Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 4 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
P . M . Bros . C . Smith , J . Noake , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., and James Terry P . P . G . D . C . Herts , & c . After tho preliminaries Bros . Coldwell and Arnold were raised to the third degree , Bro . Bowley was passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Wm . G . Reynolds and E . W . Catliug Were initiated into tho Order , tho ceremony being excellently rendered by the W . M . Tho W . M . presented Bro . C . S . Jolly P . M . and
Sec . with a handsome jewel , as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of his excellent qualities , and his kindness and attention in carryiug out the onerous duties of office . The Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren partook of a banquet , after which tho W . M . proposed tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . C . A . Cottebrnno responded for the toast of tho Grand Officers . Ho was "ratified to see the W . M . in
tho chair , and boro witness to tho excellent manner ho had worked the ceremonies . Ho ( Bro . Cottebrnno ) had initiated , passed , and raised him , mid ho felt he had clone honour to the Craft by tho intro - duction . The toast of the Masonic charities found an exponent in Bro . James Terry , whose eloquence had the desired effect of inducing tho W . M . to represent the Ivy Lodge as Steward at tho next
Anniversary Festival of the R . M . B . T . The toasts of the Wardens , Past Masters , Visitors , & c , followed . Somo cnpital singing was heard during the eveniusr . The Visitors wero Bros . Fames P . M . 22 , White 22 , Greaves 22 , Frampton P . M . 87 , Hart 1101 , Carrington 1314 , Parsons P . M . 749 , Sheard 720 , Pawley 151 , Drew 719 , Hillhouse 228 , Fabian P . G . S . W . Hants , & c .
Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 21 st of November , at the Town Hall , Dunstable . Present—Bros . F . Howell W . M ., T . W . Haselgrovo S . W ., Randall J . W ., Sanndors Secretary , Otway S . D ., Sinkwoll J . D ., Benning D . C , Warren I . G ., Day Tyler ; and Bros . Gard , Bcart , Ballans , Stevenson , Hopkins , Crew , Middleton , Monk , & c .
Visitors—Bros . Alford , Lambie 475 , Patmore , Doherty , Bellott 228 , Latham , & o . Business—The Lodge having been duly opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , Bro . Stevenson was , after due preliminaries , passed ; a proposition for initiation was mado , and the Lodgo closed . In tho course of the evening , the W . M . announced that active stops wero in
progress for the formation of a province in tho county of Bedford , and three out of the fivo Lodges had already passed unanimous resolutions in favour . If H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught was to be appointed P . G . M . for Bedfordshire , all tho members of the Royal Family who are Freemasons would then hold office becoming their exalted
rank . In accordance with a notice given by tho W . M ., a Lodge of Instruction was opened , and in an excellent manner the ceremony of consecration wns rehearsed by him . Most of thoso present had not had a previous opportunity of becoming acquainted with this beautifnl ceremony , and experienced a great treat . The oration of the W . M . elicited mnny marks of approval , and a very cordial vote of thanks was passed to him for the pains ho had taken .
