Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article A WOMAN'S PLACE. Page 1 of 1
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We do not hold ourselves responsible for the oyinims of our Correspondents . We cannot undertalce to return rejected communications . All Letters must hear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FKEEJUSON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR A . VD BKOTHEK , —I have read with interest Bro . Gould ' s paragraph respecting the Old Concord Lodge . I do not know whore to address him direct , so will feel obliged if yon will kindly inform
him , with my compliments , that he need not remain in doubt about tho c . utct date of its origin as tho Lodge possesses tho original warraut . At tho present moment it is in tho care of our W . M . Bro . Gaubert , 85 High-street , Kensington , who wonld , I have no doubt , be pleased to exhibit it to any one interested .
Yours faithfully and fraternally , ARTHUR E . GIAUWELL , ( Old Concord 171 ) , 24 Great Ormoud-street , 13 th Oct . 1879 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The only unfavourable critique of the above work I have yet seen is that of your contemporary , The Freemason , in its number of tho 11 th iust . I should be sorry to attribute this to any other than a fair expression of opinion were it not for circumstances known to myself and relating to tho existence of press rivalry .
Nor should I notice it at all but for assertions which are not warranted by fact , and which , if uncontradicted , might materially influence for evil tho decision of the question at issue . The first of these assertions is fully answered at pages 93-95 of tho work itself , wherein is set out tho difference of opinion of The Freemason in 1878 from that expressed by the same publication in 1870 . What in
tho earlier year was designated " a great movement , deserving the serious attention of every thoughtful Mason , " is now condemned as " meddlesome interference ; " what then had " long been a source of mortification and pain to witness , " it is now alike " unnecessary and uncalled-for" to attempt to remedy . "The promulgation of an ' orthodox , ' and uiich-mgi-ablo ritual , " which was thou '' one of
tinmost desirable reforms , " would now be " utterly injurious to indusiri and energy in our Officer . ' * , md to true and idue ited and sensiMFn ' . 'inusons . " What WHS t wn " , strange anomaly , " is now " aallowable difforonce . " " T . io modi st request which wo aro sure will bo grai . terl by Grt . iid Lorl ¦ . ¦(¦ , " now roads " wo fool persnailed oi-rsel' -T's that G . TIMI Lodgo will never consent to sun *
sooli proposition . " It this consiHroncy ? Docs it warrant tin . statement , " We have tio'vr chained our opinion ou this vexata quaistio ? " Whilst I write on this subject in tho l-. i ^ os i . f The Free , mus-. n , was over a wor ! printed adverse to the arguments 1 then advanced ? On tho contrary , tho correspondent who is now credited wiih " zeal which , in our opinion , outruns his discretion , "
thon ' ¦ indicated a renitdy which wo behove would prove ellectual . " I could quoto tmd quo'o to provo this glaring eviituuce of inconsistency , arm als > of man ) ot ler departures from the truly Masonic manner in which your contemporary was originally conducted , sotting aside altogether its lato exu-aordint . iy articles wherein inverted commas shield slang epithet .- ' which ; re abusive of tho Order it
professes to represent , but . vnboao ? It will not In * through tho infine ; . co of The Freemason , or any otli ? r journal , that he '' great move , mcit" will have ultimate success , but through tho stoning good sense of the irt-lligent port on of trie brotherhood lepresented by the met ibers of tho Grand Loigo it > o J . 3 Iy work is but a preparation for will great -r efforts in that direction , and I am daily favoured by
coiuniuiin .-atio . i-. ' from c , i > parts of th ? , kingdom whioh will stronglhe . i and increase * ny z al without , as I believe and h . ipe , lessoning tin di . scr tion . 1 turn not tlio first , nor-shall I be the last , whom cortam tcliters have deemed indiscreet because their opinions are ool . ing . onoly opposed to atiy project in it of their own introduction ; h . n ad powerful a . i the fourth estate ia ; if be , there are yet tribunals befo * --
wti : h submission must oo made if tdo judgment arrived at is a . rope i' one . To such a tribunal amoi gst Ma » ons I au- about to app al , wel . supported , I hope , by able a id intelligent men , who seo the errt-is I see and what they aro Sealing to , and 1 . twuit the rcsiut , whatever it may bo , villi a sonrd conviction ih .-ir . the requuvu remedy will be , if not :.--s scon as *> r icticablo , yet , .. o disim i . da :.-canioil into efeet . Wt .-o it not ¦ " ¦ I conld not nt-r ^ pt ns j f / p n _ ,
late Bro . Olit or ' s 75 th ipLorism , *• Whoever prom . ! „ atcs any i . e . scheme for the benefit if Mason . } most expect , ; . und reuei-a . !¦ . applause if bo be successful , and narked derision .... -. iogradatuni ihe have the n is fortune - . olail . " P-iy it should be .- ! out no „ -,: ; ioi \ was-ever yet won witbmt a risk of defeat ; and u-r .- would U . " ,, triumph without an adversary . 1 am equal to m- ¦> : •;¦ fortune , ¦ <•) d scorn to let " I dare not wait npnn . I would . "
. ours fuilt . icdly and fr . t .-i - ly , I VMES STEVENS . I . S . —I haie sent a vorbiitim copy of ' his : < n ! he Freemasj to I ¦' - - ui-ed by its Editor as he uiav tee ti-. - J . cS . Claphain , S . W ., 13 th Oct . 1879 .
