Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
London Masonic Club Company Limited.
profits upon provisions , is at the rate of £ 2 , 485 4 s per annum , and if the subscriptions increase as they havo done during the last six weeks , there -will be an additional income of £ 1 , 250 by the 30 th of next September , which , without allowing for any increase on the profits from the
sale of provisions , will yield an annual sum of £ 3 , 825 4 s . The working expenses of the Club , including servants ' wages , rent , taxes , coal , gas , & c , are estimated to amount
to £ 3 , 090 per annum , thus leaving a sum of £ 735 4 s profit , which would be sufficient to pay 7 | per cent , on the whole of the required capital , and leave a surplus for a reserve fund . " After the usual voto of thanks to the Chairman the meeting closed .
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted m Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 6 th December 1876 : — 1 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 6 th Sep . tetnhor 1876 for confirmation . 2 . Nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 3 . Appointment of a President of tho Lodge of Benevolence .
4 . Election of a Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents of the Lodgo of Benevolence . 5 . Election of twelve Past Masters to servo on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 6 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in
which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — A Brother of the Lodgo of Loyalty , No . 243 , Guernsey ... £ 50 A Brother of the Royal Navy Lodge , No . 429 , Ramsgate ... £ 50 A Brother of the Athol Lodge , No . 74 , Birmingham £ 100
The Widow of a Brother of the Worcester Lodge , No . 280 , Worcester £ 50 A Brother of the Cleveland Lodge , No . 543 , Stokesley ... £ 50 The Widow of a Brother of the Lodgo of Unions , No . 256 , London £ 100 A Brother of the Globe Lodgo , No . 23 , London £ 50
7 . THE REPORT OP THE BOARD OP GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons oj England : Tho Board of General Purposes havo to report that their attention has been called to several instances of the issue of circulars on the
port of proposed now Lodges , prior to consecration , inviting members of the Craft to become joining members of such Lodges . The Board have the special directions of tho Pro Grand Master to make it known , that such proceedings meet with his Lordship's cutiro disapproval , and entail the risk of the -withdrawal of tho Warrant .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , FREEMASONS' HAM . LONDON , W . C . President
21 st November , 1876 . To the Eeporfc is subjoined a statomonfc of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 17 th day of November instant , showing a balanco in tho lands of tho Grand Treasurer of £ 4 , 086 15 s lOd ; and in tho hands of the Grand Secretary , for potty cash , £ 75 j and for servants' wages , £ 9615 s .
8 . Appeals . ( 1 . ) Appeal of the Sussex Lodge , No . 354 , Kingston , Jamaica , against the judgment of the District Grand Lodge of East Jamaica , directing the Lodge to rescind its Minute of tho 28 th of Jul y 1875 , accepting the resignation of Bro . Lonia P . Mackinnon , until certain charges alleged against him had been inquired into .
( 2 . ) Appeal of the British Lodge , No . 334 , Cape Town , against tho judgment of tho District Grand Lodge of South Africa , directing the installation of Bro . J . W . Atwell as W . M . to be proceeded with immediately on his return to the colony , and that his Mastership should date from tho 24 th June last .
N . B . —The papers relating to these Appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s Office till the Meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours . 9 . Notice of Motion . By Bro . Frederick Binckes , Past Grand Steward , P . M . Grand Stewards ' Lodgo : —
"That this Grand Lodge desires to return its humble and hearty thanks to the Almighty Architect of the Universe for the safe return to his native land , from his Indian visit , of His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , and in memory of that happy event , determines to devote the sum of £ 6 , 000 in the
manner following : — £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Free masons and their Widows .
