Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —At Bro Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on lfith October . Bros . D . Moss W . M ., A . Ellis S . XV ., Biddlo J . W ., L . Xorden Sec , Maidwell S . D ., C . IT . Webb Preceptor , Lake I . G ., Bros . White , Grammer , Hollands , & c . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of
raising , giving the traditional history , Bro . Grammer as candidate . Bro . Grammer assisted the W . M . iu working the third section of tho second lecture . Bro . Ellis was unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , on which occasion the Fifteen Sections will bo worked . The attendance of tho brethren is kindly requested .
Derwent Lodge , No . 40 . —The regular monthly mcetinj * of this Lodgo was held at the Castlo Hotel , Hastings , on Monday , the 13 th inst ., when there were present : —Bros . XV . Glenister W . M ., C . M . Morris P . M . acting S . W ., T . Trollopo P . P . G . S . AV . P . M . acting J . XV ., G . Wellerd P . P . G . D . C . P . M . Trens ., Orosswaito acting Sec , E . F . Cavo Brown Cave I . P . M . P . P . G . Chap ., E . W . Hon mi h S . D .,
Puttiek acting J . D ., Emmerson acting I . G ., Attersall Tyler ; also Bros . Forss , Pearce , Hudson , Dawson , Joseph Russell , Wilson , Gazo , Bray , Wadd , Rodcla , Duko , Wood ; Visitors—Bros . Stuart 110 and Holmes P . M . 3 S 7 . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . stated that lie , -with several brethren , had the honour to attend the
Provincial Grand Lodge at Brighton , on the previous Monday , when ten guineas was voted for tho temporary support of Bro . Hayter . The Provincial Grand Lodge had also decided to adopt and carry onfc through the Province tho scheme so successfully worked by the Derwent Lodge , by which brethren who pay a subscription of one shilling per week can draw for Life Governorships in the different Charities . Messrs . Powles and Gansden wore then
admitted , and initiated in an efficient manner by the W . M . Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Joseph , Duke , and Hanger answered tho questions before raising , very satisfactorily . After they had retired for preparation , Lodge was opened in the third degree , when tho candidates were admitted and raised .
Too much credit cannot bo given to Bro . Glenister for the able and impressive manner in which he performed the ceremony . The W . M . thanked the acting Officers for their able assistance , and regretted so many of his regular Officers were absent . Lodge was then closed in due form .
Strong Man Lodge , NO . 45 . —At the Kew Market Hotel , West Smithfield , on Monday . Bros . Halle W . M .. Patrick S . XV . Isaac J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor " Fenner Sec ., AVing S . D .. J . AV . Smith J . D ., Oliver I . G . j also Bros . Pelikim , Symcms , Fox , Uallrmi son ., King , Butt , and others . The ceremony of passimr was rehearsed ,
Bro . Pelikan candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the first , ITallam pen . the second , Is-aac the third , Tolmie the fourth sections , assisted liv the brethren . On tho resumption of tho Lodge , Bro . Oliver of the Dnke of Conuau _ ht Lodge 1558 wns electi d a wiivmbev . Bro . Pnn-iek will preside at next meeting . Tho Fifteen Sections will bo worked in this Lodgo of Instruction ou the 27 th inst .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the iTereuh Tavern . lyendenhnll-street , on 30 tb Sept . Present—Bros . King W . M Dat-icI S . W .. Hogarth J . W ., Chirken S . D ., Caton I . G ., Hollands Se-Bros . Moss , Valeminp . Poole , Mntdwoll . After preliminaries ,
Ilr-Valentino answered the questions loading to the third , and wa dnl \ raised to the sublime degree . The W . M . rendered the cerettmiM in a very impressive maimer ; it was rhe first time he had nttempietl it . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , when the W . M . re . hearsed the initiation ceremonv , Brother Valentine candidate .
