Pimblico . " Thns Pino ' s list to the end of 1733 is richer by fivo Lodges than Rawlinson ' s . In addition , are seven other Lodges , the dato of constitution of the last being " Novem . yo 5 th , 1734 . " We may remark , however , as to threo of these seven , that
No . 124 , held at " Hamburg , in Lower Saxony , " is set down , both by Thory in his Acta Latomorum , and Findel in his History of Freemasonry , as having beon established in 1733 ; that No . 126 , held at " Boston , in New England , " was a Lodge warranted by Bro . Henry Price , Provincial Grand Master New England , in 1733 , whilo No . 127 , at " Valenciennes , in French Flanders , " is said by Thory to have been
constituted tho same year . It may as well bo mentioned hero , that seven of tho Lodges in Pine ' s list are located in foreign parts . They ar « the three at Hamburg , Boston , U . S ., and Valenciennes , already mentioned , and in addition , No . 50 , " St . Bernard Street , in Madrid , " No . 51 , at Gibraltar , No . 72 , " East India Arms , Bengal , in the East Indies , " and No . 90 , " Au Louis d'Argent , Dans la Rue de Bouchorio
il Paris . " The last of these is mentioned in Acta Latomorum , under this very No . 90 , but as having received its constitution 7 th May 1729 , while in the list under notice the date is " 3 rd April 1732 . " Findel quotes the year as 1729 , but adds , " the documents bearing the date of 1732 as that of" its " foundation . " Findel appears to connect tho Lodge No . 90 with tho " Lodgo d'Anmont , " while
Rebold , assigns 7 th May 1729 as the dato of the " Louis d'Argent " Lodge , and 29 th November 1732 to the Lodge " d'Anmont . " The following is worth noting in connection with No . 11 , both in this list and Rawlinson ' s , which Bro . Hughan considers is still in being as No . 18 . In a footnote at pp . 160-161 of Oliver ' s edition of Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , it is stated as follows in respect of
the old Lodgo No . 3 , one of the four old Lodges which met in February 1717 , at the Apple Tree Tavern , Charles-street , Coventgarden , and constituted themselves a Grand Lodge pro tern : — "The old Lodgo , No . 3 , formerly held at the Apple Tree Tavern , in Charlesstreet , Covent-garden , has been dissolved somo years . By tho list of Lodges inserted in the ' Book of Constitutions , ' printed in 1738 it
, appears that in February 1722-23 , this Lodge was removed to tho Queen ' s Head , in Knaves ' -acre , on account of some differences among its members , and that the members who met there came under a new constitution ; though , says the 'Book of Constitutions , ' they wanted it not , and ranked as No . 10 in the list . Thus they inconsiderately renounced their former rank under an immemorial
constitution . The description as to place and date in the quotation made agrees with the description in both Rawlinson ' s and Pine ' s lists—Bro . Hughau ' s " Queen Anne" being clearly one with " Queen ' s Head" in the former of them—tho one point of discord boing the nnmber , which in Oliver ' s footnoto is set down as No . 10 , whilo in ho lists , it ia Ko , H , How ever , we aro not disposed to attach any
importance to this discrepancy ; and thus , if Bro . Hughan ' s idea that tho No . 11 of Pino is tho present No . 18 on tho roll of United Grand Lodge , it is clear tho latter has the honour of representing tho third of tho four old " Timo Immemorial" Lodges which met together in 1717 , and constituted the first Grand Lodge of modern or Speculative Freemasonry . If tho facts aro as stated by Olivor , this old
No . 3 , in Rawlinson and Pine ' s lists , No . 11 , and according to Hughan , No . 18 at this present timo , voluntarily surrendered its ancient high position as a " Time Immemorial " Lodge , and started afresh under a new constitution whon nono was needed . But for this accident , it would have occupied tho place on our Roll of tho present No . 4 , and threo out of the four old Lodges would havo been distinctly
figured in tho Grand Lodge Calendar of thisdato . At all events , assnm . ing Oliver ' s statemont tobe correct , and likewiseHughan's surmise about No . 11 of 1734 being our present No . 18—and these lately discovered lists fortify , if they do not confirm , the former ; it is a fact worthy of prominent record , that our present Lodges , No . 2 , No . 4 , and No . 18 aro directly traceable to threo ( Nos . 1 , 3 , and 4 ) out of tho four old
Lodgos existing in London in 1717 , " under an immemorial consti . tntion . " As to tho Lodges now on tho roll , which existed at tho timo when Pine ' s list was prepared , they aro twenty-three in numbor . These and twenty-two Lodges in Pine ' s list with which , in Bro . Hughan ' s opinion ,, " as far as wo can trace , " all but one of tho present
correspond , aro as follow . Wo havo placed them in distinct columns , so that our readers may comparo them the moro easily ; tho Lodges in tho two lists boing comparable , each with each , in thoir respective orders of sequence . Thus , the first in Pine's List agrees with the first in Grand Lodgo Calendar List , the second with the second , the third with tho third , and so on to the end .