A Woman's Place.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR , —Your remarks on ladies joining Masons attending banquets are meant I know in good part . I , as a Mason ' s wife of twenty years' standing , must differ with you . I think an outing good for every man , and it would bo selfish for any lady to
deny her husband such pleasure , as she must know a little recreation is good , and if men are not to movo without their wives , I am afraid thoy will become a henpeefced'Iot . I am sure my wiser sisters will admit Masonry is not for ladies , nor havo wo any desire to join oven
in the social portion of the " work . I hope it will be a Jong whilo before ladies , spito the rapid strides women are making into men ' s pursuits , are initiated into Masonry , if only at the festive board , as undoubtedly a man ' s privilege only . 1 am , Dear Sir , ONE WHO LOVES HER LOKD
Chapter of Fidelity , Wo . 477 , Birkenhead . —Tlie first mooting of this Chapter , after the recess , was held on Wednesday , the 1 st instant , when tho following Officers and members wore present—Companions John G . Adams Z ., John Dutton H ., William Bennett J ., Donald Fraser P . Z . Treas ., Samnel Jones P . Z . S . E ., Frederick Thompson S . N ., Arthur K . Gardiner P . S ., James T .
Thompson and Enoch Evans Assist . Sojs ., William Hopkinson D . C , James H . Holloway Janitor ; Henry Seaman , James Marsh , George Lloyd , William Penk , Thomas Barrow , John West , Wm . Soholefiold , James Thomson , Robert Hamilton , George Dickon , Alexander Kussell , John Hooper , Charles Berry , and Thomas Shaw H . 605 . The Chapter having boon opened in ancient form , Bros . William J .
Brenchloy and Thomas Inglefield , of No . 177 , and Frederick Smith , of No . 127 G , were , in au effective and impressive manner , exalted to tlie snpremo degree of Royal Arch Masons by the M . E . Z . Companion J . G . Adams . After the general business of the Chapter had boon transacted , Companion Samuel Jones P . Z . and S . E ., on behalf of tho members of the Chapter , presented to Companion Donald
Fraser P . Z . and Treasurer , a valuable Past Princpal ' s Jewel , in recognition of tho many valuable aud important services rendered by him to the Chapter . Comp . Jones alluded to tho many changes that had taken place both in tho Mersey Lodge and Chapter of Fidelity sinco Companion Fraser had joined them , and although it had boon his lot to encounter many difficulties and obstacles , he had never
allowed himself to be turned aside from the object upon which he had set his heart—tho promotion of the welfare and reputation of his Mother Lodge and Chapter ; and Comp . Jonos trusted Comp . Fraser might long be spared to wear tho jewel which he placed upon his breast , and that the genuineness of its character might bo the faithful index of tho purity of tho principles which reigned within . Comp .
Fr i ! er , in suitable and feeling terms , oxprossod his thanks to the 0 i- ' opanions for the hononr thoy had conferred upon him , and ex . pr- fsnd his determination , whilo ho had tho opportunity and power , ft . promote tlio interests of tho Chapter . Tho ; jewel , of pure gold , an'i ? nrichod with diamond- * , &•¦ ., elicited g-enera ] admiration from
tin . vqtiisitc workmnnshif ) upon it . and gave every satisfaction both to Mm donors and recipient . . After the closing of tho Chapter the Oo npanions s-it down to dinner at the Ranolagh Hotel , provided by Co ¦ p . Ohur ' cs Horry in excellent stylo , after which tho usual Loyal . -i . i ! 11 . A . toasts wore duly given and responded to , the evening being parsed in tho most enjoyable manner .
Windsor Castle Chapter , No . 771 . —The installation meetiny -vsis held nfc the Masonic Temple , Windsor , on Thursday , and will be i" illy reported in our next . Ex . Comps . G . H . Powell P . G . S ., \ V . B . Cantrell P . G . S . B ., and J . O . Carter are the three newly-installed p ; i : icipals .
