Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
was given , and tho company separated . Visitors—Comp . J . E . Walford P . Z . 145 , A . Clittbrd-Eskoll P . Z ., lato 1 S 8 , Van Stavern late 188 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , 193 . —Just upon sixty brothren assembled at the usual meeting on Wednesday , the 29 th hist ., at Mason ' s Hall Tavern , Mason ' s Avenue , Basiughall Street , E . C , undoubtedly attracted by tho announcement , at the previous meeting , that an address would ho delivered on a Masonic Historical subject . Bro . Rndderforth presided . Bro . Tollis was
S . W ., F . Croaker J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , John Constable P . M . Treasurer , M . D . Loewonstark S . D ., Fenner J . D ., I . P . Cohen I . G ., Christophor Tyler . Past Masters E . Gottheil preceptor , S . Moss , T . J . Barnes , & o . The Lodge having been opened and tho minutes confirmed , the third ceremony was rehearsed , Bro . Biddle acting as candidate . Aftor resuming tho Lodge , it was called off , when tho
W . M ., after a few preliminary remarks , introduced Bro . G . B . Abbott , who commenced his address by stating that ho had no intention on that occasion to submit a theory of his own , it would be sufficient for the present purpose to divide tho history of tho Craft into threo parts , namely , tho mythical , operative and speculative . He would not touch upon the mythical portion , as it might perhaps prove too abstruse a
subject to some who may not have time or opportunity to study a question of this kind . He would commonce his observations from tho time when non Masons were admitted members of Operative Lodges , which was about the year 1634 . Having glanced at tho state of the Craft down to the reign of Queen Anne , and tho death without issuo of that monarch in 1714 , the lecturer referred to the Hanoverian
succession , and the civil commotions in 1716 , during which time the Craft was almost in abeyance About that period , however , a fow zealous Masons made an effort to resuscitate it . There were but four Lodges who participated in that work . Ono held at the " Gooso and Gridiron , " St . Paul's Churchyard ; one at the "Crown , " in Parker ' s Lane ; one at the " Apple Tree , " in Charles Street , Covent Garden ;
and one tit the " Rummer and Grapes Tavern , " in Chancel Row . In the year 1717 the Brethren assembled at tho "Goose and Gridiron , " the oldest Master Mason ( being a Master of a Lodgo ) being in the chair . Ho proposed a list of proper candidates , when , by a show of hands , Mr . Anthony Saycv was elected Grand Master ; to him succeeded George Payne , Esq . in 1718 , in 1719 Dr . Desaguliers was
the chief , after which Bro . Payne was again elected , in 1720 . In 1721 the Duke of Montague was olectod Grand Master , and he was the first nobleman who occupied that position . The lecturer enlarged upon each of these periods , and concluded a highly instructive discoiirso amidst the plaudits of a very appreciative audience Bro . S . Moss P . M . 185 , in proposing a voto of thauks , adverted to the
method adopted by Bro . Abbott in tho preparation of bis paper , in which every point is made sufficiently clear , so as to bo perfectly comprehensiblo even by the necessarily ignorant eutered apprentice . Reference hud beeu made to tho past . Living in tho present , it would be well to prepare for the future , by cogitating upon the various reflections which must have suggested themselves in the
course of the lecture . He trusted that at no distant timo Bro . Abbott would agaiu favour the Lodgo , and that ho might continue the history down to the present time . Bro . Gottheil seconded the motion , and suggested that , in addition to the vote of thanks , Honorary Membership should bo conferred upon Bro . Abbott . It was the highest honour a Lodge of Instruction had in its gift , and there wero
few worthier recipients than Bro . Abbott . The vote being carried with acclamation , tho lecturer expressed his sincere thanks , and thought that his humble services had been greatly overrated , he valued very much indeed being made honorary member , and felt gratified at the appreciation of the brethren . Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . bogged to be permitted to add his testimony to the pleasure he had