PINE ' S LIST , 1734 . No . 1 King's Arms , St . Paul's Churchyard 3 Horn , Westminster 4 . Swan , Hampstead .... Jan . 17 1722 6 A Femalo , New Bond-street - - Jan . 19 1722 7 A Blug , Queen-street , Cheapsido - Jan . 28 1722 8 Devil , Union Lodge , Devil , Temple Bar Apl . 25 1722 9 Tun , Noble-street .... May 1722 10 King ' s Arms , Now Boud . streot - - Nov . 25 1722 11 Queen Anno , Knave ' s Aero - - Feb . 27 1722-3 13 Coat of Arms , motto Che Sara Sara , Covent-garden .... Mar . 28 1723 19 Coat of Arms , & c . & c , Nowgate-street 1723 23 Crescent , Cheapsido ... - Sept . 18 1723 38 Head , & c , Cheapsido .... Jan . 22 1725 43 King's Arms , Strand .... May 25 1725 46 Mount , Grosvenor-streot , near
Hanoverstreet Jan . 12 1727 69 Britannia , Bloomsbury-market - . May 22 1730 N . B . —Nothing to correspond with present No . 35 . 105 A private room , Bolton-le-Moors , in Lancashire Nov . 9 1732 97 New Inn , Exeter 113 Bear , City of Bath .... Mar . 18 1733 118 Rod Lion , Bury , in Lancashiro - . July 22 1733 125 Swan , Birmingham 128 Duke of Marlborough , Petticoatclano , Whitechapel .... Nov . 5 1734
GRAND LODGE CALENDAR , 1876 . No . 2 Antiquity T . I . 4 R . Somerset House and Inverness - . . T . I . 6 Friendship 1721 8 British 1721 10 Westminster and Keystone ... 1721 12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland ... 1722 14 Tuscan 1722 16 Royal Alpha 1722 18 Old Dundee 1722 20 R . Kent Lodge of Antiquity , Chatham . . 1723 21 Emulation 1723 23 Globe 17 M
26 Castlo Lodgo of Harmony 1724 28 Old King ' s Arms 1725 29 St . Albans 1727 33 Britannio 1730 35 Medina , Cowes 1731 37 Anchor and Hope , Bolton-le-Moora ... 1731 39 . St . John the Baptist , Exeter ... 1731 41 Royal Cumberland , Bath 1733 42 Relief , Bury , Lancashire 1733 43 St . Paul ' s , Birmingham 1733 45 Strong Man 1734
Of tho above twenty-thrco Lodges now on tho roll . sixteon are metropolitan and sevon provincial . Of the latter , the Medina is not traceable , Bro . Hughan thinks , in Pine ' s list . Tho Bolton , Exeter , Bath , Bury , and Birmingham Lodge 3 agree very fairly with the Lodges noted by Bro . Hughan , the points of difference , where snch exist , being as follow : —Tho Bolton Lodge is dated 1731 in G . L . Calendar ,
and also in Ifnghan's list of Lodges at the Union , but in Pine ' s list the year is 1732 . The Exeter Lodge is dated 1731 in G . L . Calendar , aud in Hugl an ' s list 1814 ; but the corresponding Lodge in Pine ' s and Rawlinson ' s lists occurs in the course of an array of 1732 Lodges . Tho Birmingham Lodge is not in Rawlinson's list , and has no dato assigned it in Pine ' s , but it precedes tho Lodge at Boston , New
England , which , wo have shown already , was opened on 30 th Jul y 1733 , under authority of Lord Montague ' s deputation to Henry Price , bearing dato 30 th April of the samo year . Thus we are justified in assuming that the present St . Paul ' s , Birmingham , is one and the aamo with tho Lodge held at tho Swan at Birmingham , and that its dato of constitution was 1733 , as stated in G . L . Calendar . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AU Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , B . C . A List of Regular Lodges , A . D . 1734 , According to their Seniority and Constitution . Printed for , aud sold by I . Pino , Engraver , against Little Britain and in Aldersgate Streot . Edited by William James Hughau , Past Senior Grand Deacon of England , & c , & o ., & c . 1876 .
