Article UNITY LODGE, No. 1637. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE, No. 1558. Page 1 of 1 Article DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE, No. 1558. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN LODGE, No, 1507. Page 1 of 2 →
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Unity Lodge, No. 1637.
( Jueen and the Craft . The National Anthem was sting , liro . Knight-Smith taking the solos . The health of * the M . W . G . M . was received with enthusiastie cheers , and liro . Cantle sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales . " The W . M ., in speaking to the ' toast of tho Pro G . Master , referred to the arduous duties of that worthy and esteemed Brother ; lie has always a kind word for every one , and his
judgments havo been unerring . After Bro . Murlis had favoured the company with "The Lass of Richmond Hill , " the toast of tho R . W . Lord Skelmersdale ! and the rest of the Grand Officers followed , and Bros . Knight-Smith and J . I . Cantle gavo the duet " L ' xcelsior . " The R . W . tho Provincial Grand Master Col . Hnrdett was next toasted .
Bro . Davis said ho was initiated before tho province was constituted ; Col . Bnrdett is one who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , nnd his was a toast that was always well received throughout the Province . This toast was followed by that of tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master and tho rest of tho Officers , for which Bros . Stephens , Swallow , and Coombes replied . Bro . W . Stephens I . P . M . then rose
to propose tho health of tho W . M . They wero all proud of Bro . Davis , and all acknowledged his worth . He but expressed the sentiments of every member of the Lodge when ho trusted their W . M . might have a happy and a prosperous year of office . Bro . Davis thanked Bro . Stephens for the kind expressions he had given utterance to , aud the brethren for the hearty way they had
respouded . He was received into Freemasonry in the district that now comprised the Province of Middlesex . When tho Unity Lodge was started he was asked to join it . This ho did , and received tho post of Senior Deacon . Ho must congratulate the brethren on the removal of the Lodge ; be felt a great pleasure in being elected its W . M ., and he hoped ho might have as successful a year aa that
he enjoyed when filling tho chair of No . 382 . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate , who might congratulate himself ou being received into this Lodge , as the number of members was limited . It was desirable to have members like Bro . Bristow , who had paid great attention to the ceremony , and he was sure ho would bo a credit to the Order . After this toast had been suitably acknowledged , the W . M . gavo that of tho Visitors . After a reply from Bro . Pattison
AV . M . 1678 , the claims of the Masonic Chanties were forcibly brought before the brethren . We havo with ns to-night ono of tho representatives of those Charities , au honorary member of our Lodge . He is a very hardworking member in the noble cause , and ho felt it a great pleasure in proposing "Prosperity to tho Masonic Charities , " coupling with it the name of Bro . James Terry , liro . James Terry , iu replying , did tlio cause he pleads so well goodly service ; lie informed the brethren that the R . W . the Karl of Zetland wonld tako
the chair at tho next Festival , and liro . King was so impressed with liro . Terry's eloquence that lie consented to act as Steward on behalf of the Lodge . Tho toast of the Past Masters was replied to by Bro . W . Stephens Treasurer and I . P . M . ; ho informed the members that the Lodge was freo from debt , and declared his determination to look well after the interests of tho members . Bro .
Woodward followed . Ho was pleased to seo Bro . James lorry present ho has a good and kind word for every one . Aa a founder of this Lodge , ho ( Bro . Woodward ) was proud of it ; he was snro it would prosper under such a W . M . and Officers . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of I ho Wardens and other Officers , for which compliment each brother referred to replied . With the toast of the
Masonic Pre- 's was associated the name of Bro . If . M . Levy , who , in responding , said that the FIIKKMASOS ' . S Cnuo . vtULt : wis started on liberal and independent principles , and it was gratifying to know that the way it was conducted was approved of by tho majority of its supporters . In 'due conrso the Tyler ' s toast was given , and the
brethren returned to town . Amongst tho Visitors wero Bros . H . Reed P . M . 733 , W . Murlis P . M . 1662 , T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 , C . Daniel W . M . 65 , XV . Brown P . M . 65 , Parkbonso W . M . 1642 , Eca 1096 , Williams W . M . 874 , Glover 1489 , W . B . Brown 1612 , J . I . Cantle W . M . 1257 , J . Knight-Smith W . M . 1441 , B . Swallow P . P . G . D . Middlesex , C . Hickling 538 . James Terry P . P . G . J . W . Herts ; J . Hurdoll
1348 , Pattison W . M . 1678 , Rea 1069 , Willing Holmesdale , H . M Levy P . M . 188 .