]'_ - ' etropolitan Chapter of Instruction . —The usunl meeting of r lis Chapter of Instruction , which has now resumed its meetings foi the season was held on Tuesday evening , 14 th October , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s . alley , Cornholl . This Chapter , lik : the Lodgo of Emulation in Craft Masonry , is looked upon as the an : ! : ority for instruction in the superior decree , and is attended by
sot o of tho most efficient and best working R . A . Masous of tho Metropolis . Comp . W . L . Lee presided as Z ., F . Brown H ., W . H . Ki iipfcim J ., H . Higgins P . S ., G . L . Walker iV . The ceremony of irs * allation was rehearsed , Comp . Poore P . Z . of the Panmnvo Chapter 721 . ' being tho candidate , and ho was afterwards elected as a member . Th ¦ ¦ ceremony was excellently performed , and after some formal business the Chapter was adjourned until Tuesdav , 21 st October .
r 'ho installation of Bro . William Vincent as fourth W . M . of tho E- * - '' 2 Ston Lodge , No . 16 : M , took plac : > at Grosvenor Hall , S . W ., on iV ' f dnesday last . A fall report of this most SUCCCSHM meeting will . ij ; -oar in our next . ' . very successful moot ing of tho Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 , took ¦! -- . o on Wednesday . Report will appear next week .
' -. t-owA-s rats . —Diarrhoea and Bowel Complaints . —These nud idles are J * . present , and it' left unattended frequently terminate fatally . It . should bo ' ¦ ¦ i ;¦ ¦ where known that both cholera and dinrrhu-a ori . iiiate m the ] JI * 3 SCDCO of * ¦ ¦ : ' . ¦ : undigested substaiu-n in the stomach or bowel .--, or some ¦ leloterious MI * -r in the Wood , and that Uollotray'n i'ills can exnei cither witl-. case and edition
ex- . They con cent rate in a surprising- degree purifying , alterative , ; vt , i ative , and strengthening qualities , and thus exert over every internal ) .-i i . a the wholesomely controlling influence eojiecessnry for suhdiungcxcessivo - ; n in the human frame . Holloway's medicine ' . ay be advautigeously _ .-: t ; n as a means of keeping tho blood pure and tho ' body cool—the only ! practicable plan of maintaining health in youth , manhood , and old age
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the oyinims of our Correspondents . We cannot undertalce to return rejected communications . All Letters must hear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FKEEJUSON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR A . VD BKOTHEK , —I have read with interest Bro . Gould ' s paragraph respecting the Old Concord Lodge . I do not know whore to address him direct , so will feel obliged if yon will kindly inform
him , with my compliments , that he need not remain in doubt about tho c . utct date of its origin as tho Lodge possesses tho original warraut . At tho present moment it is in tho care of our W . M . Bro . Gaubert , 85 High-street , Kensington , who wonld , I have no doubt , be pleased to exhibit it to any one interested .
Yours faithfully and fraternally , ARTHUR E . GIAUWELL , ( Old Concord 171 ) , 24 Great Ormoud-street , 13 th Oct . 1879 .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The only unfavourable critique of the above work I have yet seen is that of your contemporary , The Freemason , in its number of tho 11 th iust . I should be sorry to attribute this to any other than a fair expression of opinion were it not for circumstances known to myself and relating to tho existence of press rivalry .