WE thank Bro . nughan for a copy of this important reprint , which forms No . 6 of his Misoin ' c Sketches and Reprints . We likewise congratulate him on the success which has marked his editorial efforts . His labours , indeed , in tho cause of Masonio history aro of incalculable value , and hardly a month passes but wo come across somo fresh evidence of his ability in unravelling a fnrthor portion of that mystery
which enshrouds tho annals of Freemasonry . His introductory remarks are clear and to the poiufc , and ho adds a few explanatory notes , showing thoso Lodges in the list which are still in existonco . In the majority of those we fully rocogniso the justice of the connection he establishes between existing Lodges and certain in Pino's list . We confess , however , we aro unable , at least without further
evidence , to accept his connection in tho case of two or three of thom . We have gone through his reprint most carefully , and the following notes are the result of such examination . It should bo stated at the outset that this list of Pine ' s was tho authorised Roll of the Grand Lodge of England , being issued under the authority of the Grand Master . Onr first business was to
cotnparo it with the list extracted from the late Dr . Rawlinson'a Masonio " Common-placo Book , " contributed by Bro . Hughan to the August number of the Voice of Masonry ( Philadelphia , U . S . ) . The latter contained 116 Lodges , and these , except in some minor particulars , mostly descriptive , agree with the first 116 Lodges in Pine ' s list . Moreover , the differences are generally slight
and easily reconcilable . Thus , No . 4 , held at the Swan , Hampstoad , is set down aa constituted in 1721 in Rawlinson ' a list , the date in Pine ' s being 17 th January 1722 . But the difference is moro apparent than real , as all Warrants for Lodges granted up to , say , March 1722 , would bo dated 1721 . No . 12 has no date againBt it in Pine ' s list , wbilo in Rawlinson ' s Bro . Hughan has inserted againBt it tho
year 1723 . Other differences are probably to bo accounted for by changes in the Lodge quarters . Such are No . 16 , held at the " Goat , foot of tho Haymarket , " according to Bawlinson , according to Pino at tho " Bedford Court Coffee House , Bedford Court , Covent Garden ;" No . 55 , at tho " Red Lion , at Richmond" ( Rawlinson ) , at "A Cup " (? Tho Rummer ) , " Henrietta Street , Covont Garden , " ( Pine ); and
No . 110 , at the "Rummer and Mitre , on Labor-in-Vain Hill , in Old Fish Street , " ( Rawlinson ) , at tho " Ship Coffee HouBe , near the Hermitage Bridgo , " ( Pino ) . It is noticeable , further , that while the last Lodgo in Rawlinson ' s list is described as " a Master Mason's Lodgo , " hold at the " Bear and Harrow , in the Butcher Row , " but without dato of constitution—though clearly belonging to tho year
1733—tho last Lodgo in Pine's list , with constitution of that year , is No . 121 , established " 27 Dec . 1733 , " and held at "Solomon ' s Coffee House , Pimblico . " Thns Pino ' s list to the end of 1733 is richer by fivo Lodges than Rawlinson ' s . In addition , are seven other Lodges , the dato of constitution of the last being " Novem . yo 5 th , 1734 . " We may remark , however , as to threo of these seven , that
No . 124 , held at " Hamburg , in Lower Saxony , " is set down , both by Thory in his Acta Latomorum , and Findel in his History of Freemasonry , as having beon established in 1733 ; that No . 126 , held at " Boston , in New England , " was a Lodge warranted by Bro . Henry Price , Provincial Grand Master New England , in 1733 , whilo No . 127 , at " Valenciennes , in French Flanders , " is said by Thory to have been
constituted tho same year . It may as well bo mentioned hero , that seven of tho Lodges in Pine ' s list are located in foreign parts . They ar « the three at Hamburg , Boston , U . S ., and Valenciennes , already mentioned , and in addition , No . 50 , " St . Bernard Street , in Madrid , " No . 51 , at Gibraltar , No . 72 , " East India Arms , Bengal , in the East Indies , " and No . 90 , " Au Louis d'Argent , Dans la Rue de Bouchorio