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
rnilE anniversary and installation meeting of this Lodge was held -L on Thursday , 9 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell ^ Scw Road . Bro . Walter Mitchell W . M . presided ; Bro . Rnnacres S . W . and W . M . elect , Chalk J . W ., Boyton S . D ., Power J . D ., Daun ( Secretary ; Past Masters G ' ackett and Sfeap , and the following Visitors—IT . A . Robinson Prosperity Lodge , Smith II 58 , if . Thompson
14-26 and l' . M . 178 and 1158 , Veotnun . s . 167 , Macau 20 , Hilton 1475 , J . Dixon P . M . 1728 , Malthouso 1623 , Sandall 907 , Ronaut 1623 , Bott 1839 , Bath 7 HS , E . Dodson P . M . 72 , Graham 1513 . Tho Lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . G . If . Trousliaw was examined n .- ! lo the progress he had made iu the
science ; lu . s answers being considered satisfactory , fin retired , and the Lodge was opened in ihe I bird degree , Bro . Sleap P . M . taking the chair , and liro . Trenshaw was impressively raised to the degree ot M . M . The Lodge wan lowered u > the . . second degree , when liro . Da mi P . M . and Secretary presented lite . IJunacres the , W . M . elect t . o receive I lie benefit ol' insl .-illation . Afterwards : i . lionrd ol' In .
• slallcd MasierH was formed , and Pro . Kunacres was duly installed info the chair of K . S . : on ihe brel . hreii being- re-ailmilted , lie received the customary salutes . Pro . Dunn acted a . s Director of Ceremonies . Tin- new W . M . I ben 'appointed his UlVieer ; - ns follows : —Bros . Chalk S . W ., Boyton J . W ., Dam : P . M . and Seorclni-y , t . ' otpc Treasurer ,
. Power S . D ., Taylor . J . D ., Sims I . G ., Karris D . C , i ' . nioiis W . S ., , J . R . Smith A . W . S ., Wilkins Organist , and . 11 . Thomas Tyler . The W . M said his lirst duty was a , very pleasing one , as it was to present his predecessor ut . nl immediate Past Master with a jewel , which had been voted to him by the brethren , iu acknowledgment of his valuable
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
services dnring the year ho had presided over them as W . M . of tho Lodge ; and in attaching it to bis breast , bo hoped ho might long live to wear it , and afterwards that it might bo preserved as an heirloom in his family , aud be passed down from generation to generation . Tho jewel is a very splendid one , and bore tho following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . WALTER MITCHELL , By tho Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1558 , On his retiring from the Master ' s chair , October 1870 . Bro . Mitchell P . M . said ho thought he shonld best consult tho wishes of the brethren by deferring any observations he had to offer until a
later period of tho evening . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired for refreshment . At its conclusion , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given . Bro . W . Mitchell , in proposing tho health of the AV . M ., said he was sure he would provo as good a Master as ever sat in the chair , and perhaps better . Ho found out his good qualities during the timo ho had worked under him , and
therefore he needed no recommendation on his part . Bro . Rnnacres was constant in his attendance during every year lie had been a member of tho Lodge ; ho had the welfare of it at heart , and ho was snro that their W . M . would do all in his power to promote the interests of the members . Words failed him to speak what ho should wish to say on behalf of tho W . M ., but had ho not possessed
their good opinion they would never havo elected him to fill the chair ; he could only say that if Bro . Rnnacres only carried out in Masonry tho good qualities which distinguished him in private life , the brethren would have no reason to regret tho choice they had made . The Worshipfnl Master , in reply , said tho very flattering speech that Bro . Mitchell had just addressed to them had so much
taken him aback that he knew not what to say . Ho would say , however , that they might take it for granted that ho would do all in his power to make the Duke of Connaught Lodgo one of tho best Ledges in London . They now numbered forty-four members , and that was as many as the }* required , for their wish was they shonld only admit those who would provo a credit to them , aud such men
as they shonld feel a pleasure in having to sit beside them . The W . M . then gavo " The Past Masters of tho Duko of Connaught Lodge , " and Bro . Mitchell I . P . M .. in returning thanks , acknowledged tho hononr conferred upon him ; ho was grateful for the confidence reposed in him during his year of office , when ho had done everything
in Ins power , to tlio utmost limit of his capacity . Bros . Sleap and Cnckett also returned thanks . " Tho Visitors , " aud some other toasts wero given , and responded to . Bro . Chalk entertained tho brethren with some choice ballads dnring tho evening , for which ho was deservedly applauded ; and the brethren separated , well pleased with this truly fraternal meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge, No, 1507.