On Tuesday . 14 th instant , Bro . Chicken W . M ., Roberts S . W ., King ( 27 ) , J . W ., Daniels S . D ., Hamilton J . D ., Caton I .. G ., Sayer , Pilson , Shadier , Wiseman , Songhton , Bone , Jones , Ac . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Pilson candidate . Tho W . M . vacated the chair in favour ot' Bro . Bone , who resumed the Lodge to the
firstdegree , and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Chicken canrlidate . Bro . Eoberts was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . The annual banquet of this Lodgo will bo held at the above tavern on Tuesday , 18 th November . Bros . King , Hollands , and Roberts have undertaken the dutifs of Stewards for the occasion .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No . 87 . —10 th October , rt the AVhite Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Bros . John Skirving W . M ., Isaac S . AV ., Watson J . W ., G . Isaac Treasurer , J . G . Bond See ., Nicolson S . D .. Oakley J . D ., Crabtreo I . G-., Hall , aud others . The business comprised tie rehearsal of the third ceremony , Bro . Ball candidate . Tho Lodge ras closed in the three degrees . The proprietor
of tho AVlnte Hart ( Bro . Isaac ) having some time since obtained permission for th- ? removal of his license , has undertaken tho furnishing of a thorough Musonis Hall in the new building he has erected for the requirements of his ousiness . Tho suite of Masonic rooms will comprise Lodge aod banquet halls , retiring and preparation rooms , and
in short every come ; ionce that can be provided . We understand that the building will be t . nisbed in about six weeks , when both the Vitruvian f . odge ai d the J edge of Instruction working iiiulor its warrant will meet there . S \ o _ ld any Lodge require ueeovninndatiou in this district , we feel assured that Bro . Isaac will be pleased to give every information .
P _ ith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —At 2 Westminster . chambers , Victoria-.- ? reet , S . W ., on 13 th October . Bro . Rhodes W . M ., Basfint'ton S . AV .. Pe-coval J . AV ., Hunt S . D ., C . J . Perceval J . D ., Gladwell I . G ., Cottebrune Preceptor ; Bros . Von Joel , Buck , Cross , Kohlev , Allison , and several other brethren . The ceremony of initiation was
Notices Of Meetings.
rehearsed , Bro . Foot candidate . Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony uf passing rehearsed , Bro . \ on Joel candidate . Lodge advanced again , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Kohler candidate . Three brethren were admitted members . Lodge closed , and adjourned till next Tuesday at eight o ' clock , when the ceremony of installation will be rehearsed .
Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , No . 193 . —Ou AVodnesdav evening , at the Hallway Tavern , Fenchurch-streot . Bros . Thomas B . Biddlo W . M ., A . AV . Smith S . AV ., J . K . Pitt J . W . and Sec , John E . Fells S . D ., Fells I . G . ; Past Master Bro .
Ihomas J . Barnes , Bro . G . L . Walker Preceptor ; A'isitor—AVm . J . Ramsay , Penge 1815 . After preliminaries , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fells candidate . Bro . Ramsay was elected n member .
On Wednesday , 15 th instant . Bros . Thos . B . Biddlo AV . M ., AV , Saver S . W ., John E . Fells J . AV ., J . K . Pitt See ., A . F . Lang S . D ., T . AV . Bone J . D ., A . XV . Smith I . G ., Johnson . Visitor—J . Smith Con . fideuee 1 D 3 . The third ceremony was rehearsed . Tho AV . M . vacated
the chair in favour of Bro . Done , who desired to work the ceremony of installation , which ho did to the satisfaction and profit of the brethren present . Bro . Sayer was appointed AV . M . for nest meeting . Bro . J . Smith was elected a member .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate Bond , on Saturday tho 11 th inst . Present—Brothers Brasted AV . M ., D . Moss S . XV ., McMillan J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Sec ., Giller S . D ., Can * J . D ., Lorkin I . G ., also Bros . Lorkin , J . A . Powell , Garrod , AV . AVilliam ? , Slaiter , Davis , Mackay , Vmard , 0 . K . Killick sen ., & c .
Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Williams candidate , Bro . Garrod gavo the lecture on tho tracing board . Bro . Pearcy worked the first and second , Bro . Moss the third and fifth sections of the lecture . Lodge was closed to tho first degree . Bro . D . Moss was elected to preside at the next meeting . Tho sum of £ o 5 s was
ordered to bo placed on Bro . Pearcy ' s list , ho going up as Steward on behalf of the ll . M . B . L , after which the Lodge was closed aud adjourned . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the 25 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Larduer , of the West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1625 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 14 th October . Present-Bros . Greenwood IV . M ., Clark S . W ., Fleck J . AV ., Bntt _ S . D ., King J . D ., Quay I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bro . AVooding was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Gnrrnd _ avc the lecture of the second traci __
-hoard in u very able manner . Bro . C . Lorkin assisted Bro . Moss in tho fourth seen ' oii of the leelure , which was worked very creditably . Lodge was culled o ! F , and alter resuming its Masonic duties , P . M . Wallington assist * d Bro . Moss to work the third section of tho third lecture . Rros . I . 1 ' . Cohen P . M . 205 , AVooding 130 l » , Laiiton 53 S , wore elected members . Bio . Clark was appointed AV . M . for the ensuine *
meeting . Bro . P . M . AVallington proposed , aud Bro . Fleck seconded , f ! i ,-- ' a vole of ihunks bo recorded ou the minutes , it beiag tho fini time the W . M . had filled the chair . The Fifteen Sections will be ¦ ¦ inked at ibis Lod-xo of Instruction on Tuesday evening , 2 Sth Oct ., at seven o ' clock , when Bro . Moss will preside . In addition to thoso already mentioned , Bros , Langton , Garrod , Polak , . Moss , C . Lorkin , Urasced , Brand , Cohen , Baker , Christian , Westliekl , Carr , Wardell , Dallas , Forss , and others , wore present .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 . —On Sth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Canterbury , Bros . Moulding W . M ., Crump S . W ., Price J . W ., Miskin S . D ., Vile J . D ., Seem I . G . ; also Bros . Piloher P . M ., Welsh P . M ., Bossitcr , Wiltshier , H . Pringuer ,
h . Boor , Hyde , S . F . Pringuer Sec After preliminaries , Bro . S . F . Pringncr worked the first and second sections of lecture in second degree . Lodge was called off , and resumed . Lodge was opened in third degree , and afterwards closed iu due order . The sections will be continued on the 22 nd inst .
St . John Of Wapping Lodge , 1306 . —The opening meeting of the season was held on tho Sth inst ., at Bro . Mortlock ' s , Gun Hotel , Wapping . Bro . VV . LI . Hay ward AV . M . opened tho Lodge in duo form , assisted by the following Officers aud brethren : —Bros . C . Veal S . W ., J . Magrath J . W ., T . AVooding S . D ., Horsley J . D ., Carrocioro I . G . ; also Bros . Past Masters W . Coleman I . P . M ., Beck ,
Poorc , Mori lurk , Hay ward , and Bros . T . Tyers , TnrVmg , Willctts , & o Visitors—Bros . S . Bowron P . M . 033 and G . II . Stephens I . G . 1623 . The minutes of the previous regnlar and an emergency meeting were read by the Secretary , Bro . H . T . Hardy , and were confirmed . The business on tlio agenda paper could not be carried out , owing to the unavoidable absence of the candidates for passing and initiatiou .
This , however , furnish' d ample timo for tho brethren , on the opening night of a now season , to re-establish that entente cordiale which is so pleasant a feature in our Lodges . The brethren , after partaking of some light refreshment , paid the customary tribute of respect to the usual loyal and Craft toasts , in proposing which Bro . Ilayward displayed great tact . The Visitors , Bros . Bowron and Stephens ,
were duly honoured , and both brethren briefly replied . The toast of the Past Masters , heartily received , elicited replies from several of that body . Bro . L . Beck thanked the brethren for the hearty reception of the toast , ffo was glad to see it had been a small quiet meeting , free from toa much business . Bro . Poore also returned thanks , and said he had been greatly pleased to see tho AV . M . do his work so well , and to bo quite able to do without his Past Masters ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —At Bro Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on lfith October . Bros . D . Moss W . M ., A . Ellis S . XV ., Biddlo J . W ., L . Xorden Sec , Maidwell S . D ., C . IT . Webb Preceptor , Lake I . G ., Bros . White , Grammer , Hollands , & c . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of
raising , giving the traditional history , Bro . Grammer as candidate . Bro . Grammer assisted the W . M . iu working the third section of tho second lecture . Bro . Ellis was unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , on which occasion the Fifteen Sections will bo worked . The attendance of tho brethren is kindly requested .