received listening to tho lecturer . As Bro . Moss observed , it was lucid , and capable of being understood by the humblest intellect . Bro . Abbott instead of ( as many might have done ) showing his learning , by adopting a tone above ordinary comprehension , had spoken simply , up to the level of the average understanding , and therby succeeded in instructing the higher as well as the hnmbler capacity . At tho
request of the Brethren , Bro . Abbott promised , before long , to resume the lecture . Due notice thereof will be given in tho FREHHASON ' S CHRONICLE . The following were admitted members , Bros . S . Cohen , B . Summers and Henrv Davies , all of 1017 , T . K . Aboil jun . 1599 , S . C . Hewlett 141 , W . W . Snelling 180 . Bro . Tollis will occupy the chair on next Wednesday .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its usual weely meetiug on Saturday , tho 25 th of November , at the Jolly Farmers , Smithcrate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Powell W . M ., Rowley S . W ., Cohen J . W ., Bidwell S . D ., Read J . D ., Barlow I . G ., Past Masters Bros . J . Constable and Moss . Visitor—Bros . Barlow ; and over thirty members . The Lodge was opened in the
usual manner , tho minutes of previous meeting confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Fox candidate . Also tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Groncr candidate . Tho first and second sections of the first lecture were worked b y Bros . J . Constable and Moss . Bros . A . Westcrb y 1 S 5 , Goodwin 186 , Fenner 1227 , and J . Westcrby 1613 , wero elected members .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The regular weekly convocation was held on Tuesday last , at the Jamaica Coffee Honse , St . Miebaol's-nllcv , Cornhill , E . G . After tha usual preliminaries had been gone through , the M . E . Z ., Comp . Constable , rehearsed the ceremony of exaltation , assisted by Comps . G . Newman If ..
W . E . Gompcrtz J ., Edward S . Norris Assistant Scribe E ., Petei Wagner N ., J . W . Berrie P . S ., Comp . J . B . Lomaitre , one of tie founders of the Chapter , acting as candidate . Cornp . Dudley Roll .- , of Prudent Chapter , No . 12 , was elected a joining member . The election of the officers for the ensuing fortnight resulted as follows : — Comps . G . Newman M . E . Z ,, J , Constable II ., ' W . E , Gompcrtz J .
Notices Of Meetings.
J . B . Lemaitre Scribe N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . It was incidentally mentioned that the officers elect would bo pleasod to vacate thoir position in favour of any Companion who might bo desirous of perfecting himself in either of tho offices . Tho Chapter will rosumo business on Tuesday next , at G . 30 p . m . There wero also present Comps . R . W . Goddard , J . B . Pooro , and A . G . Medwin .
Harmony Lodge , No . 309 . —Thero was a large muster of members of tho Craft at tho Red Lion Hotel , Faroham , on Tuesday , 21 st inst ., to witness the initiation of Col . Sir Frederick W . Fitz Wvgram , Bart ., of Leigh Park . Tho ceremony was ably performed by Bro . H . Ford P . M . 309 , P . P . G . S . W ., and the concluding charge was impressively delivered by Bro . J . Wale W . M . Tho
musical portion of tho ceremony was most effective , tho following brethren assisting : —First Tenors , Bros . Pillow P . G . O ., and Winterbottom ; second ditto , Bros . F . Feltham and Stapleford ; Basses , Bros . Sperring and W . L . Smith . Bro . R . Osborne P . P . G . O ., who bestowed great attention to the musical department , presided at tho harmonium , a fiuo instrument , of great power and rich tone , supplied
by Bro . H . Gilbert , of Fareham . After tho Lodge had been closed , upwards of sixty brethren partook of dinner , Bro . Whalo the W . M . presiding , and Bro . E . Downing S . W . filling the vice-chair . In the conrso of the evening tho health of tho newly initiated brother was proposed by brother H . Ford , and replied to in fitting terms by Bro . Sir F . Fitz Wygram , whose remarks indicated an appreciation of some of tho leadincr characteristics of the ancient Craft .