rjTUE annual meeting of' this Lodge was held at Anderlon's Hotel , - " . Fleet . sneer , c n Wednesday . Lodge was opened with the usual formalities by Pro . John Douglass , who was supported by a numerous . ¦ : sK"inb ! y of members and visitors , among tho latter being- Pros . E . E . Uarratt Kidder J . I ) . 12 , S . Hollidge 1602 , li . Kaiilfmanu 1732 , Leon Jacobs LG . 1732 , T . W . Kingston P . M . 1107 912 615 P . P . G . D . C .
Kent , A . Dawkorrell I . G . 145 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , II . Stevens 1732 , H . A . Dubois P . G . J . W . Micklx ., C . Reingpach 392 G . O . France , J . Cherry 19 , F . G . W . Guyer 128 S , W . Read 177 , 0 . Harcourt 1319 , A . Hubbard 1732 , J . L . Simpsonl 076 , W . Waldeu 49 , W . Medcalf 206 , E . F . Pierdon 918 , A . Mullord J . W . 1288 , T . Wilson D . C . 1328 , XV Scarlc 907 , M . S . Boyle 1777 , J . J . Wine 862 , J . Terry P . P . G . W .
Herts Sec . R . M . B . I ., C . B . Putland 1732 , J . H . Lamer 733 , W . W . Morgan jnn . 1385 , Bradshaw Brown J . W . 1 , G . XV . Churchley P . M . 615 , F . Morgan 169 , & c . Bro . C . J . Scales the W . M . elect occupied the position of S . W ., Side J . W ., J . Willing P . M . Treas ., G . Clark acted as S . D ., Colls J . D ., Edmonds as I . G ., aud H . Lovegrovo Steward . Among tho Past Masters wore Bros . Kingham arid Michael . After
the confirmation of tho minutes tho report of the Audit Committee was presented and adopted . On the proposition of Bro . Stiles , seconded by Bro . Kiugliam , tho sanction of the Lodge was given for the removal of the Lodge of Instruction held nnder the sanction of this Lodge to the Moorgatc Station Restaurant . Bro . Weiss , of No . 115 , was passed to the second degree , and then Bro . Scales was formally
presented tor the benefit of installation , which ceremony was ably performed by the outgoing Master Bro . John Douglass . Tho following brethren were , in due course , appointed aud invested as officers for the coming year—W . Side S . W ., W . M . Stiles J . W ., J . Willing P . M . Treas ., J . . 7 . Michael P . M . Sec , G . Colls S . D ., 11 . Stiles J . D ., J . Clark I . G ., 11 . Lovegrovo D . C , G . W . liruiicll and T . Gilbert jun . Stewards , J . Daily
Tyler . Tho installation ceremony was then completed and the W . M . called upon to show his proficiency , there being two candidates for initiation , viz . —Messrs . H . Connolly and C . Rooks ; each of those gentlemen were admitted to a participation in the secrets of Freemasonry , and i hen tho W . M . proceeded lo close the Lodge . Previous to doing so , liro . Michael proposed a , vote of thanks to Bro . Douglass
i ' ov tho able way in which he had installed his successor , this was seconded by liro . Willing , and carried with acclamation . It was then announced that the W . A 1 . had undertaken the office of Steward for th *! next Festival of the lienovolent Institution , and ns it was pointed out that the Lodge was already Vice President of one branch of that Fund , a hope was expressed that on the . occasion of tho Master ' s
Stewardship sufficient money would be forthcoming to entitle the Ledge to the rank of Vice Patron . Bro . Michael also offered his ser . vices lo represent tho Lodge at other of the Festivals , aud trusted that the year on which they had just started would be marked for the amount devoted by tho Lodge to tho Charities of the Order . Xothiug further offering the Lodge was closed , the brethren proceeding to the banquet hall where a first rate repast awaited them ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Unity Lodge, No. 1637.