il Paris . " The last of these is mentioned in Acta Latomorum , under this very No . 90 , but as having received its constitution 7 th May 1729 , while in the list under notice the date is " 3 rd April 1732 . " Findel quotes the year as 1729 , but adds , " the documents bearing the date of 1732 as that of" its " foundation . " Findel appears to connect tho Lodge No . 90 with tho " Lodgo d'Anmont , " while
Rebold , assigns 7 th May 1729 as the dato of the " Louis d'Argent " Lodge , and 29 th November 1732 to the Lodge " d'Anmont . " The following is worth noting in connection with No . 11 , both in this list and Rawlinson ' s , which Bro . Hughan considers is still in being as No . 18 . In a footnote at pp . 160-161 of Oliver ' s edition of Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , it is stated as follows in respect of
the old Lodgo No . 3 , one of the four old Lodges which met in February 1717 , at the Apple Tree Tavern , Charles-street , Coventgarden , and constituted themselves a Grand Lodge pro tern : — "The old Lodgo , No . 3 , formerly held at the Apple Tree Tavern , in Charlesstreet , Covent-garden , has been dissolved somo years . By tho list of Lodges inserted in the ' Book of Constitutions , ' printed in 1738 it
, appears that in February 1722-23 , this Lodge was removed to tho Queen ' s Head , in Knaves ' -acre , on account of some differences among its members , and that the members who met there came under a new constitution ; though , says the 'Book of Constitutions , ' they wanted it not , and ranked as No . 10 in the list . Thus they inconsiderately renounced their former rank under an immemorial
constitution . The description as to place and date in the quotation made agrees with the description in both Rawlinson ' s and Pine ' s lists—Bro . Hughau ' s " Queen Anne" being clearly one with " Queen ' s Head" in the former of them—tho one point of discord boing the nnmber , which in Oliver ' s footnoto is set down as No . 10 , whilo in ho lists , it ia Ko , H , How ever , we aro not disposed to attach any
importance to this discrepancy ; and thus , if Bro . Hughan ' s idea that tho No . 11 of Pino is tho present No . 18 on tho roll of United Grand Lodge , it is clear tho latter has the honour of representing tho third of tho four old " Timo Immemorial" Lodges which met together in 1717 , and constituted the first Grand Lodge of modern or Speculative Freemasonry . If tho facts aro as stated by Olivor , this old
No . 3 , in Rawlinson and Pine ' s lists , No . 11 , and according to Hughan , No . 18 at this present timo , voluntarily surrendered its ancient high position as a " Time Immemorial " Lodge , and started afresh under a new constitution whon nono was needed . But for this accident , it would have occupied tho place on our Roll of tho present No . 4 , and threo out of the four old Lodges would havo been distinctly
figured in tho Grand Lodge Calendar of thisdato . At all events , assnm . ing Oliver ' s statemont tobe correct , and likewiseHughan's surmise about No . 11 of 1734 being our present No . 18—and these lately discovered lists fortify , if they do not confirm , the former ; it is a fact worthy of prominent record , that our present Lodges , No . 2 , No . 4 , and No . 18 aro directly traceable to threo ( Nos . 1 , 3 , and 4 ) out of tho four old
Lodgos existing in London in 1717 , " under an immemorial consti . tntion . " As to tho Lodges now on tho roll , which existed at tho timo when Pine ' s list was prepared , they aro twenty-three in numbor . These and twenty-two Lodges in Pine ' s list with which , in Bro . Hughan ' s opinion ,, " as far as wo can trace , " all but one of tho present
correspond , aro as follow . Wo havo placed them in distinct columns , so that our readers may comparo them the moro easily ; tho Lodges in tho two lists boing comparable , each with each , in thoir respective orders of sequence . Thus , the first in Pine's List agrees with the first in Grand Lodgo Calendar List , the second with the second , the third with tho third , and so on to the end .