Lodge Caledonian ( Edinburgh ) , No . 392 . —The annual general meeting of this Lodgo was held on Saturday , the 25 th of November , in Freomason ' s Hall , 98 George-street , when a very largo attendance of the brothren wore present . Bro . A . D . Cairns It . W . M . presided , and was assisted by Bros . Swauson P . M ., Geddcs Calder S . W ., Rev . A . Stuart Irwin Chaplain , and others of the
officebearers . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Cairns , in a few choice and eulogistic remarks , moved that Bro . Robert Bryce bo elected as R . W . Master for the ensuing year , and this having been seconded by P . M . Swanson , was unanimously and enthusiastically agreed to . Bro . Bryce briefly thanked tho brethren for tho distinguished honour proposed to bo conferred upon him , and thereafter
the meeting proceeded to the nomination of the remaining offices , which were filled as follow : —Bros . Geddes Calder S . W ., William Archibald J . W ., Robert Lumsden Secretary , Rev . A . Stuart Irwiii Chaplain , J . Macphorson S . D ., R . Steele J . D ., John Gray G . Steward , Bnrnet Reid I . G ., David Young Tyler , each of whom expressed
their acceptance of office . The offices of Depute Master and Substitute Master being in the appointment of tho R . VV . Master , when installed into tho chair , wore left open , till St . John ' s Day , 27 th December ; but wo understand that it is the intention of Bro . Bryco , tho R . W . M . olect , to appoint two very well known and old members to these offices .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 30 th of November , at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . Bros . T . Cull W . M ., E . Farwig S . W ., G . Davis J . W ., A . C . Bnrrell Treasurer , F . J . Wray S . D ., A . C . Woods J . D ., F . J . Taylor I . G ., J . Mander Preceptor ; also Bros . Wilkinson , Dickinson , Burgess , Smith , Elborn , Hirst , Pike
Collett , E . Button , E . A . Dutton , Baxter , Blundell , Belfrage , Swallow , Docker , Bentley , Reibold , Rose , Hammond , Neighbour , J . H . Watts , Harrison , Stewart , Filby , Doherty , Day ^ , Willis , Martin , Collens , & c . Business—Lodge opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Lodgo opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and resnmed to the 1 st , when tho fifteen sections wore worked . 1 st Lecture : Bros . E .
A . Button , F . J . Wray , B . H . Swallow , G . Davis , D . M . Belfrage , J , Bentley , E . Farwig . 2 nd Lecture : Bro 3 . Harrison , J . H . Watt 3 , C . A . Woods A . Stewart , A . Boehr . 3 rd Lecture : Bros . F . J . Taylor , W . Neighbour , W . J . Collens . Lodge resumed , and Bros . Burgess , Doherty , Smith , Dickinson , Pike , Collett , and Hir 3 fc wero unanimously elected members . Proposed by Bro . Mander
Preceptor , seconded by Bro . Burrell Treasurer , and carried unanimously , that a voto of thanks bo recorded to tho W . M ., and that he bo elected an honorary member . Bro . Cull having responded , votes of thanks were accorded to the fifteen brethren who had assisted in the working , for which Bro . Davis J . W . returned thanks . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to Thursday , 7 th December .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No , 780 . —This Lodge hold an emergencey meeting on Saturday , the 25 th November , at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . J . Chambers Roe W . M ., W . Gardiner I . M . P . as S . W ., Walter Goss J . W ., Win . Hilton P . M . Secretary , A . J . Burr S . D . 1612 as S . D ., Wm . Gomm J . D ., Wm . Savage D . C , James Squire 3 as Steward , Jos . Dorey I . G ., Harrison
Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Win . Gardiner I . P . M ., Thos . Brown , Wm Hilton , A . Beasloy and Littlewood . Visitors—Bros . n . E . Stidol ph P . P . G . O . Essex , A . J . Burr S . D . 1612 , H . Besloy 17 G , V . J . B . Bennett , 733 and T . A . Woodbridgo 1194 . Business—The Lodge was opened at 2 . 30 , Bros . Barnes , Morris and Franckel wero examinod as to their proficiency , and tho replies being satisfactory , the W . M . ably worked
the ceremony of tho third degree in their behalf . Bro . Millross having shown his proficiency as an E . A ., was passed to the second degree Tho ballot was taken for Messrs . F . H . White , J . E . Carter , John H . Jarvis and if . D . Thompson , and proving unanimous , they were admitted to tlio mysteries and privileges of tho Order , the W . M . performing the three ceremonies in a most able manner . Tho