( Jueen and the Craft . The National Anthem was sting , liro . Knight-Smith taking the solos . The health of * the M . W . G . M . was received with enthusiastie cheers , and liro . Cantle sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales . " The W . M ., in speaking to the ' toast of tho Pro G . Master , referred to the arduous duties of that worthy and esteemed Brother ; lie has always a kind word for every one , and his
judgments havo been unerring . After Bro . Murlis had favoured the company with "The Lass of Richmond Hill , " the toast of tho R . W . Lord Skelmersdale ! and the rest of the Grand Officers followed , and Bros . Knight-Smith and J . I . Cantle gavo the duet " L ' xcelsior . " The R . W . tho Provincial Grand Master Col . Hnrdett was next toasted .
Bro . Davis said ho was initiated before tho province was constituted ; Col . Bnrdett is one who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , nnd his was a toast that was always well received throughout the Province . This toast was followed by that of tho Deputy Prov . Grand Master and tho rest of tho Officers , for which Bros . Stephens , Swallow , and Coombes replied . Bro . W . Stephens I . P . M . then rose
to propose tho health of tho W . M . They wero all proud of Bro . Davis , and all acknowledged his worth . He but expressed the sentiments of every member of the Lodge when ho trusted their W . M . might have a happy and a prosperous year of office . Bro . Davis thanked Bro . Stephens for the kind expressions he had given utterance to , aud the brethren for the hearty way they had
respouded . He was received into Freemasonry in the district that now comprised the Province of Middlesex . When tho Unity Lodge was started he was asked to join it . This ho did , and received tho post of Senior Deacon . Ho must congratulate the brethren on the removal of the Lodge ; be felt a great pleasure in being elected its W . M ., and he hoped ho might have as successful a year aa that
he enjoyed when filling tho chair of No . 382 . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Initiate , who might congratulate himself ou being received into this Lodge , as the number of members was limited . It was desirable to have members like Bro . Bristow , who had paid great attention to the ceremony , and he was sure ho would bo a credit to the Order . After this toast had been suitably acknowledged , the W . M . gavo that of tho Visitors . After a reply from Bro . Pattison
AV . M . 1678 , the claims of the Masonic Chanties were forcibly brought before the brethren . We havo with ns to-night ono of tho representatives of those Charities , au honorary member of our Lodge . He is a very hardworking member in the noble cause , and ho felt it a great pleasure in proposing "Prosperity to tho Masonic Charities , " coupling with it the name of Bro . James Terry , liro . James Terry , iu replying , did tlio cause he pleads so well goodly service ; lie informed the brethren that the R . W . the Karl of Zetland wonld tako
the chair at tho next Festival , and liro . King was so impressed with liro . Terry's eloquence that lie consented to act as Steward on behalf of the Lodge . Tho toast of the Past Masters was replied to by Bro . W . Stephens Treasurer and I . P . M . ; ho informed the members that the Lodge was freo from debt , and declared his determination to look well after the interests of tho members . Bro .
Woodward followed . Ho was pleased to seo Bro . James lorry present ho has a good and kind word for every one . Aa a founder of this Lodge , ho ( Bro . Woodward ) was proud of it ; he was snro it would prosper under such a W . M . and Officers . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of I ho Wardens and other Officers , for which compliment each brother referred to replied . With the toast of the
Masonic Pre- 's was associated the name of Bro . If . M . Levy , who , in responding , said that the FIIKKMASOS ' . S Cnuo . vtULt : wis started on liberal and independent principles , and it was gratifying to know that the way it was conducted was approved of by tho majority of its supporters . In 'due conrso the Tyler ' s toast was given , and the
brethren returned to town . Amongst tho Visitors wero Bros . H . Reed P . M . 733 , W . Murlis P . M . 1662 , T . J . Maidwell P . M . 27 , C . Daniel W . M . 65 , XV . Brown P . M . 65 , Parkbonso W . M . 1642 , Eca 1096 , Williams W . M . 874 , Glover 1489 , W . B . Brown 1612 , J . I . Cantle W . M . 1257 , J . Knight-Smith W . M . 1441 , B . Swallow P . P . G . D . Middlesex , C . Hickling 538 . James Terry P . P . G . J . W . Herts ; J . Hurdoll
1348 , Pattison W . M . 1678 , Rea 1069 , Willing Holmesdale , H . M Levy P . M . 188 .