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , tho 29 th of November , at the Town Hall , St . Albnns . Present—Bros . F . Webster W . M ., 3 . N . Edwards S . W ., T . Kent J . W ., G . R . Hall Secretary , E . Palin Treasurer , W . Marks S . D ., A . H . Deheiiham J . D ., C Miskin D . C , A . Bridges Steward , C W . Reynolds I . G ., E . Kirby Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . J . Lowthin
P . M . 50 ( 1 , 13 S 5 mid 1479 , P . P . G . S . W . Herts ; Hayward Edwards P . M . 1385 , P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Venables P . G . S ., J . Pnrrott , F . norner . Visitors—Bros . T . Bond of Harmony Lodge , Cawnpore , No . 438 , G . W . Russell of Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . Business—The Lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . Tho Bye-laws were read , in accordance with the Book of Constitutions . The next business
was of a somewhat painful character , as Bro . I . N . Edwards had given notice to bring forward a proposition respecting a member whoso joining fee and subscriptions for three years had not been paid . The proposition , seconded by Bro . J . Pnrrott , was to the following effect : " That the member in qnestion should be excluded from this Lodge . " This was resolved unanimously , and , in accordance with the Book of
Constitutions , notice was ordered to be given to the Grand Secretary and the Prov . Grand Secretary for Herts , of the decision the members of this Ledge had come to in regard to this unpleasantdnty . The Lodge was then closed . After refreshment , the toast of the Queen and the Craft was proposed by tho W . M . ; this was followed by that of tho Prince of Wales , the M . W . G . M . The next on the list was the health
of tlie Prov . G . M ., Bro . Halsey M . P ., and the Prov . Grand Officers , coupled with the name of Bro . Lowthin P . P . G . S . W ., who replied in able terms . " Tho Visitors" was proposed by the W . M .: He was always glad io see visiting brethren , especially when they came from a distance ; he coupled with tho toast the name of Bro . Bond , of
Cawnpore . This brother said ho had never attended a Lodge , but that he had been well received . He spoke most heartily of the good feeling existing between the brethren of England and India . Tho health of the W . M . wns chunk with great enthusiasm . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very pleasant evening . The supper , which was excellently served , was provided by Bro . W . Marks , at tho Peahen Hotel .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of the above was held on the 28 th ult ., at the Metropc litan Club , 291 Pentonville-road . H . B . Fowler W . M ., H . Stiles S . W ., R . F . Kiiigham J . W ., W . Stiles Secretary , Jas . Willing jun . P . M . S . D ., W . Side J . D ., A . E . Wrigley I . G ., T . A . AdamsP . G . P . Preceptor , and Bros . Solomon , Edwards , & c . The Lodge of
Instruction was ipmcd , find the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Edwards acting as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections were worked by the veteran Preceptor . The inventory of the furniture , jewels , & c . was verified . Bro . Adams was unanimously re-elected Preceptor ; Bro . Jas . Willing jun . was
reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Stiles re-elected Secretary . The excellent working qualities of those brethren weic drrcrvcclly commented on . They severally returned thanks for the c < nfldence reposed in them , and expiesscd their willirgress to c ' o r . ll in their power to further the interests of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Adams gave a just meed of praise to the brethren , who wero young in the Order
Notices Of Meetings.
for the excellent working thoy displayed , aud for thoir attendance upon all occasions . Bro . II . Stiles was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Tho meeting was then adjouniod to tho following Tuesday . It was announced that tho annual banquet of tho Lodgo of Instruction would be held at tho Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , ou Tuesday , the 30 th January , under the presidency of tho W . M . of the parent Lodgo .
Upper Norwood Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . — Whito Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood . II . E . Francos P . M . P . P . G . S . D . of Surrey , Preceptor , W . Hopokirk P . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . Sec . The Lodge was opened punctually at eight o ' clock , by Bro . II . E . Frances , and ,- in pursuance of request at tho previous
meeting , ho rehearsed the ceremony of Installation . There was a full attendance of members . Bro . William Jerrit Miller , W . M . Upper Norwood Lodgo , assisted as candidate . Tho ceremony throughout was performed in fnll , regular , and Masonio manner , and elicited from tho brethren thoir cordial approbation . Tho 1 st degree will be rehoarsod on Monday 4 th Docembor .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —Au emergency meoting of thia Lodgo was hold on Monday last , at tho Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York , the business on tho summons comprized a passing and three initiations . The working was most ably performed by tho W . M ., Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M ., assisted by Bro . G . Balmford P . M . There wa 3 a full mustor of tnombers , and several visitors from Newcastle ,
Liverpool and other places . During portions of tho ceremony Bro . Herr Padol , organist to tho Lodge , performed a beautiful selection of Masonic music . At the subsequent refreshments , tho visitors expressed their delight at tho excellent working of tho Lodge ; tho soveral chairs were ali occupied by the respectivo officers . Arrangements are in progress for a wintor banquet of tho Lodgo , which will probably tako place early in January .
Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held ou Tuesday evening , the 28 th ult . Present—Bros . G . Gard Pyo W . M ., S . W . Crookes S . W ., T . J . Railing J . W ., A . Cobb P . M . Treas ., W . S . Sprent acting Sec , I . Harris S . D ., J . J . C Turner Organist , J . Hanly J . D ., C . E . Denton as I . G ., A . Welch I . P . M ., T . P . filter P . M ., F . A . Colo P . M ., W . P . Lewis P . M .,
Chas . Cobb P . M ., r . Ju . ihersole , G . Mercer , J . Farran , C . W . Atkins , and C . Gunner Tyler . A candidate for passing boing nnable to bo present , and there being no other business , tho W . M . announced that , since their last meeting , tho Lodge and the Province generally had sustained a very great los 3 , in the lamented and sudden death of the P . G . Sec , Bro . John Wright Carr ; and ho felt sure that thoy would
be sorry to allow their first meetiug sinco tho sad occurrence to pas 3 without expressing npon their minntes tho feelings they entertained upon the subject . Ho therefore moved , " That the brethren of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , havo heard with deep regret of tho death of the W . Bro . John Wright Carr , Grand Seoretary of the Province of Essex , and desire to place on record thoir feeling that
the Province had lost a valuable officer , and the Lodge an esteemed friend . They also wish to express to his widow their sincere condolence with hor in the affliction that has befallen her . " This wa 3 seconded by tho sonior P . M . present , Bro . T . R . Quilter , and sup . ported by Bro . Mothersolo , as a personal friend of tho deceased , and
it need hardly be said , was carried unanimously . The W . M . stated that , at the funeral of the deceased , on the previous Thursday , tho Lodge was represented by himself and Bro . Railing . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , the brethren adjourned for refreshments .
Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge , which is composed principally of literary brethren , was held on Wednesday , 29 th Nov ., at St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell . Bro . J . Tickle , tho Worshipful Master of the Lodge , presided , and after performing the ceremonies of raising aud initiation , proceeded with tho other
business of the evening . Bro . J . Simpson was elected Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . R . H . Pearson was re-elected Treasurer . The brethron afterwards gave a considerable sum of money to tho widow of an actor who died last Saturday , the grant being moved by Bro . Henry Marsh , and seconded by Bro . Dr . J . E . Carpenter .
G-ladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Friday , the 24 th instant , at the Red Lion Hotel , Biuret . Present—Bros . J . Cutbush W . M ., Livingston S . W ., Young J . W ., G . Askew Sec , J . Lowthin P . M . Treas ., P . Venables S . D ., Grey J . D ., Allen Steward , J . Enerby I . G ., Goddard Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Lowthin and Edwards . Visitor Bro . Hickman . Business—After
preliminaries , Bro . John Brittain was raised , tho Bye-Laws of the Lodge wero read , after which the election of W . M . for the ensniii " year took place , a majority biiing in favour of tho S . W ., Bro . Livingston . Bro . Lowthin P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , aud the Deacons and I . G . wero elected auditors . The sum of £ o was voted
from the Lodgo , to bo placed on the list of the S . W ., who will represent tho Lodge at the Festival of tho B . M . B . I ., to be held in February next . The W . M ., in reply to one of the brethren , remarked that they would voto five guineas , but he believed Bro . Terry had no use for the odd shillings . * After Lodge the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment , where tho usual toasts wore given aud responded to .
Mother Kilwinning Lodge , No . 0 . —The Bairns of this Lodge , resident in Glasgow , held a social meeting on 24 th November , at Bro . Scabus , about 40 of the brethren wero present , and a truly happy evening was spent . Arrangements wero made for holding the annual meeting on the 8 th inst .