Secretary here slated that , sitico tho last meeting , he regretted to have to announce tho death of a very old and valued P . M . of the Lodgo , that of our brother Samuel May , who , Masonically speaking , was a host in himself , and who was known throughout tho Craft as a mosS energetic Mason . The W . M . then proposed , and Bro . Littlewood P . M . seconded , that a letter of condolence bo written to the widow , to express tho sympathy of tho Lodgo with her in her bereavement—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
was given , and tho company separated . Visitors—Comp . J . E . Walford P . Z . 145 , A . Clittbrd-Eskoll P . Z ., lato 1 S 8 , Van Stavern late 188 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , 193 . —Just upon sixty brothren assembled at the usual meeting on Wednesday , the 29 th hist ., at Mason ' s Hall Tavern , Mason ' s Avenue , Basiughall Street , E . C , undoubtedly attracted by tho announcement , at the previous meeting , that an address would ho delivered on a Masonic Historical subject . Bro . Rndderforth presided . Bro . Tollis was
S . W ., F . Croaker J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , John Constable P . M . Treasurer , M . D . Loewonstark S . D ., Fenner J . D ., I . P . Cohen I . G ., Christophor Tyler . Past Masters E . Gottheil preceptor , S . Moss , T . J . Barnes , & o . The Lodge having been opened and tho minutes confirmed , the third ceremony was rehearsed , Bro . Biddle acting as candidate . Aftor resuming tho Lodge , it was called off , when tho
W . M ., after a few preliminary remarks , introduced Bro . G . B . Abbott , who commenced his address by stating that ho had no intention on that occasion to submit a theory of his own , it would be sufficient for the present purpose to divide tho history of tho Craft into threo parts , namely , tho mythical , operative and speculative . He would not touch upon the mythical portion , as it might perhaps prove too abstruse a
subject to some who may not have time or opportunity to study a question of this kind . He would commonce his observations from tho time when non Masons were admitted members of Operative Lodges , which was about the year 1634 . Having glanced at tho state of the Craft down to the reign of Queen Anne , and tho death without issuo of that monarch in 1714 , the lecturer referred to the Hanoverian
succession , and the civil commotions in 1716 , during which time the Craft was almost in abeyance About that period , however , a fow zealous Masons made an effort to resuscitate it . There were but four Lodges who participated in that work . Ono held at the " Gooso and Gridiron , " St . Paul's Churchyard ; one at the "Crown , " in Parker ' s Lane ; one at the " Apple Tree , " in Charles Street , Covent Garden ;
and one tit the " Rummer and Grapes Tavern , " in Chancel Row . In the year 1717 the Brethren assembled at tho "Goose and Gridiron , " the oldest Master Mason ( being a Master of a Lodgo ) being in the chair . Ho proposed a list of proper candidates , when , by a show of hands , Mr . Anthony Saycv was elected Grand Master ; to him succeeded George Payne , Esq . in 1718 , in 1719 Dr . Desaguliers was
the chief , after which Bro . Payne was again elected , in 1720 . In 1721 the Duke of Montague was olectod Grand Master , and he was the first nobleman who occupied that position . The lecturer enlarged upon each of these periods , and concluded a highly instructive discoiirso amidst the plaudits of a very appreciative audience Bro . S . Moss P . M . 185 , in proposing a voto of thauks , adverted to the
method adopted by Bro . Abbott in tho preparation of bis paper , in which every point is made sufficiently clear , so as to bo perfectly comprehensiblo even by the necessarily ignorant eutered apprentice . Reference hud beeu made to tho past . Living in tho present , it would be well to prepare for the future , by cogitating upon the various reflections which must have suggested themselves in the
course of the lecture . He trusted that at no distant timo Bro . Abbott would agaiu favour the Lodgo , and that ho might continue the history down to the present time . Bro . Gottheil seconded the motion , and suggested that , in addition to the vote of thanks , Honorary Membership should bo conferred upon Bro . Abbott . It was the highest honour a Lodge of Instruction had in its gift , and there wero