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
rnilE anniversary and installation meeting of this Lodge was held -L on Thursday , 9 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell ^ Scw Road . Bro . Walter Mitchell W . M . presided ; Bro . Rnnacres S . W . and W . M . elect , Chalk J . W ., Boyton S . D ., Power J . D ., Daun ( Secretary ; Past Masters G ' ackett and Sfeap , and the following Visitors—IT . A . Robinson Prosperity Lodge , Smith II 58 , if . Thompson
14-26 and l' . M . 178 and 1158 , Veotnun . s . 167 , Macau 20 , Hilton 1475 , J . Dixon P . M . 1728 , Malthouso 1623 , Sandall 907 , Ronaut 1623 , Bott 1839 , Bath 7 HS , E . Dodson P . M . 72 , Graham 1513 . Tho Lodge having been opened in the first and second degrees , Bro . G . If . Trousliaw was examined n .- ! lo the progress he had made iu the
science ; lu . s answers being considered satisfactory , fin retired , and the Lodge was opened in ihe I bird degree , Bro . Sleap P . M . taking the chair , and liro . Trenshaw was impressively raised to the degree ot M . M . The Lodge wan lowered u > the . . second degree , when liro . Da mi P . M . and Secretary presented lite . IJunacres the , W . M . elect t . o receive I lie benefit ol' insl .-illation . Afterwards : i . lionrd ol' In .
• slallcd MasierH was formed , and Pro . Kunacres was duly installed info the chair of K . S . : on ihe brel . hreii being- re-ailmilted , lie received the customary salutes . Pro . Dunn acted a . s Director of Ceremonies . Tin- new W . M . I ben 'appointed his UlVieer ; - ns follows : —Bros . Chalk S . W ., Boyton J . W ., Dam : P . M . and Seorclni-y , t . ' otpc Treasurer ,
. Power S . D ., Taylor . J . D ., Sims I . G ., Karris D . C , i ' . nioiis W . S ., , J . R . Smith A . W . S ., Wilkins Organist , and . 11 . Thomas Tyler . The W . M said his lirst duty was a , very pleasing one , as it was to present his predecessor ut . nl immediate Past Master with a jewel , which had been voted to him by the brethren , iu acknowledgment of his valuable
Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 1558.
services dnring the year ho had presided over them as W . M . of tho Lodge ; and in attaching it to bis breast , bo hoped ho might long live to wear it , and afterwards that it might bo preserved as an heirloom in his family , aud be passed down from generation to generation . Tho jewel is a very splendid one , and bore tho following inscription : —
Presented to Bro . WALTER MITCHELL , By tho Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1558 , On his retiring from the Master ' s chair , October 1870 . Bro . Mitchell P . M . said ho thought he shonld best consult tho wishes of the brethren by deferring any observations he had to offer until a
later period of tho evening . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired for refreshment . At its conclusion , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero given . Bro . W . Mitchell , in proposing tho health of the AV . M ., said he was sure he would provo as good a Master as ever sat in the chair , and perhaps better . Ho found out his good qualities during the timo ho had worked under him , and
therefore he needed no recommendation on his part . Bro . Rnnacres was constant in his attendance during every year lie had been a member of tho Lodge ; ho had the welfare of it at heart , and ho was snro that their W . M . would do all in his power to promote the interests of the members . Words failed him to speak what ho should wish to say on behalf of tho W . M ., but had ho not possessed
their good opinion they would never havo elected him to fill the chair ; he could only say that if Bro . Rnnacres only carried out in Masonry tho good qualities which distinguished him in private life , the brethren would have no reason to regret tho choice they had made . The Worshipfnl Master , in reply , said tho very flattering speech that Bro . Mitchell had just addressed to them had so much
taken him aback that he knew not what to say . Ho would say , however , that they might take it for granted that ho would do all in his power to make the Duke of Connaught Lodgo one of tho best Ledges in London . They now numbered forty-four members , and that was as many as the }* required , for their wish was they shonld only admit those who would provo a credit to them , aud such men
as they shonld feel a pleasure in having to sit beside them . The W . M . then gavo " The Past Masters of tho Duko of Connaught Lodge , " and Bro . Mitchell I . P . M .. in returning thanks , acknowledged tho hononr conferred upon him ; ho was grateful for the confidence reposed in him during his year of office , when ho had done everything
in Ins power , to tlio utmost limit of his capacity . Bros . Sleap and Cnckett also returned thanks . " Tho Visitors , " aud some other toasts wero given , and responded to . Bro . Chalk entertained tho brethren with some choice ballads dnring tho evening , for which ho was deservedly applauded ; and the brethren separated , well pleased with this truly fraternal meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge, No, 1507.