To be applied in snch manner as the Managing Committees of the respective Institutions may deem most beneficial to the interests of the Institutions , after consultation with the special Committee appointed by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication in September last . "
The Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
A MASONIC gathering of much moro than usual importance took place in the Grand Hall of Freemasons , London , on tho evening of Friday , the 21 th ultimo , tho occasion being tho Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . Wo need hardly remind our readers that this Lodgo has been for a considerable nnmber of past years the roliablo exponent of tho authorised working of Masonic Ritual , and that amongst its mombors are somo of the most
influential , as well as the most talented masters of tho Art . To those the Craft is indebted for earnest and successful labours in transmitting , pure and unsullied , the oral teaching , withont which the ceromonies and lectures of the Order would inevitably become liable to orror and confusion . Amongst the many who havo done good service to the Lodge nono have devoted moro attention , or displayed more
conspiouous ability than tho Grand Secretary , W . Bro . John Hervey . For thirty years that worthy brother has fulfilled tho duties of Treasurer to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and in his honour tho pro ceedings of this year ' s festival was surrounded by circumstances which must havo been satisfactory to all concerned . A committeo having been appointed to arrange for the presentation to Bro . Hervey ,
on his entoring upon his thirtieth year of office , of a suitable testimonial of respect and estoem , secured the services of a body of stewards , comprising noble and distinguished brethron , and tho consent of the M . W . Pro Grand Master tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon to preside and present tho gift . It was , therefore , not to be wondered at that the Hall was on this occasion filled almost to
overflowing , and that hut for the absonce of tho distinctive decorations of Masters , Past Masters and Wardens , the meeting assumed the appearance of a Grand Lodgo snmmoned for business of great interest . At the hour appointed for commencement of the proceedings , there must havo been between 600 and 700 brethren present , amongst whom wo noticed tho R . W . Bros , tho Earl of Limerick
Prov . G . M . Bristol , the Earl of Donoughmore S ^ G . W ., Col . W . Platfc P . G . W ., Lieut . Col . Francis Burclett Prov . G . M . Middlesex , Rev . C . J . Martyn , Joshua Nunn , John Symonds , F . Pattison , 2 E . J . Mcintyre Q . C ., R . J . Spiers , S . Rosonthal , Sir Albert W . Woods ( Garter ) , F . Davidson , Rev . Dr . Brette D . D ., H . Grissell , Rev . J . Edmund Cox D . D ., the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , T . W . Boord M . P .,
Erasmus Wilson , N . Bradford , E . S . Snell , A . A . Richards , H . Muggeridge , F . P . Morrell , Rhys Williams , S . L . Tomkins , J . B . Monckton , Magnus Ohren , Baxter , S . Fosall , Rev . R . J . Simpson , Dr . Woodman , S . Rawson P . Dist . G . M . for China , Dr . Hamilton Dist . G . M . for Jamaica , Col . Creaton , E . J . Barron , Samuel Tomkins , N . B . Hoadon , J . B . Freeman , Dr . Jabez Hogg , Hyde Pallen , H . J . P .
Dumas , E . P . Albert , Edward Moody , Klench , Do Loliva , Crouch , W . Hallis , W . Goldsmith , J . M . Case , G . Kenning , Capt . Philips , Major Shadwell Clorko , Peter do L . Long , A . H . Diaper , H . Greene , J . While , H . Thompson , W . Beattio , Hamer , Keeble , H . Massoy , James Stevens P . M . 1126 . Punctually at the hour named the chair of the Lodgo was taken
by Bro . Hervey , the several offices being filled respectively by Bros . J . C . Parkinson P . G . D . S . W ., C . A . Murton P . G . D . J . W ., C . C . Dumas P . A . G . D . C . S . D ., J . A . Rucker P . G . D . J . D .. R . Gray P . G . D . I . G . Thos . Fenn P . A . G . D . C . acting as Past Master , and W . Smallpieco occupying his usual position as Secretary . The Lodgo was opened in tho three degrees , and Bro . Parkinson was called npon to work
the fourth section of the First Lecture , which was accomplished in a perfect manner , and with all tho advantages of a good voice and careful enunciation . Tho arrival of the M . W . Pro Grand Master was tien announced , and the brethren standing to receive him , his Lordship entered tho Lodge , amidst hearty applanse . On reaching the chair , Bro . Hervey surrendered his seat , and placed the gavel in * tho
hands of the Pro Grand Master , who was then saluted with duo Masonic honours , under the direction of Bro . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C . After a short pause , during which the testimonial about to be presented was brought into tho Lodge , the Earl of Carnarvon said—Brethren , —I think that I owe you an apology for interrupting , in
the midst of your interesting proceedings , this lodge , but my exenso is twofold . First , I havo extricated myself with extremo difficulty this evening from the trouble of public business . 1 have with difficulty snatched somo ten minutes to find myself here ( cheers ) , and my time is so limited that , after having accomplished tho task which I have undertaken , I shall with great reluctanco bid you farewell .