Thistle Lodge , No . 87 . —ThelnstallationMeetingof this Lodge was held in the members' own hall on Tuesday . Bro . J . Morgan
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
P . M . Bros . C . Smith , J . Noake , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., and James Terry P . P . G . D . C . Herts , & c . After tho preliminaries Bros . Coldwell and Arnold were raised to the third degree , Bro . Bowley was passed to the second degree , and Messrs . Wm . G . Reynolds and E . W . Catliug Were initiated into tho Order , tho ceremony being excellently rendered by the W . M . Tho W . M . presented Bro . C . S . Jolly P . M . and
Sec . with a handsome jewel , as a token of esteem , and in appreciation of his excellent qualities , and his kindness and attention in carryiug out the onerous duties of office . The Lodgo was then closed , and tho brethren partook of a banquet , after which tho W . M . proposed tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . C . A . Cottebrnno responded for the toast of tho Grand Officers . Ho was "ratified to see the W . M . in
tho chair , and boro witness to tho excellent manner ho had worked the ceremonies . Ho ( Bro . Cottebrnno ) had initiated , passed , and raised him , mid ho felt he had clone honour to the Craft by tho intro - duction . The toast of the Masonic charities found an exponent in Bro . James Terry , whose eloquence had the desired effect of inducing tho W . M . to represent the Ivy Lodge as Steward at tho next
Anniversary Festival of the R . M . B . T . The toasts of the Wardens , Past Masters , Visitors , & c , followed . Somo cnpital singing was heard during the eveniusr . The Visitors wero Bros . Fames P . M . 22 , White 22 , Greaves 22 , Frampton P . M . 87 , Hart 1101 , Carrington 1314 , Parsons P . M . 749 , Sheard 720 , Pawley 151 , Drew 719 , Hillhouse 228 , Fabian P . G . S . W . Hants , & c .
Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Tuesday , tho 21 st of November , at the Town Hall , Dunstable . Present—Bros . F . Howell W . M ., T . W . Haselgrovo S . W ., Randall J . W ., Sanndors Secretary , Otway S . D ., Sinkwoll J . D ., Benning D . C , Warren I . G ., Day Tyler ; and Bros . Gard , Bcart , Ballans , Stevenson , Hopkins , Crew , Middleton , Monk , & c .
Visitors—Bros . Alford , Lambie 475 , Patmore , Doherty , Bellott 228 , Latham , & o . Business—The Lodge having been duly opened in the 1 st and 2 nd degrees , Bro . Stevenson was , after due preliminaries , passed ; a proposition for initiation was mado , and the Lodgo closed . In tho course of the evening , the W . M . announced that active stops wero in
progress for the formation of a province in tho county of Bedford , and three out of the fivo Lodges had already passed unanimous resolutions in favour . If H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught was to be appointed P . G . M . for Bedfordshire , all tho members of the Royal Family who are Freemasons would then hold office becoming their exalted
rank . In accordance with a notice given by tho W . M ., a Lodge of Instruction was opened , and in an excellent manner the ceremony of consecration wns rehearsed by him . Most of thoso present had not had a previous opportunity of becoming acquainted with this beautifnl ceremony , and experienced a great treat . The oration of the W . M . elicited mnny marks of approval , and a very cordial vote of thanks was passed to him for the pains ho had taken .