Nor should I notice it at all but for assertions which are not warranted by fact , and which , if uncontradicted , might materially influence for evil tho decision of the question at issue . The first of these assertions is fully answered at pages 93-95 of tho work itself , wherein is set out tho difference of opinion of The Freemason in 1878 from that expressed by the same publication in 1870 . What in
tho earlier year was designated " a great movement , deserving the serious attention of every thoughtful Mason , " is now condemned as " meddlesome interference ; " what then had " long been a source of mortification and pain to witness , " it is now alike " unnecessary and uncalled-for" to attempt to remedy . "The promulgation of an ' orthodox , ' and uiich-mgi-ablo ritual , " which was thou '' one of
tinmost desirable reforms , " would now be " utterly injurious to indusiri and energy in our Officer . ' * , md to true and idue ited and sensiMFn ' . 'inusons . " What WHS t wn " , strange anomaly , " is now " aallowable difforonce . " " T . io modi st request which wo aro sure will bo grai . terl by Grt . iid Lorl ¦ . ¦(¦ , " now roads " wo fool persnailed oi-rsel' -T's that G . TIMI Lodgo will never consent to sun *
sooli proposition . " It this consiHroncy ? Docs it warrant tin . statement , " We have tio'vr chained our opinion ou this vexata quaistio ? " Whilst I write on this subject in tho l-. i ^ os i . f The Free , mus-. n , was over a wor ! printed adverse to the arguments 1 then advanced ? On tho contrary , tho correspondent who is now credited wiih " zeal which , in our opinion , outruns his discretion , "
thon ' ¦ indicated a renitdy which wo behove would prove ellectual . " I could quoto tmd quo'o to provo this glaring eviituuce of inconsistency , arm als > of man ) ot ler departures from the truly Masonic manner in which your contemporary was originally conducted , sotting aside altogether its lato exu-aordint . iy articles wherein inverted commas shield slang epithet .- ' which ; re abusive of tho Order it
professes to represent , but . vnboao ? It will not In * through tho infine ; . co of The Freemason , or any otli ? r journal , that he '' great move , mcit" will have ultimate success , but through tho stoning good sense of the irt-lligent port on of trie brotherhood lepresented by the met ibers of tho Grand Loigo it > o J . 3 Iy work is but a preparation for will great -r efforts in that direction , and I am daily favoured by
coiuniuiin .-atio . i-. ' from c , i > parts of th ? , kingdom whioh will stronglhe . i and increase * ny z al without , as I believe and h . ipe , lessoning tin di . scr tion . 1 turn not tlio first , nor-shall I be the last , whom cortam tcliters have deemed indiscreet because their opinions are ool . ing . onoly opposed to atiy project in it of their own introduction ; h . n ad powerful a . i the fourth estate ia ; if be , there are yet tribunals befo * --
wti : h submission must oo made if tdo judgment arrived at is a . rope i' one . To such a tribunal amoi gst Ma » ons I au- about to app al , wel . supported , I hope , by able a id intelligent men , who seo the errt-is I see and what they aro Sealing to , and 1 . twuit the rcsiut , whatever it may bo , villi a sonrd conviction ih .-ir . the requuvu remedy will be , if not :.--s scon as *> r icticablo , yet , .. o disim i . da :.-canioil into efeet . Wt .-o it not ¦ " ¦ I conld not nt-r ^ pt ns j f / p n _ ,
late Bro . Olit or ' s 75 th ipLorism , *• Whoever prom . ! „ atcs any i . e . scheme for the benefit if Mason . } most expect , ; . und reuei-a . !¦ . applause if bo be successful , and narked derision .... -. iogradatuni ihe have the n is fortune - . olail . " P-iy it should be .- ! out no „ -,: ; ioi \ was-ever yet won witbmt a risk of defeat ; and u-r .- would U . " ,, triumph without an adversary . 1 am equal to m- ¦> : •;¦ fortune , ¦ <•) d scorn to let " I dare not wait npnn . I would . "
. ours fuilt . icdly and fr . t .-i - ly , I VMES STEVENS . I . S . —I haie sent a vorbiitim copy of ' his : < n ! he Freemasj to I ¦' - - ui-ed by its Editor as he uiav tee ti-. - J . cS . Claphain , S . W ., 13 th Oct . 1879 .
A Woman's Place.
To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR , —Your remarks on ladies joining Masons attending banquets are meant I know in good part . I , as a Mason ' s wife of twenty years' standing , must differ with you . I think an outing good for every man , and it would bo selfish for any lady to
deny her husband such pleasure , as she must know a little recreation is good , and if men are not to movo without their wives , I am afraid thoy will become a henpeefced'Iot . I am sure my wiser sisters will admit Masonry is not for ladies , nor havo wo any desire to join oven
in the social portion of the " work . I hope it will be a Jong whilo before ladies , spito the rapid strides women are making into men ' s pursuits , are initiated into Masonry , if only at the festive board , as undoubtedly a man ' s privilege only . 1 am , Dear Sir , ONE WHO LOVES HER LOKD
Chapter of Fidelity , Wo . 477 , Birkenhead . —Tlie first mooting of this Chapter , after the recess , was held on Wednesday , the 1 st instant , when tho following Officers and members wore present—Companions John G . Adams Z ., John Dutton H ., William Bennett J ., Donald Fraser P . Z . Treas ., Samnel Jones P . Z . S . E ., Frederick Thompson S . N ., Arthur K . Gardiner P . S ., James T .
Thompson and Enoch Evans Assist . Sojs ., William Hopkinson D . C , James H . Holloway Janitor ; Henry Seaman , James Marsh , George Lloyd , William Penk , Thomas Barrow , John West , Wm . Soholefiold , James Thomson , Robert Hamilton , George Dickon , Alexander Kussell , John Hooper , Charles Berry , and Thomas Shaw H . 605 . The Chapter having boon opened in ancient form , Bros . William J .