Secondly , I was desirous to be present hero thi 3 evening from my high personal esteem and regard for our Bro . Hervey , and for the deep interest which I take in the proceedings in this Hall . Brethren , we have met together for a doubly interesting purpose , and tho great assemblage which you witness is a proof of the feelings which yon entertain for onr Bro . Hervey . There aro few Masons in the Craft
who could command Buch an attendance as that which I witness to-day ; there aro very few Masons indeed who will not be proud of the honour which such an attendance implies . Brethren , it has been my fortnno to bo constantly placed in business relations with Bro . Hervey . I have known his workmanship ; I have known the principles which Masonically have guided him in all the advice that ho
has offered , in all the works that he has done . It is needless for mo to say I cntertfin the deepest regard for him in these capacities , and let me » o further and say , that I have known him now long enough to feel lie ! ( : ;! y a respect for him in all onr business relations , but a strong personal regard and friendship for him in the moro intimate duties which Masonic life has brought about . But , brethren , it ia
not this evening in his capacity as Grand Secretary that you have met to do him honour , aud to present him with that beautiful testimonial which we havo all admired . It is in his capacity as the Treasurer of the Lodge of Emulation , an office which he has held now for the almost unexampled period of , I think , some 30 years ; 30 years of usefulness , 30 years of devotion to tho Craft , 30 years of unblemished credit and high honour amongst his brother Masons .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
London Masonic Club Company Limited.
profits upon provisions , is at the rate of £ 2 , 485 4 s per annum , and if the subscriptions increase as they havo done during the last six weeks , there -will be an additional income of £ 1 , 250 by the 30 th of next September , which , without allowing for any increase on the profits from the
sale of provisions , will yield an annual sum of £ 3 , 825 4 s . The working expenses of the Club , including servants ' wages , rent , taxes , coal , gas , & c , are estimated to amount
to £ 3 , 090 per annum , thus leaving a sum of £ 735 4 s profit , which would be sufficient to pay 7 | per cent , on the whole of the required capital , and leave a surplus for a reserve fund . " After the usual voto of thanks to the Chairman the meeting closed .
Quarterly Communication Of Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted m Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 6 th December 1876 : — 1 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 6 th Sep . tetnhor 1876 for confirmation . 2 . Nomination of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 3 . Appointment of a President of tho Lodge of Benevolence .
4 . Election of a Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents of the Lodgo of Benevolence . 5 . Election of twelve Past Masters to servo on the Lodge of Benevolence for the year ensuing . 6 . Report of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in
which are recommendations for the following grants , viz .: — A Brother of the Lodgo of Loyalty , No . 243 , Guernsey ... £ 50 A Brother of the Royal Navy Lodge , No . 429 , Ramsgate ... £ 50 A Brother of the Athol Lodge , No . 74 , Birmingham £ 100
The Widow of a Brother of the Worcester Lodge , No . 280 , Worcester £ 50 A Brother of the Cleveland Lodge , No . 543 , Stokesley ... £ 50 The Widow of a Brother of the Lodgo of Unions , No . 256 , London £ 100 A Brother of the Globe Lodgo , No . 23 , London £ 50
7 . THE REPORT OP THE BOARD OP GENERAL PURPOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons oj England : Tho Board of General Purposes havo to report that their attention has been called to several instances of the issue of circulars on the
port of proposed now Lodges , prior to consecration , inviting members of the Craft to become joining members of such Lodges . The Board have the special directions of tho Pro Grand Master to make it known , that such proceedings meet with his Lordship's cutiro disapproval , and entail the risk of the -withdrawal of tho Warrant .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , FREEMASONS' HAM . LONDON , W . C . President
21 st November , 1876 . To the Eeporfc is subjoined a statomonfc of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 17 th day of November instant , showing a balanco in tho lands of tho Grand Treasurer of £ 4 , 086 15 s lOd ; and in tho hands of the Grand Secretary , for potty cash , £ 75 j and for servants' wages , £ 9615 s .