Halsey Lodge , No . 1479 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , tho 29 th of November , at the Town Hall , St . Albnns . Present—Bros . F . Webster W . M ., 3 . N . Edwards S . W ., T . Kent J . W ., G . R . Hall Secretary , E . Palin Treasurer , W . Marks S . D ., A . H . Deheiiham J . D ., C Miskin D . C , A . Bridges Steward , C W . Reynolds I . G ., E . Kirby Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . J . Lowthin
P . M . 50 ( 1 , 13 S 5 mid 1479 , P . P . G . S . W . Herts ; Hayward Edwards P . M . 1385 , P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Venables P . G . S ., J . Pnrrott , F . norner . Visitors—Bros . T . Bond of Harmony Lodge , Cawnpore , No . 438 , G . W . Russell of Chiltern Lodge , No . 1470 . Business—The Lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . Tho Bye-laws were read , in accordance with the Book of Constitutions . The next business
was of a somewhat painful character , as Bro . I . N . Edwards had given notice to bring forward a proposition respecting a member whoso joining fee and subscriptions for three years had not been paid . The proposition , seconded by Bro . J . Pnrrott , was to the following effect : " That the member in qnestion should be excluded from this Lodge . " This was resolved unanimously , and , in accordance with the Book of
Constitutions , notice was ordered to be given to the Grand Secretary and the Prov . Grand Secretary for Herts , of the decision the members of this Ledge had come to in regard to this unpleasantdnty . The Lodge was then closed . After refreshment , the toast of the Queen and the Craft was proposed by tho W . M . ; this was followed by that of tho Prince of Wales , the M . W . G . M . The next on the list was the health
of tlie Prov . G . M ., Bro . Halsey M . P ., and the Prov . Grand Officers , coupled with the name of Bro . Lowthin P . P . G . S . W ., who replied in able terms . " Tho Visitors" was proposed by the W . M .: He was always glad io see visiting brethren , especially when they came from a distance ; he coupled with tho toast the name of Bro . Bond , of
Cawnpore . This brother said ho had never attended a Lodge , but that he had been well received . He spoke most heartily of the good feeling existing between the brethren of England and India . Tho health of the W . M . wns chunk with great enthusiasm . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very pleasant evening . The supper , which was excellently served , was provided by Bro . W . Marks , at tho Peahen Hotel .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of the above was held on the 28 th ult ., at the Metropc litan Club , 291 Pentonville-road . H . B . Fowler W . M ., H . Stiles S . W ., R . F . Kiiigham J . W ., W . Stiles Secretary , Jas . Willing jun . P . M . S . D ., W . Side J . D ., A . E . Wrigley I . G ., T . A . AdamsP . G . P . Preceptor , and Bros . Solomon , Edwards , & c . The Lodge of
Instruction was ipmcd , find the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Edwards acting as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections were worked by the veteran Preceptor . The inventory of the furniture , jewels , & c . was verified . Bro . Adams was unanimously re-elected Preceptor ; Bro . Jas . Willing jun . was
reelected Treasurer , and Bro . Stiles re-elected Secretary . The excellent working qualities of those brethren weic drrcrvcclly commented on . They severally returned thanks for the c < nfldence reposed in them , and expiesscd their willirgress to c ' o r . ll in their power to further the interests of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Adams gave a just meed of praise to the brethren , who wero young in the Order
Notices Of Meetings.
for the excellent working thoy displayed , aud for thoir attendance upon all occasions . Bro . II . Stiles was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Tho meeting was then adjouniod to tho following Tuesday . It was announced that tho annual banquet of tho Lodgo of Instruction would be held at tho Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross , ou Tuesday , the 30 th January , under the presidency of tho W . M . of the parent Lodgo .
Upper Norwood Lodge of Instruction , No . 1586 . — Whito Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood . II . E . Francos P . M . P . P . G . S . D . of Surrey , Preceptor , W . Hopokirk P . M . Treasurer , J . Hammond P . M . Sec . The Lodge was opened punctually at eight o ' clock , by Bro . II . E . Frances , and ,- in pursuance of request at tho previous
meeting , ho rehearsed the ceremony of Installation . There was a full attendance of members . Bro . William Jerrit Miller , W . M . Upper Norwood Lodgo , assisted as candidate . Tho ceremony throughout was performed in fnll , regular , and Masonio manner , and elicited from tho brethren thoir cordial approbation . Tho 1 st degree will be rehoarsod on Monday 4 th Docembor .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —Au emergency meoting of thia Lodgo was hold on Monday last , at tho Queen ' s Hotel , Micklegate , York , the business on tho summons comprized a passing and three initiations . The working was most ably performed by tho W . M ., Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M ., assisted by Bro . G . Balmford P . M . There wa 3 a full mustor of tnombers , and several visitors from Newcastle ,
Liverpool and other places . During portions of tho ceremony Bro . Herr Padol , organist to tho Lodge , performed a beautiful selection of Masonic music . At the subsequent refreshments , tho visitors expressed their delight at tho excellent working of tho Lodge ; tho soveral chairs were ali occupied by the respectivo officers . Arrangements are in progress for a wintor banquet of tho Lodgo , which will probably tako place early in January .
Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 . —The monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held ou Tuesday evening , the 28 th ult . Present—Bros . G . Gard Pyo W . M ., S . W . Crookes S . W ., T . J . Railing J . W ., A . Cobb P . M . Treas ., W . S . Sprent acting Sec , I . Harris S . D ., J . J . C Turner Organist , J . Hanly J . D ., C . E . Denton as I . G ., A . Welch I . P . M ., T . P . filter P . M ., F . A . Colo P . M ., W . P . Lewis P . M .,
Chas . Cobb P . M ., r . Ju . ihersole , G . Mercer , J . Farran , C . W . Atkins , and C . Gunner Tyler . A candidate for passing boing nnable to bo present , and there being no other business , tho W . M . announced that , since their last meeting , tho Lodge and the Province generally had sustained a very great los 3 , in the lamented and sudden death of the P . G . Sec , Bro . John Wright Carr ; and ho felt sure that thoy would
be sorry to allow their first meetiug sinco tho sad occurrence to pas 3 without expressing npon their minntes tho feelings they entertained upon the subject . Ho therefore moved , " That the brethren of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , havo heard with deep regret of tho death of the W . Bro . John Wright Carr , Grand Seoretary of the Province of Essex , and desire to place on record thoir feeling that
the Province had lost a valuable officer , and the Lodge an esteemed friend . They also wish to express to his widow their sincere condolence with hor in the affliction that has befallen her . " This wa 3 seconded by tho sonior P . M . present , Bro . T . R . Quilter , and sup . ported by Bro . Mothersolo , as a personal friend of tho deceased , and
it need hardly be said , was carried unanimously . The W . M . stated that , at the funeral of the deceased , on the previous Thursday , tho Lodge was represented by himself and Bro . Railing . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , the brethren adjourned for refreshments .
Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge , which is composed principally of literary brethren , was held on Wednesday , 29 th Nov ., at St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell . Bro . J . Tickle , tho Worshipful Master of the Lodge , presided , and after performing the ceremonies of raising aud initiation , proceeded with tho other
business of the evening . Bro . J . Simpson was elected Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . R . H . Pearson was re-elected Treasurer . The brethron afterwards gave a considerable sum of money to tho widow of an actor who died last Saturday , the grant being moved by Bro . Henry Marsh , and seconded by Bro . Dr . J . E . Carpenter .
G-ladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Friday , the 24 th instant , at the Red Lion Hotel , Biuret . Present—Bros . J . Cutbush W . M ., Livingston S . W ., Young J . W ., G . Askew Sec , J . Lowthin P . M . Treas ., P . Venables S . D ., Grey J . D ., Allen Steward , J . Enerby I . G ., Goddard Tyler . Past Masters Bros . Lowthin and Edwards . Visitor Bro . Hickman . Business—After
preliminaries , Bro . John Brittain was raised , tho Bye-Laws of the Lodge wero read , after which the election of W . M . for the ensniii " year took place , a majority biiing in favour of tho S . W ., Bro . Livingston . Bro . Lowthin P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , aud the Deacons and I . G . wero elected auditors . The sum of £ o was voted
from the Lodgo , to bo placed on the list of the S . W ., who will represent tho Lodge at the Festival of tho B . M . B . I ., to be held in February next . The W . M ., in reply to one of the brethren , remarked that they would voto five guineas , but he believed Bro . Terry had no use for the odd shillings . * After Lodge the brethren adjourned to slight refreshment , where tho usual toasts wore given aud responded to .
Mother Kilwinning Lodge , No . 0 . —The Bairns of this Lodge , resident in Glasgow , held a social meeting on 24 th November , at Bro . Scabus , about 40 of the brethren wero present , and a truly happy evening was spent . Arrangements wero made for holding the annual meeting on the 8 th inst .
Thistle Lodge , No . 87 . —ThelnstallationMeetingof this Lodge was held in the members' own hall on Tuesday . Bro . J . Morgan