Derwent Lodge , No . 40 . —The regular monthly mcetinj * of this Lodgo was held at the Castlo Hotel , Hastings , on Monday , the 13 th inst ., when there were present : —Bros . XV . Glenister W . M ., C . M . Morris P . M . acting S . W ., T . Trollopo P . P . G . S . AV . P . M . acting J . XV ., G . Wellerd P . P . G . D . C . P . M . Trens ., Orosswaito acting Sec , E . F . Cavo Brown Cave I . P . M . P . P . G . Chap ., E . W . Hon mi h S . D .,
Puttiek acting J . D ., Emmerson acting I . G ., Attersall Tyler ; also Bros . Forss , Pearce , Hudson , Dawson , Joseph Russell , Wilson , Gazo , Bray , Wadd , Rodcla , Duko , Wood ; Visitors—Bros . Stuart 110 and Holmes P . M . 3 S 7 . The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . stated that lie , -with several brethren , had the honour to attend the
Provincial Grand Lodge at Brighton , on the previous Monday , when ten guineas was voted for tho temporary support of Bro . Hayter . The Provincial Grand Lodge had also decided to adopt and carry onfc through the Province tho scheme so successfully worked by the Derwent Lodge , by which brethren who pay a subscription of one shilling per week can draw for Life Governorships in the different Charities . Messrs . Powles and Gansden wore then
admitted , and initiated in an efficient manner by the W . M . Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Joseph , Duke , and Hanger answered tho questions before raising , very satisfactorily . After they had retired for preparation , Lodge was opened in the third degree , when tho candidates were admitted and raised .
Too much credit cannot bo given to Bro . Glenister for the able and impressive manner in which he performed the ceremony . The W . M . thanked the acting Officers for their able assistance , and regretted so many of his regular Officers were absent . Lodge was then closed in due form .
Strong Man Lodge , NO . 45 . —At the Kew Market Hotel , West Smithfield , on Monday . Bros . Halle W . M .. Patrick S . XV . Isaac J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor " Fenner Sec ., AVing S . D .. J . AV . Smith J . D ., Oliver I . G . j also Bros . Pelikim , Symcms , Fox , Uallrmi son ., King , Butt , and others . The ceremony of passimr was rehearsed ,
Bro . Pelikan candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the first , ITallam pen . the second , Is-aac the third , Tolmie the fourth sections , assisted liv the brethren . On tho resumption of tho Lodge , Bro . Oliver of the Dnke of Conuau _ ht Lodge 1558 wns electi d a wiivmbev . Bro . Pnn-iek will preside at next meeting . Tho Fifteen Sections will bo worked in this Lodgo of Instruction ou the 27 th inst .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at the iTereuh Tavern . lyendenhnll-street , on 30 tb Sept . Present—Bros . King W . M Dat-icI S . W .. Hogarth J . W ., Chirken S . D ., Caton I . G ., Hollands Se-Bros . Moss , Valeminp . Poole , Mntdwoll . After preliminaries ,
Ilr-Valentino answered the questions loading to the third , and wa dnl \ raised to the sublime degree . The W . M . rendered the cerettmiM in a very impressive maimer ; it was rhe first time he had nttempietl it . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , when the W . M . re . hearsed the initiation ceremonv , Brother Valentine candidate .