8 . Appeals . ( 1 . ) Appeal of the Sussex Lodge , No . 354 , Kingston , Jamaica , against the judgment of the District Grand Lodge of East Jamaica , directing the Lodge to rescind its Minute of tho 28 th of Jul y 1875 , accepting the resignation of Bro . Lonia P . Mackinnon , until certain charges alleged against him had been inquired into .
( 2 . ) Appeal of the British Lodge , No . 334 , Cape Town , against tho judgment of tho District Grand Lodge of South Africa , directing the installation of Bro . J . W . Atwell as W . M . to be proceeded with immediately on his return to the colony , and that his Mastership should date from tho 24 th June last .
N . B . —The papers relating to these Appeals will be in the Grand Secretary ' s Office till the Meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours . 9 . Notice of Motion . By Bro . Frederick Binckes , Past Grand Steward , P . M . Grand Stewards ' Lodgo : —
"That this Grand Lodge desires to return its humble and hearty thanks to the Almighty Architect of the Universe for the safe return to his native land , from his Indian visit , of His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , and in memory of that happy event , determines to devote the sum of £ 6 , 000 in the
manner following : — £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . £ 2 , 000 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Free masons and their Widows .
To be applied in snch manner as the Managing Committees of the respective Institutions may deem most beneficial to the interests of the Institutions , after consultation with the special Committee appointed by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communication in September last . "
The Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
A MASONIC gathering of much moro than usual importance took place in the Grand Hall of Freemasons , London , on tho evening of Friday , the 21 th ultimo , tho occasion being tho Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement . Wo need hardly remind our readers that this Lodgo has been for a considerable nnmber of past years the roliablo exponent of tho authorised working of Masonic Ritual , and that amongst its mombors are somo of the most
influential , as well as the most talented masters of tho Art . To those the Craft is indebted for earnest and successful labours in transmitting , pure and unsullied , the oral teaching , withont which the ceromonies and lectures of the Order would inevitably become liable to orror and confusion . Amongst the many who havo done good service to the Lodge nono have devoted moro attention , or displayed more
conspiouous ability than tho Grand Secretary , W . Bro . John Hervey . For thirty years that worthy brother has fulfilled tho duties of Treasurer to the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and in his honour tho pro ceedings of this year ' s festival was surrounded by circumstances which must havo been satisfactory to all concerned . A committeo having been appointed to arrange for the presentation to Bro . Hervey ,
on his entoring upon his thirtieth year of office , of a suitable testimonial of respect and estoem , secured the services of a body of stewards , comprising noble and distinguished brethron , and tho consent of the M . W . Pro Grand Master tho Right Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon to preside and present tho gift . It was , therefore , not to be wondered at that the Hall was on this occasion filled almost to
overflowing , and that hut for the absonce of tho distinctive decorations of Masters , Past Masters and Wardens , the meeting assumed the appearance of a Grand Lodgo snmmoned for business of great interest . At the hour appointed for commencement of the proceedings , there must havo been between 600 and 700 brethren present , amongst whom wo noticed tho R . W . Bros , tho Earl of Limerick
Prov . G . M . Bristol , the Earl of Donoughmore S ^ G . W ., Col . W . Platfc P . G . W ., Lieut . Col . Francis Burclett Prov . G . M . Middlesex , Rev . C . J . Martyn , Joshua Nunn , John Symonds , F . Pattison , 2 E . J . Mcintyre Q . C ., R . J . Spiers , S . Rosonthal , Sir Albert W . Woods ( Garter ) , F . Davidson , Rev . Dr . Brette D . D ., H . Grissell , Rev . J . Edmund Cox D . D ., the Hon . W . Warren Vernon , T . W . Boord M . P .,
Erasmus Wilson , N . Bradford , E . S . Snell , A . A . Richards , H . Muggeridge , F . P . Morrell , Rhys Williams , S . L . Tomkins , J . B . Monckton , Magnus Ohren , Baxter , S . Fosall , Rev . R . J . Simpson , Dr . Woodman , S . Rawson P . Dist . G . M . for China , Dr . Hamilton Dist . G . M . for Jamaica , Col . Creaton , E . J . Barron , Samuel Tomkins , N . B . Hoadon , J . B . Freeman , Dr . Jabez Hogg , Hyde Pallen , H . J . P .