few worthier recipients than Bro . Abbott . The vote being carried with acclamation , tho lecturer expressed his sincere thanks , and thought that his humble services had been greatly overrated , he valued very much indeed being made honorary member , and felt gratified at the appreciation of the brethren . Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . bogged to be permitted to add his testimony to the pleasure he had
received listening to tho lecturer . As Bro . Moss observed , it was lucid , and capable of being understood by the humblest intellect . Bro . Abbott instead of ( as many might have done ) showing his learning , by adopting a tone above ordinary comprehension , had spoken simply , up to the level of the average understanding , and therby succeeded in instructing the higher as well as the hnmbler capacity . At tho
request of the Brethren , Bro . Abbott promised , before long , to resume the lecture . Due notice thereof will be given in tho FREHHASON ' S CHRONICLE . The following were admitted members , Bros . S . Cohen , B . Summers and Henrv Davies , all of 1017 , T . K . Aboil jun . 1599 , S . C . Hewlett 141 , W . W . Snelling 180 . Bro . Tollis will occupy the chair on next Wednesday .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its usual weely meetiug on Saturday , tho 25 th of November , at the Jolly Farmers , Smithcrate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Powell W . M ., Rowley S . W ., Cohen J . W ., Bidwell S . D ., Read J . D ., Barlow I . G ., Past Masters Bros . J . Constable and Moss . Visitor—Bros . Barlow ; and over thirty members . The Lodge was opened in the
usual manner , tho minutes of previous meeting confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Fox candidate . Also tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Groncr candidate . Tho first and second sections of the first lecture were worked b y Bros . J . Constable and Moss . Bros . A . Westcrb y 1 S 5 , Goodwin 186 , Fenner 1227 , and J . Westcrby 1613 , wero elected members .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The regular weekly convocation was held on Tuesday last , at the Jamaica Coffee Honse , St . Miebaol's-nllcv , Cornhill , E . G . After tha usual preliminaries had been gone through , the M . E . Z ., Comp . Constable , rehearsed the ceremony of exaltation , assisted by Comps . G . Newman If ..
W . E . Gompcrtz J ., Edward S . Norris Assistant Scribe E ., Petei Wagner N ., J . W . Berrie P . S ., Comp . J . B . Lomaitre , one of tie founders of the Chapter , acting as candidate . Cornp . Dudley Roll .- , of Prudent Chapter , No . 12 , was elected a joining member . The election of the officers for the ensuing fortnight resulted as follows : — Comps . G . Newman M . E . Z ,, J , Constable II ., ' W . E , Gompcrtz J .
Notices Of Meetings.
J . B . Lemaitre Scribe N ., J . W . Berrie P . S . It was incidentally mentioned that the officers elect would bo pleasod to vacate thoir position in favour of any Companion who might bo desirous of perfecting himself in either of tho offices . Tho Chapter will rosumo business on Tuesday next , at G . 30 p . m . There wero also present Comps . R . W . Goddard , J . B . Pooro , and A . G . Medwin .
Harmony Lodge , No . 309 . —Thero was a large muster of members of tho Craft at tho Red Lion Hotel , Faroham , on Tuesday , 21 st inst ., to witness the initiation of Col . Sir Frederick W . Fitz Wvgram , Bart ., of Leigh Park . Tho ceremony was ably performed by Bro . H . Ford P . M . 309 , P . P . G . S . W ., and the concluding charge was impressively delivered by Bro . J . Wale W . M . Tho
musical portion of tho ceremony was most effective , tho following brethren assisting : —First Tenors , Bros . Pillow P . G . O ., and Winterbottom ; second ditto , Bros . F . Feltham and Stapleford ; Basses , Bros . Sperring and W . L . Smith . Bro . R . Osborne P . P . G . O ., who bestowed great attention to the musical department , presided at tho harmonium , a fiuo instrument , of great power and rich tone , supplied
by Bro . H . Gilbert , of Fareham . After tho Lodge had been closed , upwards of sixty brethren partook of dinner , Bro . Whalo the W . M . presiding , and Bro . E . Downing S . W . filling the vice-chair . In the conrso of the evening tho health of tho newly initiated brother was proposed by brother H . Ford , and replied to in fitting terms by Bro . Sir F . Fitz Wygram , whose remarks indicated an appreciation of some of tho leadincr characteristics of the ancient Craft .