Brenchloy and Thomas Inglefield , of No . 177 , and Frederick Smith , of No . 127 G , were , in au effective and impressive manner , exalted to tlie snpremo degree of Royal Arch Masons by the M . E . Z . Companion J . G . Adams . After the general business of the Chapter had boon transacted , Companion Samuel Jones P . Z . and S . E ., on behalf of tho members of the Chapter , presented to Companion Donald
Fraser P . Z . and Treasurer , a valuable Past Princpal ' s Jewel , in recognition of tho many valuable aud important services rendered by him to the Chapter . Comp . Jones alluded to tho many changes that had taken place both in tho Mersey Lodge and Chapter of Fidelity sinco Companion Fraser had joined them , and although it had boon his lot to encounter many difficulties and obstacles , he had never
allowed himself to be turned aside from the object upon which he had set his heart—tho promotion of the welfare and reputation of his Mother Lodge and Chapter ; and Comp . Jonos trusted Comp . Fraser might long be spared to wear tho jewel which he placed upon his breast , and that the genuineness of its character might bo the faithful index of tho purity of tho principles which reigned within . Comp .
Fr i ! er , in suitable and feeling terms , oxprossod his thanks to the 0 i- ' opanions for the hononr thoy had conferred upon him , and ex . pr- fsnd his determination , whilo ho had tho opportunity and power , ft . promote tlio interests of tho Chapter . Tho ; jewel , of pure gold , an'i ? nrichod with diamond- * , &•¦ ., elicited g-enera ] admiration from
tin . vqtiisitc workmnnshif ) upon it . and gave every satisfaction both to Mm donors and recipient . . After the closing of tho Chapter the Oo npanions s-it down to dinner at the Ranolagh Hotel , provided by Co ¦ p . Ohur ' cs Horry in excellent stylo , after which tho usual Loyal . -i . i ! 11 . A . toasts wore duly given and responded to , the evening being parsed in tho most enjoyable manner .
Windsor Castle Chapter , No . 771 . —The installation meetiny -vsis held nfc the Masonic Temple , Windsor , on Thursday , and will be i" illy reported in our next . Ex . Comps . G . H . Powell P . G . S ., \ V . B . Cantrell P . G . S . B ., and J . O . Carter are the three newly-installed p ; i : icipals .
]'_ - ' etropolitan Chapter of Instruction . —The usunl meeting of r lis Chapter of Instruction , which has now resumed its meetings foi the season was held on Tuesday evening , 14 th October , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s . alley , Cornholl . This Chapter , lik : the Lodgo of Emulation in Craft Masonry , is looked upon as the an : ! : ority for instruction in the superior decree , and is attended by
sot o of tho most efficient and best working R . A . Masous of tho Metropolis . Comp . W . L . Lee presided as Z ., F . Brown H ., W . H . Ki iipfcim J ., H . Higgins P . S ., G . L . Walker iV . The ceremony of irs * allation was rehearsed , Comp . Poore P . Z . of the Panmnvo Chapter 721 . ' being tho candidate , and ho was afterwards elected as a member . Th ¦ ¦ ceremony was excellently performed , and after some formal business the Chapter was adjourned until Tuesdav , 21 st October .
r 'ho installation of Bro . William Vincent as fourth W . M . of tho E- * - '' 2 Ston Lodge , No . 16 : M , took plac : > at Grosvenor Hall , S . W ., on iV ' f dnesday last . A fall report of this most SUCCCSHM meeting will . ij ; -oar in our next . ' . very successful moot ing of tho Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 , took ¦! -- . o on Wednesday . Report will appear next week .
' -. t-owA-s rats . —Diarrhoea and Bowel Complaints . —These nud idles are J * . present , and it' left unattended frequently terminate fatally . It . should bo ' ¦ ¦ i ;¦ ¦ where known that both cholera and dinrrhu-a ori . iiiate m the ] JI * 3 SCDCO of * ¦ ¦ : ' . ¦ : undigested substaiu-n in the stomach or bowel .--, or some ¦ leloterious MI * -r in the Wood , and that Uollotray'n i'ills can exnei cither witl-. case and edition
ex- . They con cent rate in a surprising- degree purifying , alterative , ; vt , i ative , and strengthening qualities , and thus exert over every internal ) .-i i . a the wholesomely controlling influence eojiecessnry for suhdiungcxcessivo - ; n in the human frame . Holloway's medicine ' . ay be advautigeously _ .-: t ; n as a means of keeping tho blood pure and tho ' body cool—the only ! practicable plan of maintaining health in youth , manhood , and old age