Dumas , E . P . Albert , Edward Moody , Klench , Do Loliva , Crouch , W . Hallis , W . Goldsmith , J . M . Case , G . Kenning , Capt . Philips , Major Shadwell Clorko , Peter do L . Long , A . H . Diaper , H . Greene , J . While , H . Thompson , W . Beattio , Hamer , Keeble , H . Massoy , James Stevens P . M . 1126 . Punctually at the hour named the chair of the Lodgo was taken
by Bro . Hervey , the several offices being filled respectively by Bros . J . C . Parkinson P . G . D . S . W ., C . A . Murton P . G . D . J . W ., C . C . Dumas P . A . G . D . C . S . D ., J . A . Rucker P . G . D . J . D .. R . Gray P . G . D . I . G . Thos . Fenn P . A . G . D . C . acting as Past Master , and W . Smallpieco occupying his usual position as Secretary . The Lodgo was opened in tho three degrees , and Bro . Parkinson was called npon to work
the fourth section of the First Lecture , which was accomplished in a perfect manner , and with all tho advantages of a good voice and careful enunciation . Tho arrival of the M . W . Pro Grand Master was tien announced , and the brethren standing to receive him , his Lordship entered tho Lodge , amidst hearty applanse . On reaching the chair , Bro . Hervey surrendered his seat , and placed the gavel in * tho
hands of the Pro Grand Master , who was then saluted with duo Masonic honours , under the direction of Bro . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) G . D . C . After a short pause , during which the testimonial about to be presented was brought into tho Lodge , the Earl of Carnarvon said—Brethren , —I think that I owe you an apology for interrupting , in
the midst of your interesting proceedings , this lodge , but my exenso is twofold . First , I havo extricated myself with extremo difficulty this evening from the trouble of public business . 1 have with difficulty snatched somo ten minutes to find myself here ( cheers ) , and my time is so limited that , after having accomplished tho task which I have undertaken , I shall with great reluctanco bid you farewell .
Secondly , I was desirous to be present hero thi 3 evening from my high personal esteem and regard for our Bro . Hervey , and for the deep interest which I take in the proceedings in this Hall . Brethren , we have met together for a doubly interesting purpose , and tho great assemblage which you witness is a proof of the feelings which yon entertain for onr Bro . Hervey . There aro few Masons in the Craft
who could command Buch an attendance as that which I witness to-day ; there aro very few Masons indeed who will not be proud of the honour which such an attendance implies . Brethren , it has been my fortnno to bo constantly placed in business relations with Bro . Hervey . I have known his workmanship ; I have known the principles which Masonically have guided him in all the advice that ho
has offered , in all the works that he has done . It is needless for mo to say I cntertfin the deepest regard for him in these capacities , and let me » o further and say , that I have known him now long enough to feel lie ! ( : ;! y a respect for him in all onr business relations , but a strong personal regard and friendship for him in the moro intimate duties which Masonic life has brought about . But , brethren , it ia
not this evening in his capacity as Grand Secretary that you have met to do him honour , aud to present him with that beautiful testimonial which we havo all admired . It is in his capacity as the Treasurer of the Lodge of Emulation , an office which he has held now for the almost unexampled period of , I think , some 30 years ; 30 years of usefulness , 30 years of devotion to tho Craft , 30 years of unblemished credit and high honour amongst his brother Masons .