Lodge Caledonian ( Edinburgh ) , No . 392 . —The annual general meeting of this Lodgo was held on Saturday , the 25 th of November , in Freomason ' s Hall , 98 George-street , when a very largo attendance of the brothren wore present . Bro . A . D . Cairns It . W . M . presided , and was assisted by Bros . Swauson P . M ., Geddcs Calder S . W ., Rev . A . Stuart Irwin Chaplain , and others of the
officebearers . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Cairns , in a few choice and eulogistic remarks , moved that Bro . Robert Bryce bo elected as R . W . Master for the ensuing year , and this having been seconded by P . M . Swanson , was unanimously and enthusiastically agreed to . Bro . Bryce briefly thanked tho brethren for tho distinguished honour proposed to bo conferred upon him , and thereafter
the meeting proceeded to the nomination of the remaining offices , which were filled as follow : —Bros . Geddes Calder S . W ., William Archibald J . W ., Robert Lumsden Secretary , Rev . A . Stuart Irwiii Chaplain , J . Macphorson S . D ., R . Steele J . D ., John Gray G . Steward , Bnrnet Reid I . G ., David Young Tyler , each of whom expressed
their acceptance of office . The offices of Depute Master and Substitute Master being in the appointment of tho R . VV . Master , when installed into tho chair , wore left open , till St . John ' s Day , 27 th December ; but wo understand that it is the intention of Bro . Bryco , tho R . W . M . olect , to appoint two very well known and old members to these offices .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 30 th of November , at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . Bros . T . Cull W . M ., E . Farwig S . W ., G . Davis J . W ., A . C . Bnrrell Treasurer , F . J . Wray S . D ., A . C . Woods J . D ., F . J . Taylor I . G ., J . Mander Preceptor ; also Bros . Wilkinson , Dickinson , Burgess , Smith , Elborn , Hirst , Pike
Collett , E . Button , E . A . Dutton , Baxter , Blundell , Belfrage , Swallow , Docker , Bentley , Reibold , Rose , Hammond , Neighbour , J . H . Watts , Harrison , Stewart , Filby , Doherty , Day ^ , Willis , Martin , Collens , & c . Business—Lodge opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Lodgo opened in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and resnmed to the 1 st , when tho fifteen sections wore worked . 1 st Lecture : Bros . E .
A . Button , F . J . Wray , B . H . Swallow , G . Davis , D . M . Belfrage , J , Bentley , E . Farwig . 2 nd Lecture : Bro 3 . Harrison , J . H . Watt 3 , C . A . Woods A . Stewart , A . Boehr . 3 rd Lecture : Bros . F . J . Taylor , W . Neighbour , W . J . Collens . Lodge resumed , and Bros . Burgess , Doherty , Smith , Dickinson , Pike , Collett , and Hir 3 fc wero unanimously elected members . Proposed by Bro . Mander
Preceptor , seconded by Bro . Burrell Treasurer , and carried unanimously , that a voto of thanks bo recorded to tho W . M ., and that he bo elected an honorary member . Bro . Cull having responded , votes of thanks were accorded to the fifteen brethren who had assisted in the working , for which Bro . Davis J . W . returned thanks . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to Thursday , 7 th December .
Royal Alfred Lodge , No , 780 . —This Lodge hold an emergencey meeting on Saturday , the 25 th November , at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . J . Chambers Roe W . M ., W . Gardiner I . M . P . as S . W ., Walter Goss J . W ., Win . Hilton P . M . Secretary , A . J . Burr S . D . 1612 as S . D ., Wm . Gomm J . D ., Wm . Savage D . C , James Squire 3 as Steward , Jos . Dorey I . G ., Harrison
Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . Win . Gardiner I . P . M ., Thos . Brown , Wm Hilton , A . Beasloy and Littlewood . Visitors—Bros . n . E . Stidol ph P . P . G . O . Essex , A . J . Burr S . D . 1612 , H . Besloy 17 G , V . J . B . Bennett , 733 and T . A . Woodbridgo 1194 . Business—The Lodge was opened at 2 . 30 , Bros . Barnes , Morris and Franckel wero examinod as to their proficiency , and tho replies being satisfactory , the W . M . ably worked
the ceremony of tho third degree in their behalf . Bro . Millross having shown his proficiency as an E . A ., was passed to the second degree Tho ballot was taken for Messrs . F . H . White , J . E . Carter , John H . Jarvis and if . D . Thompson , and proving unanimous , they were admitted to tlio mysteries and privileges of tho Order , the W . M . performing the three ceremonies in a most able manner . Tho
Secretary here slated that , sitico tho last meeting , he regretted to have to announce tho death of a very old and valued P . M . of the Lodgo , that of our brother Samuel May , who , Masonically speaking , was a host in himself , and who was known throughout tho Craft as a mosS energetic Mason . The W . M . then proposed , and Bro . Littlewood P . M . seconded , that a letter of condolence bo written to the widow , to express tho sympathy of tho Lodgo with her in her bereavement—