rjTUE annual meeting of' this Lodge was held at Anderlon's Hotel , - " . Fleet . sneer , c n Wednesday . Lodge was opened with the usual formalities by Pro . John Douglass , who was supported by a numerous . ¦ : sK"inb ! y of members and visitors , among tho latter being- Pros . E . E . Uarratt Kidder J . I ) . 12 , S . Hollidge 1602 , li . Kaiilfmanu 1732 , Leon Jacobs LG . 1732 , T . W . Kingston P . M . 1107 912 615 P . P . G . D . C .
Kent , A . Dawkorrell I . G . 145 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , II . Stevens 1732 , H . A . Dubois P . G . J . W . Micklx ., C . Reingpach 392 G . O . France , J . Cherry 19 , F . G . W . Guyer 128 S , W . Read 177 , 0 . Harcourt 1319 , A . Hubbard 1732 , J . L . Simpsonl 076 , W . Waldeu 49 , W . Medcalf 206 , E . F . Pierdon 918 , A . Mullord J . W . 1288 , T . Wilson D . C . 1328 , XV Scarlc 907 , M . S . Boyle 1777 , J . J . Wine 862 , J . Terry P . P . G . W .
Herts Sec . R . M . B . I ., C . B . Putland 1732 , J . H . Lamer 733 , W . W . Morgan jnn . 1385 , Bradshaw Brown J . W . 1 , G . XV . Churchley P . M . 615 , F . Morgan 169 , & c . Bro . C . J . Scales the W . M . elect occupied the position of S . W ., Side J . W ., J . Willing P . M . Treas ., G . Clark acted as S . D ., Colls J . D ., Edmonds as I . G ., aud H . Lovegrovo Steward . Among tho Past Masters wore Bros . Kingham arid Michael . After
the confirmation of tho minutes tho report of the Audit Committee was presented and adopted . On the proposition of Bro . Stiles , seconded by Bro . Kiugliam , tho sanction of the Lodge was given for the removal of the Lodge of Instruction held nnder the sanction of this Lodge to the Moorgatc Station Restaurant . Bro . Weiss , of No . 115 , was passed to the second degree , and then Bro . Scales was formally
presented tor the benefit of installation , which ceremony was ably performed by the outgoing Master Bro . John Douglass . Tho following brethren were , in due course , appointed aud invested as officers for the coming year—W . Side S . W ., W . M . Stiles J . W ., J . Willing P . M . Treas ., J . . 7 . Michael P . M . Sec , G . Colls S . D ., 11 . Stiles J . D ., J . Clark I . G ., 11 . Lovegrovo D . C , G . W . liruiicll and T . Gilbert jun . Stewards , J . Daily
Tyler . Tho installation ceremony was then completed and the W . M . called upon to show his proficiency , there being two candidates for initiation , viz . —Messrs . H . Connolly and C . Rooks ; each of those gentlemen were admitted to a participation in the secrets of Freemasonry , and i hen tho W . M . proceeded lo close the Lodge . Previous to doing so , liro . Michael proposed a , vote of thanks to Bro . Douglass
i ' ov tho able way in which he had installed his successor , this was seconded by liro . Willing , and carried with acclamation . It was then announced that the W . A 1 . had undertaken the office of Steward for th *! next Festival of the lienovolent Institution , and ns it was pointed out that the Lodge was already Vice President of one branch of that Fund , a hope was expressed that on the . occasion of tho Master ' s
Stewardship sufficient money would be forthcoming to entitle the Ledge to the rank of Vice Patron . Bro . Michael also offered his ser . vices lo represent tho Lodge at other of the Festivals , aud trusted that the year on which they had just started would be marked for the amount devoted by tho Lodge to tho Charities of the Order . Xothiug further offering the Lodge was closed , the brethren proceeding to the banquet hall where a first rate repast awaited them ,