On Tuesday . 14 th instant , Bro . Chicken W . M ., Roberts S . W ., King ( 27 ) , J . W ., Daniels S . D ., Hamilton J . D ., Caton I .. G ., Sayer , Pilson , Shadier , Wiseman , Songhton , Bone , Jones , Ac . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Pilson candidate . Tho W . M . vacated the chair in favour ot' Bro . Bone , who resumed the Lodge to the
firstdegree , and rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Chicken canrlidate . Bro . Eoberts was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . The annual banquet of this Lodgo will bo held at the above tavern on Tuesday , 18 th November . Bros . King , Hollands , and Roberts have undertaken the dutifs of Stewards for the occasion .
Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction , No . 87 . —10 th October , rt the AVhite Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Bros . John Skirving W . M ., Isaac S . AV ., Watson J . W ., G . Isaac Treasurer , J . G . Bond See ., Nicolson S . D .. Oakley J . D ., Crabtreo I . G-., Hall , aud others . The business comprised tie rehearsal of the third ceremony , Bro . Ball candidate . Tho Lodge ras closed in the three degrees . The proprietor
of tho AVlnte Hart ( Bro . Isaac ) having some time since obtained permission for th- ? removal of his license , has undertaken tho furnishing of a thorough Musonis Hall in the new building he has erected for the requirements of his ousiness . Tho suite of Masonic rooms will comprise Lodge aod banquet halls , retiring and preparation rooms , and
in short every come ; ionce that can be provided . We understand that the building will be t . nisbed in about six weeks , when both the Vitruvian f . odge ai d the J edge of Instruction working iiiulor its warrant will meet there . S \ o _ ld any Lodge require ueeovninndatiou in this district , we feel assured that Bro . Isaac will be pleased to give every information .
P _ ith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 . —At 2 Westminster . chambers , Victoria-.- ? reet , S . W ., on 13 th October . Bro . Rhodes W . M ., Basfint'ton S . AV .. Pe-coval J . AV ., Hunt S . D ., C . J . Perceval J . D ., Gladwell I . G ., Cottebrune Preceptor ; Bros . Von Joel , Buck , Cross , Kohlev , Allison , and several other brethren . The ceremony of initiation was
Notices Of Meetings.
rehearsed , Bro . Foot candidate . Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony uf passing rehearsed , Bro . \ on Joel candidate . Lodge advanced again , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Kohler candidate . Three brethren were admitted members . Lodge closed , and adjourned till next Tuesday at eight o ' clock , when the ceremony of installation will be rehearsed .
Confidence Lodgo of Instruction , No . 193 . —Ou AVodnesdav evening , at the Hallway Tavern , Fenchurch-streot . Bros . Thomas B . Biddlo W . M ., A . AV . Smith S . AV ., J . K . Pitt J . W . and Sec , John E . Fells S . D ., Fells I . G . ; Past Master Bro .
Ihomas J . Barnes , Bro . G . L . Walker Preceptor ; A'isitor—AVm . J . Ramsay , Penge 1815 . After preliminaries , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fells candidate . Bro . Ramsay was elected n member .
On Wednesday , 15 th instant . Bros . Thos . B . Biddlo AV . M ., AV , Saver S . W ., John E . Fells J . AV ., J . K . Pitt See ., A . F . Lang S . D ., T . AV . Bone J . D ., A . XV . Smith I . G ., Johnson . Visitor—J . Smith Con . fideuee 1 D 3 . The third ceremony was rehearsed . Tho AV . M . vacated
the chair in favour of Bro . Done , who desired to work the ceremony of installation , which ho did to the satisfaction and profit of the brethren present . Bro . Sayer was appointed AV . M . for nest meeting . Bro . J . Smith was elected a member .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Fysh's , Jolly Farmers , Southgate Bond , on Saturday tho 11 th inst . Present—Brothers Brasted AV . M ., D . Moss S . XV ., McMillan J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Sec ., Giller S . D ., Can * J . D ., Lorkin I . G ., also Bros . Lorkin , J . A . Powell , Garrod , AV . AVilliam ? , Slaiter , Davis , Mackay , Vmard , 0 . K . Killick sen ., & c .
Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Williams candidate , Bro . Garrod gavo the lecture on tho tracing board . Bro . Pearcy worked the first and second , Bro . Moss the third and fifth sections of the lecture . Lodge was closed to tho first degree . Bro . D . Moss was elected to preside at the next meeting . Tho sum of £ o 5 s was
ordered to bo placed on Bro . Pearcy ' s list , ho going up as Steward on behalf of the ll . M . B . L , after which the Lodge was closed aud adjourned . The Fifteen Sections will bo worked on the 25 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Larduer , of the West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1625 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 14 th October . Present-Bros . Greenwood IV . M ., Clark S . W ., Fleck J . AV ., Bntt _ S . D ., King J . D ., Quay I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor . Bro . AVooding was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Gnrrnd _ avc the lecture of the second traci __
-hoard in u very able manner . Bro . C . Lorkin assisted Bro . Moss in tho fourth seen ' oii of the leelure , which was worked very creditably . Lodge was culled o ! F , and alter resuming its Masonic duties , P . M . Wallington assist * d Bro . Moss to work the third section of tho third lecture . Rros . I . 1 ' . Cohen P . M . 205 , AVooding 130 l » , Laiiton 53 S , wore elected members . Bio . Clark was appointed AV . M . for the ensuine *
meeting . Bro . P . M . AVallington proposed , aud Bro . Fleck seconded , f ! i ,-- ' a vole of ihunks bo recorded ou the minutes , it beiag tho fini time the W . M . had filled the chair . The Fifteen Sections will be ¦ ¦ inked at ibis Lod-xo of Instruction on Tuesday evening , 2 Sth Oct ., at seven o ' clock , when Bro . Moss will preside . In addition to thoso already mentioned , Bros , Langton , Garrod , Polak , . Moss , C . Lorkin , Urasced , Brand , Cohen , Baker , Christian , Westliekl , Carr , Wardell , Dallas , Forss , and others , wore present .
St . Augustine Lodge of Instruction , No . 972 . —On Sth inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Canterbury , Bros . Moulding W . M ., Crump S . W ., Price J . W ., Miskin S . D ., Vile J . D ., Seem I . G . ; also Bros . Piloher P . M ., Welsh P . M ., Bossitcr , Wiltshier , H . Pringuer ,
h . Boor , Hyde , S . F . Pringuer Sec After preliminaries , Bro . S . F . Pringncr worked the first and second sections of lecture in second degree . Lodge was called off , and resumed . Lodge was opened in third degree , and afterwards closed iu due order . The sections will be continued on the 22 nd inst .
St . John Of Wapping Lodge , 1306 . —The opening meeting of the season was held on tho Sth inst ., at Bro . Mortlock ' s , Gun Hotel , Wapping . Bro . VV . LI . Hay ward AV . M . opened tho Lodge in duo form , assisted by the following Officers aud brethren : —Bros . C . Veal S . W ., J . Magrath J . W ., T . AVooding S . D ., Horsley J . D ., Carrocioro I . G . ; also Bros . Past Masters W . Coleman I . P . M ., Beck ,
Poorc , Mori lurk , Hay ward , and Bros . T . Tyers , TnrVmg , Willctts , & o Visitors—Bros . S . Bowron P . M . 033 and G . II . Stephens I . G . 1623 . The minutes of the previous regnlar and an emergency meeting were read by the Secretary , Bro . H . T . Hardy , and were confirmed . The business on tlio agenda paper could not be carried out , owing to the unavoidable absence of the candidates for passing and initiatiou .
This , however , furnish' d ample timo for tho brethren , on the opening night of a now season , to re-establish that entente cordiale which is so pleasant a feature in our Lodges . The brethren , after partaking of some light refreshment , paid the customary tribute of respect to the usual loyal and Craft toasts , in proposing which Bro . Ilayward displayed great tact . The Visitors , Bros . Bowron and Stephens ,
were duly honoured , and both brethren briefly replied . The toast of the Past Masters , heartily received , elicited replies from several of that body . Bro . L . Beck thanked the brethren for the hearty reception of the toast , ffo was glad to see it had been a small quiet meeting , free from toa much business . Bro . Poore also returned thanks , and said he had been greatly pleased to see tho AV . M . do his work so well , and to bo quite able to do without his Past Masters ,