PINE ' S LIST , 1734 . No . 1 King's Arms , St . Paul's Churchyard 3 Horn , Westminster 4 . Swan , Hampstead .... Jan . 17 1722 6 A Femalo , New Bond-street - - Jan . 19 1722 7 A Blug , Queen-street , Cheapsido - Jan . 28 1722 8 Devil , Union Lodge , Devil , Temple Bar Apl . 25 1722 9 Tun , Noble-street .... May 1722 10 King ' s Arms , Now Boud . streot - - Nov . 25 1722 11 Queen Anno , Knave ' s Aero - - Feb . 27 1722-3 13 Coat of Arms , motto Che Sara Sara , Covent-garden .... Mar . 28 1723 19 Coat of Arms , & c . & c , Nowgate-street 1723 23 Crescent , Cheapsido ... - Sept . 18 1723 38 Head , & c , Cheapsido .... Jan . 22 1725 43 King's Arms , Strand .... May 25 1725 46 Mount , Grosvenor-streot , near
Hanoverstreet Jan . 12 1727 69 Britannia , Bloomsbury-market - . May 22 1730 N . B . —Nothing to correspond with present No . 35 . 105 A private room , Bolton-le-Moors , in Lancashire Nov . 9 1732 97 New Inn , Exeter 113 Bear , City of Bath .... Mar . 18 1733 118 Rod Lion , Bury , in Lancashiro - . July 22 1733 125 Swan , Birmingham 128 Duke of Marlborough , Petticoatclano , Whitechapel .... Nov . 5 1734
GRAND LODGE CALENDAR , 1876 . No . 2 Antiquity T . I . 4 R . Somerset House and Inverness - . . T . I . 6 Friendship 1721 8 British 1721 10 Westminster and Keystone ... 1721 12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland ... 1722 14 Tuscan 1722 16 Royal Alpha 1722 18 Old Dundee 1722 20 R . Kent Lodge of Antiquity , Chatham . . 1723 21 Emulation 1723 23 Globe 17 M
26 Castlo Lodgo of Harmony 1724 28 Old King ' s Arms 1725 29 St . Albans 1727 33 Britannio 1730 35 Medina , Cowes 1731 37 Anchor and Hope , Bolton-le-Moora ... 1731 39 . St . John the Baptist , Exeter ... 1731 41 Royal Cumberland , Bath 1733 42 Relief , Bury , Lancashire 1733 43 St . Paul ' s , Birmingham 1733 45 Strong Man 1734
Of tho above twenty-thrco Lodges now on tho roll . sixteon are metropolitan and sevon provincial . Of the latter , the Medina is not traceable , Bro . Hughan thinks , in Pine ' s list . Tho Bolton , Exeter , Bath , Bury , and Birmingham Lodge 3 agree very fairly with the Lodges noted by Bro . Hughan , the points of difference , where snch exist , being as follow : —Tho Bolton Lodge is dated 1731 in G . L . Calendar ,
and also in Ifnghan's list of Lodges at the Union , but in Pine ' s list the year is 1732 . The Exeter Lodge is dated 1731 in G . L . Calendar , aud in Hugl an ' s list 1814 ; but the corresponding Lodge in Pine ' s and Rawlinson ' s lists occurs in the course of an array of 1732 Lodges . Tho Birmingham Lodge is not in Rawlinson's list , and has no dato assigned it in Pine ' s , but it precedes tho Lodge at Boston , New
England , which , wo have shown already , was opened on 30 th Jul y 1733 , under authority of Lord Montague ' s deputation to Henry Price , bearing dato 30 th April of the samo year . Thus we are justified in assuming that the present St . Paul ' s , Birmingham , is one and the aamo with tho Lodge held at tho Swan at Birmingham , and that its dato of constitution was 1733 , as stated in G . L . Calendar . The